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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Ritsuka couldnt take anymore, she ran between Kiyo and Nichole, legs and arms apart to cover him as much as possible. Her hands extended out ward with her fingers apart in a "halt" gesture.

"G-Give him a chance!" Her eyes were shut and her legs were shaking, she didnt like speaking up.

"Ritsuka!" He tried to talk her out of it

But she inturrupted,"NO!" Her voice squeaked. She opened her ocean blue eyes and looked right at him, eye brows furrowed,"everyone deserves a chance!" She was referring to him.

Itaru shut up and knew what she meant. She was right, justt like the girls gave him a chance, everyone deserves one...even Kiyo... He sighed in frustration,"youre right...." He mumbled very quietly. 
(Mcnuggets xDDD)
(Lol ikr! )

Nichole snapped out of her anger and said"s-sorry i-i just dont like anyone touching me like that." Shrinking back and hid.

Kiyo stood and said'ow. Thanks ritsuka was it?" Blinking his own ears and tail popped out. Fox who would've guessed. Just as sly as a fox he was.

Nichole's ears and tail had came out and they flattened on her head. Nichole held her tail biting her lip.
Ayumi pointed and let her tail come out as well, her canine teeth become slightly longer. "I knew it!!" She ran up next to Nichole and stared at him. "I thought you smelt like something familiar!" Her tail swished happily behind her and one of her ears twitched. Her heart pounded with excitement that she had found, possibly, another friend and mew.
Itaru rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at the sight of the fox traits,"I shouldve known...." He said through his teeth,"Canines...." He said before remembering Ayumi and Ritsuka had wolf DNA.

Ritsuka jumped when she heard Kiyo's voice, she was very closed off toward people she didnt know. She turned around and saw his ears and tail,"Wha!" She jumped back almost losing her footing. She stumbled to catch herself and answered his question,"Yes!" She bowed,"Th-thats my name..." Big round eyes avoided his.
Ayumi picked up Itaru's voice and glared at him before blushing at Kiyo's act. "N-Nice to meet you too." She slowly retracted her hand and looked away, rubbing her hand. Her ears flattened in embarrassment and she grabbed her tail. By now, her whole face was a light pinkish color and she didn't dare make eye contact with either of the guys.
Itaru blinked at Ayumi's glare then pouted angrily. He looked at the ground stuffing his hands in his pockets. He looked back up with that emotionless look,"Ritsuka ill be back, do you want anything?"

He didnt really mean it. He started to walk off, ruffling Hatashi's hair as he passed.

Ritsuka watched him,"Ruru-kun?" She chased after him a little ways.

"Dont follow me!" His low voice snapped at her.

"Huh?" She stopped in her tracks. "W-well then where are you going?" Her face grew a frown, and her pout was like a sad child's.

He turned and looked at her with a smile,"It seems we've forgotten about Isha..." He said, "Im gonna go looking for her..." He turned back around and waved to her from behind,"See ya." His dark tone rumbled.

"B-but..." She stood quiet. She looked back at the others then at him. She didnt quite trust him by himself, she knew how much potential he has with starting trouble.
Ayumi noticed Ritsuka running off and could hear her calling out to someone. She snapped out of her flustered daze and jogged after her. "Hey." She saw Itaru walking a while ahead of them and knew what was going on. "Should we follow him? That would be interesting." Her excitement grew and she wanted to see where he was going.
Ritsuka looked up at Ayumi, holding back tears,"No...." She hooked arms with her and started to pull her back to the others,"Im gonna regret this....but i think he needs to be alone..." She said. "Come on Hatashi." She pulled her along as they passed her.
Ayumi pouted and walked with Ritsuka. "But....I wanna know!" She stomped her foot and her ears perked. She crossed her arms and turned her head away from Ritsuka. Why am I even arguing with a little kid?! I easily over power her! Her tail started to swish though, giving away her happiness. Ayumi walked next to Kiyo while humming slightly.
Itaru walked further into the town a little, watching the street lights slowly turn on while the sun started to set. He bought himself a little sandwhich/wrap from a little stand and munched on it. "Where could she be?" He thought to himself.
"U-Um...What are you doing Kiyo?" She looked away from him and focused on random trees or anything else that would take her mind off of him. That tree looks pretty old, could have been there for a while. What time is it? The sky is starting to change colors a little, might be close to 5 or something. Ooo, that's a pretty bird. Stop chirping! Ayumi glared at the bird for chirping so loudly.
Ritsuka jumped back from Ayumi's behavior. She was in slight disbelief about how she acted with her. Ritsuka took a step back when Ayumi turned away. She didnt know how to re-act so she stood there with a guilty look and twiddling her fingers.

Nichole came and hugged her but she wasnt sure how to feel about it. Then Kiyo hugged them all. She looked up at him pouted at his sly smirk. She bent down and slipped out from under their arms. She pushed her self away from them. She looked at all of them with cheeks red from frustration,"No!" She said. She pointed her finger at Kiyo,"I can see right through you, you sly fox! You may look good, but im not afraid to stand up to you, no matter who you are! Youre not fooling me!" She pointed a thumb to herself and blushed even more when the admittance of Kiyo's looks slipped out . Then she looked at Ayumi,teeth barred and strangely large canines,"You maybe taller than me but im just as old as you are! Im 16 and my height shouldnt give you the thought of bossing me around like that." A light pop sounded and snow white wolf ears popped out to match with her pure hair. She looked at Nichole,"I appreciate the comforting hug but i dont want pity if thats what you were trying to do...!" She growled through her wolf teeth. A white tail, puffed with rage, slinked out, just as white as her ears. She stared them down for a while then realized what she had just done. She gasped and covered her mouth,"I-Im sorry!" She mumbled. "I dont usually get angry...im not sure what got into me.." She inched backwards not knowing what to do. She turned around and didnt want to be seen. She felt like disappearing. Who knew having friends would be so hard?...
Ayumi smiled and rubbed her head. "I'm sorry, but hey, something good came out of this. You finally got your ears!" She poked them lightly while her own pain flattened against her head. She smiled brightly at her, slightly guilty about making her feel that way. "I never meant for it to sound like I was bossing you around. I was acting like a kid and I'm sorry once again, you have nothing to apologize for. Sometimes, you need to say what's on your mind."
Ritsuka looked down and spoke lowly,"im sorry..." She apologized to Nichole. Her ears flattened and and she looked up at Kiyo, bothered by his response, she growled a little.

Ritsuka felt her new ears twitch at the tickle of Ayumi's poke. She covered her ears but let go since they felt weird and freaked her out a little. She shook her head and looked up at Ayumi,"How are you not upset? Didnt i hurt you?!"
She smiled once again before nodded slightly. "It hurt a little but I believe in forgiveness, plus I was the one who made you upset in the first place so it's my fault." Ayumi ruffled her hair, careful not to hurt her ears. She put up one finger and spoke in a formal voice. "It will take you a little bit to get used to them but I promise that you'll like them after you get over the idea that they just popped out of your head." Her act was broken by a small giggle that passed through her lips.
Ritsuka gigged as well and nodded with some tears in her eyes,"Okay." She smiled wiping them. She calmed down significantly and they poofed away. She looked at the sky and saw how dark it had gotten,"I-i gotta go!" She gave Ayumi a quick hug, waved at Nichole, an snorted at Kiyo. She turned and went the same way as Itaru. She jogged her way, long snowy hair whipping behind her.

She got into town and looked around, watching the last of the lights turn on and the last of the sun fading. She huffed a bit and caught her breath. She walked around a little looking for clues of Itaru's path. She was mesmerized and taken by the night life but didnt know of its dangers, she was too naive. But she didnt care. She stopped at a corner and waited for the light to change so she could cross.

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