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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Itaru noticed Nichole's body language seemed like she was fearful. A sadness made his lips droop but he tried not to show it so he distracted himself,"well i guess we should go look fir her...and maybe stop at and ice cream cart on the way? If we see one of course..." He looked over at Ritsuka who had a smile in her face. If she had a tail, itd be wagging.
Her stomach growled again as she though of any kind of food. She nodded quickly, which made her ears wiggle slightly. Ayumi raised her hand high in the air. "I can find her! Her scent is not hard to pick up on, and there is an ice cream stand nearby. Hehe, I'm so excited for some reason." She giggled and bounced around. One of her ears twitched when she picked up on Isha's scent once again.
Hatashi looked around, then plastered her mustache on again. "A mystery!" Woooo! finally we were getting somewhere with the older kids! She looked at Ayumi, waiting to see where Isha had run off to.
She started walking towards the scent, motioning for the others to follow. Her tail started to move slightly side to side as she sniffed the air. As she got to a turning point, her left ear flickered so she turned that way. The ice cream stand could be seen at the end of the block so she picked up her pace and her eyes brightened in delight. Ayumi forced her ears and tail into hiding as she came nearer to the dessert.
Ritsuka noticed Ayumi put her wolf-like traits away. She figured they must be getting close and she got excited.

Itaru just casually followed everyone, not really paying attention. He had a blank look on his face as he walked. A leaf that had fallen on his shoulder from a passing tree, snapped him out of his daze. He lifted his left hand and brushed it off his right shoulder.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.5b05b26029f6ecdf85d9e97d089532d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.5b05b26029f6ecdf85d9e97d089532d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

As soon as he did that, another had fallen on his head and he smacked it off, his face going pouty in annoyance. A breeze blew and hundreds of leaves began to fall! He stopped walking to smack them all, his pupils enlarged.

Ritsuka smiled and begun to turn her head to Itaru,"What kind of ice cream do you wa--hmm?" She didnt see him there. She turned around and saw him, his back to her and his hands to his face.


He turned around quickly, to reveal three or four leaves captured in his hands and one in his hair. His pupils dialated back to normal,"Whut? ._. " he responded to her, coming back from his trance. He looked back at his hands and dropped the leaves with a jump. His face went a little red when he realized he went into a leaf-chasing-kitty zone. He wuickly stuffed his hands in his pockets and sped walk to them, his cheeks still flushed and a leaf in his hair bouncing with each step.

Ritsuka giggled and ignored what had happened so he wouldnt get anymore embarrassed,"c'mon, stop getting distracted." She giggled some more. She went on her tippy toes to try and reach the leaf on his head but she was just an inch short away.



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(Okie dokie :3)

"Huh?" Itaru and Ritsuka said in unision, both turning their heads to look at her. Ritsuka had her hand still stretched upward,"Chocolate chip cookie dough!"

"Vanilla..." Itaru said plainly.

Ritsuka looked up at him,"Thats so plain...." She criticized.

Itaru shrugged in response.
Ayumi bounced on her feet as she waited for her ice cream. As soon as it was in her hands, she started to eat it. "Mmm....cookies and cream....I love oreos!" She hummed while licking at the dessert and glanced up at the rest of the group. "You guys are so slow!" Her energy was building up and she wanted to run or do something that would make it all go away. She had to use all of her strength to not let her ears and tail pop out of pleasure from eating the delicious dessert.
(Yay :D )

Ritsuka left the leaf there since she couldnt reach. She grabbed Hatashi's hand Itaru grabbed Nichole's. They ran and pulled them to Ayumi to get the sweet desert.

Ritsuka got hers and Itaru got his. She looked at him from her height down below, large blue eyes blinked,"I know its a matter of preference..." She started then looked at her cone,"but sweets should be taken seriously and not....plainly..." She looked back at him.

He sighed and looked at the others,"Shes a baking freak and loves sweets. Theyre important to her..." He said between licks.

"Theyre the beauty and art of food!" She added, raising her voice a bit.

"Theyre bad for you!"

Ritsuka gasped and turned from him,"i guess ill never make fruit tarts for you ever again...."

Itaru jumped upon hearing that. He chuckled nervously a little and smiled at her,"heh heh! Th-that wont be neccessary! D-dont be so irrational Suka~!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.b29a32f542529423344e54ffe497a066.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.b29a32f542529423344e54ffe497a066.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He tried to kiss up to her. He got on a knee to look straight at her,"im sorry..." He gave a puppy face.

She turned around and nodded to accept his apology. She smiled at him,"I knew u couldnt say no to that."

He chuckled and put a hand on her head while standing back up to finish the ice cream and Ritsuka did the same.



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Nichole giggled and said"you two are a riot."

Kiyo walked in and moved his silver hair from his eyes and looked around. "Hmm some cuties." Walking over. "Excuse me ladies may I buy your cones?" Bowing like a prince would his eyes twinkling.
Ayumi stopped her little childish act and looked over at the stranger. She walked closer to everybody else but kept eating her ice cream. "Who are you?" Her curiosity got the best of her and she really did want to know. He's cute, I guess. He acts like a gentleman as well which is nice. Wait why am I thinking these things?! A light blush spread across her face as she realized she was staring at him.
Kiyo chuckled and tilted her chin up. Nichole grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back."watch it buddy." Protective of her friends.

Kiyo said"feisty girl huh? I like it!" Turning around and had switched places. Nichole blinked and said"the hell?!" Holding her ice cream.
She stiffened but growled lowly, too quiet to be heard easily. Ayumi cleared her throat before watching him with Nichole. "You haven't answered my question yet." Her hand tightened slightly on her ice cream cone before throwing it in the trash can. My hand is a little sticky now, this might get in the way. She licked where it was sticky on her hand, making sure none of the dessert was still on her fingers.
Kiyo smirked and stole a bite of Nichole's ice cream. "The names kiyo kasa. And you beauties?"

Nichole's eye twitched and her eyes darkened."GRRR!!!"
Ritsuka's head snapped toward the stranger and instantly grew shy again. She hid behind Itaru. Itaru's eyes furrowed, his fangs grew and poked out. He walked over to Nichole while Ritsuka still clung to his shirt behind him. Sapphire eyes looked between snow white bangs and up at the stranger, observing him. Itaru grabbed Nichole's wrist and pulled her close to his chest to distract her from losing her cool, which was obviously about to happen. His heart was racing a little, he never really got along with other boys. "These beauties...." He mocked the stranger,"are mine...."

Ritsuka sweat dropped, Itaru was territorial but he didnt mean it in a wrong way, he wasnt great at communicating especially at a time like this. His face held no emotion but looked a little annoyed...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.cdc0aa768d8600ae671813a5992f6ebe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.cdc0aa768d8600ae671813a5992f6ebe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ritsuka spoke with her tiny voice,"I-I dont think thats what you meant..." She smiled nervously.

Itaru ignored her and waited for the stranger to say something.



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Ayumi got behind Itaru with Ritsuka and smiled slightly. She knew what he meant but it didn't hurt to let Kiyo think differently. Her ears started to twitch slightly and she got annoyed at the feeling. She put her hand down on them and winced at the slight pain. Ayumi felt her senses pick up and she sniffed the air. He smells weird. Is he a mew?
Kiyo said"is that right? And did you just growl at me?" Looking at itaru then at Nichole. Nichole tried to go at him.

Kiyo said"if you wanted a kiss you could've just asked~" SMOOCH! Nichole's eyes went wide and she went still in shock. Then her eyes darkened and she clawed him. "HISS! BACK UP JACK!" kicking him.
Itaru didnt expect Nichole to lose control like that and she slipped out of his grip. He was distracted and let the fury build up in him before realizing that Nichole wanted to get at him.

Ritsuka has been around Itaru enough to sense when hes hostile. She tightened onto his shirt, a reminder of not to break in anymore fights. Ritsuka hated when hed get into a fight, he lost some but won almost every one. It made him into a harsh unfriendly person at first glance which is why everyone feared him more than taking the time to know him, Ritsuka was the first one who did and he cherished her for that. Now he has other friends that he wants to protect. He doesnt want to be forgotten again.

Ritsuka cringed when Nichole went at the stranger. Itaru turned his head back to the girls behind him a little and whispered,"Yup shes a Yandere alright...." But now wasnt the time to make such remarks.
Nichole said"had enough?" Shaking her fist.

Kiyo was on the ground twitching. He then popped up and said"girl you crazy! I love a woman like that!" Hugging her and Nichole's eye twitched again. "Kiyo if you dont let me go right now...' kiyo said"I find your feistiness sexy~" Nichole blushed darkly and a tick mark was on her fist. She sighed and kicked him where it hurts. "OW MY MCNUGGETS!" He fell and rolled over.
(Mcnuggets?! xD I'm dying!)

Ayumi giggled, covering her mouth. She then bubbled over in a fit of laughter. "HAhahah!" Her ears now perked straight up she was laughing pretty hard. Tears started to form at her eyes and she wiped them away, calming down a bit but was still giggling just at this sight. "He's a weird one." Ayumi stepped closer to Itaru before sniffing him, then sniffed the air. He smells sorta like a mew, I still can't tell.

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