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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Ritsuka grabbed the bag with one hand and dug in with the other. She stuck her tongue out in determination, while feeling around for something that strikes her to take. Finally something caught her touch, she pulled out with a round candy in her hand. She pinched the sides of the wrapper and pulled to un twist it, her hands still in front of Ayumi's neck. She popped the round candy in her mouth and shut her eyes,"Sour..." She mumbled.

Itaru chuckled at her reaction and took the bag if sweets from her hand and handed it back to Nichole, since he already had a lollipop in his mouth. Silver eyes met with Nichole's as he nodded his head in thanks for sharing. Just before Nichole took it, he jerked and took it back,"Cant forget about the kuudere!" He teased as he turned behind him to hand the bag to Isha.
Ayumi giggled at Ritsuka face. "You can't handle sour candy huh? I love those kinds!" She glanced back over to Nichole and adjusted her hold on Ritsuka. "We were about to get ice cream but now I don't know since we have candy now." Her eyes dart back to Ritsuka and she spoke in a weird voice, like she didn't know the little girl was there.
"Huh..?" She looked up at the offered bag of candy, then smiled weakly and took some, popping the candies in her mouth. "Thanks." She looked at her watch, then squeaked. "Aww, crap! I'm late!" She looked up at the others, then laughed, "Sorry, I have to go now, so uhh... byeee!" She turned and ran off, her blue hair whipping behind her.

Hatashi appeared out of nowhere, rubbing her chin in a detective's outfit and a fake mustache pasted to her lip. "Hmmm, a mystery!"
Ritsuka watched all this,"Can we solve it at the ice cream sho--!!"

Itaru covered her mouth and inturrupted,"Yes! Lets solve this mystery~!" He grinned.

Ritsuka glared at him.
Nichole giggled and out on a maniacal. "I feel like a sir. Lets go solve that mystery! " taking off the maniacal and got out her detective stuff.
Ayumi almost lost her balance due to Itaru covering Rit's mouth. She carefully set her down and stretched a little. "Alright, what mystery are we solving today?" Her voice was laced with a british accent and she had her hands on her hips. Ayumi wanted to see if they'd keep up the act or just wimp out.
Nichole said"ooh ooh lets solve a kidnapping. There have been a few lately. We should find the kids. They're parenrs are worried sick." Biting her lip. She really did want to help them.
Itaru put his hand to his chin,

"I was thinking something a little more scandalous~" his lips twisted to a smirky grin.

"Lost pets?" Ritsuka suggested,
She tapped her chin and thought. "We could make up our own. For example a group could split off and create like a puzzle or something and then the other group has to figure it out." Ayumi shrugged at her idea and realized that she spoke. "Wait, did I say that out loud?" Her brain doesn't handle thoughts that happen so she has to speak them out or it's too confusing for her.
Ritsuka smiled,"Yea! That sounds exciting!"

Itaru nodded aswell,"Sounds like fun. I dont see why not."
Ayumi was surprised that everybody was agreeing to her idea. "U-Um, well...how should we divide the groups then?" She looked around and matched people up in her head. Nichole and I could go together then the rest would pair up. Itaru and Ritsuka would work together since they already know each other. Maybe Ritsuka and I would be good...That continued on in her head as she glanced around.
Itaru raised his hand and jumped in excitement a little,"Ooh! Ooh! I call Suka!" He embraced her.

Ritsuka shook her head and pulled away from him a little but he was still holding her. She looked up at him,"This is your chance to make friends and its my chance too. Maybe we shoukd split up." She smiled at him.

He pouted and bent down to her height,"But....b-but Suka-chan..." He sniffled in between.

She crossed her arms and turned her head away,"Dont gimme that face..."

He gave up and stood up, going back to his normal "im a tough guy" self. He loosened his uniform tie and closed his eyes,"Fine..."

Ritsuka sweat dropped,"thats his way of sulking, heh heh...itll only get worse..." She wore a nervous smile and the corner of her lip twitched as she spoke lowly so Isha and Ayumi would only hear.

Itaru walked to Nichole,"I call the Tsundere then...." He put an arm around her shoulders and leaned on her. He turned his head to look at her,"Now that i think about it, youre not much of a Tsundere..." He stood silent for a moment,"We'll have to think of a new name...." He straitened up and stopped leaning on her.
Ayumi, knowing many types of deres, stepped up and spoke. "Well she could be a hajidere which means that she gets flustered over certain people or a certain person. Or she could be a deredere, which basically means she's caring and loving all the time." She took a deep breath and huffed. Her eyes glanced around and landed on Ritsuka. "Do you want to be with me? Unless you want to make friends with someone you don't know."
Nichole's ears and tail puffed up and she hid her face with her bag. "This is embarrassing. " blushing some. She said"well it could be a riddle." Smiling some. She liked riddles.
Hatashi watched everyone talk about a treasure hunt, and it sounded fun, but she was losing Isha! "Ummm... I was talking about following Isha Onee-chan... She ran off so suddenly... Aren't you curious as to what she was late for?" She raised an eyebrow at the older kids. Jeez, I thought I was a little oblivious..
Hatashi made a face. Gosh, these people are no fuuun. "Why do you think that?" She didn't honestly see Isha as that big of a family person... She was so closed off from the others.
(I forgot she left! Im an idiot)

Ritsuka nodded,"Shes right...she is our...our f-friend right?" The word almost seemed foreign to her.

Itaru nodded with Ayumi and her knowledge of deres,"MAYBE! shes a yandere!" He narrowed her eyes at Nichole,"tell me...are u sadistic? Do you enjoy pain? Yea youre pretty sweet on the outside." He started to get carried away,"Thats what you want us all to think dontcha? Im watching you..." He turned and listened in on what Ritsuka was saying,"yea she is our friend now, i guess we could all play another time."
Ayumi giggled at Itaru's commitment with his 'interrogation'. She glanced around at the different conversations and felt a little out of place. "So, if we aren't going to do this, what should we do now?" Her ears pick up on faint chirping noise and her wolf instincts showed. Her stomach growled and turned when she could smell the birds easily. Ayumi had to use all her strength to keep from eating the poor creature.

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