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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

"Wh-What?!" Ayumi wiggled in his grasp and growled lightly. She gave up and started nibbling on his arm lightly, but enough to annoy him. Her ears flattened and she kept an emotionless look. She was starting to get bored but she kept up her little act, biting a little harder every now and then.
Isha couldn't help it. Something wasn't right in the rink, even as she got out on the ice she had an unbelievable sense of dread. Something bad was going to happen, but she had to skate... whoopee. Whta she wouldn't give to be on ol' Screamer, her precious, beautiful motorcycle... But instead, she was stuck in a costume that looked pretty, yes, but still. She didn't WANT to be a figure skater. A journalist, that was her style. Or author, not... figure skating. Bleh. Oh well, it made mom happy. Once she was out, her performance music started, but it was cut off. By a loud roar. It sounded close.

"Oh boy."
"Wait!" She turned around and grabbed onto Nichole. "Where are you taking her?! Let go!" Ayumi gripped at his arm and tried to pull Nichole free but failed. "Grrr...." His strength is too much....hmm...he did say I was cute, maybe I can use that to my advantage. She let go and walked in front of him and looked up at him through her eye lashes. Fake tears formed just enough to make it look real. "Please let go of my dear friend." Ayumi was really embarrassed so she was blushing, which made the act even better.
Kapara watched from above, then came to float in front of Kiyo. "Ooooo, you're a cute little human." She laughed and floated up again, spinning around a little. "Oh, it's unforunate I have to kill you so soon."
Ayumi sighed loudly but accepted the hug, her tail showing her happiness. She enjoyed the attention and blushed slightly. "You're forgiven, j-just don't do it again!" She tried to glare at him but ended up making a pouty face instead. Her ears flattened in embarrassment and she diverted her eyes away from his.
"Wow. Rude much." She looked angry at Kiyo's comment. "Well, I can't waste my time here. The main event is about to start at the ice place. Little miss blue hair is about to get a run for her money. HA!" She laughed and disappeared
Just as she was going to step off the curb, someone grabbed Ritsuka's hand and covered her mouth, pulling her into an alley just behind them. She struggled to get free but when she looked up, it was Itaru! It was hard to make out his features in the dim flickering light of the alley. "Whatre you--?!" She was cut off by his hand again.

He put a finger to his lips.

A faint groaning came from further down the alley. Ritsuka turned her head and her eyes went wide as she saw a guy faced down in a puddle. He wasnt dead but he wasnt well.

"We need to go!" He whispered, getting her attention again.

"Did you do this?!" She whispered loudy.

He nodded. She shook her head,"You need to apolo--"

"Now isnt the time! It was hard getting him to that state! Lets. Go!" He started to pull her.

A voice came behind them,"Hey!" It was the man. He staggered over to them.

Itaru pushed Ritsuka behind him. It happened like slow motion through her eyes...he used his left hand to scrunch up the sleeve of his right arm, to allow movement and wound up his right arm. Launching a hefty punch right in the guys face, putting him back on the ground.

He picked up Ritsuka and threw her over his right shoulder,"We're going...." His voice rumbled in his throat. He walked out of the damp alley and back into the lights of the city.

After quite a ways, he put her down,"We have to go home." He looked at her then turned to walk away.

"Wait!" She grabbed his shirt then his face and pulled it close to hers,"Theres a bruise on your lip..." She pointed out .

He smacked her hand,"I know..." He straightened himself up and cringed, gripping his stomach.

"Theres...Theres blood on your shirt!"

"I know, Suka! ...lets just get home..." He pulled her along.
"HOCKEY!" The large bear stood on it's hind paws, clad in a vibrant hockey jersey, golaies mask, and had a hockey stick and several.. flaming hockey pucks. Oh great.

"HOCKEY!" It shouted again, then whacked a hockey puck at her.

Barely managing to escape, Isha zipped out of the way, feeling the heat as she dived away, burning her back.

Hatashi looked at the others, then shouted, "Theres something going on at the ice rink!"
Ayumi felt herself fully transform, her new clothes filling in for her old ones. Her now blue hair whipped behind her as she ran towards the ice rink. She gripped her hands around her knives and kept running, focusing on her senses. We'll make it in about a minute or two if we keep this pace, I can smell that monster faintly, which means we're getting closer.
She glared at Kiyo and punched him hard in the arm while blushing slightly. "Hurry up will you?!" Ayumi twirled one of her knives in her hand before gripping it again, running towards the ice rink. She canceled out the world and focused on getting there quickly. (I can't think of anything x.x)
He shrugged and tansformed as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/e759a56b.jpeg.1f5eed100b16d7e10eb72cac6247cc6b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/e759a56b.jpeg.1f5eed100b16d7e10eb72cac6247cc6b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Nichole rolled her eyes at him.



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Ayumi reached the ice rink and skidded to a halt once inside. Her eyes widened at the sight of the monster and readied her knives. "Are you okay?!" She called out to the person that was near the thing then she realized it was Isha. "She's not even fighting it..." She swiftly threw two knives towards the bear looking thing. They landed on its legs, her accuracy a little off.
The blue haired girl skated circles around the bear, her mind racing. I left the pendant they gave me in my pants pocket when I changed! I shoudl be taking this stuff more seriously. She skated for the exit, but it was blocked by a giant hockey tuck. "UGH!"
Just as Ritsuka and Itaru were on their way home, there was a disturbance accompanied by a thundering growl. The two looked at eachother, knowing it could only be one thing.

"We have to..." Itaru said, already knowing what Ritsuka was thinking.

"But youre hurt!" She protested.

Itaru's ears and tail popped out. He threw her over his shoulder again and with his cat like agility leaped onto a near by building's roof. He jumped from one to the other, a little wobbly from his small injury. Ritsuka clung tightly, she wasnt used to this.

They landed infront of the rink. He put a very dizzy white haired girl down,"Dont do that ever again..." Ritsuka huffed.

Itaru wasted no time, his rapier appeared at his waist and he ran toward the entrance,"Go around back!" He yelled.

"Then what!!" She replied.

He stopped and looked at her,"I dont know!" He shrugged and continued on his way.

Ritsuka grew doubtful. She couldnt back out of this. What if the others hadnt noticed this beast? Then Itaru would be by himself, and in his condition, he needs all the help he can get... So she did as intsructed, she just didnt know what to do after that.

Itaru went through the front entrance of the rink. He stood there and watched this bear. He looked around and noticed the others. He took his sword out from its sheath and went to them,"Does anyone happen to have a plan?" 
(Sorry i type so much guys xD )
Isha was trapped in the rink. "If there was ever a time I didn't want to be here more!" She growled and zipped out of the way of another puck. The flames were melting large holes in the ice, and somehow she managed to weave among them, to the side of the rink with the mews. "HELLO! Can I like, borrow a pendant! I left mine in my pants pocket! I'm trapped!"
The Hockey bear growled in frustration, then smacked Kiyo with it's hockey stick, then whacked another flaming puck at Nichole, roaring in anger.

Isha dived for the pendant as it skidded into hole in the ice, which she promptly fell facefirst into, and disappeared. Light poured from the hole as an unseen tranformation took place. When it faded, the blue haired girl crwled out of the hole, in her new flowing tunic, combat boots, fingerless gloves and a whip hanging from her belt. (I changed her weapon to a whip, I hope thats okay >_<) Large feathered wings sprouted from her back, and feathers from her tailbone.

"ALRIGHT, FURBALL. YOU WANNA GO? I'LL GO!" She grabbed her whip and snapped it, rage shining in her yellow eyes.
(Sure its fine ^^)

Nichole yelped and hit the ice. "OW! DAMNIT!" kiyo helped her up and said"YOU DONT HIT LADIES!" slashing at the bear again.
Ritsuka managed to get to the back but there was no door. She found a few trashcans near by which she used climb onto the gutter, she used the gutter like a latter and went up onto the roof. She ran to the ceiling glass windows and looked down. She was on all fours on a window to get a better look on whats happening.

Itaru laughed at Kiyo's comment,"Yea!" He chuckled,"especially that one." He pointed to Kiyo. But his amusement was cut short by dodging a ricocheting flame from a puck that strayed to close to him. His tail swished in aggitation. He ran to the bear-ish creature and just as he got close jumped high into the air and thrust his sharp sword at the beast and was able to squeeze in a slash or two.

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