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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

With a swift movement, Isha ran out, and ran to her motorcycle, throwing her helmet on and driving off


"Okay, from the looks of it, it doesn't matter if sitting hurts, you need a hospital, and I can get you there faster, so please just get on!" She pulled out her second helmet and held it out, suddenly desperate to help Ayumi.
Ayumi painfully hopped out of Nichole's arm and limped over to Isha. She got on while tears streamed down her face from all the pain and put on the helmet, holding on tightly. "I'm....start...starting to....pass...o-out..." Her eyelids felt heavy but she fought to stay awake. "Tell me...something that w-would....make me...angry..or jealous..." Ayumi was always alert when those feelings surfaced.
Nichole sighed and said"be careful ok?" Smiling weakly and ran off. Looks like she wasnt really helpful.

Kiyo saw Nichole and ran after her.
"Just hold on here, okay?" She grabbed Ayumi under her arms and lifted her into the seat behind her on the bike, "You can hold onto me, or the handlebars, or the seat in front of you, okay?" looking at Nichole, then turned back to the road, and drove off. She tapped her headphone on, and it projected to special speakers in the helmet. "Well uhhhh.... Something to make you angry? Do you like minor insults?"
She moved her head and was interested in how she could hear Isha so clearly. "Insults...that would make...me pretty angry...don't...hold back..." Ayumi focused on the road and the people that they were passing. The pain in her legs had numbed but even the slightest movement sent a sharp jolt of pain.
"Uhhh, okay..." She sucked in a long breathe, "I think your hair looks horrible when you come into work, your makeup is gaudy and ridiculous, I hardly understand half of the time you talk to me, and do you even know what your fused with?!.... Is that good enough? Please don't hate me?"
Her eye twitched as anger filled her. "First of all, I don't even wear makeup so you need to get your eyes fixed, secondly, the only reason you don't understand me is because you're stupid and yes I know what I'm fused with, do you? Birds are annoying and stupid!" Ayumi took a deep breath before realizing what she had said. "Yeah, that was good enough. I'm fully awake now...still friends?"
"Well, it seemed sufficient. As long as the both of us disregard exactly what we just said to each other, knowing fully well neither of us meant it, then I think we'll be fine... I didn't mean any of that, you know that, right?" She glanced behind her at Ayumi for a second, then back to the road.
She nodded her head and smiled slightly. "Yep, I know." Ayumi giggled at seeing Isha worrying about someone so much. Her eyes tried to close again but she forced them open. "How much longer? I don't think I can last another couple minutes." She glanced at her thighs and saw that the bleeding rate has gone down quiet a lot but the wound was still pulsating out drops.
Nichole sat in her room holding her pillow. "What kind of help am I to anyone? " she laid back in her bed her music blasting. "~got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you'll say. Got a locket in my pocket. Takin this one to the grave.~" she sang softly.

Kiyo sighed and went home.
"Luckily, not at all." With that, she pulled into the hospital parking lot, shoved the kick stand down and hopped off, then picked up Ayumi carefully, rushing her inside and looking around for help. "Can I have some help please? My friend is hurt!"
Ayumi glanced around the hospital, not focusing on a single person. "I got...maybe a minute or two....just a heads up..." She lifted her hand and rubbed her head, feeling a headache coming on. "Uuuunng...." Her body suddenly got really relaxed and she felt her eyes close for good. She tried to open them back up but all she saw was blackness. Ayumi couldn't feel anything and her thoughts stopped suddenly.

Itaru and Ritsuka followed them to the hospital. Itaru kept his arms crossed across his torso to cover his wound from the fight earlier. He hated hospitals and never went to them, he just went to Ritsuka or his mother for things. They sat in the waiting room while they waited for someone to have their attention. Ritsuka tried to get a passing doctor's attention but he waved his hand and shook his head no and said he was already busy. She tried and tried but not many were paying attention the petite white-haired girl.

Itaru sat with Ayumi and got a little annoyed that no one was coming to their aid. The emergency room wasnt even all that busy. He got up and put his arms to his sides stiffly, his knuckles clenched. His teeth barred and he went to the front desk. He siftly reached over the counter and grabbed the collar of a shirt of the guy behind the desk. He looked dead in his eyes with his onyx ones,"We've been waiting long enough for someone to help my friend, and incased you havent noticed, shes getting worse!" With his free hand he slammed his fist on the counter then pointed downward to it,"I KNOW theres someone on this floor who can help her! Theres hardly anyone here besides us thats seeking medical attention! So are you going to help us or what?!" He pushed the guy back and let go of his shirt. His eye brows were furrowed angrily. The guy behind the counter frantically called for a doctor right away and told Itaru not to fret and to take a seat, with a shakey voice and scared look on his face,"W-why dont you take a seat sir?" He stuttered.

Itaru pointed a finger at him and raised his deep voice,"Dont tell me what to do!"

Ritsuka angrily stormed over to him and grabbed him by his school uniform tie they were still wearing.

"Ow! S-suka!"

She dragged him over to where they were sitting and threw him on a chair next to Ayumi,"Are you crazy?!"

"Hey she needs help!"

"There are other ways you know!"

Itaru crossed his arms and pouted, looking away from her and the other girls.

"Look at me when im talking to yoh!" Ritsuka demanded.

He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes with out turning his head,"...What? = 3="

There was a pause before Ritsuka sighed and reached her hand over to ruffle his hair,"We need to work on your temper..."

He looked away from her again,"I was just trying to help..."

"I know but---" she was inturrupted when the sounds of a hospital door grabbed their attention with a doctor standing there, calling for them.
Nichole sighed and vwent to go to the track. She was wearing a tank and some shorts. Then put in her earbuds listening to music and took off running off her anger and frustration. Pushing herself to the limit.
"Itaru, calm down! Shouting at the doctors and nurses isn't going to help either of you! So just sit here quietly, and be PATIENT. KAY?"

Isha rubbed her forehead, running her hand over the now scabbed cut on her forehead. How am I going to explain this to my mother...? She looked up and walked briskly to a doctor, muttering in patient yet angry tones.

Hatashi was sitting next to Ayumi, looking worried about her friend.
Ayumi slowly opened her eyes and tried to remember what had happened. She rubbed her head before looking around. "Wha....what's going on....?" Her eyes lazily moving around the room, hearing somewhat distant voices. Itaru, Isha, and what sounded like Ritsuka. "Where am I?" Her memory wasn't at its best right now. The only thing she remembers before passing out was getting off Isha's motorcycle.
Nichole just kept running as fast as she physically could and growled. "Damnit." She pushed herself past her limit and coughed. "No point of stopping here." Nichole pulled some tires behind her and elliot jr sighed shaking his head jumping down in front of her. Then pushed her. "Stop being such an idiot and freaking suck it up! So what if you couldn't help your friends?! Its ok they understand. Gosh what is it with girls and being so emotional?"
Soon the doctor rushed Ayumi away to be treated. Isha walked over and grabbed Itaru by his arms, hauling him up. "Come on, don't think I didn't notice you. Lets go, kitty boy." She braced the black-haired boy against her shoulder, and started off the hall after the doctor with Ayumi.
Itaru unexpectedly got pulled from out of his seat. "N-no!!!!" He grabbed Ritsuka's wrist to try and hold onto someting, but he ended up just dragging her along too. "Im not going in there!!!!" He put another hand to Ritsuka's wrist and struggled to go toward her. If he were a real cat, claws would be out to hold on for dear life. Ritsuka tried to pull away from him,"I-Itaru! Quit acting so childish! Youre making a scene!"

"Im not going! Not going!"

Ritsuka sweatdropped.
Ayumi grabbed onto the doctor in fear. "Wh-whoa!" She blinked a couple times before her eyes finally focused fully. She heard the voices again and slightly laughed. Her eyes landed on Isha and the doctor. "Are we in the room yet, I'm really tired." To prove her point, she yawned while covering her mouth.
"Look, I don't like hospitals as much as you do, which is why I'm so eager to you to a room, and in professional care. Don't see I'm just trying to help you?" She hauled him up, and looked to Ritsuka for assistance to convince him. "Don't think I can't tell you're hurt."

The doctor lead Ayumi to a room and helped to bed, so they could help her.
Ayumi pulled down her skirt hem as far as it would go, accidentally rubbing against the wounds. She hissed in pain and bit her lip, drawing blood. Her hands shook as she tried to relax and forget what the doctors are about to do. It's gonna hurt a lot once they start cleaning them out.....I hate hospitals. She took a shaky deep breath before glancing at the stupid doctor. "Lets get this over with."
Ritsuka took Isha's glance as a queue,"D-dont worry Ruru-nii!"

She patted his hand,"They wont do much~" she lied. It was a deep slash, theyd probably have to sew it back together. Itaru stood quiet but he was trembling a little and his worried face spoke a thousand words. He made a little whimper sound and he passed by the other patient doors.
"Ugh, forget it! Fine, I'll take you home, you big scaredy cat." She turned and pushed him in front of her in the opposite direction, looking more and more frustrated with him, "We have this great doctor, if not a little experienced, back at my house, he's done my stitches more than a few times at home, if. Unless you'd rather stay here, and have your stitches done by a gunshot expert, which are available only at HOSPITALS."

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