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Fantasy Fallen Pride (1x1 with PumpkinKats)


Magic Eight Ball
(Charcater sheets)

Name: Rex Masters

Race: Fallen Aasimar (Half angle half human)


Occupation: sword for hire /blacksmith

Abilities: Sword fighting, Shadow/dark magic.

Backstory: (Rough rundown) Rex was born to the king Varkid after his father caught the eye of an angle for his devotion and pure heart. Early in his years Rex was able to heal with a touch his father started to get greedy forcing people to pay absurd amounts of money in order to get healed. Rex feel in love with an elf who he ran away with when they where caught by the guards Rex fought back and in the middle.of the fight he struck down his love. Due to taking the life of an innocent he lost his grace. He snapped and was able to get away after a bloody battle he has been hiding as a blacksmith since avoiding any mention of how brutal his father has gotten to his people.

Description: Rex stands at 5'10 and 147 Lbs he has short untidy blue hair and jet black angle wings (He keeps them.hidden under his jacket.) He wears a black leather jacket with jeans and a white shirt. He has a sword a mix between a longsword and a greatsword (Like a bastard sword) the blade has a rose engraving along the blade.

Equipment: Roseblade.

Personality: He is rather blut and straight forward only dancing around subjects that he finds embarrassing. He is very loyal once he considers you a friend and will easily fight for what he thinks is right or to defend someone's ideas.
Name: Odessa Raven

Race: High Elf

Age: 24

Job: Witch/Potions master

Abilities: Druidic magic/shape shifting

Looks: white hair, freckles, light skin, 5’2, green eyes, curly hair(usually tied back), rounded features

Personality: light, fun, adventurous, daring, strong willed, kind, mature, quiet, sweet, can be secretive, not the most trusting though

Likes: flowers, fruits, animals(cats/birds), children, light/sun, outside, water, getting her hands dirty, adventure, surprises

Backstory: came from a place she doesn’t remember, grew up among a coven of witches and quickly learned magic despite her non-magical background. She grew to love potions and ended up traveling to learn more about them. Odessa is writing a book about her findings and which herbs can be used to make different spells or potions
--Outside the Town of Zandreal--

*Rex sighs as he steps out of his work shop sweat dripping form his hair and nose his shirt clings to his frame as he grabs a cloth and dabs at his face. He looks down at the town and rolls his eyes the music form there festival easly reaching the hill his shop sits upon.*
"Let's see they should point the new city guard at tomorrow's ceremony.....so yea I should be done in time.....but no more breaks...since it's for the ceremony I guess I have less time damn it..."
*He grumbles as he talks to himself before he walks back to his task at hand he scans the area around his shop enjoying the breeze on his skin.*

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