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Fandom Fairy Tail: Symbol of Hope

Cyrus had noticed Armina's speech, "Maybe she is the guild master. Cyrus sort of huddled near Armina and tried to speak to get her attention, "Um... Excuse me are you the uh Guild master?" he put his head down, A tad bit scared of what could happen.
"Oy boy don't be disrespectful. I'm Lindow and you are-." Lindow said to Shin expecting him to answer back. Geez some people are disrespectful. Lindow grabbed a drink and started chugging it all down.
Narina sat on a bench near the ocean some way away from the fairy tale guild. Narina used her power to conjure up a little bird with her water magic. "listen my friend, I need information from that guild and I need to know if the female archer is there". she spoke to the bird, the touched it's head and smiled. she tossed the bird to the sky and watched as it flew over to the guild and landed in a high window and looked inside. Narina leaned back on the bench and closed her eyes letting her mind drift to the water bird she created. With this ability she learned just after joining the guild, she now can send her 'friend' and be with them, but only a short distance. Narina was able to see into the guild and toke note of the members, she looked around quickly for the female archer. Spotting jay from this spot was difficult to spot but after some searching she saw a women who had a bow and quiver of arrows near her. That must be her! Narina thought to herself excitedly. She had to report back to her master. Narina called her mind back to her body. That you for you help my friend, you can leave for now. Narina pulled out the lacrima, she looked around to make sure no one was around, she turned back to the lacrima "My lord, it is I Narina. I have located the fairy tale guild hall, I did as you asked and observed them. They have a quite a bit of members within their guild halls, I can also comfirm that the lady archer is also there. Am I to do to Deamon now? or shall I stay and watch some more master?" She wanted to know what her master wished for her to do before leaving too early for his liking from the guild hall. So she waited for him to give her orders.
"S class wizards have a high mastery of their magical abilities and are really powerful," Leone replied. "Master Armina was one back when her dad was Guild Master."

Armina turned and looked at Cyrus. "Yes, why?" she asked. "Are you offering a job?"

Felina looked at Klefa. "If you leave and come back, you still wouldn't be mysterious," she replied. "We'd know it was you." She tapped a finger against the wall as she waited for her orders from Daemon.

"Go to Daemon," The Shadow's voice replied from the lacruma. "There's no reason to hang around Fairy Tail at the moment."
Jay smiled at Leone's remark before he left the table. Tiberius chuckled at "don't call me catman."

"Why do you call him catman?" Jay asked

"Take a wild guess." Tiberius teased


Daemon stepped away from Yui slightly and began to clam down "She was never on his side to begin with." He sated "I thought I made myself clear on that." He cleared his throat "Don't worry." He began with some humor "I have a backup plan if she doesn't join willingly. If that fails, which it won't. I won't allow Lord Shadow to kill her...Because I will do that myself."

It was after this that he finally paid attention to Klefa.

"Your appearance was fine with allies." Daemon smiled grimly "However if you want to sneak up on your enemies you'll have to do better than that."

He cleared his throat and stepped in front of the group.

"My orders are simple, break them and you will suffer the consequences...But you knew that already. We wait for my daughter and Fairy Tail to become more vulnerable, perhaps during some kind of training exercise or on a job. After that, we strike. Jay, my daughter must be kept alive but that doesn't necessarily mean that she remains unharmed. I leave the rest to you. If you want to fight and or kill other Fairies be my guest. Any questions?"
Narina nodded "as you wish master" she placed the lacrima back into her pouch and looked to the guild hall once more, it should be faster to find next time since she made a mental map in her head. she turned and walked outwards of the town. She had be told where Deamon was and so would have no problem finding him, it would just a while to reach him. Narina called upon her wolf, and had it walk beside her once more when they had reach the outskirts of the city. Stoping upon the hill she looked back once more. Turned and left toward Deamon's hide away. At least she had someone to talk to.
Cyrus shook is head no in response to Armina's question, "I'm sorry I should be more forward." He took his head out of his hands and spoke up with a little more confidence, "I'm here because I wish to join Fairy Tail."
Klefa listened to Daemon's briefing. After he was done speaking, she spoke up. "Should I sneak up on our members from now on?" she said with her usual stoic expression.

Ceallach walked behind the bartender back into the bar. Looking at the bartender's morbid expression and Ceallach's cheerful one, it was obvious that Ceallach had dragged him back one way or another. The bartender made his way behind the counter while Ceallach sat down at one of the tables.
"I see," Armina said. "What kind of wizard are you?" she asked Cyrus as she pulled out the Fairy Tail Stamp. "And where would you like your symbol?"

"I don't think that's what he meant," Felina said to Klefa. She looked at Daemon. "How long till Fairy Tail gets in a vulnerable position?" she asked. She hated waiting.
Viran sat in the corner of the room quietly listened to the briefing from Daemon. Once, he had finished speaking he opened his mouth to say something but closed it as soon as Klefa spoke. He was annoyed by her voice and her idiotic question. 'Idiot...I can't believe someone like her was even able to learn magic.' He thought to himself until he saw Felina in the room. He automatically felt his face flush and Viran stood to quietly walk out and return back to the bar. He attempted doing so as quietly as possible but he knew that he wasn't the most stealthy of the guild.
"Fairy Tail might have their guard up for a few days following Eisenwald." Daemon replied, answering Felina's question "Their master will likely guild members perform training exercises outside of the guild in order to prepare them for any possible attacks. We should strike during one of those exercises for the highest chance of success."

Without turning around, Daemon spoke again.

"Are you going somewhere, Viran?" He asked
Cyrus rolled up his sleeve, "Right shoulder please." He tried to come up with a name for his magic, "It's a Barrier exploding magic." He tried to explain even further. "I create defensive barriers and command them to morph and explode."
Narina reached where Deamon was. She walked into the room just as deamon had spoken to Viran, she stood silently waiting, not interupting, she knew better then that. She stood, her water made wolf standing beside her.
Viran stopped in his steps suddenly as he had been caught and dropped his head staring at the ground with a slight smirk, "I was just checking the wood on this door...that's all." He said sarcastically and looked over at Felina then retaking a seat. Viran stared at Narina blankly and slouched in his seat not breaking eye contact.
Narina noticed Viran staring at her, She stared back with the same blank stare, her sea coloured eyes not giving any interest as to the man who stared. After a few moments she grew tired at the staring contest and looked down to her wolf, giving the had a gently pat it dissappeared, her expression grew alittle sad for a moment but it was gone in a flash. Narina didnt want to show weakness for she didnt wish to be picked on again. She just stood silently waiting.
Armina stamped Cyrus' shoulder. "Welcome to Fairy Tail," she said. "Mingle with the other members. I have some training exercises to plan," she added, before heading toward her room.

Felina looked at Narina. "How's Fairy Tail doing? Clueless as always?" she asked before looking at Viran. She flashed him a wink. She noticed he had been looking at her and welcomed any distraction from waiting.

Vixen walked into the room Daemon and the other higher ranked Enveloping Darkness members. A book was tucked under her arm. "Lord Shadow said you could use another hand. Fairy Tail isn't getting smaller unfortunately."

Roaric noticed Ceallach walk in with the bartender. "There you are, which guild member got to ya thisss time?" he asked the bartender. "You can anssswer me over a glassss of ale."
Narina looked to the Felina and nodded "the numbers are growing rapidly, two members joined as I was observing them, though they did not notice my presence at all, even when I was not far away from the guild hall. So they have no idea that they were spied on." She spoke with confidence. She was proud she had done right with the master, thats all she wanted. She just wanted to show she belonged here.
Viran was still sitting in the chair after finishing his little staring contest and sighed still being stuck in this meeting. It was then that he saw Felina wink at him and started to blush brightly trying to hide his face from her. He reached down in his pocket and pulled out a sucker shoving it in his mouth. Viran may or may not of had a crush on Felina and did his best to hide his face when she was around.
Eyron's eyes snapped open when Armina mentioned exercises. "Oh, I... I just remembered! I forgot to feed my cat! Gottagobye!" He said in a panic before sprinting out the door. He was lying, of course, but he wasn't going to participate in those exercises. They were brutal and he usually got the worst of it due to his lazy nature.

"Then I shall wait for your signal." Klefa said to Daemon before walking out of the room.

"That would be me." Ceallach said to Roaric from his table, "It would be a waste of resources to pay the bartender for the hours Klefa was working." (BTW, the bartender's an NPC so you can control what he does)
M-m-m-mingle? Cyrus thought to himself, He couldn't stand talking to other people he barely even knows how to talk to people, I guess i'll just sit down and mind my own business maybe even get a quest. He looked around the Area looking for an empty table and sat down.
Daemon smirked at Viran's remark.

"I've seen better in my time." He replied "My old friend has too."

Before he could continue, Vixen entered the room.

"If it is Lord Shadow's will for you to join us then I cannot disagree with it." Daemon shrugged

He turned his attention to Narina as she finished speaking.

"Two members joined? They could be growing desperate." Daemon suggested "In which case, my daughter will actually be easier to capture."

Tiberius observed Cyrus as he sat down.

"I take it you're going to talk to him?" Jay asked quietly and Tiberius simply nodded in response.

"Someone needs to welcome the newest member." He shrugging "If these new members keep flushing in like this then we'll have a full army of wizards." Tiberius joked before standing up but then sitting back down again.

"You were like him once." Tiberius pointed out

"I still am." Jay smiled slightly

"Except when in combat." This remark caused Jay to roll her eyes "I'll talk to him, but only if you will as well."

"But I'm terrible with meeting new people."

Tiberius rolled his eyes, took Jay by the hand and pulled her towards Cyrus' table before he sat down.
Narina nodded at Deamon's response, the growing for this guild was not good. It would mean they would not be as cowardly as they were described by the other members. Narina herself has never been in combat with them. She didnt know why excatly,nor did she question it. The lord shadow gave orders, she fallowed them. Looking around the room at the other dark wizards she felt out of place. She began to get fidgety, she started playing with her hair getting slightly nervous, she hadnt been after these wizards, but she had heard stories. She dont know why she was suddenly thrown in with them. Was she that strong? no, she couldnt be, she had not done anything strong since she had joined the guild. sure she had destoryed a few citys herself but they had to be by a large body of water. Narina bit her lip, maybe they just needed someone to spy for them, she knew how to act all innocent around people and blended in well in a crowd. Or maybe the group just needed a lacky to fall for them when things got rough. Narina didnt know why she was here with the strong wizards. The more she thought the more nervously she got. The water, in glasses and vases, and barrels began the ripple as her power was starting to peak. it was like a minature strom or brewing in each container. Narina shifted from one foot to the other, she wanted to leave, and go sink into water somewhere and just wait till she got orders. She wasnt good around people whatso ever.
Tora got in front of Eyron. "You're not backing out that easily," she said. "You're going on the exercise, you won't get stronger if you don't train." "You don't even have a cat," Leone spoke up from where he was sitting. "If you did, I'd know."

"I'll wait for your signal as well," Felina said. She politely bowed toward her elder (Daemon) before walking out of the room with a board expression on her face; she never enjoyed waiting. On her way out she slashed at a potted plant just because she was feeling antsy and needed to do something.

"As it should be," Vixen said to Daemon, before she sat down. She opened the book she happened to be carrying. Vixen seemed content as she flipped through the pages.

The bartender poured Raoric a glass of ale. Roaric took a sip, before looking at Ceallach. "I take it that your not going to be joining in the hunt for Jay...," he said coldly. "Neither am I, not because I'm not up to it. But becaussse I need some down time to prepare for Lord Shadow's next plan."
"Tattle-tale..." Eyron mumbled. "Alright, so I'm not getting out of it that easily. How about this easily?" Right after he said that he molded into shadow and ran under Tora and through the door.

Raijin was listening to everything going on from his table. Two new people had joined and one assisted them already. He decided to give the newcomer a welcome. He got up from his seat and walked to Cyrus' table. When he got there, he put one foot on the table and pointed at him with his index finger. "Hey newblood!" he said to Cyrus with a somewhat menacing smile, "It seems that Armina let you into the guild. However, what she won't admit is that she needs more members to fight against the Enveloping Darkness. From what I've heard, Shin has already proven himself. As for you, I'm not sure if you have the capability to fight the Enveloping Darkness! For that reason, I challenge you to a duel!" He then raised his arm in the air, keeping his index finger raised. "If you can hold your own, then I will have no problem accepting you into the pack!"

"That's correct; I won't be joining them." Ceallach said to Roaric, "I am trying to convince them that I'm actually on their side. It wouldn't be very convincing if I participated in Jay's kidnapping. No; I'm just going to wait for a better opportunity."
After Felina had left the room he lifted up his head returning to his normal skin color. He stood up twirling the sucker in his mouth and walked closer to Daemon "If that's all I'll be leaving now okay." He spun around on his heel and made his way to the door. As he walked out he made his way past Felina and dropped his face to the ground basically trying to hide himself. Viran looked up a moment looking at her before walking a little faster away.

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