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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Frosty the Snowman

After finally arriving at his dorm and realizing he had nothing to even put there in the first place, he turned back and went to find where they kept the food in this place. It wasn't that he was too hungry but he knew uncooked food needed to be kept cold. And cold food needed ice. Ah, ice, such a wonderful substance. Funny how one object could keep one's drink cold while preventing another from becoming a puddle on the very ground on which the other walked. Did he eat ice? Only if he had to. That was like cannibalism! Of course any living creature would do something desperate in desperate times, eh? Finding the cafeteria after walking in a circle inside buildings for about forty-five minutes, he walked in and went straight to the back, ignoring any quizzical looks or outright stares until he reached the freezer. No sooner was he led back out in the area students were supposed to be.
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Kobi made his way to the table Shawn had indicated with a half plate of chicken and potatoes. As he sat down, Kobi saw Evangeline's pink hair three tables across from his. Kobi smiled and waved slightly.
Vanna noticed everyone going to the cafeteria she grabbed a book and instead of walking she ran she got there instantly she stopped and looked around, she noticed a table that was open and ran over and sat down. The people around her turned and looked at her, she didn't look up but opened her book and continued where she left off
"I'll check!" Ceil ran on ahead of the other two girls until she found the map. After studying for a moment, she turned and ran back to the girls. "I know the way! Follow me." with that she turned and headed towards the cafeteria. Once there she went inside and waited for the others to catch up, glancing in at the other people who were already inside.
Evie nodded and followed at a brisk pace, excited to finally eat. She paused at the doorway next to Ceil and took in the people who were already there. Seated next to a headless man sat the one from earlier, Dru if she remembered correctly. She shuddered and focused her gaze on the others in the cafeteria. She noticed Kobi waving at her and gave him a small one in return before turning towards her new friends. "You guys ready?" She asked, she wanted more than anything to run in and eat everything they had to offer.
Chris was on a late boat! The boat finally pulled into the island and Chris instantly hopped out with his bags and ran into the school. He seemed have missed a lot and began to frantically look around. He couldn't find anyone! Well upon a closer look, he managed to see a girl heading towards a large building. He quickly ran behind her and realized that the building was a cafeteria. He took a tray of food nonchalantly and sat down at a random table with his bags and joked to himself,"For a minute there, I thought this place was deserted."
Ryu was a bit bothered by how many people there were in the room, it made her feel a bit anxious. She hid a bit behind the two girls in front of her, "I guess so." She let out a an uneasy sigh and and got a little grin on her face. She tapped on Evie's shoulder then pointed at the area from which people got their food, "sick 'em girl!" She then smacked Evie's butt imitating a trainer and their animal.

@Rosyshark @Love You to Death
Chris stared at the girl who had just spanked another one of the bottom and told her to "sic 'em", that made him turn around to his tray and was a sign that he should keep to himself for the time being. He ate some of the meat and some of the vegetables in silence as he kept one eye on the girl.
Vanna looked up from her book and looked at the girls, definitely not the strangest thing I've ever seen, getting a little uncomfortable just sitting there Vanna got up and went over to where the food was, she just looked at it trying to look somewhat interested, she got a bottle of water then went back to her table and sat down.
Chris watched as a different girl got up and grabbed a bottle of water, she was clearly faking her interest, but Chris wasn't going to say anything. He then turned to one of his bags and went through it for a moment before pulling out a candy bar and putting it next to his tray. After he finished his food, he took out the candy bar and began to eat it.
One of the teachers walked in and went over to Vanna and told her that they had some thing for her, she nodded they handed her a bag she opened it she pulled out a IV bag with blood in it, she starred hungerly at it, but controlled herself and put it away "and how exactly do they think this is going to work" she said to herself
Chris' eyes widened as he saw a teacher handed her a bag, and watched as she pulled a IV bag out. She was a vampire? This made Chris turn back to his candy bar and quickly finished it before tossing his wrapper and sitting back down.
Vanna noticed that there was someone who had been watching her, she looked over he had turned away. She deliberated if she even wanted to keep the blood, she got up and walked out she put her hood up and sat outside
Chris watched as the girl left, he would of gone after her but he didn't want to seem weird...not on his first day at least. He then stood up after finishing up and left the cafeteria, he gave the girl one last glance as he quickly walked into his dorm room and began to put his belongings away. He put a few books onto the shelf, clothes into his drawers, and a few assorted beverages and candies into the mini-fridge.
While he was chowing down, Shawn noticed Kobi wave at someone. He tried to swallow his food, but didn't succeed well. He spoke anyway, "Who ya wavin' at? You know that person?"

@Machtri (I'm sorry I worked 4pm-10pm ((central time US)) today just got home. Good news I work 10am-4pm so I'll be able to rp a lot more tomorrow)
Vanna didn't stay outside long, she got up and went back to her dorm room, the first thing she did was re arrange the furniture in the room, because she had no bed she had a lot of open space, mainly all she packed was her shoes and clothes, she likes to have everything a certain way. The last thing she pulled out was her laptop and a large cd case that Had about 175-200 movies in it.
"I met her by knocking on a random door when I got lost. She's the only other siren I've met so far. Maybe I should introduce you. You two could be friends."

@Cocoabutterkisses (That's fine. Unfortunately, I'm going to be gone all of next week on a camping trip. I'll try to catch up when I get back.)
Chris pulled out one final thing from his bag, a video game console. He plugged it into the tv and loaded up a game. The sounds of guns and shouting could be heard from the next door over followed by the thump of the stereo system.
Evie jumped at Ryu's actions and let out a small giggle. She then followed the other girls directions and ran over towards the food. She grabbed a plate and gazed at the assorted foods in front of her. Unsure of what to get she settled for a sandwich and a bag of chips. She then grabbed a glass of water and looked back towards the other girls. "I'm going to get a table." She said, pointing towards an empty table not far from where the food was, "Is that ok?"

@TheFrozenShadows @Rosyshark
Ceil snickered a bit when Ryu smacked Evie's butt and went off to get some food. She balanced her tray on her wings and picked up what she wanted with her talons. Something she had gotten used to being able to do for a while now. She nodded at Evie and headed towards the table she had picked, taking a seat. "Now I'm going to give you guys some major warnings here. My table manners are not pretty. I won't get mad if you act grossed out, just don't be surprised."
Chris continued to play his games, occasionally pausing to look out his window to see if anyone was outside, but was usually glued to the screen with his fingers flying around the different buttons of the controller.
Vanna put the first movie in one of her favorites Halloween, classic horror films were basically all she would watch especially the ones where the bad guy is just a crazy human.
Evie sat next to her and opened the bag of chips. She shrugged at the other girls statement, unsure of how bad exactly it would be. However, growing up with her younger brother she doubted that it could be much worse than him. Her brother had once managed to get spaggetti sauce not only on his forehead but also all over the ceiling, at age 13. He had the manners of a toddler when it came to eating. Although, without hands eating must be difficult or at least very different from those who have hands. "How bad could it be." She said with a small laugh, "I doubt you could top my brother."

Chris eventually stopped playing games and chose to pick up a book and go outside. He locked the door to his dorm and sat down on a bench with a large tree hanging over it. He opened the book and began to read from it.
Before Evie had probably finished her statement, Ceil was face-down in her plate, eating in a way that was very similar to a dog and using her wings to hold the tray steady. She looked up with lots of crumbs, among other things, covering her face. "How bad is your brother?" She asked, mouth still a bit full. She never really had to worry about table manners at home. Her dad was used to her and her mother's messy eating habits. So no one really gave it a second thought. At least at home.

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