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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Dru seemed to appear in front of Evie "What was that thought in your head just now young lady? That is not school appropriate but don't worry I won't tell." Dru winked and smiled at her his eyes golden.
Evie let out a small gasp and stumbled back at his sudden appearace. "Wha-Who the hell are you?" She gasped, her eyes wide with shock. Her pervious thoughts were forgotten as she stared at the man in front of her.
The man straightened up and looked at her his gold eyes twinkling. "I am Dru very nice to meet you. That isn't very nice language for someone of your standing." Dru chuckled.
Evie felt slightly disgruntled, but gave him a fake smile anyways. "Forgive me, I was startled. I'm Evangeline, and how did you know what I was thinking?" She asked, fixing her eyes upon the man in front of her. It was strange, the way he seemed to read her like a book...and after what he said earlier she couldn't help but wonder if he actually could.
Ryu looked up at the girl that now stood in front of her, she saw the talon and looked a bit confused. She assumed Ciel wanted to shake 'hands' so she did, since Ciel didn't give her an odd look Ryu was glad. "Ryu, uh, nice to meet you. Evie says you're pretty cool, hopefully she's right." Ryu gave an awkward smile, realizing that may have been a bit rude. Her attention was suddenly brought to the guy standing in front of Evie, it startled her a bit so she took a step back.
"Well not to brag but I do try my best to be cool." Ceil said, half joking with an exaggerated grin. "But nice to meet you Ryu." She then noticed the guy near Evie now who seemed to attracted Ryu's attention. Holy shit is everyone at this school good looking? She thought looking at them. "Where did he come from?" She wondered out loud.
"Like I said my name is Dru and I just saw what you thought young lady that wasn't very appropriate."
Evie sighed, "Thoughts are more often assumed private. I wouldn't think the rules appy there and at any rate why should it be any of your bussiness." She asked, more annoyed than anything.
Ceil went red, assuming he had spoke to her just then. "Bro do not read my mind, that's creepy as hell!" She replied, feathers puffing out a bit. "I swear I'll start thinking really super gross crap." She threatened under her breath. Though it wasn't a very major threat.
Frosty the Snowman

France continued walking for a bit, looking curiously around the school. The dripping had stopped and now his footprints consisted of a thick layer of ice. What a slipping hazard... Along with that, the surrounding floor and close objects were coated in a thin layer of frost. The Janitor would have a fit later cleaning up all the water. After acquiring his dorm room number he wandered to the exit of the current building which led to the dorms and paused at the doors. France sulked, already imagining how much he'd melt... Even just a little bit was uncomfortable... Perhaps it was just that he was a bit tired since traveling from Greenland, even by plane, took many hours and he'd only arrived this morning. Why must it be so warm here... He thought unhappily.

@anyone o:?
"If you say so, sorry to bother you my dear I can leave you if you want." Dru chuckled and smiled at her annoyance.
Ryu looked at the two girls then up at the guy, asshole. She took Evie's hand and grabbed Ceil by the wing. "If you're gonna invade people's private live's without asking them, then you're the one who needs to fix something. The way she talks isn't any of your buisness." She was hoping that the girls would get the message and leave with her as she began to inch her way toward the stairwell. She didn't like how worked up she got and wanted to find some place to let off her steam.

@Love You to Death @Drumonkey @Rosyshark
"I didn't read her mind. I saw something and commented on it. No need to be so harsh." Dru shook his head as they began to inch away, what a rude person.
Evie frowned and paused in their retreat, "How exactly did you know, then?" She asked softly. Hesitent to continue talking to the man if he could truly tell what she was thinking just by looking at her. Still, as much as it bothered her she needed to know how he did it.
"You brought the image to your mind and I saw the image it was close to a daydream and I saw that image and that is inappropriate." Dru chuckled showing tat he wasn't judging but found it pretty funny.
Evie rose and eyebrow and shrunk back in towards the other girls. With the way she had been thinking she didn't even want to know what Dru had seen. Plus if he'd found it that funny then it couldn't be anything good. She glanced over at Ryu and Ceil, hoping that they could leave. She didn't want him to say anymore, not in front of them at least. She hadn't known them for long and she couldn't help but worry that she would somehow mess it up. Still, she couldn't help but wonder exactly what he'd seen.
Dru blinked and whispered and only Evie could hear him. "I am the sandman and what you see in your dreams and daydreams are private, only you and I know them unless you let me tell other people."
Evie let out a sigh of relief. "Can we go now?" She muttered to the other girls. His presence had unsettled her. No matter who he was,her thoughts and dreams were private and she prefered to keep it that way. She tightened her grip on Ryu's hand and looked away from the sandman. As she did this her stomach let out a loud growl and her face turned red.

@Rosyshark @TheFrozenShadows
Aednat walked around the dormitory, trying to stay in places where she had a better viewing, of the people in the dormitory, she was about to walk down the stairs, she saw Dru, the person she had bumped into earlier, having a conversation with three girls, it seemed as though there might have been conflict between the girls and Dru, as she was trying to get closer to the railing to listen to what the groups exchange was,she tripped over her own feet, and tumbled down the staircase, groaning as she hit the final step.
Ceil could tell her new friend seemed uneasy and smiled a bit. "Yeah, and by the sounds of things we should go find the cafeteria. I could use some food." She said, thinking about what they might have there.
Evie spun around and darted over to the girl who had fallen down the stairs, without answering Ceil. "Are you alright?" She asked, kneeling down beside her. Perhaps she's missed the railing or something. Either way, the girl seemed to be hurt and she had no clue how to help her. Evie's own powers would be useless in a situation like this, hopefully the other girl was ok. Her attention breifly flickered back towards her new friends, hoping that one of them would know how to help her.

@Phoenix Youngblood
Ryu heard the loud bang and before she knew it Evie was already at the source. Another girl had fallen down the stairs, Ryu walked casually toward the two girls on the ground. "Well then... that happened," she looked back hoping that Dru wasn't bothering Ceil as she'd been the last one to walk away. "I'm not much of a doctor but I'd say you're gonna need to put some ice on that." As she spoke she lifted her finger and atop it was a perfectly balanced ice cube that she formed out of the air. She didn't want to do anything until the girl gave her the okay, so she just stood there waiting for some kind of signal.
Aednat blushed a crimson red "I'm fine, I just tripped, there's really no need to worry about me" she murmured, "I just can't seem to stay on my feet can I?' she whispered the last part to herself. It was only the first day, and already, she was a walking talking disaster, she just hoped that hadn't made herself out be to big of a fool. "Well, I certainly made an entrance" she joked meekly, trying to muster up a small amount of courage as she flashed a miserable excuse of a smile, at the girl kneeling beside her, and nodded to the girl with the ice cube, "Thank you" she managed to choke out, as once again, shyness overwhelmed her.

@Love You to Death @TheFrozenShadows
Ceil walked over to the others, somehow having missed the girl falling and watched to make sure the girl was okay. She seemed alright from how she talked. "At least nothing broke!" she added with a smile, in some sort of attempt to be supportive.
Evie watched her a moment and frowned. "No need to worry, we all get clumsey." Evie murmered and once again offered hand hand to help her up. "I'm Evangeline, and this is my roommate." She said gesturing towards Ryu. She studied the girl a moment longer and then offered a small smile, hoping that it would help to ease her nerves. At Ceils comment she paused once more, "Are you sure you're alright?"

@Phoenix Youngblood

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