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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Aednat took Evangeline's offered hand, and stood up, she nodded "I'll live, I've done worse before,my name is Aednat' she replied, she smiled politely back at Evangeline and the other girl

(Sorry if that was rushed, it's around 2 am, and I need to take Melatonin to help me sleep, so this is probably also going to be my last post for the night)
"If you're sure," Evie muttered, and got to her feet as well. Her stomach let out another loud rumble, she blushed lightly. "I'm afraid we need to get going. I hope to see you around sometime." She shot the other girl a bright smile and moved closer towards the doors. She was starving at this point and it wouldn't be worth it to wait. Meeting someone new or not, she was hungry and proper intruductions could wait until later.

(Sorry if this seemed rude, but I was hoping to get a few new posts in before tomorrow..Evie will be much more polite next time @Phoenix Youngblood)
Ryu flicked the ice cube into her mouth and crunched it until it disolved, "name's Ryu," she watched as Evie walked away. "Aaaaaaand I guess I'm leaving. See you 'round," Ryu rushed behind Evie giving a bit of a sorry look to Aednat as she walked past. "Are you always this rude when you're hungry?" Ryu said playfully, holding open the door for Evie. She looked out into the grounds and and saw a boy under a tree, what kept her attention on him after that was the footprints of ice he left behind him. Interesting... "Ceil you coming?" She asked realizing that they'd left her behind again.

Evie shrugged, temped to stick her tongue out at the other girl. "Maybe, but can you blame me. After that long ass boat ride this morning how could you not be hungry." She stated before following Ryu's gaze. The footprints were odd, but if Ryu was a shadow demon Evie could see why she would be interested in it. As tempted as she was to introduce herself and find out, the ever constant stomach pains were there to remind her of her mission. Then, she paused with a small frown. "Where the hell is the stupid cafeteria anyways." She grumbled, looking around desperatly. It was official, Evie sucked at navigating.

"I'm coming." Ceil quickly waved bye to the other girl and followed the other two. "Does anybody have a map?" She asked, shrugging a bit. "Or maybe we can ask around..... Or wonder until we find it." She suggested, the last one was meant more as a joke though.
"You'd think we would get directions first before heading on our way huh?" Ryu remembered the large map in the main building that she'd look at before, "there is that one map over back at the entrance, we could check there if we want to." She pointed in the direction they'd have to go if that was their plan, she looked at the other two girl to see if she had their approval.
Evie sighed and nodded, "That would probably be best, if I remember correctly it wasn't too far from here though." She tucked her bangs behind her ears and fiddled with the earbuds dangling from her pocket, trying to distract herself from the hunger. That was one of her greatest flaws, when she was hungry she was single minded in the fact that she needed to get food. At times she'd been told that her being hungry was like pmsing on steriods.
Shawn started shoving his hands in his pockets trying to find his wallet. When he did he followed Kobi out the door. They were walking towards the cafeteria to get a some food. "You know, has anyone ever told you that you remind them a lot of..... Kobe Steak?" He smiled widely at Kobi, looking for approval for the joke of the century. Shawn thinks he's the funniest guy he's ever met. The problem is he learned it from a very old fat fairy who was raised in an era where puns were more cherished than they are now.

Kobi looked back and smiled at the bad pun. "No, you'd be the first." He chuckled. "That was a good one though." When Kobi entered the cafeteria, he could see that many students had the same idea. Sparsed throughout the cafeteria, groups of students, humanoid and creaturesk alike sat together talking and eating various dishes. "Good to see we're not late to the party. There's plenty of food left," Kobi stated, looking in awe at how many different kinds of creatures were in the room together. "How big is this school?"
Draven stood near the map at the main entrance of the school looking around for people to help. He had a hard time with complicated writings and building designs was one of them. He held a grey small satchel close to himself like it was part if him. He needed some help to find the dorms. So he waited his trench coat scuffing the ground and his pants clung tightly to him while he paced around barefoot. A constant steady flow of smoke drifted up from his neck where his head isn't.
"Do you need help?" Dru had seen the kid who looked distressed and came out to help him in whatever his endeavor was. Dru smiled Trying to seem kind.
Dru tilted his head, "are you sure? Do you know sign language or some other form of communication? I understand many languages." Dru was confused but still willing to help this person check he might even use a dorm room because of this kid.
Draven was still for a moment. Then he wrote. "Let's go to the cafeteria instead.And no. This is my only way to talk." It being hard to discern where his is looking but obvious he can see everything. He drew a smiley face on the page.
Dru gestured toward the buiding "let me lead the way. What exactly are you anyways, is that why you can't speak?"
He tapped the pen a moment then wrote "I am a creature known as a Dullahan. We typically don't have a head on our shoulder we carry them with us." Draven put the pen away then reached into his satchel and pulled out a severed head with auburn eyes and short black hair. The head simply smiles but doesn't speak.
Shawn went to the counter and grabbed a plate. There were all kinds of foods. Meats, veggies, sandwiches, and more. His mouth watered at the sight. He filled the plate with mashed potatoes corn chicken. "I have no idea. It seems pretty big to me." He noticed an empty table, "Let's sit there." He made his way over to the table.
Dru stopped "something I don't know about? This is a whole new game I must find out everything I possibly can about your race. Lets go to the cafeteria where we can talk and eat and you can tell me about your race." Dru led him with eagerness.
Draven just relaxed and then put his head back in the satchel. He didn't write anything else he just walked into the cafeteria when they arrived and went for some Guineas and hagus. He was still at the end if the line seeking a free table.

Draven just relaxed and then put his head back in the satchel. He didn't write anything else he just walked into the cafeteria when they arrived and went for some Guineas and hagus. He was still at the end if the line seeking a free table.
Dru found them a table "hey come on lets go I found us a table." Dru lead the way to the table carrying an Apple.
Draven followed carefully. He carried his plate and his satchel very carefully it obvious he is shy in crowds. He sat down and pulled his head out of his bag.
"So you feed your head independently from your body? How do you breathe then? What do you eat exactly?"
He paused pulled out the pen and paper. "I don't need to eat or breath neither does my head.In truth if you tried to drown my head it would just be a very strange experience. My head enjoys tasting food but still cannot speak." He takes some of the guines and gives small sips to the head then gives it some of the food.
He writes again. "My people can only speak the name of a dieing person. But I abandoned that part of my life and can never speak again." He stops feeding the head and puts it away again.

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