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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Looking up, Kobi eyed the fairy. Looks like this is my roommate. Then he heard the fairy say, "Do you know what material my shirt is made out of? People tend to think it's made of cotton but really it's made out of Boyfriend Material." Kobi couldn't stop the smile that stretched his cheeks. "Sorry, roomie, but I'm straight. Amazing pickup line, though."
Shawn frowned and made an exaggerated movement, "Oh dang. So many of the cute ones are straight. I don't understand what you see in women. Yeah they're cute and adorable, but eh not my cup of tea. Thanks, I learned it from the best! My grandfather was a real stud back in the day." He directed his attention to his bags. He began to unpack, pulling out clothes, notebooks, video games. "So what's your name straight guy?"
"Daisuke Kobayashi. It's easiest just calling me Kobi, though." Kobi glanced at the cases of videogames. "Yours?"
"If i am not mistaken you seem to be looking for something is that true?" Dru tilted his head and smiled at her his gold eyes seemed light.
"I'm Shawn, it's nice to meet you Kobi." He smiled at Kobi's inquiry. "Well, I sure hope so, or I got my bag confused with someone else's." He picked up some of them to show Kobi. "I've got all kinds. Mario, pokemon, Call of Duty, animal crossing, Legend of Zelda, Titan's quest, League of Legends, and a lot more. I got summer jobs all the time so I could afford every console and get all the cool games ever made. I've got game cube, xbox, playstation, gameboy, etc. You like games?"
"not really I was just going back to my dorm room" she moved her hair off of her shoulders, the lighting made her red eyes seemed even darker than before
"Oh ok if you say so. Also I like your eyes they are very pretty." Dru smiled and sidestepped to let her continue on her path.
"Thank you, same can be said for yours,these are the only vampire perks I guess" she pointed to her eyes then smiled at him then continued to her room
"Bloody hell. I was wondering why you had so much luggage. I love all the classics, and I'm glad to hear you have Legend of Zelda. My favorite video game of all time is The Last of Us. Are you fine with this music?"
Rose yawned as she woke up, her hair in a messy bun and her shirt covering her shorts. She had slept well into the day, having been exhausted by the previous day
Shawn waved his hand as he continued to unpack his luggage. "I don't mind play whatever you want." He shoved his tv on the dresser at the end of his bed. He organized the consoles around the tv and the games with their consoles. This will be the first and only time these games will be this organized. "My personal favorite is Pokemon. I've been playing it basically since I was born. It has a dear place in my heart."
Ceil stepped out of her dorm and shut the door, not taking too long to notice Evie and someone else standing nearby. "Hey Evie!" She unintentionally yelled, quickly bringing her wings up to her mouth. "oops." She trotted over to the girls and smiled. "So how's your room? I just met my roommate, she's nice but I think a bit shy. Still nice though. What about you? Is this your roomie?" She rambled looked over to the other girl.

@Love You to Death

Evie glanced over at Ceil for a moment and then back to her roommate. "I guess that'll have to wait until later, this is her." Evie turned and laughed lightly at the other girl and nodded. "You seem excited, and yes this is my roommate." Evie said softly, gesturing to the girl besides her. She leaned back against the wall, watching the two and waiting for them to introduce themselves.

@TheFrozenShadows @Rosyshark
"That makes sense," Kobi replied, sitting up with his back against the bed's headboard,"I've played pokemon since I had a gameboy. There this one game I had, Pokemon Diamond, that I got when I was 7. I played it to death. My goal was to fill the pokedex as full as I could without trading. I got pretty far too. I just really like The Last of Us because of how skillfully crafted the story was written. I've read a lot of good books, but that was one of the first videogames I had experienced with a story on par with a book."
"The Last of Us was very well made. I am not afraid to say it made me cry. More than once. The creatures were incredible too. How did they come up with those designs and then the different kinds too? I'm not a fan of reading, but I'd read that book." He finished setting up his consoles and started shoving his clothing in drawers. "I started pokemon with Pokemon Firered. I managed to fill up the whole pokedex. It's really hard. It takes a lot of time and dedication to do it. I don't have the patience for it, so it took me a long time to do it." All his luggage was now unpacked, so he shoved the empty bags under the bed and plopped down on it. "So, what's the schedule supposed to be like today?"
"I think the teachers are giving us today to kind of get situated with the school and our dorms. What classes did you enroll in?" Kobi replied.
Shawn laid back on the bed, "The usual, math, science, english, history, study hall to sleep in, gym to also sleep in. I prefer the classes you can sleep through, and still pass. What about you?"
"I'm taking the usual, except in place of history, I'll be taking magical theoretics. I'm interested in what can be done using magic and it just looks like a cool class." What he doesn't know is that I'm a subject of magical theoretics and I want to know how I became like this.
"That sounds interesting I suppose. Not something I'd do, I'd be more likely to take part in art or mechanics where I can use my hands. I hate sitting still. It's something that comes along with being winged. When your species is uses to flying freely it's hard to sit for too long in a closed in room." Shawn already missed his bedroom. It had a wide open balcony for him to play his games on and fly around. His house is covered in vines and rose bushes. It's like something out of a story book. Suddenly he felt a rumble in his stomach, "Dude, I'm hungry. That was a long way to travel to get here. Are you?"
Ryu stood a couple feet away from Evie, trying her best to discretely check her out. "Girls or guys with piercings, tattoos, they gotta have awesome hair, usually colored, taller than me, um and human looking I guess," she giggled a little bit. "Harpies don't have fingers, so uh... probably not the best thing if you know what I'm talking about," she winked at Evie. She looked around the halls watching the other girls walk by, she brought her heels together and crossed her arms. Nervously she looked at the ground, don't look at me, don't judge me.

@Love You to Death
"Not too, but I'm happy with a bite to eat. Let's go see what they're selling." With that, Kobi got up, grabbed his wallet from his suitcase, and held the door open for Shawn.
Frosty The Snowman

France strode into school, head down and hands in pockets. What the normal person couldn't see was that his jean pockets quite literally contained ice cubes along with various other pockets in his clothing for this specific purpose. Another thing one might notice is that his footprints were wet like he'd been walking in water yet there was none to be seen. Yes, Frosty was melting. Walking through the heated day had been such a difficult task that he had to stop once from walking from parking lot and take refuge under a shaded tree. Even the tip of his nose dripped like he'd been drenched. But his clothes and skin were not visibly wet. Finally getting into the air conditioned building, France sighed in relief and looked around. It was a little smaller than he'd imagined but exciting all the same. The sorceress insisted he'd come when his ignorance had just become too much for even her. The only problem was, France had never been around many other people or even been to a school in general. His last birthday was a couple hundred years ago. But inside, he knew he'd manage somehow... So long as the school had large amounts of ice.
Ceil smiled at Evie's roommate and waved using one wing. "Heyo Evie's Roomie, the name's Ciel." She introduced herself, stepping forward, and lifting a talon to shake hands, much like she had with Evie earlier. "Who're you?- I mean what's your name." She asked, correcting herself to sound more polite.

Evie watched the two with a small smile. She couldn't help but let her mind drift to what her roommate had said earlier 'Girls or guys with piercings, tattoos, they gotta have awesome hair, usually colored, taller than me, um and human looking I guess,' She let out a small hum and switched her attention towards the other girls, still wondering if she fit the bill.

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