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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Dru was walking down the hallway to his dorm room his steps not making a sound as he had his nose buried in a book not paying much of any attention to anything else.
Kobi couldn't help it. The roles completely reversed made him smile wide. "Thanks. I can't believe the first people I meet might turn into friends." He shut the door behind him, but remained near the doorway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "You gave yourself away when you tried to seduce me. You never noticed that your ears twitch when another siren tries to use their powers on you?"
Evie fixed her gaze on the girl across the hallway for a moment before turning walking over to the couch. She sat next to her roomate and went back to studing the Kobi. He was an enigma to her, she should've been able to tell. However, the more she studied him the more painfully obvious it became. He had to be at least part siren, but there was no way he was full siren. He wasn't like her and she's make sure damn well that he didn't think they were. Refusing to give him any more attention she redirected her attention back to her roommate. The school was just full of mysteries to her, it would be fun to figure them all out

"I've noticed." She said, "However there's no way in hell you're full blooded. I would've been able to tell with a single look." She pulled her hair out of the pony hair and ran her fingers through it. The pink locks fanned out just past her shoulders.
Rose peaked out at the boy again and shrunk down slightly. "You shouldn't Speak so boldly..." One of her delicate hands rested on the doorframe, her sapphire eyes shining bright as she watched his future unfold (sorry. I read it wrong))
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Aednat walked into the dormitory, eyes shining brightly, and filled with curiosity as she studied her surroundings, she glanced around nervously, unsure of where to go and gently tugged on a lock of hair hanging loosely over her shoulder and decided to wander around the dormitory instead of searching for her assigned room
Irked, slightly, Kobi replied, "I'm full blooded. If you think I'm not, you've been away from our kind too long," he laughed, attempting to lift the mood a little,"there's no need to be so hostile."
Ryu didn't see what the big deal was, she came to this school to have a more normal life, not obsess over how she and everyone was different. "You don't just go up to a black or white kid and mention how black or white they are, it really shouldn't matter that much to you guys," she said somewhat irritated at all the people and talking going on. She used her shadow jumping power to appear back on her bed. She moved everything that was on her bed into the corner opposite where she put her head. She sat up with her pillow supporting her back, and continued to read through the book.
Dru was walking quietly with his head in a book which is why he didn't notice Aednat walking around and walked into her from behind with enough force to knock them both over Dru landed on his back as his book flew further down the hall and Aednat somehow managed to land mostly on Dru's chest.
Aednat squeaked and quickly scrambled to the side "S-sorry" she muttered standing up and offering a hand to Dru so he could get off the floor
"Whatever you say." Evie muttered, leaning back against the couch. Something wasn't right, but Ryu told the truth. It didn't matter how much of him was or wasn't full blooded. She yawned and slightly and pulled out her phone. "Do you mind if I put some music on?" She didn't wait for a reply and pulled out a small speaker. She flicked through her songs and put on a random Peirce the Veil song. She sat in silence for a moment before trying to relieve tensions a bit more. Perhaps she had been a bit rude at first, but Kobi had acted like he somehow knew her. It was a bit disconcerting, but after a long day she hadn't been in the best of moods. "So, where are you guys from?"

@TheFrozenShadows @Machtri
Dru blinked at the hand offered to him and took it allowing her to help him stand. "No need to apologize I walked into you sorry for that by the way I am usually very obsevant but you know new place and a good book my head was in the clouds. Oh how rude of me my name is Dru nice to meet you."
"I'm actually from Japan, but I was raised in England. My parents were able to find jobs there and blend in." Kobi looked at the ceiling, "It was nice there."
Rose returned to her room as the tea kettle began to squeal. A small sigh passed through her lips as she went to the stove, taking the kettle off the burner and fishing out a tea cup. She poured her tea and say down on her bed
"I'm Aednat,i can mostly relate, it is very easy to get lost in a good book , but somehow, I always manage to keep an eye on my surroundings, though I suppose it is just my peripheral vision at work" she states in a lilting distracted tone
Evie watched him a moment, "I suppose that explains the accent, it's a bit muddled. Not quite either countries." She stated before returning her focus to the music. "What about you Roo, You from up here or the Shadowrealm?" She asked after a moment, fixing her gaze on the other girl. She was reading a book of some sort and Evie couldn't help but wonder what exactly the Ryu was reading.
"Well someone like me find it hard to use peripheral vision but I think I will start to use it to avoid calamities like this one. Are you in a rush or something? can I help you find something?" Dru was looking her in the eye confused on why she was distracted.
Ryu looked up from her book, she enjoyed the song selection which eased her nerves a bit. "A small branch of the underworld where all the shadow creatures hail from. You lucky bastard living up on earth," she stuck her tongue out at him. "Yes I'm a demon, let's get that out of the way now I guess. What about you Evie? what little corner of this sphere are you from?" She turned so her head hung off the bed and her legs were up in the air.

((sorry i was in the middle of writing and didn't realize you posted @Love You to Death))
Ceil stood up, noticing Rose had gone to the door about something and seemed to be drinking tea. "What was going on out there?" She asked, now starting to unpack. "I heard voices and stuff." She added, taking a small radio out of her bag and setting it on her bed table. She wondered how others were settling in. She also wondered what everyone else was. They all looked so... human. She felt like she stuck out. (way to not notify me, rpn)

@Nina Jones
"Have you managed to unpack yet? Unpacking is the most important part and what is the school experience without moving into the room there? Next you need to make more friends or friends depending on where we stand."
Rose glanced back at Ciel and gave a weak smile, making another cup of tea and offering it to her. "It would seem the neighbors are simply getting better aquainted."
Ceil took the cup in her talon, with a quick thanks. "That's cool. I already met one of the girls near us. She's nice. Haven't met anyone else yet though." She said, lading back a bit on her bed, propping herself up with her wings.
Aednat let out a short laugh "I'm not sure where I stand on anything at the moment, and no, I have not yet unpacked, I'm honestly unsure of what room i'm even supposed to be moving into" she frowned as she ended the sentence
Evie laughed at their exchanged and felt her nerves settle. She paused before explaining her thoughts drifting towards her family and she could't help but wonder where they were now and if they'd found a better home. After several moments she opened her mouth to speak. "Once a small island on the atlantic," She began, she picked at her nails before continuing, "Now I'm not sure. My family sent me here so I could have somewhere to live while they searched for a new home. Anyways, what kind of demon are you?" Oddly enough she was excited about her roommates heritage, it was so cool to finally meet one of her kind.
Rose sat on her bed and nodded, resting her tea cup on her hand. "I haven't really met anyone besides you." She took a small sip of tea and shrugged. "But that's ok."

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