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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

"I guess not..." Ryu let the door close behind her. She looked at all the groups of friends walking together, she didn't want to admit to herself be she was a bit jealous. She cut through some patches of grass and was at the dormitory. She walked up a staircase to the second floor, signs on the walls directed her to her room. She pulled a key out of her pocket that had the paper in it, inserted it and unlocked the door.

The first thing Ryu noticed was that there were two beds, Shit. She saw her bags placed neatly next to one of them, the room was pretty dark though, she closed the door behind her and went to open the curtains. The room had a couch, coffee table, two desks, a decent sized tv, the two beds, two dressers, and a small place to prepare food. "You'd think at a school like this they'd at least have bathrooms in the dorms," she sighed, put on her headphones and music, and started to unpack. She threw her clothes sloppily into the dresser closest to her, placed her laptop onto her bed, and began hanging a poster of her favorite band on the ceiling above her bed. She was rather short so she had to try her hardest to keep herself up while only being on her toes.

@Cocoabutterkisses i got bored and wanted to rp))
Ceil took this moment of not walking to brace herself against the wall. She brought one talon up and took the paper out of her bag and looked. "185! Thought so." She put the paper back and glanced at the map in Evie's hands. "Maybe there are some signs or something on the walls?" She suggested, trotting down a hall a little bit. "I see 180's here! Maybe our rooms are down this way!" She exclaimed, not really worrying about keeping quiet.
Evie nodded and threw the map back in her bag. She followed the smaller girl quickly, barely managing to keepup with her brisk pace. She glanced at the walls as she walked, 181, 182 and then finally 183. She paused and nervously ran a hand through the back of her pony tail.

"This is me," She began, "I'll meet you in twenty minutes here, then?" She asked, slowly reaching for the doornob. She tested it, to see if it was unlocked or not. It wasn't, so she took a deep breath and opened the door.
Shit, I fell asleep, thought Kobi, woken by the absence of music in his ears, My phone died too, great. Scrambling up, he ran down the aisles, up the dock, and up the path to the front of the school. Breaking from the trees, the size of the school made Kobi stumble. "How am I going to find my way through here?" he said to himself, "deep breath." After a long sigh, Kobi made his way into the enormous building.
"Right!" Ceil ran two doors down to 185. "Okay this looks like mine." She dropped her bag on the floor and stuck her talon in to fish out the key. Soon they had it in her claws. She balanced on one foot as she put the key in to the door and opened it... With a little more force than intended, accidentally making it slam into the wall with a bang. ".....Oops." She muttered, putting her talon down and using her wing to pick her bag back up. She spotted another girl already in the room. That must be my roomie! Be cool Ceil. When aren't you cool though? She thought as she stepped in.

"Sup!" She greeted the other girl.

@Nina Jones
Rose jumped as the room to her door flew open, letting out a small squeal as it slammed back against the wall. Visions flashed across her eyes immediately as she contemplated her reaction towards the girl who stood on the other side of the doorway. A long paused hung heavy in the air as she thought everything through. Finally, a light sigh left her lips and her shoulders fell slack again. "Hello." She looked the girl over curiously, noting her bird-like appearance. It was quite fascinating
Evangeline walked inside the room and took it in. It was an upgrade compared to her families old home, it was nice. She glanced over towards the otherside of the room and her heart dropped. Another girl was there and had clearly chosen her bed and had even tacked up a poster. A small smile crossed her face as she saw it. She set her backpack down on the unoccupied bed and walked over to her roommate.

"I'm Evangeline, or Evie whichever you'd prefer. What band is that?" She asked, though she was pretty sure she knew. The other girl was interesting to say the least. She seemed...fun, if that was the right word to use.

Ryu finished putting up her poster and went to reach for another only to find another person which startled her. She fell off the bed with a loud shriek, luckily she didn't hit her head and there was no serious damage. She pulled her headphones back down around her neck, "damn you scared the hell out of me, a little warning like a hello would have been nice." She picked herself up and sat on her bed looking the girl over, she's hot, and has a piercing! The gods have smiled upon me today. She heard the now quieter music coming from her headphones, "oh sorry I was rude there," she said a bit shyly looking down at her hands in her lap, "I couldn't hear you. Uh my names Ryu but you can call me Roo I guess, people say that ones easier to say." She looked up at the girl.

@Love You to Death
Evie blinked, shocked at her roommated reaction. Then, realizing how rude she must have been blushed darkly. Before she could stutter out an apology the other girl spoke once more. She grinned at Ryo and tucked a loose strand of hair back.

"I'm Evangeline, Evie for short." She said, taking the other girl's appearance in. The white hair was a bit of a shock, pretty though. She wondered what kind of creature Ryu was, definatly something dark. "I was wondering what band was on your poster, they look familier." She said softly, her gaze flicking back towards the door she had left open.

Ceil stood in silence for a second. You done messed things up already birdbrain. But you can fix it! She thought as she closed the door. "I'm guessing you're my roommate? I'm Ceil by the way.... And sorry about the door" She added, making her way over to her own bed. She looked to make sure all her stuff was there. She sat down on her bed and faced the girl. "So what's your name?" She asked, smiling.

@Nina Jones
Rose kept her eyes on the girl as she made her way to the bed, smiling softly at how baffled she seemed. "My name is Rose and yes, I would be your roommate." She smiled politely and pulled her throw cover over her shoulders, never taking her eyes off of the girl
Ryu glanced up at the poster and her face lit up a bit, someone with good taste I see. "Oh them, Sleeping With Sirens. I'm kinda glad you're somewhat into bands it seems, if you weren't we might have had a problem," she let out an awkward chuckle. She noticed the still open door and went over to close it, she noticed the light switch and flipped it on as well. Finally it hit her, that must be her roommate. Ryu let out a small sigh and plopped herself onto her bed face first and just laid there. Hopefully she is as cool as she seems, she thought to herself.
"Oh, I love them. I can't believe I didn't realize who they were. Personally I like Kick me, from their newer album." Evie paused and realized she had been rambling and blushed once more. She sat down on her own bed and watched the other girl for a moment. "I like their older sound too though," She grinned and leaned back against the wall behind her. Ryu seemed pretty cool, maybe having a roommate wouldn't be that bad afterall.
"Room 243... 243," Kobi whispered quietly to himself, "dammit, I'm no where near my room." Kobi felt nothing but contempt. The school is too big, and there's no one in the halls to help. Reluctantly, Kobi decided to just choose a random door and ask for directions Knocking lightly on the door, Kobi called, "Hey, I'm sorry to bother, but I'm really lost and really late."
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Ryu flipped over onto her back and sat up. "Hell yeah! Oh yeah sorry about the whole language problem, but tend to swear in normal conversation." She glanced down at the remainder of her luggage and reached down to unpack the rest. She began pulling things out one by one, straightener, brushes, her makeup, her shaving razors, and her wrist razors. She hadn't even realized she had just left them out in the open when she heard a knock at the door and decided to go open it. "Uh hi, need something?" She said lacking emotion.

@Machtri @Love You to Death
Evie opened her mouth to respond before someone knocked on the door. She made no move to get up from the bed and watched the two by the door with narrowed eyes. She glanced over at the razors in silence before walking over to her bed and moving them back into her bag before anyone else saw. She then walked over and joined them. "Ryu, who is this? Do you know him?" She asked, taking in the boys form. He didn't have any features prominent ot most species, so she couldn't help but wonder what he was.
Kobi blushed instantly as the door opened and revealed his grave mistake. Oh no no no no no no no. This is the girl's dorm wing. This is going to ruin me!

"Uh, I'm not sure if you heard me, I'm lost and really late. I didn't realize this was the girls's wing and... and," Kobi let out a heavy sigh,"I'm sorry."
Rose gave a light sigh and stood, walking over to the small kitchenette. She had put a few bags of tea on the counter along with a tea kettle. She filled the kettle with water and started the burner, placing two bags of tea in the kettle
Ryu laughed inwardly at the boy, he's so flustered over nothing. This kid must not be very cool, then again neither am I. "No idea," she said to Evie while still looking up at the boy. "Aaaaaaand as far as I know the dorms are coed, they just put the boys on the top two floors, and the girls on the bottom two. So yeah, chill out dude, you're not going to get in trouble." Ryu stepped back from the doorway so Evie had a better view of the boy as well. "Just don't hit on me and we'll be good," she waited to see if Evie had anything to say before they had him leave or do whatever they wanted to do with him.
Evie raised an eyebrow at his flustered form. She took a step forward and smirked, resisting the temptation to laugh. That boy was going to get walked all over with an aditude like that. She fully intended to test that theory, she took a step forward and flashed him a charming smile. Her powers shouldn't be nessicary, but she allowed a small sing songy tone to enter her voice.

"Poor thing, getting so flustered at such a small matter." She said, knowing that he would struggle resisting her power. Depending on his species that was, there was a chance he had siren in him her powers would have little to no effect. Otherwise he would be wrapped around her finger. She felt a small pang of guilt, normally she wouldn't use someone like that. She was in a new place though, she might as well take advange of the fact. Before everyone knew of her powers and how to sheild themselve from it.
Rose furrowed her brows as she heard talking out in the hallway, her curiousity getting the better of her. She tilted her head as the blanket draped off of one of her shoulders, making her way over to the front door. She opened it and peeked outside at the others

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His ears twitched. "Me? Flustered?" He cleared his throat. "I'm just not good with being lost. I'm glad I ran into you though." He couldn't help a small grin flashing across his face. "I didn't know how many sirens were at this school. My name's Kobi."
Evie froze, her smile falling from her lips. She leaned against the wall behind her roommate. Before she could respond she spotted another girl across the hallway and offered her a small wave. Returning her attention to Kobi, she felt a scowl trying to force it's way out. Instead she sighed and fiddled with her earbuds once more.

"What gave you that idea?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. She struggled to keep her voice even and calm. She would never let him know how rattled she was, how did he know anyways? Could he be a siren himself? But no, she should've been able to tell if he was.
Rose made eye contact with other other girl, giving a small nod in acknowledgement. She bit her lip sharply as she saw events unfold between the two, making her shrink back into her dorm slightly
Ryu's ears perked up at the mention of sirens, he could tell just by looking at her, I wonder if i could do the same thing with demons, hmm... "Well if you guys are having some kind of moment or something I guess you can come in. The door being open kinda bothers me," she mentioned as she went over and sat on the couch, looking at the two. Evie seemed kinda off all of a sudden, but what do I know, I only just met her. Ryu started to thumb through an informational book about the school that laid on the table in front of her.

@Love You to Death @Machtri

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