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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Evie paused and laughed lightheartedly at Ceil's face, "Not quite that bad, you have an interesting way of eating." She smiled at took a small bit of her sandwich. Unlike the other girl she carefully chewed and swallowed before opening her mouth again, "Although I don't see any food on the ceiling yet, so it's an improvement. You can't imagine all the times we had to get a ladder out, just to clean up after dinner."
Chris yawned as he slowly turned the page, scanning all the words twice before going to the next page. He sighed as he murmured,"I think I should of picked another book...this is so boring."
Ryu quickly grabbed only a small bag of chips, a bag of trail mix and a bottle of water, she didn't like to eat much in front of others. When she sat down it took her a minute to get started on her food, although she took rather small bites and covered her mouth with her hand so no one could see her chewing. She was enjoying the banter between Ceil and Evie and gave a small smile, "I wish living with high society peeps was that entertaining." She set the last raisin from her trail mix onto and napkin and glared at it, "screw these little shriveled up old ladies trying to disguise themselves as food," she stuck her tongue out at them mockingly.

@Love You to Death @Rosyshark ((Now even the website isn't giving me alerts :/ this is annoying, sorry for the late replies.))
Evie paused and glanced over at her roommate, "Are you talking about the raisins?" She asked, blinking in confunsion. After a few seconds however it made sense, she really must hate raisins. Testing the theory she reached over and plucked one from the napkind before raising to her lips and ploping it inside. She wrinkled her nose at the taste, while not entirely inedible raisins were not her favorite.

Chris eventually stopped reading the book and sighed as he murmured,"There's nothing to do in this school..." And out of complete boredom, he jumped off of the bench and changed into a brown stallion with white fur along the hooves. Maybe he could fool someone into believing that there was a actual wild horse walking around campus.
Ryu sat there, still, for a moment staring off into space. Her face slowly transformed from mellow into a death glare, she quickly snapped her gaze onto Evie and looked deep into her eyes. "You son of a bitch," she said slightly whispering, she rose slowly from her seat and brought up her hand as if to slap Evie. With all the seriousness she could muster she swung at Evie and stopped just in front of her face. She then plopped down on her bum and took a sip from her water as if nothing had happened.
Chris (now a brown stallion) walked by the cafeteria, hoping to find a cure for his boredom. He didn't go inside, but walked past one of the doorways and continued on his marry way.
Evie blinked, "I really can't tell, do you hate them or love them?" She asked, trying to forget the fear she'd felt just moments before. She wuickly reminded herself to avoid stealing her roommates food, or anything for that matter ever again. She glanced down at her food and took another small bite of her sandwich and ate a handful of chips. As she looked up she nearly chocked in her food, next to the doorways seemed to be a horse. She blinked and looked back over there, only to see that it had moved on. She shook her head and looked back at Ryu, awaiting her reply.
Chris chuckled in his mind as he saw that someone noticed him and stuck his head inside of the cafeteria for a brief moment just to add a bit to his joke and then chose to slowly walk away from the door. He trotted happily along the outside of the cafeteria and stopped to rest under a tree for a moment.
"Kidding me? They're disgusting, I can't see how you just ate one," as she said this she pushed the raisins to the side. She finished off the last of her trail mix and opened her bag of chips, "so what do you feel like doing after this?" She began to eat her chips one by one.

@Rosyshark @Love You to Death
Evie stared at her roommate in disbelief, before shrugging it off and continueing to eat her food. She took another bite of her sandwich before making a face and putting it down. She switched back to eating her chips. "Um, Are we supposed to have any meetings with teachers or an asembly today?" She asked, unsure of the rest of today's schedule.

Chris stood by the tree, occasionally moving a hoof out of boredom. At least he had gotten some form of reaction, but for now he'd just have to wait for someone to walk by. The horse lowered it's head a little and let out a short snort from it's nostrils before slowly looking around the area of the cafeteria and the dorms to see if anyone was nearby.
Ryu had to finish chewing before she spoke and put her hand down, "I'm pretty sure I read in that book in the dorm that an orientation would be tomorrow in the assembly hall." She took a small drink of water before continuing, "and in that they'll introduce teachers and get everyone familiar with the campus if they hadn't done that today. So I guess today is just a settling in day." She looked up and got a little bit of a think face going as she tried to recall more.
Evie nodded in relief, "Sounds nice, I guess we could go and meet some more people or something. What do you think Ceil?" Evie asked, unwilling to decide on her own. She didn't care what she did at this point, she'd achived all she'd wanted for the day. Not that the bar had been set high, for all she had really wanted was good food.

Ceil lifted her face once again from her plate and attempted to speak with a full mouth once again. Which would translate to "Yeah, lets go meet some people!" She swallowed her food and used a wing to wipe off the food from her face. "I mean there are plenty of people sitting off to themselves, can't hurt to chat them up a bit." She added, shaking the crumbs off of her wing.
Vanna while watching her movie finished both of the IV bags that the teacher gave her, not exactly sure what to do with them she got up and put her hair in a tight bun, as she was doing so she could feel her eyes were changing color they were now a light red color. She paused her movie and walked out locking her room behind her. She held the IV bags in her hand and headed out to the other building.
Chris the horse watched as the same girl from earlier had left her room with the blood bags. He looked at her for a moment but then lowered his head a little and began to gnaw on the grass to keep attention away from himself.
As Vanna was walking suddenly she stopped she could smell something, she turned her head and noticed a horse. Normally she would have been expected to run over kill it and continue on her way, especially the way she was raised. She never liked animal blood, so she just continued to the other building she went in and gave the bags back.
Chris watched as the girl barely looked at him and went into the building which didn't really bug Chris. He continued to gnaw on grass and waited for someone to do something to cure his boredom.
Vanna walked out of the building At first she was just going to go back to her room, she reached into her pocket and found a piece of paper. It was a drawing that she was doing, it wasn't that good but the other side of it had nothing on it, she went back in and grabbed a pencil and walked back out and looked up at a big tree, not really caring who was around she started climbing the tree, she got to one of the top branches she sat down and started drawing the school.
Chris watched as the girl came out once more and climbed up a tree. Curious as to what she was doing Chris turned around and left the area before changing into a butterfly with blue wings and flying into the tree and calmly floating down onto the branch where the girl was sitting. He could see that she was sketching something and clearly had a interest in it as he moved a bit closer onto the paper, but not so much as to disturb her.
Vanna started drawing, once she started she looked at it and decided that it wasn't very good, she erased what she had done and just started drawing her name making it look really fancy, she did notice a butterfly as it got closer to her she could sense something weird about it, she figured it was actually a person "being alive so long you would think I would be better at drawing than this" she said out loud.
A voice responded,"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." It was Chris! He had reverted back to his normal form and was sitting on the branch with a short smile. He then looked down at the name on her paper and said,"I'm assuming your name is Vanna? Or is that the name of a friend of yours?"
<p>"Oh believe me that was more like scribbles compared to a drawing, and yes my name is Vanna" she looked over at him "and you are" she said with a small smile</p>
Chris smiled and said,"Don't be so hard on yourself, my name is Chris. I was the horse, butterfly, and now I'm just plain ol' me."

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