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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

"Well Chris, what else do you like to do besides change into different animals and compliment a vampires art work" she folded the paper and put it back into her pocket then looked back at him
Chris sighed as he said,"Well, that's kinda it...I can only change into animals." He then chuckled for a moment and said,"Well, you draw better than me!" He then rubbed the back of his neck and said,"Well, that's really all I can do. Any animal, I can turn into it...well aside from dinosaurs."
" that seems a lot more interesting than staying one thing for all eternity, never changing" she stood up and jumped down to a lower branch and looked up at him.
Chris smiled and said,"Well, sometimes it's boring to change." He then changed into a squirrel and hopped down a branch as well and changed back into his normal form before saying,"See? I changed without thinking."
"Any type of change seems amazing to me" she took her hair tie out of her hair and let her hair down, she looked up and noticed that she was starting to feel weird, she definitely had been out in the sun too long but she didn't want to leave.
Chris shrugged and said,"Hey, everyone has a preference." He then laughed at his own thoughts and said,"Maybe I could give you a ride one day, I don't think you've ever ridden a rhino, or a lion before."
"Actually I did ride a lion once, it didn't last long though. I wish it did but My friend wanted it for his lunch so" she looked at him, she figured it would freak him out so she added "I've never liked animal blood, it's bland and has no real taste" she sat down "but yeah that would be a lot of fun, maybe we could even race"
<p>"Well as long as you don't take a piece out of me everything will be fine." He laughed when she talked about how she actually did ride a lion, but her friend ate it. He added,"Well since you already rode a lion, maybe we can try something like....a wildebeest? Bull? Ox?"</p>
<p>"Ooohhhhhhh that's interesting, and don't worry I won't do anything to you" she said then jumped down to the ground. She was tempted to try and race him, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to run all that fast with her heels on.</p>
Chris hopped down after her without having to shift and said,"Yeah, I don't think you've ridden a bull or wildebeest...I don't know about a horse tough." He then chuckled a little and asked,"So now what?"
"Well I can't stay outside too much longer, I was watching a movie earlier your welcome to join me" she turned and started walking back towards her dorm room. " unless you have any ideas" she turned back and looked at him
"A movie sounds good!" Said Chris with a cheerful smile on his face. He looked at his new friend and said,"Do you want me to take you over there?"
"Ummmmmmm" she turned and started running, she got right to the front door and waited for Chris to catch up. Who would have though I would have made a friend she thought to herself.
Chris soon caught up to Vanna and huffed,"Next time, don't run off like that!" He then put a hand on the door and asked,"So, what movie are we watching in your humble theater?"
She laughed at him "well I was watching the classic horror movie Halloween, but if you don't like horror movies I have a lot of different options to choose from"
Chris thought to himself for a moment and said,"Hey, as long as chucky isn't in it I'm good." He then chuckled and said,"I hope you don't mind if I raid your fridge."
As Ryu finished her chips she flattened out the bag and gathered the rest of her trash, "where to then?" She got up and looked around for a trash can, after finding one she quickly threw out her garbage and went back to her friends to see what they wanted to do.

@Love You to Death @Rosyshark
"Sorry to disappoint but I don't have a fridge, vampire remember, I don't even have a bed so" they got to her room she opened the door, she took her shoes off and went over to the tv and changed the movie out, "how about The Exorcist" she showed him the CD
Chris froze at the mention of no fridge and quickly ran into his own room and stuffed his pockets full of little treats and returned to Vanna's room and said,"Sure, Exorcist sounds good to me." He then sat on the ground and said,"I'm covered in the snack department now..."
Evie followed suit and threw out the trash after eating the last few bites. She went back over to her friends and sat down at the table once more. "Who else is there for us to talk to?" She asked, glancing around the cafeteria which was noticably emptier than it had been before.

@Rosyshark @TheFrozenShadows
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Vanna started the movie and sat on the couch "you can sit up here, I don't bite " she pulled her knees up to her chest she thought about what she said "most of the time"
Chris smiled as he said,"It's fine, I got my methods." He then took the things out of his pockets and suddenly shifted into a wolf before curling up on the ground and watched the movie.
"Okay, no crying at the scary scenes" she grabbed a magazine and started looking through it, she watched the movie enough to know that the beginning wasn't the best part.
Chris only looked at Vanna at the mention of crying at scary scenes, a few minutes into the movie Chris changed back to his normal form and pried open a bag of chips and opened a can of soda. He sat down next to Vanna and asked,"You wanna try a chip?...they're really good."
She looked at the chip a little nervous mostly because she had no clue how her body would react to it "no I'm good" she smiled at him and looked at the TV

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