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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

"I know but...." she kept her head down "never mind" she moved the plate on to the floor and stood up " I'll be right back" she didn't have any shoes on so she ran faster than she had before. She didn't go to far then stopped, turned around and just walked back.
Chris stared at Venna as she left and came right back a few minutes later. He only sighed as he murmured,"Do you want me to feed you?"
" No i'm fine, i'm not hungry anymore" she started re-arranging her shoes, she actually wanted to do it latter because she knew she had a lot of time to kill. But figured that it was probably a good idea to keep herself busy
Chris rolled his eyes as he muttered,"You'd rather run out and kill something to drink it's blood then eat a piece of lettuce?" He shrugged at the thought and opened the salad for himself and opened the large packet of ranch dressing and poured it over the lettuce and other vegetables before taking his fork and digging in.
"That's what I was created for, to kill" she said it in a cold tone, she hated knowing that that was all she is going to be, a killing machine. " It's all I've ever known" she moved over to the front of the TV and looked through her DVD case.
Chris shook his head and said,"Well, maybe you can adapt to normal food like the newer vampires do." He then shrugged as he put some of the salad in his mouth and said,"But clearly you just want to be a mass murder."
" you have no idea" she looked up from what she was doing "I haven't actually killed someone in over 20 years, we take blood from people that have already died " she looked at him
"People who have already died? Doesn't the blood circulation stop in the body when it dies?" Asked Chris. He stopped eating the salad for a moment and said,"How exactly does that work?"
"We normally wait until the autopsy is over and the body is still open, it's a messier way but it's quicker. Basically we bite their blood vessels, sometimes all the blood clots so their's nothing, and sometimes you get lucky and there's enough. Normally killing one person would fill you, but this method could take 2 to even 10. That's why most vampires don't do it this way and once we are done the coroner closes the body and there's no evidence. The man that changed me actually became a medical examiner for the sole purpose of doing this, the majority of my life I was like his assistant so"
Chris only shook his head and said,"That's a new one...I mean I never would have expected that." He sighed and muttered,"Oh well, what can you do about it?" He smiled a little and said,"You wanna go out for some fresh air?"
"Sure" Vanna stood up and turned the TV off and went over and put her shoes on and put a hoodie on, she quickly fixed her make up and grabbed her key
Chris turned into a small squirrel and climbed up Vanna's pant-leg and up her hoodie to her shoulder as he waited for the door to open. He thought it was kinda funny to have a vampire walking around with a squirrel on her shoulder.
"really" she said as she could feel Chris climb on her, she walked out of her room, locked the door then started walking down the hallway, she said "hang on" then started running down the hallway she could feel him fall off her shoulder she yelled back " I told you to hang on" , but she kept going
Chris fell off and simply bounced on the ground as he changed into his normal form and muttered,"Ow, next time slow down!" He then shifted into a cheetah and dashed off as fast as he could to catch up to her. The cheetah raced up to Venna and merely glared at her as it slowed down and went under a nearby tree.
Vanna noticed that he shifted into a cheetah, she noticed that he went under one of the trees, she still didn't slow down. she wanted to go towards the water. she stopped and just looked out at the view. She figured that Chris was probably mad at her so she stayed where she was.
Chris groaned in the back of his head as he calmly walked over to the water and laid down next to Vanna. He shifted back to his human form and muttered,"That hurt you know..."
"sorry" she said as she sat down " I don't like going slow" she looked around, she started to re braid her hair "so now what"
Chris folded his arms and said,"It still hurt." He then looked at Vanna and said,"You could of slowed down, just a bit."
"I was going slow" she didn't turn to face him, suddenly she could smell something, blood. She closed her eyes breathing it in but remained still, she turned her head to the direction it was coming from
Chris stared at Vanna and said,"Slow? Slow my rear end!" He then saw her close her eyes and look at something. He raised a eyebrow and asked,"Er, is something wrong?"
"ummmm no" she turned back towards him "well lucky for you speed is not my strongest ability, I was actually the slowest runner out of everyone" she laid back "you haven't really told me much about you" she turned her head
Chris shrugged and only said,"There isn't much to know about me...I'm a friendly shapeshifter, what else do you want to know?"
"there has to be more to you than just being a shapeshifter" she sat back up, she started thinking of something to ask him " well what do you do for fun, like do you read, play video games, eat junk food all day"
"I do two out of three of those." Said Chris with a shrug,"I play video games and eat junk food, and sometimes I'll read." He smiled and said,"That's kinda it."
" wow, times really do change, back when I was a human I supposed to get married when I turned 18, I would have loved to just sit around and not do much, eat what ever I wanted, not have to worry about fitting into gowns, going to large fancy parties. You definitely have it easy " she laughed just thinking about it

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