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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Ceil shrugged at her two friends and looked around the cafeteria. "I dunno. Maybe it we can't find anyone here we can go somewhere else. The key is to find someone sitting by themselves. That means A; They want to be alone and will let us know that reaaaaally quickly, or B; They're super shy and just need someone to start a conversation with them." She rambled, standing up from her seat. "So we just gotta scout it out, and who knows we might get a fourth to our little posse we got going here." She added with a smile.

@TheFrozenShadows @Love You to Death
Chris shrugged and said,"Eh, I've beaten most of the games and the rest are never ending so things can get stale after a while." He then sighed and said,"These times can really get boring."
" I guess you just have to make up your own fun then" she stood up " Let's play a game" she placed her hands on her hips looking around thinking of something entertaining
"ummmmmmm follow me" she ran a little ways and jumped into a tree, kinda just trying to buy herself some time to think of an actual game that she knew he would like.
Chris followed her and quickly changed into a crow and landed on the same branch while waiting for his game.
" Dang all the games I know involve either racing or seeing who can.........nevermind can you think of any? " Chris was one of the first non vampires she had spent thins much time with in a long time
Chris shrugged and said,"Think of something that utilizes my powers." as he changed back to his normal form. He smiled and said,"Think of a game to play with a horse or something."
" I've never been around a horse long enough to know what to play. What would you suggest you know what you can and cannot do, or we should try something that doesn't require us to use our abilities"
Chris shrugged and said,"Well you tame 'em to ride or something like that...but I'm already tame enough as it is. And I don't know what we can do without our powers."
"well we could just go exploring, or maybe go back and see what everyone else is doing" she shrugged then crossed her arms
Chris shrugged and said,"Exploring sounds good, I think I'll be carrying you this time." He then chuckled and said,"What are you in the mood to ride today?"
Vanna laughed "surprise me" she smiled at him, once she said that she got nervous. but she couldn't keep a straight face she kept laughing
Chris smiled at Vanna as he said,"Well, since we were talking about horses so much...Why not a horse?" He then suddenly shifted into the same brown stallion from before and snorted before slamming a hoof on the ground.
she got down and got on chris the horse "this is the first time I've hadn't rode side saddle" she was still a little nervous " In 119 years this is the first time I've actually thought I may die"
Chris reared back once she settled on his back and broke into a sudden gallop. He snorted and seemed to be slowly gaining speed and wasn't sure if Vanna was still on his back or not.
as they were going Vanna kept her eyes closed, suddenly the smell of blood came back, stronger than it was before, she opened her eyes and turned her head in the direction it was coming from. She had to see what it was so she pushed herself up and did a back flip off of Chris and landed on her feet and ran towards it.
Chris the horse had slowed down to check on his rider and had realized that she had either fallen or jumped off. He spun around and began to gallop back to the tree, looking for Vanna.
Vanna ran and got to one of the buildings, she noticed one of the windows was open she went over and looked in, it was the nurses office where they were storing the IV bags of blood, there was a lot of them, she moved over to the second window where she noticed that one of the students must have cut their leg and the blood was still coming out. She had to control herself so she held her breath and ran back into the woods, she could hear Chris running towards her, she had to get higher up, so she found a tall tree and climbed it, she got to the very top. She could feel her throat burning but it was not too bad, she sat there and calmed herself down, then slowly started back down.
Chris eventually gave up on trying to find Venna and changed back to his normal form, maybe he was too rough? He sighed as he walked into his own dorm and closed the door behind him. He threw himself onto his bed and started playing video games again.
Vanna got down out of the tree and started heading back to her room, she needed sometime to calm down. She noticed that all the food that Chris had wanted her to eat was still there. She was in no mood to deal with it so she just threw it all away. She stared playing music and grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing
Chris stared at his mini-fridge for a moment and realized that he would have to restock. He got up and went outside to the vending machine in between some of the dorms. He slipped some money in and caught a few sodas and a few more candies before returning to his room to eat his new snacks and continued to play his video games.
Vanna put a new movie In she really didn't notice which one. She sat on one of the chairs in her room, pulled her knees up to her chest. For he first time in a long time she actually wanted to sleep, she just wanted the day to be over.
Chris paused his game, a bit upset, what could he have done to drive Vanna off like that? He didn't know, but couldn't do anything about it aside from ask her when he saw her again. He sighed as he restarted the game, but still couldn't get the thought of scaring her off out of his head.
Vanna started thinking about Chris, she felt bad that she just left him without telling him anything. She deliberated going to to talk to him, but she quickly realized that she didn't know where his room was. So instead she figured she would go out and look around maybe he would see her. She got up and put her heels on and put a different jacket on, she headed out and all she wanted to listen to was her heels making noise as she walked.

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