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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

"Well I can find you other books to read of you want to? I have memorized quite a few."
"Okay, how about newer ones, I've read a lot of books in my lifetime" she said, she gave him a smile then looked over to notice Chris running around.
"Eragon by Christopher Paloni it is a good story you should check out it is a bout dragons."
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Chris the squirrel didn't really have much to do, he moved from shelf to shelf but there wasn't much that really peeked his interest. He scurried around for a moment before stopping one of the higher shelves to rest for a moment.
"sounds interesting, now I'll have something to read all night " Vanna said, she stood up and walked back over to where she got the magazine and started looking for a different one.
Chris finally caught a breath and began moving from shelf to shelf again. The little squirrel hoped that he wasn't bringing attention to himself, but did what he felt like would kill some time and continued along the shelves.
Amy carried her bags, she stood in front of the school with a slight disappointment "dad talked this place up, it looks noting like I heard" she said with a emotionless voice and walked into the office and with a little 'talk' she made shure she got her own room so she wouldn't have to deal with insolent fools. She made her way to her room and got on decorating it to make sure it looked like a normal living space and not some two piece motel room "maybe a lot more colors" she wanted it to be just as bright as back home when she visits her father, but with the limited funds given to her she could not do more then hang up some curtains and add a vanity.
Vanna looked at the magazine but then got bored again so just started looking around through the shelves and could notice Chris again " you just don't like to stay in human form do you "
Chris looked at Vanna and shook his head, he couldn't talk while he was in his squirrel form but he was sure that Vanna could see him. He looked at Vanna and continued along his way on the shelf.
Evie nodded and glanced around the caffeteria, "I doubt we'll find anyone in here." The few people who still remained in the cafeteria consisted of either large groups or those who clearly wanted to be alone. "Why don't we go looking around and see if we can find someone else where." She suggested, getting to her feet once more. She offered a hand to Ryu, but not to Ceil as she was unsure as to how it would help the other girl.

@Rosyshark @TheFrozenShadows
Chris looked at Vanna for a moment, and seemed to have shifted but was still a squirrel. He then suddenly hopped off of the book case he was on and glided over to the next one. Chris was now a flying squirrel!
Vanna just shook her head at him. She moved over to a different section and started looking through the history books, even though she lived through some of it she liked to see the way people that hadn't been there figured it happened.
Chris looked at Vanna, she clearly had no interest in him which made his little head droop down while he continued along the book shelves.
Vanna while looking around found another book that she wanted to read, she got up and was almost ready to leave when she looked and could notice Chris "coming squirrel boy" she said then headed towards the door
Chris continued browsing books until he heard Vanna call him. He hopped out of the bookshelf and glided down to the ground. He then ran up her leg and climbed inside her pocket so this time if she started running, Chris would be fine and cozy in her pocket with some pocket lint.
By now him climbing on her was nothing new, at least he was on her pocket instead of on her shoulder, " is this the only reason you like being around me because I don't freak out when u climb on me and hide in my pocket " she said out loud knowing that he would hear her
Chris' little head popped out and shook as a "no". He then let out his two little paws and began to rub his head and face a little to groom himself a little.
"Sure seems that way" she kept walking and jumped into one of the trees again but kept going to different ones till she finally picked a good spot, she sat down and started looking at one of the books
Chris hopped out of her pocked and changed to his normal form and said,"Well you're kinda my only friend...that's why I hang around you so much." He then yawned a little and put his head to the tree.
Chris smiled a little and said,"Well, we haven't really talked to anyone else yet...so yeah, you're my only friend." He then added "And maybe a little sleepy....a little."
" I guess I'll have to find something productive to do during the night time" she looked at him " I wish you could stay up all night "
Chris looked at Vanna and said,"I've pulled all nighters before, the adrenaline should kick in any minute now." He yawned again and said,"Any minute now...you need me to give you a life again?"
"I'm sure it will " she said " and if you wanna keep your self awake running around probably won't help but more likely wear you out "
Chris smiled and said,"Nah, that actually helps get the adrenaline going." He chuckle for a moment and said,"Sitting around doing nothing? That's gonna put me to sleep."

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