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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Chris continued to play his game until he heard the sound of clicking heels. He looked out his window and saw Vanna walking around. He quickly dropped his controller and walked outside before shouting,"Hey Vanna!"
Vanna walked out she wrapped her arms around herself, she could hear someone calling for her she turned and noticed Chris. She was actually really excited to see him, she didn't know why but she was. "Hey" she smiled
Chris smiled as he ran up to her and said,"Look, I'm sorry if I was a bit rough as a horse. I really didn't mean to make you jump off like that, really." He looked at her and said,"Where were you anyways?"
"It wasn't your fault, I could smell a lot of blood and I don't know what happened I just started running, I didn't do anything though but I had to run farther away to calm myself down, I'm sorry"
Chris looked at Venna and said with a stern tone,"Do you want to stop?...Do you want to be 'normal' and not freak out at the sight of blood?" He felt like he was insulting her, but he wanted to try to help.
Vanna was really shocked that he was brining this whole issue up again, she stepped backwards and looked right at him " it doesn't matter if I eat "normal food" or if I don't , every full vampire will "freak out" when they smell blood whether it is animal or human. No matter what I do that will never change"
Chris sighed as he joked,"Ah well, I thought I could possibly train you not to freak out when you see some blood." He shrugged and said,"Ah well, I guess it just wasn't meant to happen. And to think I was thinking that I was a bad horse!"
Vanna just stood there not really sure how to respond at first "believe me I've seen worse, and done more dangerous things than riding a horse " she turned and walked over to the bench and sat down
Chris smiled and said,"Well at least I'm not a bad horse, that makes me feel a bit better." He then joked,"Please tell me you don't want another ride."
She looked at him and laughed " why are you so persistent" she smiled at him, she got up "I'll be right back" she walked back over to the other building to check and make sure that the windows in the nurses office were closed.
Chris rolled his eyes as she left and muttered,"You're persistent...I just wanted to know if I was a good horse." He then walked over to the bench and took a seat for himself.
As she left she could hear what he said so when she came back she said "you know I could hear you right" she stood in front of him. "And yes I think you were a good horse"
Chris almost flinched when she came back to say that she had heard him and the he was a good horse. He smiled at the compliment and said,"Well I strive to be the best when I shapeshift."
"everyone tries to be the best" she kept looking at him "you definitely like to roll your eyes don't you, back in my day if you rolled your eyes" she stepped closer to him " you'd be killed" she gave him a weird smile then started walking back towards her dorm room
Chris looked at Vanna and said,"But we're not in your time, we're in my time." He looked at her as seriously as he could, but couldn't keep a straight face and began to laugh.
She started laughing at him, and turned around "what am I going to do with you" then turned right back around and kept walking.
Chris shrugged and said,"How am I supposed to know?" He then got up and began walking back to his own dorm.
Vanna got half way back to her dorm room and decided to go to the library, just for something different to do. She walked in and started looking around, she just picked a magazine and sat down at one of the tables.
Chris returned to his room and sat down on his bed before playing his video games again. The sound of people fighting and screaming could easily be heard by those near his room.
Dru was walking around the library grabbing books reading them then picking up another as he put it back reading many books and walking around silently.
As she was reading Vanna could hear people walking, taking books of the shelves, and flipping pages. She didn't look up from her magazine, but once she was finished she didn't get up but just looked at the front cover.
Dru was walking past and saw the girl looking at the front cover and set Moby dick in front of her "it's a good book you should read it at some time." (she must have super hearing to hear his steps lol)
Chris got bored and decided to go and mess with Vanna. He then changed into his squirrel form and scurried over to the library. He stared at the door and waited until a person opened the door as they were leaving. Chris quickly ran in and hopped up onto the table where Vanna had her magazines and sat down and stared at Vanna.
Vanna looked up when she noticed the book in front of her "I have read this before, I actually used to own one of the first copies of it" then she turned and looked over at the squirrel, she knew right away it was Chris. she just shook her head and started looking through the magazine again
Chris the squirrel clearly knew when to take a hit, because he hopped off the table and climbed up the shelf and began to run around on the shelves out of boredom.

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