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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

"It must be nice to sleep" she put her hair up in a messy bun then took her shoes off " I always thought that running tired people out well I guess it wouldn't really matter to us "
Chris shrugged and said,"Well for some people it gets the blood flowing, for others it makes them wanna pass out. For me, it's gets the blood flowing and it wakes me up." He then dropped down and said,"Especially when I have extra weight on my back."
She just raised her eyebrow at him and just stayed where she was " you are definitely something else"
"I'm gonna try to take that as a compliment." Said Chris with a smile as he sat down on the ground and said,"And besides, I don't want to fall asleep next to a vampire."
"Don't worry, as long as your not human or dead you will be safe " she still stayed where she was but looked down at him "well your different and I'm different so yes that is a complement....I guess"
Chris smiled as he said,"I guess so, but I'm much more different. Just let me know if ya need a lift." He then started stretching to keep himself awake and said,"I'd be happy to abide."
"Thanks, just remember there is still some cool vampire stuff I can do that I haven't showed you yet so" she laid down on the branch and just looked up
Chris continued stretching and said,"Hey, as long as it doesn't make the blood in my body come out of my mouth I'm good!" He smiled as he finished and quickly shifted from a horse to a lion and back to good ol' Chris as he said,"Shifting also counts as a exercise for me."
Chris stared at Vanna and said,"Well now I'm kinda scared to give you rides anymore." He then shook his head a little and said,"I really am, I think I might throw you off from now on."
"Don't worry it doesn't work unless I can see your eyes so unless u can some how turn ur head all the way around then it would be good to be afraid, but do i worry I have complete control over it"
Chris lowered his gaze from Vanna's face and said,"Well that helps a bit, at least you made me stop thinking about having my heart fly out my chest." He smiled a little and said,"Well what now lady who I should not look at in the eyes anymore."
Vanna looked right into his eyes and stood a few inches in front of him "believe me you would know if I was doing something" she walked right past him
Chris let out a sigh of relief as he walked over to her and said,"Sorry, it's gonna take a minute for me to get used to that." He then changed into a lion and brushed up against her as a sign of apology.
She smiled at him " it's okay, actually I'm afraid to show you what I can do,especially because you think I'm a terrible person because I kill people so I don't want you to think of me any worse then you already do"
Chris the lion's eyes widened as he suddenly shifted back to his normal form before saying,"What!? You aren't a terrible person, I was just giving you a hard time. You suck the blood from dead people and killers, that's pretty controlled to me!" He then shifted back to the lion and brushed his mane up against her.
She shifted her weight, "thanks" she sat down "you don't have to stay up all night if you don't want to"
Chris changed back to his human form as he sat down next to her and said,"Hey, I already have adrenaline running through my veins...I'll probably be up for the rest of the night now." He then smiled at her and said,"I half expected you to hop on while I was a lion, since you know...you rode one once."
"Ah but you also forgot that the last time I rode one the lion was my friends lunch so" she started laughing
Chris started to laugh and then asked jokingly,"She isn't here is she?" He then broke out laughing and said,"Next time, maybe I can do a tiger...or I can try lion again."
"Personally I like you as Chris the human Rather than any other animal" she smiled at him "this to me is much more fun"
Chris smiled as he said,"Well I don't mind being Chris occasionally...it's just much harder to carry someone as Chris." He smiled and said,"And besides, it's fun to shift forms if you can do it whenever you want."
"I'm not heavy" she said at first really serious then started laughing "it does seem to be fun though"
Chris smiled as he said,"Yeah, it comes in handy for when I want to steal from the vending machine or scare someone to death." He then chuckled as he said,"My favorite form is Chris the horse, back at home I would give some of the kids a ride or a rodeo if they were too rough."
"I bet, my friend could make people see what ever she wanted them to see, it never worked on me though " she thought about it " I actually used to be a ballerina back in my day, that was about as cool as a girl could be"

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