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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)


She forced her way for the group of students. She caught up to who she assumed was the person in charge. She walked with him. "17, Kate Lynn," she pauses for a minute, "Human," she says partly lying, "Fire and Ice" she says as quick as she can while following him. She made sure her cloak stayed on. Her lying about her race probably wasn't the smartest idea but she didn't want people to look at her the way they did back in her old town.

@Veyd Sahvoz
ScarlettRose16 said:

She forced her way for the group of students. She caught up to who she assumed was the person in charge. She walked with him. "17, Kate Lynn," she pauses for a minute, "Human," she says partly lying, "Fire and Ice" she says as quick as she can while following him. She made sure her cloak stayed on. Her lying about her race probably wasn't the smartest idea but she didn't want people to look at her the way they did back in her old town.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Show me. What can you do with fire and ice?" he demanded, rapidly writing in his notebook. Prof. Vicar hadn't the time nor the patience to deal with measely students at the moment. For gods sakes, he thought in his head, trying to remember what he was going to do.

@ScarlettRose16 @Kihara017
"Ah, but which one of my incredible magic tricks may you be referring to?" Mouse-O said, taken slightly aback by Draconus's sudden appearence.

@Veyd Sahvoz
@ScarlettRose16[/URL] @Kihara017

I'll probably blow up the school if I show him what I could be possibly capable of or burn it to the ground, or freeze it over. so she just says, "I can summon and manipulate fire and ice to my will." He looked just stressed out. She really wanted to get out of this crowded room. 'Keep the good mood' she repeats to herself in her head over and over again. She would just probably find a way out of this room with out being seen, hopefully. She was just starting to get irritated with the crowded room but she wouldn't let it show. She just continued walking with the guy.

@Veyd Sahvoz
As Prof. Shaltaea finally made it to the bottom of the stairs and into the main hall he finally remembered where the remainder of his things were he began collecting before all this ruckus unfolded. As he saw Prof. Vicar having to deal with a cloaked latecomer he silently shook his head to himself. They really should have more faculty orientating students than just one man. He gave Prof. Vicar a quick "Good day." as he went past him and the group to his destination.
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Vaccum said:
"Ah, but which one of my incredible magic tricks may you be referring to?" Mouse-O said, taken slightly aback by Draconus's sudden appearence.
@Veyd Sahvoz
"I don't know you tell me" said Draconus, chuckling a bit as he created a ball of fire in his hand, transforming them into rings.

ScarlettRose16 said:

I'll probably blow up the school if I show him what I could be possibly capable of or burn it to the ground, or freeze it over. so she just says, "I can summon and manipulate fire and ice to my will." He looked just stressed out. She really wanted to get out of this crowded room. 'Keep the good mood' she repeats to herself in her head over and over again. She would just probably find a way out of this room with out being seen, hopefully. She was just starting to get irritated with the crowded room but she wouldn't let it show. She just continued walking with the guy.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Very well, and pick up the pace" he stated, walking up the stairs with an annoyed look. These stairs were like a maze but it's not like they hadn't had enough.

@ScarlettRose16 @Kihara017
@ScarlettRose16[/URL] @Kihara017

She picks up the pace following him as they start to go up a sets of stairs. 'My god there are so many stairs' she thinks to herself. She doesn't slow her pace as she keeps up with him. "Where are we going?" She asks tentatively. She was happy they were finally leaving the crowded room. He seemed really annoyed with everything and she couldn't blame him.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Well..." Mouse-O started while summoning a magic missile to swirl around him, in an obvious but feeble attempt to match Draconus's. "I suppose you may have felt the attempt to summon you with a spell. Although atmittedly my attempt failed I-" *POOF* the missile struck his head and his hat fell to the ground. Mouse-O barely managed to retain his composure. "There was something I wish to talk to you about"

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kenji walked around the academy while holding a book about alchemy. "This is boring! I really need to find a way to entertain myself. But how?" He looked around area which...he totally don't know where he is. "Well, this fun. On the first day of school, i'm officially lost! Good day to me..." He reacted with an anime cry...if that possible.
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
"Yes I am but not a full teacher yet. By the way, I'm Ms. Yves and you?" she asked kindly, starting down a hallway to get to the east side of the academy.

@Yellow Swan


Vaccum said:
"Well..." Mouse-O started while summoning a magic missile to swirl around him, in an obvious but feeble attempt to match Draconus's. "I suppose you may have felt the attempt to summon you with a spell. Although atmittedly my attempt failed I-" *POOF* the missile struck his head and his hat fell to the ground. Mouse-O barely managed to retain his composure. "There was something I wish to talk to you about"
@Veyd Sahvoz
"Oh and what might that be?" he asked, standing back up and using telekinesis to make Mouse-O levitate. He started down the stairs, heading to floor 26, when suddenly he began thinking if a new spell. With a snap of his fingers a notebook from his satchel appeared and along with it a quill made if magic. Making those two items float, he continued walking, the book writing down what he thought about the new spell.

ScarlettRose16 said:

She picks up the pace following him as they start to go up a sets of stairs. 'My god there are so many stairs' she thinks to herself. She doesn't slow her pace as she keeps up with him. "Where are we going?" She asks tentatively. She was happy they were finally leaving the crowded room. He seemed really annoyed with everything and she couldn't blame him.

@Veyd Sahvoz
To briefly and quickly answer her question Prof. Vicar let out a long sigh "5th floor" he said and walked on. If only these stairs could be a tad less longer tat'd be great but nope.

Kihara017 said:
Naoko Shimakage Following silently he listened to the girl and kept up a pace equal if not quicker than the teacher. "Is there anything you wish to know that you have not asked?"
He stopped dead in his tracks to look back at the girl, "No I have not. I would, however, like to ask you two if you have attended here before or not because I rather not chaperone 2 measely students on their first day" he stated, not to happy about admitting to it but he had already dealt with a bunch of other issues. Which explained why his hands were bloody.

@Kihara017 @ScarlettRose16


"Just tell me where I need to go and I can manage" she says not wanting to be a burden either. He was obviously stressed about something else so she would just rather not bother him.​

@Veyd Sahvoz
Kihara017 said:
Naoko Shimakage "New, but I can manage on my own. I will not be a burden." Bowing Naoko turned and walked away from the teacher knowing he was no longer needed.
ScarlettRose16 said:


"Just tell me where I need to go and I can manage" she says not wanting to be a burden either. He was obviously stressed about something else so she would just rather not bother him.​

@Veyd Sahvoz
"5th floor, secretary's office now I'll see you in class" he stated, walking off and down the hall. Why must I have to deal with things like these? He thought to himself, turning down multiple halls snd disappearing behind another wall.

(Sorry for the rush and all that's just the way Prof. Vicar's personality is set out. Also I plan on having everyone getting their dorm arrangements soon)
Kenji looked around the area where he is at. He's at the 5th floor...well, after he just heard from a man by walk by. "I've been at the fifth floor all of sudden? Wow, i'm am really bored..."
Professor Varien watched the two go for a bit before following them. When he saw the new summoner student, he kneeled down beside him and examined the boy. "Hmm... Mana exhaustion? You should probably be more careful than that, boy." He said, pulling a small blue bottle from his pocket and popping the cork out of the top. "Drink this. It may not be too pleasant going down, but it should help."

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Ame looked up at prof Varien with an incredulous expression. "Are you... aware that he is unconscious?" she said, not sure what to make of his behavior. "I think you're going to have to make him drink it," she pointed out, not sure if she should be telling him how to do his job.

@Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine
He nodded. "I know." He carefully opened the boys mouth a poured the contents down his throat. "There. This should restore what mana he has lost. For now, he needs rest. Summoning can be taxing on the body and mind."

@Kazehana @Ldybug123
Ame looked up at him with a mix of worry and distress. "You're gonna take him, right?" she asked, hoping she wouldn't be responsible for someone else's recovery. She had no idea where she would take him or what she would do after.

@Ldybug123 @Cruor Flumine
He turned to her, a single eyebrow raised. "Not unless you want to?" He asked, the air becoming distorted around him and the boy as magic was used to levitate the kid.

@Ldybug123 @Kazehana
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