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Fantasy Excelius:Academy of the Arcane Arts (Completed)

"This is difficult for you, I'm sure." the lich says with a small sigh. "Most people shouldn't have to deal with what you went through. I would recommend either heading back down to the main floor to get to know some of your peers or going to see your new room. It's up to you." he recommends to him.

Âme blinked for a moment before bursting into joy. "Oh my goddess look at that! It's so cute!" she almost shouted out of pure happiness. "Can I pet it?" she asked, though she didn't wait for a response. Instead, she just went for it.

Fuyuki nodded and put the key in his pocket. He went to floor 18 to see his new room. He got to the room and unlocked the door. "Hello?" He called into the room. @Golden Glow
Âme was only half listening as she coddled the strange animal and gave it lots of affection. Playing with animals was one of the few joys she got to experience in her free time since there wasn't much else for her to do. "So you can just summon it? What kind of magic is that?" she questioned, still watching and making weird noises to the creature.

Mitchs98 said:
Senki Tazuya

"Come on Akane." She told her before following the Professor up the stairs. "How big is this place anyway?" She asked, peering up the stairwell. The place seemed massive to Senki. She hadn't exactly gotten a good look before she crash landed after all. "What classes are held here, also?" She added.
kurol said:



"Hm?" Akane looked up from her coloring book. "Oh! Coming! Hehheheh!" She got up and put the book away, following the group up the stairs. The stairs were quite long. Senki, the girl, asked some questions to the professor. Akane wouldn't mind knowing the answers to them either. Haha, she wasn't a mind reader or anything, of course!
Âme stopped petting the creature to let it do its own thing, but couldn't take her eyes off of it. "I wish I could summon animals! All I can do is being random stuff to life," she admitted, neglecting probably the most important aspects of her inherent traits and powers. She often forgot that not everyone shared her natural born abilities.

Âne looked at him, then back to the creature, then back to him. "Sure! The more the merrier, right?" she said, curious what else he had in store.

After he took the key and left Prof. Shaltaea gave a quick goodbye to the secretary before departing the office. He wondered if he should report the two students who came with reports of mass killing now or wait and see if a better time would assert itself. Maybe waiting until tonight after orientation would be best like Addor originally suggested. For now, he makes his way back to the main floor in case he would be needed for anything else today.
Itsuo left Kuro out to run around. Kuro ran up to Ame's feet. Itsuo summoned Hiroshi and Kaiya. His power would slowly drain from his energy, making him weaker, especially since he had all his animals out.

(Hiroshi) (Hiroshi is the tiger)
(Kaiya) @Kazehana
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Noticing the little one at her feet, she picked up Kuro and started perting him again, looling up in time to see the two newcomers. "Aww look at how cute they all are!" she said, unable to contain her enthusiasm for the animals. She wished she had more hands just then so she coukd pet them all.

Âme wasn't sure what to look at or who to pet or anything. She just couldn't bring herself to decide, so she started petting them in a sort of alternating fashion, not sure if her plan was working.

Itsuo fell to his knees, panting heavily. He was very pale now. He managed to keep the animals out though, seeing how happy they made Ame. @Kazehana
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As Âme continued her hayday, she noticed panting and looked his way, mainly expecting another animal. When she noticed his condition, she stopped doing anything for a moment, then took a step towards him, unsure if she should keep her distance in case something weird was happening. "Are you okay?" she stated simply, a hint of worry plaguing her voice.

Itsuki coughed before falling over, unconsious. The animals dissapeared when he passed out. Ame would see how weak and tired he looked. She would notice the burn marks on his hands from summoning his animals. @Kazehana
(Okay well she's fairly oblivious if you couldn't tell so she wouldn't really look into his hands that much)

Âme started to panic when she noticed his condition, not sure what to do. She didn't think she had a strong enough connection with him for her own powers to work, so she looked for someone that could heal him, not positive on who could. Instead, she made a declaration. "Does anyone know where I can find a healer?" she almost shouted, making herself known. She thought it a dumb question, considering it was a magic school, but she still had to find one.

Âme went up and down the halls, but she had no luck finding anyone. She decided to sit with him and wait it out; as far as she saw, she didn't really have a choice on the matter.

(I'm off for the night)


She was flying towards the school. She wasn't in full form so she just had her wings formed. She knew she couldn't fly for much longer. She started getting cold flashes that were ice cold, and heat flashes that were lava hot. She could barely feel them at all because of her magic but she could tell they were happening because her whole body was starting to shake. She landed about half a mile from the school. She almost crash, she lit part of the grass on fire and part of it freezed. She really hoped no one would see the smoke. She regained her composer and put out the fire with her ice. She put on a cloak that a witch gave her, as long as she had it on her wings couldn't form. Sometimes they would form out of nowhere. She put the back silky cloak in and threw the hood over her head and started walking towards the school. She got to the main entrance and she was seriously late. She walks in the doors to where she sees a ton of students gathered. She instantly felt claustrophobic.

@Veyd Sahvoz (I think you were in the main hall with all the students, and I think they are in the main entrance. Let me know if I need to edit something) @anyone else that's there
ScarlettRose16 said:

She was flying towards the school. She wasn't in full form so she just had her wings formed. She knew she couldn't fly for much longer. She started getting cold flashes that were ice cold, and heat flashes that were lava hot. She could barely feel them at all because of her magic but she could tell they were happening because her whole body was starting to shake. She landed about half a mile from the school. She almost crash, she lit part of the grass on fire and part of it freezed. She really hoped no one would see the smoke. She regained her composer and put out the fire with her ice. She put on a cloak that a witch gave her, as long as she had it on her wings couldn't form. Sometimes they would form out of nowhere. She put the back silky cloak in and threw the hood over her head and started walking towards the school. She got to the main entrance and she was seriously late. She walks in the doors to where she sees a ton of students gathered. She instantly felt claustrophobic.

@Veyd Sahvoz (I think you were in the main hall with all the students, and I think they are in the main entrance. Let me know if I need to edit something) @anyone else that's there
Prof. Vicar didn't even turn around to look at the new person "You there! Follow me! Age, name, race and skill in magic!" he asked, glancing back at her while continuing to walk with the current student with him.

@ScarlettRose16 @Kihara017

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