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Fantasy Everyday Fantasy Life(Open)

Hayden looked at her" you can't find her she's not here at all i looked every place" she say" she not in town" she say as turned into her cat form as she pured
Zeldafangirl said:
Hayden looked at her" you can't find her she's not here at all i looked every place" she say" she not in town" she say as turned into her cat form as she pured
Asuna picked her up and gently petted her head. "It's OK. She'll show up one day." She said softly.
Hazel looked at her" can i stay with you i don't want to go back to the orphanage please" she say hugging her as she was scared going back there it was scary for her" its scary there" she say
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel looked at her" can i stay with you i don't want to go back to the orphanage please" she say hugging her as she was scared going back there it was scary for her" its scary there" she say
Asuna nodded, "I guess... My apartment has a extra room you can stay in." She said. "Wouldn't I have to tell the people at the orphanage, you're coming with me though?"
Hazel was scared" y..yeah" she say to her" i'm 9" she to her as she took her to the orphanage as she was afraid going inside their
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel was scared" y..yeah" she say to her" i'm 9" she to her as she took her to the orphanage as she was afraid going inside their
Asuna followed behind her, "Don't worry, just stay behind me the whole time." She said reassuringly. "I'll talk to them."
Hazel looked at her as she stayed back of her the whole time holding on to asuna pants the orphanage people" oh you found our little Hazel she been missing" they say smirking a little hazel kept hiding behind asuna scared out of her mind
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel looked at her as she stayed back of her the whole time holding on to asuna pants the orphanage people" oh you found our little Hazel she been missing" they say smirking a little hazel kept hiding behind asuna scared out of her mind
"Oh yes.... She was looking for her twin sister she told me." Asuna said with a nod. "If it isn't too much of a hassle, I'll like to take her home with me."
the orpahnage people was looking at her" sure you can are you adopting her thats the only way she can go home with you" they said to the girl Hazel grip on her hand as she was hicupping she was about to cry while she was there in the past thhey used to hurt her and her sister thats why she ran away from this place
Zeldafangirl said:
the orpahnage people was looking at her" sure you can are you adopting her thats the only way she can go home with you" they said to the girl Hazel grip on her hand as she was hicupping she was about to cry while she was there in the past thhey used to hurt her and her sister thats why she ran away from this place
Asuna smiled, "Yes, I'll be adopting her then. Is there anything I have to do in order for me to take her, or is telling you enough?"
Orphanage people look at her" just do the paper work and then you can take her" they say to the girl
Zeldafangirl said:
Orphanage people look at her" just do the paper work and then you can take her" they say to the girl
Asuna took out her favorite pink pen and poked her cheek with it, smiling.


"Where do I sign?" She asked, waiting for the paper.

Orphanage people gave her the paper" here and over at the end" they say Hazel was watching as she smileds
Zeldafangirl said:
Orphanage people gave her the paper" here and over at the end" they say Hazel was watching as she smileds
"Alright!" Asuna said happily. She signed the spots that were needed to be signed and when she finished, she put her pen away. "There."
Hazel looked at the pen she put away as she smiled she was adopted as she was ready to go home" yay" she say as she was holding onto asuna hand" can we go" she say as she smiled" um do you have clothes i can wear cause this is the only clothing i have" she asked as she lift up her teddy bear from where the kids were playing as she got it good bye" she say to them
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel looked at the pen she put away as she smiled she was adopted as she was ready to go home" yay" she say as she was holding onto asuna hand" can we go" she say as she smiled" um do you have clothes i can wear cause this is the only clothing i have" she asked as she lift up her teddy bear from where the kids were playing as she got it good bye" she say to them
"Yeah, I have clothes." Asuna said. "My little sister recently outgrew her clothes, so I guess I can give you those." She said.
Hazel looked at her" you have a little sister" she asked as she smiled going with her" i like cooking so if you need help with that i can help" she says as she smiled" i like pullying pranks on people but not you your cool" she say to her
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel looked at her" you have a little sister" she asked as she smiled going with her" i like cooking so if you need help with that i can help" she says as she smiled" i like pullying pranks on people but not you your cool" she say to her
Asuna nodded, "Yeah. She lives with my mother on the other side of town. I moved so I could be closer to my school." She said. "Pranks? I'm not really a prankster. I was told by a lot of people I'm too nice."
Hazel looked at her as she was confused" whats a school do i have to go too" she asked not sure what it was
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel looked at her as she was confused" whats a school do i have to go too" she asked not sure what it was
"School is where people go to learn and yes, you'll have to go." Asuna said smiling. "Don't worry, I'll be there to get you everyday." She said.
Hazel face was red" its not i want to go i just can't read" she say emberressed looking away" people laughs at me cause i can't read its embarrassing" she say to her feeling bad about it
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel face was red" its not i want to go i just can't read" she say emberressed looking away" people laughs at me cause i can't read its embarrassing" she say to her feeling bad about it
"I can fix that." Asuna said, taking out a book. "Don't worry, I'm gonna give you the ability to read, using my magic." She says happily.
Hazel looked at her as she smiled" your amazing" she say looking at her" my powers are pretty useless i can talk to animals and move things around and i can shapeshift to any animal" she say
Zeldafangirl said:
Hazel looked at her as she smiled" your amazing" she say looking at her" my powers are pretty useless i can talk to animals and move things around and i can shapeshift to any animal" she say
Asuna blushed a little, "Me? Amazing? You're so cute and nice." She said patting Hazel's head. Asuna then rest her hand on Hazel's head and said the spell, granting her the knowledge she needed.
Hazel smiled" yeah your amazing you like a big sister" she say as she smiled when she finished" does the spell last forever or" she asked looking the window of stores as she looked away" what your sister like" she asked

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