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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

He nodded and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “About that. You’re gonna need to fill the tank after your shift. Much as you can at least.” He told her. “They wouldn’t give me another advance.”
Max frowned deeply but gave a small nod and sighed softly "I'll try to see if I can pick up some extra shifts. Maybe the late late shift." She said quietly as they started on their walk towards the school.
He frowned and shook his head. “Don’t be silly. They’re still gonna pay me but just… on pay day.” He told her, yawning a little while they walked. “You work anymore and you’re gonna be too tired to move.”
Max gave a small laugh and nodded softly "Yeah, I've been so exhausted lately." She said softly leaning on him some when they got to the school and waited outside "I'm so happy that he is adjusting well to the school."
He nodded slowly, having her lean back against him so the weight was off her feet. “Mmm it’s taken him a while huh.” He mumbled, just yawning a little. “Oh Wayne has said don’t bother coming down to visit next weekend cause he’s gonna be working it now. He’s got one year til retirement and he’s tryna get all the shifts in he can so he’s got enough saved.” He told her
Max gave a small nod and yawned softly "Mmm alright, we'll have to see him another time then." She murmured softly before smiling when she heard Greyson's voice yelling happily at the two of them "Hey baby, did you have a good day?"
Eddie smiled and took his bag from him when he got to them. “Hey buddy, mom wanted to come join in on pickup today.” He told him, waving to his teacher before lifting him up onto his shoulders to start heading home.
Max smiled happily as Greyson asked to be put on Eddie's shoulders. She walked beside the two of them happily feeling all her worries slip away for the small time it took them to get home. She got them inside and sat on the couch getting Greyson's folder out to sign for the day "Grey....you teacher said you weren't participating again, what happened baby?" She asked him
Eddie frowned a little and set him on the floor so he could get greysons snack sorted, handing him the bowl and watching him shrug. “Babe… he’s five, I think that teacher is strict as all he’ll anyway.” Ge muttered, going to lay down for a bit until max would need to leave.
Max sighed heavily but gave a small nod as she got Greyson's homework situated "Just try your best to participate in the activities okay?" She said softly before kissing the side of her son's head and going to the kitchen to grab the letter Eddie had mentioned earlier.
Eddie got up when his alarm went off, stretching out and shuffling into the kitchen to start getting greysons dinner ready, frowning at max staring at the letter. “Babe you should get going.” He told her gently. “Everything okay?” He asked, rubbing her back
Max looked up at Eddie when she felt his hand on her back. Her cheeks stained with dried tears "My parents....they....they wrote to me." She said quietly. She hadn't heard from them since before their last senior year and now they were asking to make ammends. She took a shaky breath as she gave him the letter to read, completely torn on what to do.
He frowned and scanned it quickly, shaking his head a little. “Fuckin assholes.” He muttered. “This barely says a word about you. They just wanna know Grey.” He muttered and sighed. “Put a pause on it. Get to work and when you get home, it’s our day off tomorrow, we can take him down to the park and talk then.” He suggested, kissing her forehead. “But don’t let this worry you love.”
Max gave a heavy sigh but nodded some "You're right, I'll see you later okay?" She murmured kissing him lovingly before grabbing her things to leave. She at her normal time at nearly 3 in the morning curling up to Eddie in bed. She was thankful to have a lie in since they were both off this coming day.
He pulled her in close instinctively, settling back down quickly and not waking up until he heard greysons voice at almost 8 in the morning. “Buddy… if I put cartoons on can you wait just a little longer for us to get up?” He asked him , eyes half open and not at all ready to start the day.

Carmen stood back, watching as her boyfriend made sure to talk to everyone in the small group that had recognised him. Even though he was exhausted. Even though they had just got off an 11 hour flight and even though he’d been on a bad mood earlier due to problems with their luggage he’d pushed all of it to the side to greet his fans and she just watched and smiled until he told them they had to go to get their hotel, smiling and waving at them herself before walking down towards the taxi rank with him. Her and Jamie had been together almost four years now after working on a few projects together at the same time and hitting it off. She was happy with him most of the time but lately things had been quite strained. They barely got any time together that wasn’t to do with work and what little time they did get was usually interrupted by fans anyway. “You wanna just get room service tonight?” She asked him, yawning.
Greyson gave a small pout but nodded and followed him to the living area. He curled up on the couch and yawned softly his attention going straight to the TV as the cartoons came on.

Max curled up to Eddie as he came back to bed grumbling softly about loosing warmth before falling back to sleep. She woke up about an hour later to Greyson nudging her some asking for breakfast. She gave a heavy sigh but nodded softly as she got up and followed him to the kitchen "Toaster waffles?" She asked quietly.

Jamie stood happily talking with a few fans who had recognized him on their way to the hotel. Evwn though he had been in a shit mood before, he always tried to be as polite to his fans as possible. When he finally broke away he took Carmen's hand giving a small smile "You read my mind Love." He said softly as they hailed a taxi. While their relationship at the moment wasn't perfect, he was deeply in love with Carmen and tried his best to show her in every way he could.
She smiled a little, yawning again once they were in and she’d given the driver their hotel. “I miss LA weather already.” She mumbled tiredly. For now they were on a trip for the uk portion of a press tour for his latest movie and Carmen had managed to tag along simply because for once she didn’t have any work commitments. “What time do you have to get up tomorrow?” She asked him yawning.

He nodded and frowned, “mommy how come you and daddy are always so grumpy in the mornin? I don’t like staying in bed. Boring.” He told her, bouncing on his feet a little.
Jamie chuckled softly and gave a small nod "I miss it as well, but I have missed home too." He said quietly before looking through his phone to double check his timing for tomorrow "I gotta be there by 8 a.m., hopefully it won't be six hours." He mumbled

Max gave a small laugh as she placed the waffles in the small toaster they had "Because Mommy and Daddy have way less energy than you do honey. As you get older you need more sleep to get the kind of energy you have." She explained before yawning "So it makes us a little grumpy when we don't get enough sleep."
He giggled and shook his head. “Mommy you’re silly. When I grow up I’m gonna have loads and loads of energy.” He told her happily, seeing Eddie finally come out, muttering about his hair being tangled. “How come daddy has curly hair but we don’t?” He asked her frowning. Clearly in an inquisitive mood.

She nodded and smiled a little, leaning back in the taxi, taking his hand in hers. “There were more photos in the tabloids again. Convinced you had a beer in your hand. I don’t think the English understand that root beer is not beer.” She mumbled, closing her eyes a little, her stomach still tender after all the travelling.
Max made Eddie a glass of juice along with Greyson. She placed his toaster waffles and juice infront of him before giving a small laugh "Well honey, daddy has different genes than us, so he got curly hair." She explained before kissing the top of his head "Eat up okay? If you're good we might go to the park later."

Jamie gave a heavy sigh and shook his head some "I hate the paps....always trying to spread some sort of slander." He muttered before giving her hand a squeeze. It was no secret that Jamie had a past relationship with drugs and alcohol, he was very open about it. With that though, came the paparazzi wanting to continuously try to catch him 'slip up' for all the gossip tabloids.
She shrugged a little and watched out the window. “Well you and I know the truth don’t we?” She smiled, waiting til they got to the hotel and got out with him, letting the check in process go over her head and finally shut the door on the bellhop, turning to face Jamie. “Shower?” She asked him, stretching out a bit.

Grey giggle and shook his head. “Silly mommy!” He told her. Eddie came back into the room a while later after cleaning up and sat down on the couch, fanning himself. “You wanna go down to the park with the fountain?” He suggested.
Jamie smiled happily and nodded some at her "Mmm yes a shower sounds lovely." He murmured before kissing her gently and takimg her into the bathroom "Oh thank goodness its got a tall shower head." He said softly as he started up the water.

Max nodded some as she watched Greyson run off to get ready "Yeah that should be fun, you feeling okay?" She asked watching as he continued to fan himself "I know its a little warm, but its not that hot." She said before kissing his cheek gently "You sleep okay?"
He frowned and watched her "It's really hot in here. Babe not all of us have the circulation of a rock." He pointed out. "Wasn't awful. Grey got me up twice. Once to pee and then again to let me know he went to get some water but he was going back to bed now." He chuckled a little.

She started stripping off slowly, her body aching badly from the flight and being stuck in the same place for that long, finally getting in with him and letting the hot water soothe her back "I'm gonna go ask them for massage recommendations in the morning. I got meetings most of the afternoon but if we've got premiere week next week I'm gonna have to get ready now." She said, more to herself than anything else.
Max gave a small laugh and smiled softly "He is a silly one, gets it from you." She said before kissing him gently "I love you Eddie." She murmured cupping his face with one of her hands.

Jamie held her gently to him and nodded softly "I better get my hair in check as well, make sure it looks clean." He said giving a small laugh. He relaxed as the hot water fell on their bodies swaying with her gently and enjoying the comfortable silence.
She nodded and yawned a little “I’ll get it sorted for you.” She promised, washing up after a little while and stepped out, going to hunt down her sleep clothes in her suitcase.

He smiled and watched her. “You’re tryna butter me up for something I can tell…. It’s working by the way. Love you too.” He chuckled, seeing Greg come out with his T-shirt on backwards.

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