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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

She smiled softly and gave a small nod "Alright, then lets get to bed. I really don't want to fall asleep on this lumpy thing again." She murmured before moving to stand up.
he nodded slowly, getting up to follow her back to her room, kicking his boots off once they got in there and taking his jacket off, laying down once he was more comfortable and just pulled her in close. “Mmm you’re never allowed to move. Ever again.”
Max gave a small laugh and smiled as she soon drifted off to sleep. She woke up the next morning and groaned quietly feeling tiny hands on her face "Greyson....its too early." She murmured before opening her eyes and seeing her son dangling from Eddie's arms above her "What in the world are you silly gooses doing?"
Eddie chuckled quietly and finally set the kid down in bed with her while he went to go use the bathroom.

Greyson giggled and cuddled in close to his mom, “Daddy got me juice and then I want cuddle.” He told her.
Max cuddled Greyson close as Eddie put him down but tensed some when she heard him say Daddy. "Oh baby no...you call him Eddie okay?" She said softly not wanting Greyson to say infront of Eddie and scare him off.
Eddie stuck his head round the corner a couple minutes later, grinning and watching g them both. “Does he have to?” He asked her quickly.
Max looked up at Eddie as he popped his head around the corner and broke into a giant smile "No he doesn't...if you're okay with him calling you that, I'm okay with it too." She said sweetly
He grinned and nodded. “I think it sounds great.” He told her happily. “I gotta go back to Wayne’s this morning but I’ll see you later okay?” He smiled, kissing her gently and ruffling greysons hair.
Max kissed him back gently and gave him a nod "I've got the overnight shift tonight." She murmured before getting up and walking him to the door "I love you." She said softly before he left smiling some as she watched him go. Never in a million years did she think she would be so in love with a boy, let alone it being Eddie Munson.
They were stretched for time with each other over the next few weeks up until graduation but the day before he’d finally been given the go ahead that he’d done it and he’s gone straight over to maxs banging on the door excitedly.
Max opened her door knowing only one person would be banging on it so loudly. Their time together had been scarce lately, but it was for both of them trying to graduate. She smiled widely when she saw Eddie looking a little out of breath "Hey there! Did you sprint over here?"
He grinned and stepped in closer to her, grabbing her face and kissing her full force. “I did it. I’m graduating.” He told her once he pulled away.
Max squeaked as he pulled her in close. She looked at him in shock and smiled widely "Really?! Oh my god Eddie!!" She said excitedly before throwing her arms around his neck and kissing all over his face "Oh my god I am so proud of you." She said happily before kissong him lovingly.
He lifted her up to take her to the kitchenette and set her on the counter, kissing her again. “We’re getting out of here baby.” He smiled proudly at her.
Max nodded happily and va e him another kiss as she held him "I can't believe we did it." She whispered happily knowing without Eddie she probably would not have made it through the year.
Eddie smiled, swaying with her a little before pulling away to look around “where’s little man?” He asked her hopefully
Max smiled a bit as she swayed with him "Asleep, he passed out in the car because he missed his nap today." She said before smiling a little more "His birthday is coming up next month, I can't believe he is going to be 2 already."
He turned to face her and nodded. “How much time we got before he wakes up?” He asked her with a raised eyebrow, gently gripping her hips a little more.
Max smiled happily at him and giggled a bit "Mmm definitely a hour or so." She murmured letting him take her to her bedroom. After three years they finally made their way out of Hawkins and to Indy. It took almost every penny they had, but now they were starting off on better footing. Max was still waitressing at a diner, but she was putting her photography out there hoping to get it off the ground soon.
Eddie had just got in from work, setting his bag on the counter and heading to the bathroom to clean off from the day. He was happy. He was settled and he loved his little family he’d got but at the same time he was restless. He wanted more out of life than what they could get right now. Once he was cleaned up he headed into the bedroom and gently shook max awake, kissing her head. “Hey, I’m gonna go get the monster, you want me to bring you back McDonald’s before your shift?” He asked her quietly.
Max groaned softly as she woke up from her nap and shook her head softly "Hey babe, no no, we don't have the money right now. I got dinner settled." She said quietly stretching some. Things weren't perfect, money was tight still and she knew Eddie was starting to get restless. She sat up and gave him a quick kiss before getting out of the bed and getting ready "I'll come with you to get him, how was your day?"
He smiled and sat down, watching her. “It wasn’t bad. Just long.” He told her quietly, pulling her to stand between his legs. “You excited for Saturday? Gonna come to your very first corroded coffin gig?” He asked her smiling a little and holding her to him.
Max smiled happily as she finished putting on her shirt "Hell yeah I am, get to see my man do what he does best." She said softly before kissing him lovingly. The band had been getting a bit of traction lately, being able to play club shows now and hopefully they would get a record deal soon enough.
He grinned. “You know if you’re really good and you play your cards right, you might even get to meet the band. Heard that lead guitar guy has the hots for you.” He told her, standing up once she was dressed and kissed her again, starting to head towards the front door with her. “Hey when we get back there was a letter for you this morning. Put it on the kitchen counter and forgot to tell you. Hand written.”
Max smiled happily and nodded some "Oh yeah? I've seen some photos of him, definitely a hottie." She said as they walked out to the front door with him. She raised an eyebrow when he mentioned a letter but gave a small nod "I wonder if its possibly something for my photography." She said happily before walking out with him "You wanna walk today? Its a nice day out." She murmured thankful that Greyson's school was only about a block away from them.

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