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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

Max gave him a soft smile and nodded some "See you Monday, make sure to put some medicine on those knuckles." She said sweetly before taking off back to her trailer laughing lightly as Greyson screamed goodbye to him as they walked.
Eddie waved back at him with a smile, going to lay down. The closer they got to graduation the more withdrawn he was becoming, just getting more and more nervous that he was gonna flunk out again and that would be it. He was sat in chemistry next to max on the Friday morning, staring at the board and looking well and truly exhausted. Enough so that while he was fidgeting and fiddling with stuff on the table he didn’t notice his hand getting closer and closer to the Bunsen burner until he felt max smack it away.
Max had been worried about Eddie recently. She knew he was worried about passing, hell she was too, but she was starting to wonder if something else was bothering him as well. She frowned deeply when she noticed his hand near the open flame and quickly smacked it away while she turned the burner off "Eddie whats wrong?" She asked softly as they all turned to start doing the paperwork their teacher had given them.
He shrugged a bit. “Nothing. Just tired.” He mumbled, working with her the rest of the class and just trying to make sure she wasn’t worrying about him but he left quickly and headed out of the school to the back woods after promising to meet her for lunch in the cafeteria
Max finished up class with him still a bit concerned about him. She gave a heavy sigh as she saw him take off towards his locker knowing good and well that he most likely wouldn't be at lunch now. She sat down at their normal table staying quiet for most of the time thinking over things and knowing she needed to talk with Eddie sooner rather than later.
Gareth came and sat down sighing a little. “Eddie got in a fight. One of the assholes on the team was giving him shit about his old man… probably won’t be back for the rest of the day. I would wager Hellfire is cancelled too.” He muttered.
She frowned deeply when she heard what Gareth said and gave a small nod "Is he okay? Like physically, he didn't get too hurt did he?'" She said before giving a heavy sigh as Gareth shrugged saying he looked fine to him. When the school came to an end and Max got home she couldn't help but grow concerned when she didn't see Eddie's van outside of the trailer.
Greyson was wriggling to get down and the moment he got there was running as fast as he could to go over to eddies trailer, pouring when he didn’t answer the door like usual.
Max frowned as she followed him over to Eddie's trailer. She gave a heavy sigh and took his hand when Eddie didn't answer "Looks like Eddie isn't home baby, come on lets go to our home." She said softly to him
He frowned and plopped himself down on the floor sobbing. “No! Eddie!” He cried, crossing his arms cause he wanted to see him.
Max gave a heavy sigh and picked him up when he started to cry "I know baby I want to see him too." She said as she started to walk to their trailer. She didn't have the energy to fight him to walk by this point.
He cried into her hair until it was time for dinner when he finally calmed down, but by the following morning Eddie's van still wasn't back and it never appeared all of Saturday. There was no message on her answering machine or anything. Wayne was sat at home Saturday evening though and looked up hearing a loud knock on the front door, going to asnwr it and smiled at Max, "Hey there sweetheart, Ed's not here right now. What can I do for you?"
Max was scared to death by the time Saturday evening came around and she still had heard nothing from Eddie. She went over when she saw Wayne's car and knocked on the door quickly "I know...Wayne I haven't seen him since before lunch yesterday. I'm really getting worried, I'm ready to go to the police and file a missing persons report. Wayne why are you not worried?!" She rambled frowning deeply as he just gave her a small chuckle.
Ed smiled and shook his head. “Does you no good worrying. Ed will show up. But cops won’t do anything for Eddie being missing unless it’s been almost a week. He’s done this before max.” He explained.
She frowned even more and gave a small nod "Do...do you even know where he might be? Gareth said he got in a fight with a jock about his dad....and...and I told him something that morning...he'll come back right?" She asked quietly hoping her telling him that she was late on her period didn't spook him off.
He smiled and shook his head. “Listen, my nephew has his demons. He’s had a rough start to life and when it gets rough he takes off for a few days. He’ll be back, if he shows up here though I’ll give you a call alright?” He promised her
Max nodded some and gave a heavy sigh "Alright...thank you Mr. Munson." She said quietly before leaving to go back to her trailer. As days passed by she asked everyone if they had heard from Eddie and still got nothing from them. It was a week later that she got a call from Gareth in the afternoon "Hello?"
Gareth frowned some, running a hand over his face. “They uh… they’ve found Eddie. They took him to the hospital. He didn’t want you knowing this. And he’s gonna kill me for telling you but… he was at ricks… he doesn’t just sell that shit max he uses it on occasion too. Someone tipped them off his van was down there and they went in and he’s taken an overdose.” He told her quickly. “They took him to county general.” He explained.
Max felt her world start to fade as she heard what Gareth said. She hung up soon after without another word and ran out of her trailer thanking her lucly stars that Abi had taken Greyson for the day so he could play with her nephew. She got in her car and sped down to the hospital rushing inside as soon as she got a parking spot. She ran to the nurses station panting softly trying to catch her breath from the deep sprint she had done to get there "Edward....Edward Munson....where is he?"
The nurse made a bit of a face but pointed down the hall. “Third door on the right. You’re in luck. He’s just woken up.” She muttered and sent her down there.

Eddie was laying there staring at the walls, awake but still a little out of it until he saw max walking in the door and he reached out for her.
Max rushed quickly to the room immediately rushing to his side "Oh Eddie..." she whispered as she took his hand in hers letting a few tears fall as she looked him over. She felt like the stress and worry she had been carrying the past week start to disappear but with that the walls she had been holding up were crumbling as well and soon she was sobbing into the bed just letting all of it out.
He frowned and just tried to give her comfort as much as possible but he was struggling to stay awake let alone move much. “I’m sorry.” He told her quietly. “Just like him. Carver was right.” He mumbled
She took a deep breath when she heard him talk and frowned deeply. She looked up at him and shook her head while glaring some "Don't you EVER say that piece of shit was right about anything." She said seriously before taking his hand in hers "Eddie we need to talk, not....not right now, but when your strength is back up. I'm not going anywhere okay?" She said quietly
He frowned and just watched her, trying to tug on her to lay with him. “I didn’t… the days… only two… I didn’t know.” He wasn’t making much sense by that point and had no energy to even lift his head but once she was sat with him he was out like a light.
Max moved to lay with him and shook her head softly "Rest Eddie, I'm right here." She whispered while pushing some hair from his face and watching him intently

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