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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

Wayne was there as soon as possible after his shift ended and made his way into the room just sighing quietly at the state of his nephew. “I just spoke to the nurses. They’re gonna try to send him home tomorrow if he stays stable all night.” He told her quietly.
Max looked over at Wayne as he came in later that day and nodded softly "Thats good to hear..." she whispered before putting her attention back to Eddie "Did you know he used? He never told me anything..."
He frowned and leaned back in the chair. “He’s probably not gonna tell you this so I will. Cause I know you’re not gonna run out on him for it…. His father…. His, excuse my language, piece of shit useless ass of a father gave Eddie ket to get him to go to sleep and not bother him. Had him hooked on the stuff by the time Ed was 10 years old. His mom found out and lost her shit with him. Called me to tell me what my brother was doing but that was the last time I ever got to speak to her. She confronted him and it led to an argument and he killed her that night. Took a couple months but eventually they let me have Ed. I’ve tried my best to keep him clean and sober but sometimes he slips up.” He told her.
Max frowned deeply as she listened to him and shook her head some "He never told me anythimg about his parents. Understandably so, I just....I want him happy and safe." She said quietly watchimg as Eddie slept peacefully against her "I was so scared that I ran him off....I thought...I thought I was pregnant again, and I told him the day he left."
Wayne smiled at her a little. “I’m hoping you two give me grandkids some day. Preferably not yet. Greyson will do…. I’m gonna head home but I’ll see you later, tell him I stopped by.” He told her and headed out.

Eddie was waking up late into the evening and looked over at her frowning. “Hey… they got any water or anything? I’m really hungry too.” He told her quietly, reaching for her hand
Max gave him a small smile and nodded softly "Will do." She said quietly. As the evening progressed she found herself sitting across from him watching the little TV in the room. She looked over when she heard him groan and gave a toothless smile "Hey there...yeah let me go see what you can have." She murmured before going to the nurses. She came back a few minutes later and handed him a water "Here is the water, they'll bring you dinner shortly."
He nodded slowly and watched her. “Did you find out? You pregnant or what?” He asked her, reaching for her hand. “I don’t mind…. That’s not why I left… Im sorry I scared you.” He mumbled.
Max frowned deeply and shook her head softly "No, I was only late. My period came about two days later." She said quietly before taking a deep breath as he apologized "Please don't ever scare me like that again..." she whispered as a few tears fell down her face "Wayne...he...he told me everything.."
He smiled a little and shook his head. “Not my intention beautiful… he did huh? I guess now would be the time huh?” He mumbled, resting his head back and watching her. “I try my best to stay off the stuff. But sometimes it’s too much.” He explained quietly.
Max gave a small nod and moved to sit on the edge of the bed with him "I love you Eddie....I want to spend my life with you, but to do that, we have to be completely open with one another going forward. No hiding anything, and we gotta be there for one another when things feel like its too much. I want to be there for you." She admitted quietly to him before kissing his cheek gently.
He just managed a hum in response, squeezing her hand as he started to fall asleep again, this time managing to rest through the rest of the night until they were letting him go in the morning, heading out to her car with her and got in, “you taking me home or can I see the kid first?” He asked her quietly.
Max gave a soft smile and shrugged some "Whatever you would like to do. You're on strict bed rest for today though mister. No running around." Shw said seriously as she began driving
He smiled some. “I wanna see greyson.” He told her quietly. “I love you.” He told her quietly, smiling. “I better stay at mine tonight though. Give the old man some peace of mind.”
Max smiled gently and nodded as she took the turn to Abi's neighborhood "Yeah that would be good. Ya know he told me he wants us to give him grandkids in the future..." she aaid giving a small laugh
He smiled and watched her a little. “I think we should. Long as we’re still going down the line and you’re not sick of me.” He mumbled, seeing them pull up to abis place and grinned as the door opened and greyson spotted Eddie, running to try and get to the car. “Hold on bud I’m coming.”
Max smiled widely and gave a small nod "I don't think thats gonna happen." She murmured as they pulled in Abi's drive way. She smiled widely when she saw Greyson come running for Eddie while she made her way to her friend to thank her.

Greyson crashed into Eddie as he knelt down to his level and hugged him tightly "Eddie!!!" He squealed not letting go of him at all "We miss you Eddie!!"
Eddie grunted a little but stood up and swung the little boy round smiling. “Missed you too buddy. I got busy with some stuff but I’m back now.” He smiled, carrying him back to the car.
Max came back to the car after talking Abi for a little longer smiling when she heard Greyson babbling. "He talking your ear off?" She asked as she got in and started up the engine. "Soon enough I'll be able to get him into pre-school."
He just nodded, leaning back with his eyes closed, rubbing at his temples. “He’s got so talkative now he’s got words.” He mumbled smiling
Max gave a small nod and smiled softly "Greyson baby, inside voice okay? Eddie isn't feeling too good." She said softly smiling as he lowered his voice a bit "Thank you Grey."
Eddie smiled appreciatively at her, relaxing on her couch the rest of the afternoon until greyson went to bed and he spent a little longer cuddling with her. “Mmm… I love you. You know that don’t you?” He murmured, burying his face into her hair
Max smiled softly as she twirled a single strand of his hair in her hand "Mmm of course I do, no guy would take on a woman and her child if he didn't.." she murmured softly before kissing the top of his head "I love you too by the way, in case you didn't know." She saif giving a small laugh "Eddie? What are we going to do after graduation? I know we toyed with the idea of moving to Indy...but you think we should stay here to save up for it?"
He smiled tiredly and just pulled her in a little closer. “I think we could stay here. In your trailer if you’d have me until we could get an apartment in Indy. I got a buddy up there with a mechanic shop. The music scene there would help me get Corroded Coffin going a bit better on the side…. I don’t need fancy things. Long as I got a roof over our heads and enough space that we don’t go stir crazy and I got you and greyson then I’m set.” He murmured.
Max smiled happily and nodded a bit "I can get behind that plan. I could try a find more work up in Indy as well...maybe a photography job even." She said sweetly before kissing his cheek gently "Also I'm gonna be at the next show you have. I've already talked with Wayne, he said he could watch Greyson." She said sweetly
He hummed quietly and smiled at her. “Mmmm… I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I’m glad I did it.” He mumbled. “I think I’m just gonna stay here tonight. I’ll see Wayne tomorrow after schoo.” He told her quietly, not wanting to move away from her.

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