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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

Max laughed lightly and shook her head some "No,I just want you to know how much I love ya." She said before looking at Greyson and giving a small laugh "Good job baby, but lets turn your shirt around." She said as she got up to help him out.

Jamie got out shortly after her and came out in only a towel while he looked over the room service menu "Mmm they have some good looking stuff on here." He said softly before handing her the menu and going to find himself some boxers.
She was laying down on top of the covers and reading it over but by the time Jamie turned back around she’d fallen asleep, still holding the menu.

He allowed it but grumbled the whole time she was adjusting his shirt starting to pick up so many more of eddies mannerisms these days
Jamie chuckled softly and gently took the memu from her hands. He positioned her so that she was laying at her pilow and gave a soft smile as he watched her.

Max rolled her eyes some and gave a small laugh "Just like your daddy." She said before kissing his forehead and standing up "Alright lets get going." She said while taking Greyson's hand in hers.
Eddie chuckled a litle and locked up behind them, heading out towards the right park. “So there should be w couple of label scouts at the venue on Saturday.” He told her, laying an arm across her shoulder while they walked.

Carmen woke up in the morning with the light coming through the window and just grumbled a little, getting up though when she saw Jamie had already left for the day, smiling at the little note he’d left her. She’d been excited for this trip but at the same time fully aware that in reality they’d not be spending much time together at all in the end.
Max smiled widely as they walked looking at him in shock when he said label scouts "Really?! Oh thats so awesome! I know one of them will see your talent." She said happily before kissing his cheek gently

Jamie sighed heavily as he sat waiting for an interview. He was still tired and really just wanted to be with Carmen but he had to do this part of the job as well. He smiled widely when his phone lit up with Carmen's name and quickly dialed her number rather than text her "Hello beautiful."
She smiled tiredly, stretching out. “Hey, I think I fell asleep early last night.” She told him, yawning a little. “I was thinking of booking us a table tonight so I just need you to text me what time is suitable. Also I’ve spoke to reception and they’ve recommended me a couple spas nearby to go get my back sorted.” She told him.

Eddie smiled a little and nodded. “They’re there almost every week babe. I don’t hold out hope much anymore but there’s always a chance.” He explained. “You given anymore thought to what you wanna do about your parents?”
Max gave a small nod and frowned at the mention of her parents "I don't know what to do honestly. I would love to have a relationship with them...but I'm nervous." She said softly

Jamie smiled softly and nodded "I should be done by 5, so reservations for 6:30 would be okay." He said softly "Oh really? Well thats good, make sure to get the best package, my treat." He murmured happily to her "How did you sleep?"
He frowned and shook his head. “Then don’t give them any leeway. We can have the baby sitter over for Grey and meet them in public.” He told her, opening the gate for them to get into the park once they arrived. “Hey hey, don’t go out of our sight. You can’t see us and we can’t see you.” He told greyson quickly before letting him go.

Carmen smiled tiredly, going to turn the shower on. “Well I slept til this morning so apparently I was tired.” She told him. “I better get going. Don’t wanna hold you up but I’ll find a place for dinner and see you tonight.” She said happily. “Love you.” She hung up then and got cleaned up again, going to get on with her day as well
Max went to sit with Eddie on an empty bench and gave a small nod "Yeah I think that could be a good compromise. See if they've really changed." She murmured before resting her head on his shoulder "You really think its okay to bring him Saturday?"

By the time Jamie got back to the hotel he was exhausted. Not really physically since he'd been sitting for most of the day, but mentally he was just about out of there. He smiled softly as he saw Carmen all dress for dinner and reached out for her hand "Hello lovely....how was your day?"
She smiled and stepped over to him, slipping her arms around his waist, “hey, go take a nap. Reservation is for 7. Today was good. Got my back sorted, got my emails done, got a few meetings done. Starving now but I’m just making a quick stop down the street before we go so lay down, get some rest and I’ll wake you when it’s time to get ready.” She told him, kissing his cheek.
Eddie nodded and kept her close. “Yeah. He’s not gonna be allowed in the bar but he can hang out in the back. Already cleared it with the manager and the owner. Got everything in writing.” He promised her
Jamie smiled happily at her and gave her a kiss "I love you so much." He said quietly before he pulled away to start undressing and layed in bed to fall asleep for a quick nap.

Max gave a nod and smiled softly "He'll love seeing you side stage, and I'm glad we were able to find those ear protection headphones." She said as she watched Greyson run around with another little boy playing tag "You ever think about giving him a sibling?"
He chuckled a little and nodded. “I think about the process all the time.” He grinned before she smacked the back of his head. “Chill. I was kidding.” He chuckled. “But yeah. I’d love to have more kids. Just not til we can afford it. We’re barely scraping by right now.” He pointed out.
Carmen smiled at him a little and left him to it to go run an errand before everywhere closed for the evening and made it back in time to wake him up. “Hey. Go get freshened up.” She coaxed. “Also Jess called. Said she got you a photo shoot added to tomorrows schedule.” She told him.
Max gasped and slapped the back of his head gently. She gave a small sigh but nodded some "I know, but hopefully soon we'll get there. I can feel it coming." She said hopefully before kissing his cheek.

Jamie groaned some and gave a small nod "Why must she do this to me? She hates me love." He said giving her a small pout as he sat up"Will you do my hair and makeup?"
She smiled and shook her head. “No she’s getting you work. And no I can’t. They have their own. She made that very clear when I spoke to her by the way.” She pointed out.

He gave a little shrug and stayed quiet, keeping an eye on greyson while he lit a cigarette.
Jamie pouted and gave a small nod "Oh fine, don't know why you can't just always be my personal hairdresser." He murmured before he got up fully "Let me take a quick shower and then we can go."

It was another week before they finally reached out to her parents and set up a time to meet for coffee. She was nervous beyond belief but was hopeful that this would go well. She gave Eddie's hand a tight squeeze as they walked into the coffee shop and immediately caught sight of her parents.
She frowned a little and shook her head. “I really hope you haven’t mentioned that in interviews before. They already think I dated you because of the fame.” She muttered. “And I know that you and I know the truth but it doesn’t make it easier dealing with random people who think they know better.”

The show had gone well for them and Eddie had been on cloud nine since then as the band was officially in the process of getting signed to a label to start producing music professionally. He’d tried to remain low-key about the whole thing though because he knew how stressed max was about meeting her parents for the first time in a long time as well.
Jamie sighed heavily and gave a small nod "No I haven't. I do my best to keep our relationship out of interviews." He said softly before stripping down to hop in the shower. The press had never been their friend in the relationship, always trying to exploit them, and what made things worse was the fact that the fans seemed to believe it all.

Max took a deep breath before walking towards her parents "Hi..." she said quietly before looking at Eddie "Mom....Dad...this is Eddie, my boyfriend." She said giving him a soft smile
She sighed a little and took a seat to wait for him, getting a few more emails done until she felt him tap her shoulder, getting up and heading out with him

Eddie nodded to them. “Hi. I’m gonna head on down to guitar centre okay? I’ll meet you back here when I’m done.” He murmured, pecking her cheek and left her to it like they’d discussed. Plus he needed a few bits for their next show
Jamie went down to hail a taxi with her and gave a small smile "So where have you set us up at huh?" He asked as he gave her hand a small squeeze.

Max sat down once Eddie left and tried her best to relax her tensed muscles "So uh....how uh...how have you been?" She asked quietly not sure really what to say at all.
She smiled and told the driver where they were going. “Koba. It’s a Korean barbecue place and it’s really small and quiet and tucked away in the back streets.” She told him, pecking his cheek once they started moving.

They both gave her the spiel of how much they missed her and how much they wanted to make things right and know her and their grandson now. They were still laying it on thick when Eddie got back, looking a little shell shocked, sitting down next to her and giving her leg a squeeze under the table.
Jamie smiled widely and gave a small nod "Mmm that sounds lovely." He said happily before kissing her temple gently. As they arrived he gave a sigh of relief seeing no one really around and hearing how quiet it was "We should move to the country, nice peaceful life."

Max gave gave Eddie a small smile as he came to sit down next to her. She gave her parents another smile before squeezing his hand "Eddie, they would like to be in our lives again..." she said slowly "I think we should talk this over."
She smiled and shrugged. “I think we might be arguing over what countryside though.” She pointed out.

He just nodded and frowned a little. “Yeah… yeah that sounds okay. Slowly thought would be good. As long as you’re happy with it.” He told them both seriously. He knew she would struggle to be clear and precise with her needs but he could play devils advocate no problem and he had no hesitance in keeping her out of harms way when it came to how they’d treated her previously.
Jamie chuckled some and gave a small shrug "I just want to have privacy with you." He said truthfully before opening the door to the restaurant for her.

Max gave a small nod and kissed his cheek gently before turning to her parents "Well, we should get going...I'll uh...I'll be in touch." She said holding the paper that they had given her with their new address and number on it.

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