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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

He sighed and just nodded, swaying with her a little, pressing his face into the top of her head. “I love you.” He murmured, just listening to his mind going a thousand miles an hour with everything going on for them at the moment.
Carmen finally met up with him late into the evening for a quick dinner, exhausted from meetings all day long and barely keeping her eyes open, jumping a little when Jamie nudged her after she hadn’t responded to a question. “Sorry, what were you saying?” She mumbled.
Max sighed heavily when she heard Greyson throwing a fit in his room and shook her head some. "Eddie leave him be, he'll get over it." She said as she watched him try to go.

Jamie chuckled softly as he watched her "I asked how your meetings went." He said giving her a big smile "I'm going to guess tiring?"
She just nodded and smiled back at him. “Yeah. It’s hard doing consultations over FaceTime. I might have a client tomorrow afternoon though. Friend of a friend. She’s got some premiere or something. Felt bad that her last person pulled out so suddenly but I’m gonna be exhausted.” She grumbled a little.

He frowned and went to leave him to it but turned to see his jacket was no longer hanging up and he headed to greysons room, finding him with a pair of scissors and eddies vest, cutting it up as much as he could. “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doing?! You wanna break shit do it to your own stuff but don’t you dare be destroying mine or your moms things. You think this is gonna make us want to take you to McDonald’s?! You think this is gonna get you what you want?!” He yelled at him.
Jamie gave her a small smile and nodded some "Well I know you'll do amazing. I've got some interviews, but the day after I've gotten cleared from everything. So we could have an us day if you'd like."

Greyson frowned and stuck his tongue out at Eddie as he tried to keep the vest away from him "I want mcdonalds!!" He screamed back at him before throwing going to hit Eddie as he came closer to him to grab the vest and screamed louder causing Max to rush into the room.
Eddie grit his teeth, snatching the vest away. “You’re being really spoilt right now kid you know that?! I work almost every fuckin day so you can have toys and food and clothes and everything you need and the one time we say no you destroy my shit?!” He yelled at him, turning and heading out of his room, going back to his and maxs and sitting on the edge of the bed until she came in looking pissed.

She nodded and yawned a little. “That sounds nice… one day with each other before I gotta go home and not see you for a month.” She sighed a little, giving his hand a squeeze. “I know we both like our space but a month is a lot.”
Max frowned deeply as she got Greyson calmed but still explained why what he had done was so wrong. She went into their room and glared at Eddie a bit "You could have handled that better without screaming." She said in an upset tone.

Jamie gave a small nod and sighed softly "I know love, but we'll be together for three after that." He said trying to cheer her up.
She just nodded and smiled tiredly. “I’m gonna head back up to the room love, my head hurts and I’m falling asleep down here.” She murmured, standing up and kissing his cheek, leaving the hotel restaurant.

Eddie frowned and shook his head. “No stop you don’t get it… I said you don’t get it!” He snapped, chucking his jacket into his closet. He was going to take a shower ti calm down but he froze when he heard maxs next words, turning to face her. “I’m not his real dad?! Is that what you just said?” He spat, shaking by this point
Jamie gave a small nod and sighed softly "I'll be up there soon, let me just finish up and pay." He murmured before she went off.

Max frowned deeply shaking her head more "What don't I understand huh?! You didn't have to scream at him, where is that going to teach him anything?!" She yelled but grew angrier as he started to walk away "You don't just get to scream at MY son because he messed up! You're not his fucking father!" She screamed before going wide eyed at her statement. She didn't mean it, she would never mean it, but her emotions got the best of her and she was just yelling hurtful things. She gulped when he turned to look at her with darkened eyes "Eddie...I....I didn't...I didn't mean it."
He just shook his head. “Don’t. Save it for the next time Carter sends you some change for him. That way Carter can whoop his ass instead of telling him off:” he muttered, grabbing his leather jacket and heading out of the apartment instead.

Greyson came out of his room a little later looking upset and went to see his mom, pouting. “Mommy…. Did I make daddy leave?” He asked her quietly, walking over to her.

It wasn’t long after she left that Jess started texting him again and soon phoned when he said Carmen had gone to bed. “I miss you.” She told him quietly.
Max frowned deeply looking at Greyson as he came out of his room "No....no baby you didn't, that was Mommy's fault." She whispered pulling him to her "Why did you take his vest baby? You know that vest means everything to Daddy..."

Jamie gave a heavy sigh when he answered the phone and gave a small nod "I know darling, I miss you as well." He murmured quietly as he stood outside smoking a cigarette before bed.
Greyson shrugged. “I was really mad. Cause I want McDonald’s… and daddy said no. All my friends moms and dads have McDonald’s money. Is that why we only have daddy’s van? And we live in an apartment?” He asked her frowning, just holding onto her tightly.

She sighed a little and shook her head. “I’m not asking you to do it right now but by the end of the year I need you to make a decision whether you want her or me… cause I can’t do this forever. But you got til December Jamie.” She told him quietly.
Max frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "I know honey....and I know it doesn't make sense, but we don't have a lot of money. We are trying to give you the best life we can, but sometimes that means no mcdonalds." She explained the best she could before taking a deep breath "Come on, I'm gonna show you how to fix your daddy's vest, and you're gonna apologize when he gets home, understand?"

Jamie frowned deeply as he listened to her and gave a small sigh "Alright....listen I gotta get headed inside. I'll see you tomorrow alright?" He said softly before hanging up the phone and going up to their room
Greyson nodded and hugged her tightly, helping her to get the vest fixed up and had dinner, trying to stay up for when Eddie got home but ended up falling askeep around 10pm

The phone call came through at just gone four in the morning for her, a strangers voice on the other end asking if she knew an Eddie Munson.

Carmen shifted a little when he came up to bed but soon settled again, curling up close to him as possible.
Max frowned deeply when she heard the house phone ringing at 4 in the morning. She groaned softly and got up going the answer the phone "Hello?...yes he is my boyfriend why?" She asked starting to grow concerned.

Jamie layed there and held her close to him just staring at the ceiling as he tried to sleep.
“He uh, we’ve just called an ambulance for him. He’s overdosing real bad and he had this number in his pocket.” He told her, “we didn’t know it was cut bad.” He told her as the paramedics were pulling up, “hold on.” There was some muffled sounds but soon the guy was back on the line. “They’re taking him to county general.” He told her and hung up.

Carmen woke up early the following morning with a pounding headache, going to the bathroom to try and get freshened up at least, hoping it would make her feel better but it did very little.
Max went wide eyed feeling her world start to crash just like the last time when she heard this. She took shaky breaths and quickly went to grab Greyson and get to the hospital by bus for now. Her car had shit the bed completely a few months ago and there was no way they could afford to get another one.

Jamie came into the bathroom seeing her sitting in the shower "Love you okay?" He asked as he stepped closer and pushed the door open "Headache?"
She hummed quietly as a response not wanting to even attempt a nod. “For now. It’ll be a migraine by the evening.” She mumbled, “I’m gonna have to cancel that client.” She mused.

The receptionist glanced up as she saw a woman walking into the hospital looking frantic with a young child in tow. “Ma’am the children’s ER is just down that hallway and you make a le-“ she immediately stopped when she heard her mention she was there for an adult. “What’s the name?” She asked her.
Jamie frowned deeply and gave her a small nod "Is there anything I can do?" He asked softly as he stripped down and moved to sit next to her pulling her close to him gently rubbing her back.

Max rushed in and up to the nurse's station "No no, I'm here for an adult." She said frantically taking a deep breath to try and calm down "Edward Munson." She said quickly
She frowned a little before giving him a thumbs down. “I’m gonna go back to bed. Put the dnd sign on the door when you leave.” She mumbled

The receptionist nodded and gestured towards the lobby waiting area. “He was only brought in twenty minutes ago he’s still in the ER, if you wait over there they’ll come call his name when they have an update for you.” She told her b
Max took a shaky breath and nodded some "Okay...do um...do you have a pay phone? I need to make a call." She said softly before following her directions to the phone so she could call Wayne.

Jamie frowned and gave a small nod to her "Alright love, do you need help to bed?" He asked softly
She shook her head a little and just gave his hand a squeeze. “I’ll make it there in a minute.” She mumbled, “I’m just gonna get Deliveroo at some point for food.”

Wayne frowned as the phone started ringing right as he walked in the front door, picking it up “Hello? Max you okay sweetheart? What’s going on?” He asked, worried about the time of night she was calling at.
Jamie gave a small nod and kissed her handle repeatedly "I will be back as soon as I can be okay?" He said softly before he got up and went to dry himself off.

Max took shaky breaths "Hey Wayne...its Eddie...he...he OD'ed again and...he is in the ER now. I just...I wanted to let you know." She said looking down at Greyson who was starting to fuss a bit still not fully awake.
Wayne cursed under his breath and shook his head. “Did his old man show up? Max listen to me. If there’s a guy that shows up to your place. Bout the same age as me. Looks like me but he’s still got all his hair, real rough looking guy, do not answer the door. Tell him through the door you’re gonna call the cops and then call the cops. Eddies dad got let out of prison last week. I told him this morning but I didn’t think he’d react this bad.” He muttered. “Is he gonna be okay?”

She hummed again to let him know she’d heard, eventually getting out of the shower and dragging herself back to bed, keeping the lights off and curtains closed all day
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "He didn't tell me...oh god Wayne I really fucked up. We got in a fight and I got too emotional and said he wasn't Greyson's father....I really fucked up." She said down the line.

Jamie came back late that evening sighing as he saw her laying in bed. He went to sit next to her frowning some "Hey beautiful how you feeling? I got some medicine for you just in case."

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