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Realistic or Modern Don’t Leave Me Like This

Eddie was silent as he walked back to the van with her, staring at the ground and lost in his own world until he felt her pinch his arm. “Ow! What was that for?” He muttered.
Carmen smiled and sighed a little, giving her name for the reservation and followed them into the back room to be seated.
Max walked back with him explaining what her parents had said but frowned seeing he wasn't paying attention. She pinched at his arm and gave him a frown "Whats got you so lost in your head? I was telling you about my parents." She said softly

Jamie sat with her and gave a small sigh seeing he had already been spotted "Give me just a moment love." He said quietly before getting up so that the fans didn't mess with her when he saw them walking towards him.
She nodded, looking in the direction he was headed and just sighed a little, waiting the couple of minutes until he came back, taking his hand when he sat down. “I ordered your drink already. You wanna do a share platter?” She asked him

He sighed and shrugged wrapping an arm across her shoulders and kissed her head. “Sorry. Just thinking.” He mumbled. “How did it go?” He asked her quietly, getting in the van with her once they got there, heading to go pick up Greyson.
Jamie came back a few minutes later and gave a small smile "Yeah that sounds great and thank you for my drink." He said softly before taking her hand in his "Whats wrong?"

Max got in the van and gave a small shrug "They were just telling me how much they missed me, that they wanted to be in my life and Greyson's. They said they were sorry, and that they want to know their grandson."
He frowned and shook his head. “Arms length. Please. Cause I can’t see them break you. Or him. And my first priority is you two.” He told her then paused, reaching across and placing a hand on her stomach. “You three.” He mumbled, moving it away again. “So I’m not opposed to throwing hands if they get shitty.” He smiled a little.

She shook her head and smiled. “Nothing. Just a little jet lagged babe.” She assured him. “When does filming start for this movie?” She asked him quietly, enjoying that they were getting a bit of peace and quiet in public but fairly on edge that it might not last long.
Max looked at him a bit shocked and gave a small nod having not told him yet about the pregnancy "How did you....how did you find out?" She asked softly as she took his hand in hers.

Jamie looked over what all they had to offer and gave a small sigh "Probably next month sometime. I've asked Jess for a vacation afterwards though. I'm starting to get burnt out, I need some time with just you."
He smiled a little and shrugged. “You asked me to take the garbage out. So I took the garbage out and it was sitting at the Rob of the bathroom trash.” He told her.

Carmen smiled alittke and nodded. “That would be nice. Take a vacation to the middle of nowhere and just relax.” She smiled, reaching over and taking his hand.
Max pouted softly and gave a small nod "Damn it, I was gonna do a cute little surprise." She said before looking over at him and giving a small smile "Are...are you happy?" She asked him, hoping that he would be okay with them having a child together.

Jamie took her hand in his and nodded softly "Mmm yes it would be." He murmured happily. As they finished through their dinner he thanked all his lucky stars that they hadn't been bothered once by anyone. However, as they got outside he gave a heavy sigh realizing he had thanked them too soon. Two women in dresses that were probably a size too small and atleast 5 inch heels strutted their way up to them with giant fake smiles plastered on their faces asking for photos with him.
He smiled over at her and nodded. “I’m over the moon about it beautiful.” He assured her but his demeanour was still subdued. He just couldn’t stop thinking about the phone call he’d had with Wayne.

Carmen smiled and pat his shoulder. “Go do your thing babe I’m gonna get an ice cream.” She told him, heading over to the next shop over
Max gave a small nod not fully believing him, ut she wouldn't push it. "How do you think we should tell Greyson?" She asked as they pulled up to his babysitter's house.

Jamie gave a small nod and smiled softly. He came back to her a few minutes later and frowned deeply "That was cruel of you to leave me like that. They were AWFUL." He said as he sat down at the little table she had picked out.
She smiled a little and handed him a spoon for them to share. “Hey you can always say no Jamie.” She told him quietly, sighing as his phone started pinging, glancing over to see it was Jess messaging him. “God she works hard. Tell her to go get some sleep or something. She needs to rest as well.”

He shrugged a little. “Gently. But maybe we get him ice cream or something to do it. Just in case he’s not happy.” He mumbled, getting out to go collect him.
Jamie sighed dramatically as he took the spoon from her "I know, but then I'm made into a bad guy." He said before glancing at his phone. He gave a small chuckle at her remark about Jess and nodded some "Yeah she does." He murmured before sending a quick reply turning down his ringer.

Max gave a small nod and took his hand as they walked up the drive way "Thats a good idea." She said softly before knocking at the door "Boy or girl?"
He shrugged, not really listening until the door opened and he went back to get his wallet from the car to pay her.

Carmen just rolled her eyes a little, staying quiet then and got a taxi back to the hotel once they were done, wanting to get some sleep.
Max smiled and chatted with her about Greyson's day before looking back at Eddie who was taking a little longer than normal to get his wallet.

Jamie frowned as they got back up to the room and saw he had 5 more messages from Jess. He shook his head and quickly marked them as read while Carmen used the restroom.
Carmen came back out in just her underwear after getting all her skincare done, making her way over to him in bed and straddling his hips. “Jamie. Emails can wait darling.” She coaxed when he hadn’t even looked at her yet.

He eventually made it back over there and got her paid, picking up greyson and taking him back to the car, “you have a good day buddy?”
Jamie didn't even pay attention as she came out of the restroom. He had thought she'd want to go straight to bed, though when she finally spoke to him he placed his phone down. He went a bit wide eyed and had the smile to match when he looked over at her body "Mmm yes they can." He said before pressing her body against his and kissing her lovingly.

Greyson nodded some as he held onto Eddie giving a big yawn "Uh huh, I played with the other kids....we ran alot." He said tiredly to him nuzzling his head in his neck "I love you daddy."
She lay with him after, slipping her arms around him. “I love you. I know things have been rough but I think we’re coming out the other side of it. We’ll be just fine.” She murmured, kissing his cheek.

He smiled and kissed his head. “Love you too bud. Try not to fall asleep til we get home bud or you’re gonna be awake all night.” He pointed out.
Jamie smiled widely and held her close to him as he tried to catch his breath "Mmm I think so too." He murmured before kissing her lovingly

Greyson grumbled some but nodded as he got buckled up.

Max got in next to them and smiled softly at their son "What sounds good for dinner baby?"
He shrugged and wriggled in his car seat a little more. “Mommy I want chicken nuggets. Can we get McDonald’s?” He asked, frowning when Eddie shot that down immediately

“Not today bud. When you got McDonald’s money we can go but not today.” He muttered.

She smiled and slid out of bed to get some pyjamas on and soon joined him again, curling in close. “Mmm I love you. Get some rest you got another busy one tomorrow.”
Max gave Greyson and sad smile but sighed softly "Your Dad is right Greyson, we can't really afford Mcdonalds right now. I think we may have some at home though." She murmured before looking out the window.

Jamie smiled softly and gave a small nod "You rest too okay?" He murmured before kissing her forehead and starting to drift off to sleep
He sighed a little hearing greyson start to kick off a little in the back seat, frowning when he started kicking the back of Eddies seat. “Not while I’m driving bud. Not nice.” He told him.

She hummed quietly, falling asleep fairly quickly but waking up super dearly when Jamie was leaving, kissing him goodbye and muttering something about meeting him for lunch, soon going back to sleep until much later in the morning.
Max frowned deeply as Greyson started to kick at Eddie's chair "Greyson stop, its going to be okay." She said as firmly as she could to him.

Jamie gave a small smile when he saw Carmen that morning "I'll see you later beautiful." He said softly before kissing her gently and leaving for the day.
Jess smiled when he arrived at the interview. “Well good morning handsome. You got two of these and then a private one in my dressing room.” She smiled at him, “the photo shoot this afternoon is gonna be a few hours as well then you’re free to go.” She told him

Eddie frowned when he just continued and eventually got back to their place, carrying him inside while he screamed and struggled against Eddies hold. “Buddy screaming about it isn’t gonna make McDonald’s suddenly appear.” He told him, setting him in his room for him to calm down and went to take his jackets off, meeting max in the kitchen. “I don’t want you picking him up when he’s being physical like that. Not while pregnant.” He told her seriously
Jamie gave her a small smile and nodded a bit "Alright thank you." He murmured softly before going to the interview. He'd been secretly seeing Jess for around 6 months now after a particular wild night of drinking. While he loved Carmen more than anything, it was nice to feel this privacy with Jess that he didn't get with Carmen.

Max frowned deeply as Greyson struggled against Eddie. She looked at him and gave a small nod "I won't, I'll make sure to protect our baby okay?" She murmured before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him gently.

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