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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Tera eyed him for a moment as she thought it over. On one hand, owing someone like him a favor would probably be a big problem later on, but on the other hand, if she didn't accept this now, depending on how much information he really had on her, he could just use it as blackmail if he wanted. She was a bit wary, but her curiosity won her over so she nodded. "Fine, but if I owe you a favor then I want honest answers. First question: What is everything you already know about me?"

Ken smirked a bit surprised that she actually excepted, but honestly curiosity is a dangerous thing which makes his information all the more useful. He went through his pocket and pulled out a voice recorder and pressed the play button, it then repeated the sentence about her agreeing to his deal. Once it finished he placed it back in his pocket. "That was just my way of letting you know you can't deny me when I call in that favor. Anyway, I know your powers, what you like and dislike, your fears, I even got my hands on a bit of your past." He honestly. "My turn...what is your favorite dessert?" He asked as he got out a notepad and pen. He opened the pad to a certain spot and twirled the pen around as he waited for her to answer.

As soon as the tape recorder was placed on the table, it confirmed that this hadn't been the smartest idea, but hey, if he already knew that much then what was the harm in continuing. "Chocolate chip cookies, plain and simple." She was taken aback by how easy that was to answer, but who was she to complain if that was really what he wanted to know. "Why do you always have that mouse with you?" She asked, going back to the question she had asked originally.

"He is my only friend and the only one I trust." He said calmly. "What is you favorite color?" He asked as he began to write her pervious answer down. 'I should challenge people to these games more often. Now I can get the tiny details that are usually hard to get. True this type of information isn't useful in a fight, but still never hurts.' He thought as he patiently waited once again. Op ran down Ken's shoulder and sat on the table and looked at Tera as he tilted his head. @FireFlare
Tera looked at the mouse as he ran down to the table. 'Alright, that mouse is seriously adorable.' She thought. She was going to reach out her hand and pet it, but it wouldn't be a big surprise if it bit her, considering it hung around Ken pretty much 24/7. "Purple." She answered, still focused on the mouse. "What are your powers?" She knew one was electricity like her, but most people tended to have two and the other was a mystery to her.

He wrote in the pad a bit before glancing around making sure no one was close enough to hear them. "Shifting and electricity." He said as he tapped his pen on his chin. "Is there a way to win this game, or are we just asking questions? And yes that is my question." He said calmly. Op scurried over to Tera so he was just at the edge of the table, once again he looked at her and tilted his head. "He wants to be petted by you." Ken said as he watched the two.
Tera raised her hand from her lap, recalling information from a book she'd read a couple years ago on mice, she gently used two fingers to stroke the small animal's fur. She continued petting him as she shrugged. "I don't know, I'm just doing this because I was curious. I guess we can end anytime you want, unless you really want to think of a way to win. In which case, be my guest. But I'm asking another question either way. What can you shift into?"
He was a bit quiet on this question, not really want to give out too much about him. She owes me as long as I answer honestly, but we never agreed detail. He smiled and linked his hand together as he rested his chin on them. "I can shift into snakes, spiders, birds, and this one you will like, dogs," He then closed his eyes trying ot think of something he didn't all ready know. "What's you favorite book?" He asked. "And let's see...the first person not to answer a question truthfully losses, I warn you, I can tell a lie from the truth rather easily. the only person I have a problem deciphering is Kano." Op let out a small happy squeak as she petted him. He then ran off the table and jumped on her lap before climbing up to her shoulder and laying there.
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Her eyes lit up at the last answer, adding to the smile that came with the mouse perching on her shoulder. Then his question came and she frowned a bit. "I hope you realize that I go through a book at least every other day, if not every." She sat there for a moment, going through all the books she remembered liking in her head. Eventually she came to one that had made the biggest impression on her that she could remember. "The Little Prince." It was a book her mother had read her when she was younger, and she'd almost forgotten about it until he asked. "Alright, do you get all the traits of an animal when you shift into it?"
"Yes." He stated simply as he once again wrote in his book. "Geez, it's hard to ask you something I don't already know. Hmm let's see. How many dates have you gone on?" At this rate I'll end up not having anything to ask her, well actually I have plenty of things, however asking those questions would probably not be in my best interest, at least...not now.
Tera's face started to turn red as soon as she realized what he said. While it didn't bother her too much that she hadn't ever been on a date, admitting it out loud proved to be a tad more embarrassing. She looked at her lap. "...I haven't been on any." She mumbled it almost incoherently so she could only pray he heard, lest she have to say it again. She shook her head to try and get the color to drain from her face, feeling the fur of the mouse brush against her cheek she said the first question that came to mind. "What's his name?" She asked, pointing to the mouse.
"A virgin? Did not expect that with your looks." He said genuinely surprised as he wrote in his book. "His name is Op say it however you want it doesn't matter he will answer to it unless I tell him not to. He placed his hand on his chin and looked at her as he tried to think of more questions. "Favorite pass time?"
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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye] Des Demios- Library Des looked at her and smiled he really liked her now. Alice was a challenge her nature intrigued him. He smiled as she even threatened him. Oh this girl is too much fun. He took a step toward her still holding Kano beside him. He leaned closer to her ear and smiled "somewhere high enough to be hidden. Somewhere dark, and quiet with a lot of space. Think about the best place to have sex and shoot it there." He grinned at her and leaned even closer "maybe I'll even join you." He leaned back and looked at her face smile still plastered on his face.

The moment that stupid grin appeared on his face she regretted asking. He leaned in close to her ear whispered to her. The fact that he was so close made her want to give a nice punch to the face. But that last comment he made about the best place to have sex made her cheeks go pink she looked at him and said, "Are you trying to get on my bad side?" He was making her mad and nervous. He leaned in closer completely ignoreing her comment and said, "Maybe I'll even join you." Her cheeks went to even a brighter pink and she looked at him trying to hold herself back from shooting a fire ball at him. That stupid smile on his face was making it harder for her not to.
Tera stuttered for a bit, but her efforts to say something were proving ineffective . She settled for looking to the mouse on her shoulder. "Nice to meet you Op." She smiled at the little creature before turning back around. "Reading. Actually, it's probably just learning in general." She furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to think of what to ask next. "Oh, I got it!" Came out, but then she hesitated. 'If I ask that will he just lie and end the game so he doesn't have to answer?' She eventually just shrugged. What was there to lose? "What's your biggest secret?"
Op let out a small squeak before running down her arm and back to Ken. "My biggest secret? Hmmm Sure why not. I was orphaned at the age of nine when someone killed my entire family and mortally wounded me." He said causally. He rested is chin on the table and looked up at her. "What's the wo- no I already know that...*shrugs* What is you favorite holiday?" He asked running out of things to say. I'm surprised it took her this long to ask me more of the personal questions. @FireFlare
Her eyes widened at the answer, even more so at the fact that he said it so indifferently. She brushed it off easily enough though, considering she wouldn't mind if her family died. With the exception of her mom of course. "Favorite holiday? Halloween." She paused for a moment afterwards, watching Op run across the table. It was becoming harder to think of worthwhile questions. "Does it hurt when you shift into animals?"
Ken let out a sigh as he stood up and stretched. "No. Why are you only asking boring questions? At this rate I'll fall asleep." He asked as he looked at the food line. Oh idiots, shame they don't have a good sense off smell. Someone put laxatives in the food, hate to be them. he yawned and looked out of the window again. What should I do? I'm kinda bored...no scratch that I'm very bored.
"I don't know, that's just what comes to mind. What would you consider interesting?" She said with a huff. Honestly, it was getting a bit dull due to the lack of questions. "You could always just lie on a question and we'd be done with it if you're that bored." She'd gotten answers to sate enough of her curiosity, vague as they'd been, so ending here wouldn't be a horrible disappointment.
Ken looked at her and smirked. "For all you know everything I said was a lie, I can lie without trying. And to answer your question, asking me about more detailed past, my fears, or how I know things that many shouldn't know." He then turned his back and began to walk away before looking over is shoulder. "Right my turn, I'm going to the school grounds do you want to come?"
Tera just shrugged. "As long as I don't know it's a lie I'll be fine since this whole thing is just out of curiosity." She then stood up to start following him. "Sure, I don't have anything else to do." She fell into step beside him as they walked. "Then, who killed your family and why?"
"There we go ask what I don't want to answer. Anyway, a monster, and out of hate." He said as he placed Op on Tera's head. "What type of guys do you like?" He asked once again getting out his pen and notebook. "Actually answer that once we get to the school grounds."


School Grounds

When they arrived Ken found a nice tree and climbed up it and sat on the lowest branch, he had on leg dangling off the branch and his hands behind his head. "Okay, now answer." He said his notebook and pen out.
Kano - Library

Kano watched as Alice's face go bright red but decided to not comment on it. As Des held her closer she warped her arms around him and pressed her chest against his. He looked up and Gave Des an alluring smile while he lifted Kano off the ground and purred once he started scratching her head. "Ill make sure to play nice with her too sweetie." Kano spoke to Des but was looking at Alice. She gave a smile and vanished, reappearing behind Alice in the same instant. "So you need me for a plan? I can assume my job would be to bring you and the fire works to a place. I can do that. Just show me the fire works and tell me the place. Ill take care of the rest." Kano got closer and whispered into her ear. "And if your going to do something with Des remember one thing. Im fine with you borrowing him, but when all is said and done he is mine."
Tera glanced at the mouse on top of her head, silently wondering if she should pick it up. She left Op there until they reached the school grounds before she decided to grab him, bringing him down so she could pet him as they talked. "Intelligent and interesting ones, there's not really any more than that needed, but they have to be smart by my standards, which a lot of people aren't. Alright, my turn. What is the full name of the monster that killed your family?"
animegirl20 said:
The moment that stupid grin appeared on his face she regretted asking. He leaned in close to her ear whispered to her. The fact that he was so close made her want to give a nice punch to the face. But that last comment he made about the best place to have sex made her cheeks go pink she looked at him and said, "Are you trying to get on my bad side?" He was making her mad and nervous. He leaned in closer completely ignoreing her comment and said, "Maybe I'll even join you." Her cheeks went to even a brighter pink and she looked at him trying to hold herself back from shooting a fire ball at him. That stupid smile on his face was making it harder for her not to.
Des looked at her bright pink face and felt satisfied. He obviously had her, no matter what she said. "I would love to see your bad side, I bet she is just as feisty and beautiful as the girl I see before me." He could have had a whole lot more fun with her, but he needed her to help with the plan. Maybe after this I can have some more fun with her. He sighed and rolled his shoulders. He smiled as Kano agreed to play nice. "Kano I'll tell you where you need to get them she'll tell you the delivery point." He winked at hI'm and noticed him whispering something in Alice's ear. He paid no mind to it and spoke to Alice. "You're smart Alice wherever you put them, as long as you can shoot them into the crowd is perfect." He learned closer looking her in the eyes. His irises in his eyes seemed to swirl like some kind of optical illusion or hypnotizing stare. "Although I'm curious to see where you choose. I love to see where your favorite spots are." He looked at her body and smiled again. Obviously not talking about, landmarks.

@Rantos @animegirl20

(Lol poor @animegirl20 DOUBLE THREAT!)
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He wrote some more and in his book before looking at her with a smirk. "Well, I had been stabbed and saw my entire family slaughtered like pigs in front of me, so sadly I didn't have time for introductions. So my answer is I don't know." He was still smirking as if e talked about this on a daily basis. He kept twirling his pen in is fingers as he looked at the blossoms on the tree that he was sitting in. "Favorite school event?"

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