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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Julian Lanchester

School Grounds-

Feeling the formation of soft lumps on his face, Julian stopped crying, but instead grew curious to know what these were. He was most definitely sure that he had tackled a guy, but now there was something off about him that baffled him. Why was his chest so soft? Unconsciously he began to fondle them gently, examining the new pieces of land that warranted his attention. As his tears dried, his heart began to slow down, the sensation alone was enough to put the fellow at ease. It also helped that the person patted his head gently and even hummed him a sweet melody. And to think he was going to sacrifice this lovely creature to save himself? To be honest, the guy was still up for sacrificing, because his life was of the utmost important to the world, but he didn't need to know that. Slowly, he removed himself from the man's voluptuous chest which he most definitely needed to work on, because no way in hell should a man have a fluffy chest like that. Looking up his vision was a little blurry from crying but his finally manage to get a better view. He first examined his comforter he saw a cute orange hair boy with a slim figure, peach skin, and oval shaped amber eyes. Turning his head, he saw the other guy sitting them with them, a tall yet striking handsome (not as handsome as himself of course. Can't defy the laws of nature right?) man with short ebony hair and slate gray eyes.

"Thank you uhh . . . Mr. Orange." he sniffled as he wiped his nose of the snot that threatened to exit his nostril. He then he turned to see the other fellow who seemed to have a permanent frown as if he saw something he didn't want. Making a "detective" face, he stared at the man and then back as his savior his hand beginning to grope the air.

" I don't know if you know this, but your chest is super soft for some reason. You might wanna get that checked or something, because people might mistake you for a girl or something. Might wanna do some chest exercises to help fix it. You can borrow my Insanity work out program thing if ya want. Training is hell, but it works. Don't know English, but still good." he commented, unaware of how rude he was being to his savior. He had very little to no censor when it came to be which was the main reason why people hated him. He wonder who his savior was thinking it'd be mean just to call him Mr. Orange and Mr. Man in Black. Plus, Mr. Orange seemed to already know his name with this being their first meeting. Then the idea came to him, why not just use [Analyze] to see who they were. Just as he thought it up, a blue window popped up above both of the strangers head with their title, name, and level. He skipped looking at the levels and went to their names, Mr. Orange being Shuuya Kano while the other man was named Ryllian Langh, a rather unique name indeed.

Closing [Analyze] he spoke," Well thank you Kano and Ryllian for comforting me in this time of need. Thought I was gonna die." he paused, remembering the grotesque voice that came from the speakers, and continued," You guys don't happen to know what was up with the afternoon announcements? I hope that it was some kinda prank, but knowing that strict emotionless, logical, asshole of a woman, she'd never think of something like that." he complained, knowing this couldn't have been her doing. He knew, he tried to mess with the announcement a countless number of times and ended up in reflection for his provocative messages involving bloomers and other god like creations (Underwear). Julian thought if it was a ghost and shook his head at the thought, his different color irises giving back their attention to the Kano and Ryllian. Whatever was going on he hoped it was some hilarious prank or something, because this was really beginning to scare him.

@Rantos and @Darekk

(Julian believes that Kano is still a guy which is why he never refers to him as a girl.)
Alice looked at the guy next to her when he was talking. "Well your happy one." She said slightly annoyed by it. But she had to admit those were pretty cool powers. She wondered how strong he really was. She put the fire out she had in her hand and crossed her arms. She then suddenly felt the guy next to her touch her arm. She looked at him with a warning look on her face. "I prefer if you didn't touch me." She knew why he did but she didn't like people touching her. She then realized that she never introduced herself. "Oh I'm Alice by the way."

@The Suspicious Eye

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((@A Guileless Fable god I love your character so much!))

School grounds - Kano

Kano moaned quietly as she felt Julian fondling her chest. She looked down at him and smiled. 'What a cute little boy.' Kano thought to himself. While Kano didn't know this boy personally and she was sure that Julian has never encountered her vary much. Kano looked closely and noticed something he didn't before, the boy had different colored eyes. This boy was one surprise after the next and while Kano hated surprises she was fine with this boy surprises. As Julian removed himself Kano laughed a little. As Julian made a comment about Kano's chest he smiled at the boy and responded. "You really think so? I happen to like my chest like this, while it does come with some disadvantages I think I will keep it as is. I would be happy to take that Insanity off your hands though. I do feel like if anything needs work its probably my legs." Kano got close to Julian's ear and whispered. "You know your cute in a innocent kind of way. I like that about you." Kano took Julian's hand for a second and began to suck on one of his fingers lightly. Hes a strange one that Kano. After she sucked it for a few seconds she got back up on her own two feet and thought about Julian and Ryllian's question. "Your right, thinking that someone was pulling a prank on the intercom is a far stretch. I remember the last time I tried to do that. They had old man Cain follow me for two weeks none stop. It was creepy." Kano shivered remembering the events. Worst two weeks ever. "We could do the smart thing and just go to the front desk and ask. Hows that sound?"

Shara Rain ~ Chancellor's Office

Mood? Not happy.

Shara was sitting in the student chair looking at the empty seat. "Where is he, I need to get this approved ASAP so I can get to work on the stand preparations and finalize payments." She tapped her foot against the ground, she had so much energy. Finally she couldn't stand it and got up. She opened a window and leaned out of it. She looked around at the other students walking around. Some had, free periods and we're hanging out outside in the courtyard. She sighed, she loved the peaceful nature of the school. "I don't want anything to change about this place" She said as she watched everything through the window.


Des Demios ~ Gen Ed Building

Des looked at both of them. "Nice, call me Des, or Boss." He crossed his arms and looked at them "We are going to bring the New Spring festival to a well deserved finale." He smiled at them, not expecting them to get the humor. "Alright, so the plan is to shoot the fireworks into the crowd during the finale. We can't steal some beforehand because Shara will have her eyes on them like a hungry dingo over a baby. We will need a distraction big enough to make Shara leave so we can steal some." He pointed to Cass "Cass you are in charge of the distraction. If you need more help, I got a few guys on stand by." He turned to Alice and smiled. "You hot stuff, are in charge of positioning and setting off the relocated fireworks. We gotta make sure the trajectory and speed are enough to cause maximum damage, so I hope you paid attention in physics class." He smiled at her and put his hands on his hips standing up straight. "The New Spring festival isn't until a few days away. I know you guys can do it." He pulled out a piece of paper, scribbled something and handed it to each of them. "This is my phone number, call me with your plans. If you need any help or need someone to spend the night with." He winked at Alice "don't hesitate to call."

"Also make sure you don't get caught. That means don't talk about this with others. No friends, no spouses, nobody other than me & Ken. I plan to take the full blame, for this. So you'll have to be sneaky about your roles. The last thing you need is for Shara and the student council to find out. Everyone good any questions?"

@animegirl20 @alcoholiccat

(I'm trusting you guys to come up with good plans. If you need any help or have any questions don't hesitate to PM me or ask Des in the RP.)
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Ken Tanaka School Grounds:

Ken smirked when he saw her open the window. "This may be better, though from the looks of things she is in a pretty bad mood, I would hate to make it worse...actually...I would love to." Ken was siting in a tree that wasn't too far from the window he was causally leaning against the trunk as he tossed a small bag of bird seeds up and down. To bad for Shara she couldn't see him due to the leaves that completely covered him. "Okay then let's make a mess. Oh! Don't claw out her eyes or make her bleed, Des would be pissed and as intresting as that would be....let's focus on one thing at a time." He said with a smirk before snapping his fingers, ten seconds past and nothing happened, but then eleven seconds past and a vareity of birds flew out of nearby bushes and trees and went into the office.

He waited a few seconds before placing the bag of birdseeds in his mouth and tuning into a crow flying with the rest. As soon as he entered he tore open the bag and tossed it at Shara. The birds instantly went after her. During the confusion he was able to find the pocket with the disk and take it carefully without her noticing because of all the other birds. He then flew out and went back to the tree. "Looky what I got." He said with a grin to Op as he showed the disk. "Ok you wait here with this, I got to make sure they don't claw her eyes out." He then handed Op the disk before changing back into his crow form and going into the office. He let out a loud screech and the birds calmed down...a bit. They still flew around the office making a huge mess, but they stopped covering Shara. He looked around and saw the office was a HUGE mess, and with the other birds still in there it was getting worse by the second. @The Suspicious Eye
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(Naw, it's fine. I'm super flexible when it comes to things happening.)

Shara was slowly feeling better when all of a sudden a murder (flock of crows) rushed her. She rose her hands up to her face in order to protect her eyes. The birds clawed and pecked at her, as she screamed. " What the hell!?" She stumbled around as the storm of crows followed her. Did I leak out some bad luck? I know without a target it will latch onto me. Ugggggh, why is everything so hard today! Suddenly the murder stopped attacking her and began to destroy the office. Shara stood in the midsts of the destruction head down as if she were going to cry.

She stood there for a moment her face hidden from everyone. Then she snapped her ears shot up and her eyes glowed red. "I will murder you stupid murder!" She sent out a wave of bad luck of towards the crows. She would have used her Dark energy powers, but couldn't without Des or another source. Shara increased the presume of a small area of air to create a air staff And began to whack and shoo the crows out. "Get out! Stupid crows, I hope you enjoy the taste of bad luck! Now get out!" She tried her best not to hurt any of them, but the bad luck she put on them backfired. Some ran into books and shelves leaving more of a mess. Then she accidentally hit one of he birds (Ken) a little too hard.

Ken got hit by the bad luck and fell out of the window, he was able to fly again before he hit the ground. though when he landed he tripped slightly and fell landing on his shoulder. He grit his teeth as he stood up and let out a sigh. "Now this is going to be fun. I've been cursed with bad luck and I still have things to do." He let out a sigh and stood up.

He looked around and saw no one around so he shifted into his German Shepard form and went to the tree. He let out a small bark and moments latter Op jumped out of the tree and landed on Ken back. Ken then bolted for the students dorm.


Ken Tanaka's Bathroom

"Hahahaha! How in the hell can she withstand all that bad luck Hahaha!?!" Ken said as he laughed he slammed the door hard. He was covered in mud, and rubbing his hand also his cheek had a slap mark on it. "As hilarious as that was if something happens to the disk I'll poison someone. Op put it on the table I need to get this mud off of me." He muttered as he walked to the bathroom. When he was done he went back to his desk, but before he could he stubbed his toe. He hopped on one foot as he let out a sting off cusses before slipping on some bed sheets and hitting his head on his desk. "Haha I. Hate. This." He muttered as he gripped his head still laying on the ground. He got up as if nothing happened (though there was a small bump forming on his head.)) and sat down. "I dare you to mess up this transfer. Go ahead...see what will happen." He said giving a death glare to his computer.

He turned on his computer and typed a ridiculously long password before putting the disk in and downloading the information. He then took the disk out and placed in an empty disk where he put all the info on. He then checked to make sure nothing got wiped or messed up. When he was done he let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair only for a leg to break and make him fall. After another long string of cusses he stood up and took both disks. He place them in his inside pocket and walked out of his room and casually walked to the Chancellor office though he sent a death glare to anyone that tried to talk to him.


Chancellor's office:

It didn't take long till he arrived at the office. When he did he carefully looked around and made sure no one was around before puting his ear to the door. From what he could tell she wasn't near the door so he slid the disk underneath and turned into his Brazilian spider form. Quietly as he could he moved the dis underneath a few papers that were near the window. He then quickly headed out of the office. He stood up and was slightly light headed from all the transformations. He quickly walked off and headed to wherever Des was. @The Suspicious Eye
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Around the school yard

''I found it intriguing simply because I've never seen one before. I just read or heared about them'' replied Xen to Alecta looking with interest at her cerberus.Then Donovan left because he had something to do and asked Alecta to show Xen around the school.

Xen waved at Dondovan and then looked back at Alecta , smiling. This was new to him as well, the fact that someone would give him a tour around the school. This was a chance for Xen to make a new friend from the first day, but he hoped that the chancellor's actions didn't create a bothersome situation for Alecta. ''Umm, I hope guiding me through the academy isn't bothersome for you'' said Xen.

@theunderwolf @The Suspicious Eye


There was no sound. The library was an old forgotten building amidst the other places within the school yard, being completely overshadowed by the Gym and the Flower Garden that rest parallel to it. People seldom came to it, only ever entering when forced to by a teacher or some higher up that demanded their attendance here. Despite it rather gloomy nature, Talia loved the library, finding it to be the only sanctuary within this school where no one would bother her. Sitting at one of the many empty red oak tables, the giant flipped through the pages of a book titled, "Facts, Myths, and Legends" with a cover decorated with a brilliant gold dragon battling a handsome knight in deep red armor. She happened across this beauty while browsing through the non-fiction section of the library, and found it in between a 567.8 and 567.9. The book itself was not what caught her attention, but more so the fact that it was 456.3 making it clearly in the wrong area. While returning it to its proper place, she flipped through it pages and felt a sudden interest in it, the art of the pure white maiden and a vicious dragon reminding her of her own past. So here she was, nearing the end of the book having sat through 30 minutes of damsels in constant peril, dragons running rampant in cities, and scientists trying to figure out what to make out of all this "mythical gibberish" as they had called it in the book. As she turned to the last page she saw the picture that had led her to read this book and gently placed her hand over the maiden. She was beautiful, her eyes showing no hate or regret, only love for the black dragon that bared it's fangs at her. Talia traced her claw over the fangs of the beast, noticing the blood that surrounded it, a red liquid around the dragon's eye as if he were crying.

A smile graced her lips as she closed the book, thinking about how wonderful it had been for a nonfiction. Pushing out her chair, she stood up standing over the height of the book shelf which caused her to blush. Her size had always been an issue for her, and no matter how many times she told herself she wasn't like the rest of them, the fact always embarrassed. While the splotched of red stained her pure white cheeks, she put on a rather large bear head to hide her embarrassment, skillfully avoiding the pink ringed horn on her head. Soon her body was covered in a bulky brown bear suit equipped with a small tail and buttons that kept the suit together. This was one of the reasons she was viewed as a weirdo in school, she never went anywhere on campus without looking like a random mascot from some amusement park. Talia had a reason behind this though, her appearance tended to scare people so by wearing a suit she was able to hide herself and keep from frightening them. However, this traded one problem for another as now she was isolated from people for being a weirdo. She even gained the nickname as "Bon" and "Furrie" by her classmates along with "giant" and other names concerning her unusual large size. How did she manage to make it through her freshman and sophomore year?

There was no time to be worrying about the past as lunch was about to end, and so she quickly put the book in its correct location and left the library. Suddenly the speakers echoed throughout the antique room, the student council president Shara began speaking about the upcoming festival at the school, before being interrupted by a large static sound. Shara was no longer speaking, as an unknown voice came onto speaking gibberish that Talia could barely understand. She processed the voices words trying to make sense of them, but kept running blanks. What on earth was he talking about? She thought, her eyes widening underneath her bear head. As quickly as the voice came, it left leaving a confused Talia behind.

"What was that just now?" she asked. She was met with no answer, as her voice echoed throughout the room. What was she expecting? There was no one other than herself and the librarian, and the librarian was somewhere organizing and rechecking in books. Exiting the building, she continued to think about what was said on the speaker phone, trying to decipher its meaning.

Path to Class-

Having walked away from the library five minute ago, Talia has made her way back to the school building, her body moving in the direction of her next class. Her body remembered her schedule even if she was not thinking of class at the moment, that voice still dancing through her head. Turning the corner her legs were met with resistant, almost as if she had walked into something. Looking down she saw a man with blackish gray hair on the ground below her. After taking a few seconds to examine him, she had come to realize that it was Takao, a fellow junior just like herself. She had a few classes with him, but the two never really conversed with one another seeing as they had two totally different personality. The man was known for his violent temper and attitude, so she always saw to distance herself from any trouble. Now here she was, having knocked the poor fellow on the ground. It would be rude for her not to help him up after having bumped into him . . . even if she didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" she apologized, extending her hand or paw in this case, out to the boy. She hoped he wouldn't be too made at her for knocking him over. But then again what if he was mad to be helped by a weirdo? She had always received those kind of remarks from those around her, and most of the time they be disgusted to be in the same room with her. "Please let there be no trouble." she prayed as she awaited him to grab her paw. She then noticed that there was another person, a girl standing in front of Takao. Oh my, she had throughly embarrassed herself in front of not one but two people. She was glad to have her head on, if not than they would most definitely see her blushing. God why would you do this, she thought as she willed herself to keep her hand out.

@The Servant

(I hope this is okay.)
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Tera Fraus - Terrace

Tera stood from the ground, stretching her arms out to release the tension gained after sitting in one position for too long. She'd finished the book and didn't want to head back to the library, but had nothing else to do. Looking over the school ground she spotted a group of people. 'That could be interesting.' She turned around to look at Darath who was reading in the corner. "So, I finished my book. I'm thinking of maybe joining their conversation, whatever it's about." She said, motioning to the people on the grounds,"But that could be perceived as a bit rude. What do you usually do when you're bored? Anything interesting?"
Alecta allowed herself a short but happy laugh at the boy's expense before replying "It's no problem at all," She said with a pleasent smile,"I'd be honored to show you around, me and Ignis were on a walk anyways." Without waiting for his reply, she spun on a heel and began walking, waving for him to follow. Ignis for his part gave the boy a friendly three-headed bark and bounded back and forth between and Alecta. She, with her back still facing them, smiled covertly. Ignis liked the boy. That was always a good sign.

@Azure Sky
Alice stood there listening to the plan. She raised her right eyebrow when he called her hotstuff. But she just ignored the comment. Apparently her job was to position and setoff the fireworks. "Don't have to worry about that I got an A in that class just like all the rest of them." Though she might not look like it she was actually a straight A student. Which surprised a lot people. He then gave them a piece of paper with his number on it so they could contact him. She rolled here eyes at his comment. "Ugh.......I'll make sure to hesitate." she said with a smirk. Even though she said that she still stuck the number in her pocket. At least he didn't ask for their numbers. Anyway it seemed it should turn out pretty entertaining. "So who will be taking the fireworks while that girl is distracted? And where are you guys going to put the fireworks at?"

@The Suspicious Eye

Peaceswore said:
Ken got hit by the bad luck and fell out of the window, he was able to fly again before he hit the ground. though when he landed he tripped slightly and fell landing on his shoulder. He grit his teeth as he stood up and let out a sigh. "Now this is going to be fun. I've been cursed with bad luck and I still have things to do." He let out a sigh and stood up.
He looked around and saw no one around so he shifted into his German Shepard form and went to the tree. He let out a small bark and moments latter Op jumped out of the tree and landed on Ken back. Ken then bolted for the students dorm.


Ken Tanaka's Bathroom

"Hahahaha! How in the hell can she withstand all that bad luck Hahaha!?!" Ken said as he laughed he slammed the door hard. He was covered in mud, and rubbing his hand also his cheek had a slap mark on it. "As hilarious as that was if something happens to the disk I'll poison someone. Op put it on the table I need to get this mud off of me." He muttered as he walked to the bathroom. When he was done he went back to his desk, but before he could he stubbed his toe. He hopped on one foot as he let out a sting off cusses before slipping on some bed sheets and hitting his head on his desk. "Haha I. Hate. This." He muttered as he gripped his head still laying on the ground. He got up as if nothing happened (though there was a small bump forming on his head.)) and sat down. "I dare you to mess up this transfer. Go ahead...see what will happen." He said giving a death glare to his computer.

He turned on his computer and typed a ridiculously long password before putting the disk in and downloading the information. He then took the disk out and placed in an empty disk where he put all the info on. He then checked to make sure nothing got wiped or messed up. When he was done he let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in his chair only for a leg to break and make him fall. After another long string of cusses he stood up and took both disks. He place them in his inside pocket and walked out of his room and casually walked to the Chancellor office though he sent a death glare to anyone that tried to talk to him.


Chancellor's office:

It didn't take long till he arrived at the office. When he did he carefully looked around and made sure no one was around before puting his ear to the door. From what he could tell she wasn't near the door so he slid the disk underneath and turned into his Brazilian spider form. Quietly as he could he moved the dis underneath a few papers that were near the window. He then quickly headed out of the office. He stood up and was slightly light headed from all the transformations. He quickly walked off and headed to wherever Des was. @The Suspicious Eye
Shara Rain/Donovan Demios ~ Chancellor's Office

Shara was left with a destroyed room, ruined clothes and an temper to still unleash. She was furious, mostly at herself. "How could I get so stressed that I curse myself." She clenched her fist and glared out the window with fury. "I hope those birds suffer." She was about to walk over to the window when she heard the door open.

Donovan opened the door to see, his office in ruin and Shara near a window, ears out and eyes glowing with anger. Oh so it's about this time. He reached for a crow feather that floated in front of his face and inspected it.

"Daddy, I can explain. I was waiting for you and I must have let some bad luck out because a huge murder flew through the window. They trashed the whole room. I scared them off but...." She looked around at the destroyed room and sighed.

Donovan laughed and smiled at his daughter. "There's no need to look so sad dear." He clapped his hands and the room began to clean itself. The books and paper returned to their rightful place. The seats and shelves repaired themselves. Shara papers returned to her hand and her clothes as perfect as the day she bought them. In a matter of moments the office look as good as new. Donovan walked over to Shara and patted her head sitting down in the chair. "Now what did you want me to sign?"

Shara stood there for a moment in awe as the room cleaned itself. She snapped out of it and handed him the papers. "They um, are for profesional fireworks at the end of the New Spring festial. Its a little more because of the set up, but I think we can afford it..." Donovan quickly signed the paper without a second thought. He wasn't one to care for the cost of things. "Is that all dear? Anything else?"

Shara brightened up and smiled. She shook her head and nearly shouted "No! That's is! Thank you so much daddy!" She hugged him and then turned to dash o ran out of the room. Donovan noticed the disk drive on the desk "Shara, your drive" He pointed to the disk. Shara turned around and grabbed it stuffing it into her pocket. " Oh, thanks! I'm off!" extatic. She was so happy now there was only a few more things on her list to do.


Des Demios-GenEd Building

Des smiled at the girls questions,"don't worry about how we get them I know a guy. The position is up to you. But since you're a straight A student you can figure it out. Just find a place to shoot off a lot of fireworks." He gave her a wink ans a dashing smile. Then he took a few steps back, "I'm sure you guys are capable of coming up with good plans. I will be in charge of infiltration and cover up." He gave them a thumbs up. "Don't worry I'm a master at this. You guys will be safe." Des nodded to them and tured away. He waved to them "feel free to call me anytime." He stuffed his hands into his pockets and made his way outside. He began to wander onto the path to regular classrooms.


Des breathed in the sweet air and looked at the cherry blossoms. "I can't wait to see how the look surrounded in sparks and screams." He learned against a tree and pulled out his phone. He texted Kano.


Need your skill on a transport job.

Come by house later.​


(This will look cool later)

@animegirl20 @Peaceswore @alcoholiccat

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Cyril Allen - Path to Chancellor's office

Cyril seemed to be one out of a few students who actually dislike having free periods. If it were up to him, he would prefer having a lot more classes to the point where his schedule would look like that of a factory worker. The only thing that prevented him from doing this was Chancellor Donovan, which even led to a one month argument over until Cyril finally gave in to a normal student schedule. Luckily though Shara contacted him earlier about needing him for something which could most likely be about the spring's festival. He was never the kind of person to attend these event and would rather be locked in his room studying but the offer did sound promising.

Speak of the devil and he/she shall appear cause in that moment when he opened the door to the office, Shara was right there in front of him.

"Oh... Hey Shara, you needed me right?" he said with his well known emotionless voice. He then saw Donovan and nodded his head to the chancellor in acknowledgment. @The Suspicious Eye
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Hallway to Regular Classroom

Ken was getting a bit pissed though it didn't show on his face, most of the bad luck was gone, but every now and then something would happen. Already he got hit by a ball, door and he stepped in a mud puddle. He let out a small sigh "This is my fault, next time I won't give a damn if she has her eyes or not." After a bit he stopped walking and looked around. "Let's see he should be Ah!" He said before making his way over to Des. "He-" He was about to call him out, but his foot got caught on a root and he fell and hit his head on a small stump that was near by. He stood up and kept a blank look. "First off, you didn't see that. Secondly, here is the disk, and thirdly you need me to get more firework right? How much?" Ken asked as he approached Des. He was slightly bleeding, but choose to ignore it, he could cuss as much as he wanted when he was back in his dorm. @The Suspicious Eye
@The Suspicious Eye[/URL]
Des Demios-Path to regular classrooms.

Des looked at Ken as he approached he has to stifle a snicker as he fell. I know that luck anywhere. Shara must have cursed him. He kicked off the tree and met Ken halfway. He listened to him and took the the disk from him. He slid it into his pocket and smiled "Call and say you're from the student council and you want to make an adjustment to the order. Ask them to make fireworks that spell Des instead of Demios. I want them to know it was me." He paused for a moment and added "also the throw in 50 more fireworks." He looked up and let a flower fell into his hand. He sighed "I wanna see these beauties surrounded by sparks and panic. Shara won't notice the extra cash bump." He scratched his head as the bell for 4th period rang, school was over.

The smooth ringing was sounded over the school and a voice cracked on the PA system. " It is now 4:30 and school has ended. After school activities have begun. The clubs that have the courtyard are lacrosse and yoga. The clubs that have the general field are....." The voice continued to drone on and on until it finished with. "And don't forget the New Spring festival is in one week! Have a nice evening!" The PA system clicked off and the area wad silent for a moment. Then the bustling of sounds and students moving around the grounds grew.
Ken nodded as he wiped the blood that was running down the side of his head. He then pulled out his phone and called the fireworks guy. "Yes, I know his number by heart, actually I know everyo-... Hello? Yes Daniel? this is Alex, I'm part of the student council. Yeah, I'm excited to. Though I called to report a slight mistake was made on the order. Anyway we need the fireworks to spell Des instead of whatever we placed down.... *sigh* Sadly we had some new secretary, or something and they did a major typo. You can do that? Great! Oh! We also need sixty extra fireworks.... Yes that's six zero. Do you think you can handle it, if not then w- you got it? Okay thanks! Payment? Just place it top of the pervious order.... Yeah that's all. Bye." Ken said as he hanged up the phone. "Those ten extra fireworks are meant for me." He said as he put away his phone. "Well then unless you need something I'll be going." He said as he turned around then stopped. "Right forgot. He pulled out a notepad and wrote down his number before handing it to Des. "That's my actual phone number, and don't give it to anyone. Or I'll be forced to change it. Anyway I'm bored now, so later!" <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_m0e2l70SMH1qhiryg.gif.1237cd8ed92090646de209689b9130ec.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/tumblr_m0e2l70SMH1qhiryg.gif.1237cd8ed92090646de209689b9130ec.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ((I had to xD )) @The Suspicious Eye



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Julian Lanchester

School Grounds-

Julian chuckled when Kano whispered to him, his breath tickling him on the far edge of his ear. The man had just given him a compliment that held so much truth, he was on the verge of marrying the lucky fellow, but was able to refrain himself.

"Ah shuck! I know my looks are heavenly," he paused for a moment to pose before ranting on, “and you’re quite the looker yourself. Not on the same caliber as me of course, but you are on the right track my friend." he giggled as he patted the other back. Suddenly he felt the latters had on his own, pulling it close to his mouth before gently on his index finger. His tongue was soft much like a pillow just a little bit wet and moved a lot. His gasped at the scene, his finger in another man's mouth, but did nothing to stop it allowing it to take its course.

After a good second or two he had released his hand from the seductive clutches of his lips and spoke," How bold. Not even going to take me out to dinner first aren't you." he smiled, standing up in synch with Kano. Turning his head at the other fellow, he took a moment to realize that the guy had just watched that rather "sexy" . . . no that wasn't a word to describe it. More like alluring view since it only consisted of his finger getting licked by the other, but imagination goes a long way well for Julian at least. He had a good mind to charge him for it, but kept to himself seeing as this was their first meeting and the whole this was totally unexpected. "Next time I'm charging though." he thought to himself, his mind getting off track from the situation at hand. Kano then began to speak, bringing the imbecile back to reality. It seems that they to thought it was some kind of elaborate prank, but a prank should be something that makes people laugh, and this one clearly didn't. What's more it scared the crap out of him, and made him "almost" wet himself. Jeez, whoever was responsible for this shit was going to get one hell of an ass whooping that's for sure.

A clicking sound was made as the PA system came back on, this time with regular voices and not some murderer ghost seeking to kill everyone. This didn't stop Julian from jumping at the sound though, his mind already waiting for the man to speak again, but he never did. It notified them that school was ending and that after school club activities were beginning.

"Dang! It's already been that long?" he question, already knowing the answer. "Well, I have officially skipped 7/8th of a school day." he laughed as his stomach began to rumble. “. . . and I didn't get to eat lunch. This suck!" Soon an idea sprang inside of his head as he asked his two new friends," Hey how about we go get something to eat? I'll pay half." he offered in some sort of weak attempt to get them agree. Normally people would offer to pay full, but his bank account wasn't sitting right ever since he bought that super deluxe Kaneki body pillow that was taking forever to get to him. He remembered the look on Shara's face when she found out what he was spending his school funds on, her flaring nostril looked extremely cute and violent that day as she threaten to kick him out of school. Ah women, you gotta love'em.

@Rantos and @Darekk

(I waited for Darekk to post, but I got bored.

Sorry >A<)
Cyril Allen - Chancellor's Office

Cyril had to take a step back because of the enthusiastic Shara. After hearing her request he gave it some thought. He did not have anything else to do and frankly that was a problem. He had to wait a bit to answer because of the announcement that was broadcasting to dismiss the student. True he doesn't like attending any form of festival, but when it comes to helping out a friend he would not hesitate.

"Sure why not? You know I don't mind helping out with anything... If you want, you could accompany me to my dorm room so I could retrieve my knight suits.

He offered her while he shifts the strap of his school bag from one shoulder to the other.
Ryllian Langh-School grounds

Ryllian listened to Kano's suggestion while the guy who aparently was called Julian said and did a lot of stuff, they seemed to be so busy interacting with each other in ways that were so strange he was starting to get annoyed, "This is why I don't interact with people, it's too much trouble" he thought. Kano's suggestion wasn't bad if the weird announcement was related to an school activity, however if it wasn't related Ryllian already have several ideas about what to do.

"Well if you two are done over there then we can go to the front desk" he said showing a little annoyance in his voice, if he was to spend more time with these two he needed a companion so he motioned with his hand while focusing and what seemed like a regular cat appeared out of nowhere and said "Hey Ryllian, long time no see". He kneeled and scratched the back of the cat's ears and allowed it to go up his arm to it's regular place, which was his shoulder. People had always stared at him when he did this, but he didn't really care since Shiu(The cat) had been his friend since he started learning to control his power back then. After that he stood up and waited silently for Julian and Kano to finish their act.

@A Guileless Fable @Rantos

((Sorry these last days have been hell back here))
((@ I want a Kaneki body pillow too! Were do I get one?))

School grounds - Kano

Kano resisted every urge to laugh at this boy but in the end the boy was just too much to take and Kano nearly fell down from laughing so hard. "Next time I would be happy to buy you dinner first." For a jobless fool Kano did have a sizable amount of money. It comes from a reliable source of his. Now, Kano would never spill the beans and tell who her source was, but thats only because Cain would kick her ass if she did. Kano heard the clicking of the PA system and lent and ear. "Oh schools over? Well looks like I skipped more then I thought I did, ah, whatever its not like the last 5 classes are thats important anyways." As soon as the intercom crackled and then went silent Kano felt a vibration in his pocket. She reached into it and grabbed his phone, one new text alert from Des. She read it and smirked and began to text back.


Hi honey! How was your day? Mine was good, ya know the normal, re marked the school, got yelled at, met some strange kids and im about to get lunch. Ill swing by after K? Cya at your place love ;)


Kano put the phone back inside of her pocket and and started walking. "Ill pay for the other half, now come on you too. Lets go." With a smile Kano led both boys to the cafeteria.
Peaceswore said:
Ken nodded as he wiped the blood that was running down the side of his head. He then pulled out his phone and called the fireworks guy. "Yes, I know his number by heart, actually I know everyo-... Hello? Yes Daniel? this is Alex, I'm part of the student council. Yeah, I'm excited to. Though I called to report a slight mistake was made on the order. Anyway we need the fireworks to spell Des instead of whatever we placed down.... *sigh* Sadly we had some new secretary, or something and they did a major typo. You can do that? Great! Oh! We also need sixty extra fireworks.... Yes that's six zero. Do you think you can handle it, if not then w- you got it? Okay thanks! Payment? Just place it top of the pervious order.... Yeah that's all. Bye." Ken said as he hanged up the phone. "Those ten extra fireworks are meant for me." He said as he put away his phone. "Well then unless you need something I'll be going." He said as he turned around then stopped. "Right forgot. He pulled out a notepad and wrote down his number before handing it to Des. "That's my actual phone number, and don't give it to anyone. Or I'll be forced to change it. Anyway I'm bored now, so later!" View attachment 107580 ((I had to xD )) @The Suspicious Eye
Des Demios - Road to Regular Classrooms

Des shook his head and sighed as Ken ran away. When he was sure that he was far enough away he spoke "I hate to admit it but that kid has skills. I hope I don't get on his bad side." Now what to do... I guess I could check out the info on the disk. Oh but I better put Ken's number in first. He pulled out his phone and put Ken's number in. He noticed that he had gotten a text from Kano. He sighed, he loved Kano like a brother/sister but boy was he super confusing. He chuckled and responded.


Don't get into too much trouble. I need you


He would have written more, but he his attention was taken by two lovely ladies. He smiled and winked at them. They giggled and whispereed amongst eachother. As they began to walke off Des followed them into the Library.

@Rantos @Anyone in the Library

@SirKnight Squibbly[/URL]
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Ken was lazily look at the available food, purposely taking his time to tick off everyone behind him. "Hmm I think I'll have the pizz- actually...I'll hav- No....Give me a moment I'll think of something." He said as he placed his hand on his chin ((He has been standing there for a good ten minutes and a long line was forming behind him)). When he said that a bunch of kids groaned and complained, one even tired to cut in front of him. "Hey, no cutting." Ken said with a smirk as he grabbed the man by the collar and tossed him out of the line. "Woops...looks like you got to go the back of the line, since you didn't ask anyone to save your spot." He said before turning his back. "Ok. I'll have the last slice of meat pizza and blackberry pie." After he received the food he left the line and stopped before facepalming. He walked to the trash can and threw away the pie. "Just remembered, I don't like pie that much." He said before taking a seat on the table closest to the window. @Anyone in the Cafeteria.

Alice watched Des walk off. "Great now I'm going to have to deal with that." She looked over at Cass and said, "Well see you later." Alice had went back for her book she had checked out. She felt like reading a little bit. After she got her book she went to find some where quiet to read. She would go to the gardens but there usually people there around this time. So she decided to just go to the library. Once she got there she went to her usual private corner and sat down on the couch and started reading getting lost in the words. Well she was trying to anyway. She kept hearing girls giggling and it was about to make her snap.

@The Suspicious Eye
theunderwolf said:
Alecta allowed herself a short but happy laugh at the boy's expense before replying "It's no problem at all," She said with a pleasent smile,"I'd be honored to show you around, me and Ignis were on a walk anyways." Without waiting for his reply, she spun on a heel and began walking, waving for him to follow. Ignis for his part gave the boy a friendly three-headed bark and bounded back and forth between and Alecta. She, with her back still facing them, smiled covertly. Ignis liked the boy. That was always a good sign.
@Azure Sky
Around the school yard

''O-ok. Thanks'' said Sun as he walked behind her. He awaited to see where she'd take him. In fact he was so excited that his chi started running wild and his eyes turned blue. The chi started to cause vibrations around him. ''Guh, need to calm down...calm and serene heart'' he thought to himself as his chi settled down and his eyes returned to normal. Well his eyes weren't exactly normal to begin with, as he had yellow cross-shaped irises, which would turn black when his eyes changed color.

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