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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

animegirl20 said:

Alice watched Des walk off. "Great now I'm going to have to deal with that." She looked over at Cass and said, "Well see you later." Alice had went back for her book she had checked out. She felt like reading a little bit. After she got her book she went to find some where quiet to read. She would go to the gardens but there usually people there around this time. So she decided to just go to the library. Once she got there she went to her usual private corner and sat down on the couch and started reading getting lost in the words. Well she was trying to anyway. She kept hearing girls giggling and it was about to make her snap.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des Demios -Library

The girls giggled even louder as Des leaned in closer to them. He whispered into their ears. They laughed loudly amongst eachother. "So ladies would you mind terribly if I borrowed one of your laptops?" The girls nodded and giggled quite loudly. Little did they know that Des was only entertaining them for their laptop. He knew the alterations that he plans to make to the school data will be tracked so why not use two unknowing bystanders. Besides they were fun. Des smiled to them and laughed as well. He kissed one of the girl's cheek and she tured a bright red as he took her laptop.

The darn giggling got louder and Alice had it. Alice got up and walked over to the giggling girls. When the girls noticed her walking over they started whispering. She already knew what they were saying. She put her hands in her pockets and walked up them then leaned in close to them and looked them in the eye and said very calmly, "Shut up." You could hear the threat in her voice. She then leaned back and noticed Des. "Oh I see your the reason they keep giggling like idiots."

@The Suspicious Eye
Cyril - Chancellor's Office

What is she so happy about? Is the spring festival that important to her? I really don't really see any benefits for going... Cyril thought to himself at first until he realized Shara was now waiting for him to lead the way. "Huh? Right this way..." He finally said as he started walking down the hallway with her. On their way there, Cyril couldn't help but noticed out the window that there were already students outside who were helping with the preparations for the upcoming event. "I don't see why people would want to waste their time messing around in some worthless activities..." He did not realize that he was saying it out loud but show no sign either of being sorry about it.

Dorm - Cyril's room

After unlocking the door, he opened it to reveal that inside, there was nothing that special about it. Normally students add their own personal things to make their room special but Cyril's had nothing: no posters, no television, etc. What seemed like the only things out of the ordinary were these four Black Knights (Gunther, Nicholas, Joseph, and Wesley) that stood like statues equally aligned against both sides of the door with their weapons held beside them. The moment Cyril took a step inside is when they sprung to life and began moving around, setting aside their weapons and srated getting prepared to leave. One of the knights (Gunther) looked over to Shara and waved its hands towards Cyril's bed, signifying to sit and wait until their departure. If one was to look closely, there would be a squid plushie lying on it.

Cyril then slid his backpack off to give it to Nicholas who took it into it's metal arms. Afterwards he went into the kitchen to open his refrigerator and pulled out a gallon of Ice tea. "Should I take this with us while we work? Looks like it's going to be a hot day and luckily I had made this batch this morning." @The Suspicious Eye

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Black_Knight.jpg.b6734cd3a305e55f9256b859df7e91b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Black_Knight.jpg.b6734cd3a305e55f9256b859df7e91b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Flower garden

"So these are the gardens." Alecta said slowly,"They're nice for walks and meditating if you can find a shady spot, best advice is too avoid the really virulent flowers, the plant-manipulators mess with them a little too much." She paused at Ignis' heads shot up as the outpouring of pnemua from the boy exploded out of him. She didn't turn, but she flinched ever so slightly as it caught Ignis' and by extension, her nostrils. "I take it that's part of your power.' She said in a measured tone, trying to keep her power from surging in response. The ground under her feet seemed a little warm.

@Azure Sky
(Sorry Fire...)

Darath Lancor Agorn


Darath had just finished the book he was loaned when he noticed Tera standing, once she turned towards him and spoke, Darath replied "Okay, if you want to go. I don't really think it'd be rude, but then again I'm not exactly the most knowledgeable in social politics. If you don't want to, then don't, but I will because I'm a bit bored. Usually when I'm bored I read or practice with my abilities, so this would be a nice change of pace." As he spoke, he stood up and handed her book back to her. "Anyway, since classes are over, I think I'm going to go to the flower garden, to rest, I guess. I'll be on my way. See you later." Darath made his way out of the terrace and started towards the flower garden, he thought he remembered the way there...


Darath Lancor Agorn

Flower Garden

After walking for a while, Darath finally made it and saw a pair of people, who looked like a couple laughing, and he decided it would be wrong to interrupt their fun so he found and sat at the nearest bench, trying to be inconspicuous while watching them. This bench is so uncomfortable... That tree looks nice though. Hmm... Will they notice? Not if I cloak myself! Darath thought to himself, and chuckled a bit, It'd be pretty weird if they noticed me laughing to myself, but I doubt it since they're probably pretty absorbed in each other, he thought as an afterthought as he cloaked himself then proceeded to sprout his wings and flew up to a tree just to the left of them, hoping they wouldn't hear the noise he made as he went up there.

@Azure Sky @theunderwolf
animegirl20 said:
The darn giggling got louder and Alice had it. Alice got up and walked over to the giggling girls. When the girls noticed her walking over they started whispering. She already knew what they were saying. She put her hands in her pockets and walked up them then leaned in close to them and looked them in the eye and said very calmly, "Shut up." You could hear the threat in her voice. She then leaned back and noticed Des. "Oh I see your the reason they keep giggling like idiots."
@The Suspicious Eye
Des Demios ~ Library

Des looked up to see hot stuff. He gave her a dashing smile "well if it isn't Alice?" One of the girls looked from Des to Alice and scoffed "you know her?" Her tone held obvious distaste, she looked Alice up and down not impressed. Des laughed at the girls caddy question. "Of course I try to get to know all the lovely ladies, here." He winked at Alice while making rapid work on the laptop. He was switching some students ID's to maximum clearance. For future endeavors. While he was at it he altered some grades.

@The Suspicious Eye[/URL]

View attachment 107752
Shara Rain ~ Cyril's room

Shara smiled as he led the way to his room. I don't think he's ever invited someone in. I wonder what it looks like? She was excited to see what his room was like. As they passed a window she noticed that him looking at some of th other students begining the preparations. Her heart sunk a little at the comment, but understood where it might be coming from. She followed him quitely until they arrived at his room.

She didn't know what to expect but she was surprised to see it so empty. The knights were there but other than that there was no decorations or photos anywhere. She wondered why he hadn't put anything up? He had been here at least a year and dorm rooms don't chage. Shara watched some of the knights prepare for departure. She humbly took the set offered to her and sat on the bed. She looked around and noticed a squid plushie lying beside her. She took a mental note of it and smiled. I guess he has at least some likes and intrests. She perked up as he called out to her from the kitchen. She looked over to him and nodded "yes, please do! We could share it with some of the other students!" She smiled at him and hoped that it might be a good way to introduce him to others.
Tera Fraus - Terrace

Tera accepted the book back from Darath as he left, debating on whether or not to follow him to join the conversation. She was about to go after him when her stomach decided against it, letting out a loud growl. She realized she hadn't eaten since this morning, so she quickly started walking, her face turning red when her stomach growled again. 'I get it, now be quiet, please!' She begged it on her way to the cafeteria.


She made it to the cafeteria quickly, and thankfully her stomach had decided to cooperate and save her from embarrassment. She took a cursory glance around the lunchroom, immediately noting the long line and letting out a small groan. While long lines were not necessarily uncommon, at this point in the day it usually meant that Ken was somewhere in the large room. When she'd first met him, he had interested her, but after getting caught in the crossfire of no small amount of his pranks, she'd developed a bit of animosity towards the guy.

Sure enough, as she took a closer look around the room she spotted the familiar head of black hair near the window. Tera glanced from the line to him. 'I might be able to make it without being noticed.' She thought, muttering a small 'please' under her breath as she started to cross the room.

Alice looked over at the girl. "At least I'm not a little weakling like you." She then looked over at Des. "And stop with the flirting it doesn't work." She glanced at the lap top and smiled a little. "Well you sure like trouble." She watched what he was doing then shook her head then sighed. "You'll get caught if you do it like that." She down next to him, took the lap top with out even asking and started typing and was done in five minutes. "There now they have know way to prove you did it. What you were doing was smart but you would have got caught."

@The Suspicious Eye
Ken was caually leaning against his chair with his feet propped up onto the table as he ate the piazza. Currently music was blasting in his ears as he was wearing new head phones one kid gave him as payment for...well you already know. "Nice day out. I wonder Op is there a class for stealth? If so, I know someone who needs to take it. Obviously I won't give out a name, but..." He said as he turned his head and looked at Tera, I don't think it's hard to figure out." He said with a smirk before taking another bite of his pizza. @FireFlare
Tera mentally groaned. She could practically feel him smirking at her as she passed. She paused in her tracks and looked over at him, catching the small mouse in her view, narrowing her eyes at it. "I've been meaning to ask" She started, not being able to finish before her stomach growled again. 'Ugh... Well that's just great. Just continue talking and maybe he won't mention it much.' She knew that it was probably too much to hope he wouldn't bring it up at all, but maybe it would be kept to a minimum. "Anyways, why do you always have that mouse around you?" If she was going to talk to him, maybe she could at least satisfy some of her curiosity.

Julian huffed at the depressingly colored boy, puffing his lips out at the teen whining," No food first!?"

The weirdo was starved from having skipped lunch to go to sleep. It was obviously his fault for sleeping during lunch, but his brain was to complex and rather selfish to admit such a thing to himself. However, he did know that the announcement was far more important than his food, that he could admit. No matter how much he tried to deny it he had to face the facts, it scared the living hell out of him. It did just threaten to kill them or something like that, and he refused to allow his life to be ended by some spooky ghost man thing who had obviously ate to many frogs for him to be sounding like he did.

"Urk, well my dear Romeo, your princess shall leave you behind to figure out what hell has decided to take away thy's life from thee. We shall meet again, in the room where the food has been prepared semi-decently and the women are average to look at. OH my how dreadful shall this be to be away from thee. Sadly, I must bid you adieu, but would love if Sir Romeo would be so kind as to order thy some chicken wings with a side of miso soup. Let the fires of our . . ." he stopped, choking on the word "our" his English accent having scratched his throat to the point where he was now hacking, and gasping for air.

"No more. No more of that if I'm gonna die trying to do it." he said a loud unconsciously, as he continued on," Anyway, just buy me some food when I get there. If I don't make it than save for me! Now I shall be off! Not until I leave you with a gift of this magnificent friendship." he exclaimed, calling [system On] within his head, and pulling a piece of paper and pen out of his item box quickly and sloppily writing down his phone number on the blank sheet.

"Here you are my darling. Make sure to call me!" he demanded, pointing his thumb and pinkie out, making the universal "call me later" sign. He then turn his attention towards the grumpy fellow right beside him, his expression of a man who has seen something he shouldn't have. There was something off about him though. Was it his hair? No, it was still the short and black as he had seen it earlier. It must've been his eyes. No it wasn't that either since they were sharp maybe even sharper than before. Was it his . . . he looked to calm and collected (annoyed, don't forget annoyed.) to change his close out of nowhere, so much different from Julian.

"Did you change your face or something you look different." He asked, his eyes crawling all over man's body looking for "the disturbance in the force."

"The cat's face is in the . . . I GOT IT! You didn't have a cat on you before, and Oh my God! He looks like the cat from Blue Exorcist minus a tail!" he hollered, probably annoying the hell out of Ryllian by this point, but a fan boy will be a fan boy no matter the time, place, or audience. He examined the feline with such ferocity he expected the cat at some point to just turn into a ball of flame . . . would have probably made him much cooler. Tears began to fill his eyes as he thought," This is a beautiful moment . . . Resist to take . . . Selfie!" The urge was strong, but he somehow manage to keep it inside of him, keeping his composure. Truthfully, he didn't even know that he could hold himself back, but he did and he could honestly say he was proud of himself. Linking up with Ryllian's free arm, he pulled the teen forward at his "slowed" pace.

“I don't go to the front office normally, so mind leading the way?" he chuckled, his purple iris scanning over the cat who named Shiu. Weird name he thought, before closing off [Analyze] allowing Mr. Man in Black to take the lead.

@Rantos and @Darekk

(You have my number Rantos! You better call him!)
Ken just grined at her before looking outside. "Who knows, that is private information. And even I have my boundaries." He joked before pointing at a nearby trash can without bothering to look at it. "I threw away the last slice of blackberry pie, if you are quick I believe it should be edible." He said casually as he rocked back and forth on his leaning chair and went to take another bite of his pizza. @FireFlare
Cyril Allen- Cyril's Room

He nodded his head as he handed the gallon of Iced tea to the Knight (Joseph). He didn't care about having to share it with the other students since he would not have been able to finish it all by himself. He looked over to the rest of his Knights and saw that they were all ready. "Seems like everything ready. I don't see why people get so frantic over inviting someone to their rooms but it's not bad I guess..." It was Cyril's way of saying "thank you" since he's not really accustomed to telling others. "You can take the lead now.... I don't really know where exactly you want me to build the stage." @The Suspicious Eye
animegirl20 said:
Alice looked over at the girl. "At least I'm not a little weakling like you." She then looked over at Des. "And stop with the flirting it doesn't work." She glanced at the lap top and smiled a little. "Well you sure like trouble." She watched what he was doing then shook her head then sighed. "You'll get caught if you do it like that." She down next to him, took the lap top with out even asking and started typing and was done in five minutes. "There now they have know way to prove you did it. What you were doing was smart but you would have got caught."
@The Suspicious Eye
The girl stood up in anger "how dare you! You little-!" But she was cut off as Alice diverted her attention To Des. The girl looked to her friend "did she just ignore me?!" Des ignored the girls as well he was focused on Alice. He smiled at her as she spoke. He prefers his partners a little salty. He watched as she rapidly did some odd code program. He laughed and leaned over her. "You girl are a genius, I like you." He whispered into her ear "although I don't mind getting caught once and awhile."
Alice looked over at the girls who just seem to be getting more angry. Though she wasn't understanding why. She then noticed Des leaning over her. That's why they were getting mad. "I'm pretty sure you'll like just about anyone." He was way to close and she hated people being that close. Her cheek went slightly pink when he whispered to her. She put the lap top down on the table and quickly stood. "Well anyway I'm going to go back to reading my book." She walked back to her corner, sat down, picked up her and picked up her book. She glanced over at Des then quickly hid her face behind the book when he looked back over at her.

@The Suspicious Eye
SirKnight Squibbly] [SIZE=24px][B] Cyril Allen- Cyril's Room[/B][/SIZE][SIZE=24px] [/SIZE] [SIZE=14px]He nodded his head as he handed the gallon of Iced tea to the Knight (Joseph). He didn't care about having to share it with the other students since he would not have been able to finish it all by himself. He looked over to the rest of his Knights and saw that they were all ready. [/SIZE][SIZE=14px][COLOR=#808080]"Seems like everything ready. I don't see why people get so frantic over inviting someone to their rooms but it's not bad I guess..." [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][COLOR=#000000]It was Cyril's way of saying "thank you" since he's not really accustomed to telling others. [/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][COLOR=#808080]"You can take the lead now.... I don't really know where exactly you want me to build the stage." [/COLOR][/SIZE][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9206-the-suspicious-eye/ said:
@The Suspicious Eye[/URL]
Shara smiled at him "No problem I like your room, you can invite me anytime!" She hopped up from the bed and stretched. "Alright let's go!" She clapped her hands together and made her way outside the dorm. She twirled around in the doorway. "The stage is to be built on the school grounds. The stands and other things are to be made along the center path." She smiled at him and bowed "I am really greatful for your help. Thank you very much."
((@A Guileless Fable Oh I most definitely will call him later.))

Kano touched his hands to his heart as Julian spoke like an old english person. She was sure that he was quoting Romeo and Juliet but couldn't be too sure, she missed that class when they talked about it. All 7 classes, its a wonder how Kano is still in school. Kano nearly lost it again when Julian started hacking and coughing. "My dear Juliet if I can tell you one truth from my cursed mouth it is this. I will get you the food you so need." With that Kano took Julian's number and walked away. "Now to find Des." In an instant Kano vanished.

Rear gate:

Kano reappeared and looked around for Des, he was no where in sight. "Alright, next."

Student Council Room:

"Sorry to interrupt, next."

Dining room/ Cafeteria

"Is that a sandwich? Thanks!"


"Found you Des!"​

Kano walked over to Des and before he could say a word she locked lips with him and gave him a kiss with an unneeded amount of tongue. She also made it as loud as she could too. After a good long 30 seconds of spit exchange Kano broke away and smiled as Des. Believe it or not this was a normal greeting for the two. Well, for Kano at least. His and Des's relationship was an interesting one. Its a little much to say they love eatch other like that, But Kano would (and maybe even has) sleep with Des no questions asked. Kano then saw that Des was talking to another person and she put her arm around Des. "Am I interrupting something?"

@The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20
Alice usually was pretty good at keeping a straight facebut when she saw the two kiss her face went red. "As I said you would probably like just about anyone and I do mean that in more ways then one." She put her book down, there was no way she would be able read now. Not when she was around these people.

@The Suspicious Eye

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Des took the disk from the laptop and followed Alice as she left. "Awww come on don't be like that. Alice? Aww, Alice." He was about to continue, but he heard a familiar voice and turned to lip lock with Kano. He happily made out with her. When they released he smiled at her happily. He held Kano to his waist and pulled him closer to him. He tested his chin on kano's head and smiled at Alice. "Not true Kano here is special." He pulled him closer and kissed his cheek. He lifted Kano up so his feet dangled off the ground. Then whispered into his ear "I'm glad you're here, babe." He put him down and motion to him. "Alice this is Kano. Kano will be delivering the fireworks to you. So play nice you two." He winked at Alice and sratched Kano’s head.

@animegirl20 @Rantos
Still sitting on the couch she gave a small wave to Kano. " Oh I'll play nice with Kano he doesn't have to worry but someone else should be." she said looking at Des. She picked up her book and decided she would try to block everyone out and read. But it was hard to do with to of them standing there. "You know what I'm just going go do my dorm where I can be alone." She stood up with her book and started to head out but then she stopped and turned around. She looked the two and said, "Oh by the way I'm not sure where I shoot them off any ideas?"

@The Suspicious Eye

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"Not a chance." Was out of Tera's mouth as soon as Ken was finished speaking. She took another glance at the line for lunch, noticing that it had shortened significantly. Looking at the mouse one last time, honestly thinking that it looked kind of cute, she said something about going to get some food before turning and walking away. She bought a sandwich quickly enough and then weighed the pros and cons of going back to the table.The mental debate went on for a short while before she shrugged. What was the worst that could happen? She walked back over to the table and plopped down in the seat across from Ken, taking an overtly large bite out of the sub she'd just purchased. "Mmm, this sandwich sure tastes delicious..." She said, going back to her questions right after. "Anyways, how's life in the black market holding up?"

Ken took his legs off the tale and rested his elbow on it instead. "Obviously I was too quick when getting my lunch if the line already disappeared. I guess I'll try twenty minutes, lets see how long it take till they all try and pass." He joked as he looked at Tera. He looked at her sandwich and smirked before pulling out his switchblade and in on fluent movement cut the sandwich in half. Before she could stop him he too the half she wasn't holing onto and began to eat it. "Not bad." He gave her a grin as he continued to munch on it. "I don't deal with stolen goods...usually. I just inform people of certain things that they want to know for a price." He said as he broke of a piece of his sandwich and handed it to Op. "Since I don't like free stuff I'll consider this sandwich payment for this piece of info. Under no circumstance should you get any of the desert." He gave her a smirk as he ate more of the sandwhich and looked out the window.

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Tera watched incredulously as he ate what was supposed to be her lunch. "Couldn't you have just eaten the pie instead?" She sighed, exasperated. She put her head on her hand and stared out the window for a bit too, trying to think of what to do since she was once again bored. An idea popped into mind and she smiled a bit as she looked back at Ken. "Well, I'm bored, and you probably are too, so how about we play a game? Every time I ask you a question, you have to answer it, but then you get to ask me one back and I'll answer." She figured this was a pretty good set up because they'd both have insurance that the other wouldn't tell anything, and even if they lied on answers it was bound to be at least a bit of fun.

Ken raised an eyebrow at her as he ate the last of the sandwich. "First off, I said no matter what don't eat any of the deserts for a reason, secondly if I let you ask me questions and I answer them, then that would be giving you free info, that goes against my religion. And thirdly I already know everything there is to know about you, even a few things...well you get the gist." He said with a grin. "However...if you promise a favor that I can redeem whenever, then sure I'll play your game." He kept his grin while he placed his knife away and looked at her.

animegirl20 said:
Still sitting on the couch she gave a small wave to Kano. " Oh I'll play nice with Kano he doesn't have to worry but someone else should be." she said looking at Des. She picked up her book and decided she would try to block everyone out and read. But it was hard to do with to of them standing there. "You know what I'm just going go do my dorm where I can be alone." She stood up with her book and started to head out but then she stopped and turned around. She looked the two and said, "Oh by the way I'm not sure I shoot them off any ideas?"
@The Suspicious Eye

Des Demios- Library

Des looked at her and smiled he really liked her now. Alice was a challenge her nature intrigued him. He smiled as she even threatened him. Oh this girl is too much fun. He took a step toward her still holding Kano beside him. He leaned closer to her ear and smiled "somewhere high enough to be hidden. Somewhere dark, and quiet with a lot of space. Think about the best place to have sex and shoot it there." He grinned at her and leaned even closer "maybe I'll even join you." He leaned back and looked at her face smile still plastered on his face.

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