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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Tera narrowed her eyes, wondering if he really didn't care enough to even look for a name after it had happened, but by the way he was smirking the death of his family obviously wasn't a big concern to him. She was still studying him as she answered the question. "I'm not really one for big events, so I can't say I really love any of them, but if I had to chose one it would probably the Artastic event." She gave up her examination of him then, not finding any obvious tells that he was lying. "Why did the monster hate your family so much?"
He shrugged. "Who knows, probably someone my dad arrested or my mom prosecuted. From what I remember they had a lot of enemies who hated them." He said as he waved his hands in an uncaring manner. He stood up on the branch and began to walk back and forth on it seeing him he would fall or not. "What questions should I ask you? And yes that is my question." He said with a smirk as he continued to walk around, a few times pretending he was about to fall.
"I'm going to laugh if you actually end up falling." She informed as she watched him walk on the branch. "And to be honest, I have absolutely no clue what you should ask me. I'd say ask about my past, because that's what I'm asking you, but apparently you already know that and almost everything about me so..." She sat down on the ground with Op still in her hands. "You can ask me why I like and dislike certain things if you don't already know that. I really don't know what else so that's as good of an answer as you're going to get. So, how do you get so much information on people?"
He stopped walking and turned on his heel with his hands in his pockets as he looked at her with a grin. "I have a few others around the school that tell me what I want to know. They are tell I sell." He said jokingly. He sat on the branch for a second before laying upside down so his legs were hooked to the branch and his arms above his head. "I guess I don't really have any questions to ask you. So......how was your day?" He asked as he looked at is watch timing how long till he would pass out due to the blood rushing to his head.
Tera smiled, watching as he hung off the branch. "Well, it's been pretty good considering it's one of the most interesting days I've had in a long time." She observed his form, looking at the details and silently wondering if he would really fall. Catching a glint of silver within her eyesight she focused on it, seeing the switchblade in his pocket. "When was the last time you used that on a person and why?" She asked, pointing to the small knife.
He took his eyes off his watch and looked at her and followed where she was pointing. He let out a sigh and unhooked his legs and did a handstand before casually standing up. He then removed the switchblade from is pocket and took out the knife. He then walked away a few paces before facing her. He smirked at her and threw the knife at her, it flew just centimeters from her face, cutting a few loose strands of her hair and embedded it's self in the tree. "On you, to show off." He walked over and took the blade and placed it in his pocket. "Favorite dog. This is my last question, you can ask me one more then I'm done." He said as he picked up Op and placed him on his shoulder. He then stood there rocking back and fort as he waited.
Tera whipped her head around to stare at where the knife was stuck in the bark. "Tree killer." She murmured, a bit delayed with her reaction of just having a knife thrown at her. She then turned back around, one hand touching the hair on the side of her head. "Not going to lie, that freaked me out." It was a surprisingly lax attitude for someone like her, especially with some adrenaline still pumping in her veins. She looked down at the mouse now on Ken's shoulder. "I like you best." She said matter of factly , standing up to once again petting the rodent. She was silent for a minute before she looked up. "Labrador retrievers or huskies. What's your biggest fear?"
Cyril Allen-SchoolGrounds

"Like I said, it's no big deal..." he said when they arrived at the school grounds. At first he saw Tera but then stopped when seeing Ken... it's not like he has a problem with the guy but Cyril thought the guy likes to make it his mission to pry into everyone's business, Including Cyril... There seemed to already have been supplies laid out for making the stage so without hesitating, he began grabbing some tools alongside his knights and began construction. "I'm sure you have other things to do Shara , so just leave this to me..." @The Suspicious Eye @FireFlare @Peaceswore
"Hmm... Not having enough information to satisfy my curiosity." He said with a smirk. He looked at the tree for a second before his smirk widened, he gave her a small bow. "Sorry, twenty questions have come to an end, I hope you enjoyed because you will never get this chance again." He said as he glanced over at Shara and Cyril. Well guess I should go. He waved at Tera. before walking toward his dorm. When he was out of her line of sight he ran to his dorm and grabbed his camera. Time to take some money form the fan girls.



Ken quietly snuck into the library and smirked when he saw Alice get doubled teamed by Des and Kano. Great, sure the fan girls will kill Alice later, but that' if they survive a heart attack after seeing these pics. He took three photo's before going over to a random book and placing it on the table. I should ask Kano to make out with Des, I honestly think the fan girls would kill for that sort of pic. He snickered to himself before he began to read whatever it was he took out. @FireFlare @The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20 @Rantos
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@The Suspicious Eye[/URL] @FireFlare @Peaceswore
Shara made her way to the school grounds along with Cyril and his knight she was so happy that the New Spring festival seemed to be going along perfectly. As the arrived she noticed Tera and Ken at the grounds area. She waved to Tera warmly, she liked her she was a good student. Shara really didn't know much about Ken, other thsn he liked secrets. I don't even know his power, man am I loosing my edge? Her attention shifted from Ken to Cyril as he apoke. She looked at him worriedly, "are you sure? I don't mind keeping you company." She turned to see Ken had wandered off leaving Tera by herself. Shara motioned for Tera to come over "hey Tera, would you mind helping Cyril with the construction for the New Spring festival?"

@FieryAngel @SirKnight Squibbly
Ryllian Langh - School grounds

Ryllian waited till the guy called Julian got on his feet, since it looked like Kano wouldn't go with them he didn't bother in waiting for him and he headed towards the office "Yeah he just arrived, he's one of my family's servants though I rather call Shiu a friend, one of the few I have though. If you talk to him he'll understand you and may reply if he feels like it" he said. After a short walk they arrived to the office but it seemed as if no one was in there, it was strange for it to be closed at this hour, yet this day had been everything but normal so Ryllian guessed a small thing like this would hardly be stranger than everything else.

After considering what to do for a few seconds he knocked loudly on the door "Hey! Is anyone there!? I wanted to ask about the creepy announcement of this morning" he said, after this he just waited and faced Julian, he looked strange and well.....colorful, how had he called him?Men in black? "Well, I guess it's fair for him to call me that way" he thought after taking a look at his clothes, he had always hated dressing colorful and maybe that was why being with Julian made him be so uncomfortable, after a few seconds he remembered he had mentioned Ao no Exorcist, and while Ryllian may not be a die hard anime fan, it was one of the things that managed to keep him occupied and distracted, so he thought he could always talk about it to fill the awkard silence that had formed "So, you mentioned Ao no Exorcist, I saw it as well, it was fairly good I guess" he said.

@A Guileless Fable

((Sorry for taking so long ;- ;) )
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Alice looked over at Kano and whispered to her. "Well if he really was yours he wouldn't be flirting with other girls now would he?" Her mood right now was not good and she was ready to bite back. She looked over at Des when he started talking. Probably should go ahead and look for a spot, she thought to herself. He then leaned close her cheeks turn slightly red. He was looking at her straight in eyes. She wanted to push him back but for some reason she couldn't turn away. He started talking again but she didn't grasp what he meant at first, but then she noticed him looking her up and down and she got the message. She put her right hand to the back of his head and grabbed some of his hair. She looked at him with her striking red eyes. They looked scary and cofindent. "Normally when I get hit on I slam the guy's head into the floor or worse. Your lucky I haven't done anything to you yet. Get the message?" She roughly let go of him and turned around and started her way out.

(Why am I getting picked on :( .......haha :) )

@The Suspicious Eye

animegirl20 said:
Alice looked over at Kano and whispered to her. "Well if he really was yours he wouldn't be flirting with other girls now would he?" Her mood right now was not good and she was ready to bite back. She looked over at Des when he started talking. Probably should go ahead and look for a spot, she thought to herself. He then leaned close her cheeks turn slightly red. He was looking at her straight in eyes. She wanted to push him back but for some reason she couldn't turn away. He started talking again but she didn't grasp what he meant at first, but then she noticed him looking her up and down and she got the message. She put her right hand to the back of his head and grabbed some of his hair. She looked at him with her striking red eyes. They looked scary and cofindent. "Normally when I get hit on I slam the guy's head into the floor or worse. Your lucky I haven't done anything to you yet. Get the message?" She roughly let go of him and turned around and started her way out.
(Why am I getting picked on :( .......haha :) )

@The Suspicious Eye

(Well for me, you seem like fun, and probably Rants just wants to have Des's babies. Oh @Rantos added more pics 4u. Lol. Anyway)

Des was surprised as Alice grabbed his hair and looked at him. Her eyes were an astonishing shade of red, they seem to entrance him. He could see the danger and the confidence in her eyes it was breathtaking. I want this girl. He smiled at her and nodded as she let go and made her way out. As she walked out he shouted behind her "yeah I think I do. You like me Alice. And this" He points between them. "This is so gonna happen." He smiled at her and put his hands on his hips, he was extremely confident.
Tera quirked an eyebrow at his last answer, doubting that was really the case, but she stayed silent as he walked away. She looked around the grounds, contemplating what she wanted to next in the day when she heard a voice calling to her. She glanced to the source and saw Shara and Cyril, along with the knights that never failed to fascinate her. "Sure," she said with a smile, making her way over to where they were standing. "What do you want me to do?"
Alice Evermore-Garden

(lol I've noticed :P xD )

She stopped when he yelled out behind her. She turned around to look at him. she was little stunned about how serious he was the look on his face now was different then before. But still she said, "Yeah you wish." She turned back around and went out into the hallway. She hid it but he was making her feel like a bundle of nerves. She went over to the garden so she could read in peace it seemed like people were clearing out. She went to her spot she had found her first year here. She sat down under the cherry blossom tree and sighed. No one really came over here. It felt nice being here. She opened her book and started reading feeling a little satisfied but feeling somewhat alone. You think she would be use to it by now. While reading she slowly fell asleep under the tree as a cool wind blew.

@The Suspicious Eye
"Oh she is so going to die. You are aware you have some crazy fans right? After that declaration is known...well she better be careful at what she eats." Ken joked as he took another picture. "Hmmm These should rake me up quite a bit." He mumbled as he browsed through the pics, deleting a few here and there. He took out the hard drive and placed it safely in his pocket. "*yawn* Gods I'm bored." He muttered as he scratched his head. He then walked over to a nearby book shelf and began lazily looking at the covers. @The Suspicious Eye @Rantos
((Kano is just vary territorial about Des's. It has nothing to do with the fact that Kano wants his babies.))

As Alice ran for the hills Kano walked up to Des and began brushing his chest with her hand. "Des baby. Im fine with you doing whatever you want to that girl. But dont get too carried away now, or else." Kano came closer to his ear and whispered happily. "I might have to bring the chains and whip back. My babies have been itching to leave the closet. Be a good boy and I might go soft tonight." Kano kissed Des on the check and ran off after Alice yelling "Dont follow me! I mean it!"

Kano - Garden

"Found ya" Kano yelled as she ran to Alice. Kano sat down next to her and took a peek at her book. "What cha reading. Wait dont tell me, I just lost enough fucks to care." Kano laughed loudly and patted Alice on the back. "Kidding, kidding. But really though I want to answer a question you had a while back. I know what Des does around girls. Im not an idiot. I only really care if things go too far. Last time Des got really into a girl I had to punish him. At the beginning of the night I wondered how many golf balls you would fit into an ass hole. Thanks to Des by the end of the night I found out the answer was 8. That was a fun night." Soon as Kano finished speaking he started to turn back into his normal boy form. His hair got shorter, he got slightly taller, his voice got lower and his chest got smaller. In his normal boy voice he said. "I didn't mean to be mean back there. Im sorry if I came across that way. Can we start over?" Kano extended his hand for a hand shake and smiled at Alice. "Yo, my names Kano. Contrary to popular believes im not a girl."
Alice was having a nice nap until she heard some bastard calling out her name. She opened one eye to see Kano running toward her. Alice sighed she didn't speak she let Kano do all of the talking. But the more she talked the more she got disturbed by her. She turned at her but to her surprise she turned into a boy. "You prance around here like a girl when your really a boy?.........." She gave him a look that was clearly calling him crazy. She shook his hand anyway to be nice.

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Des looked at Ken and shrugged "I doubt they would do anything like that. They are all super nice to me." His attention turned from Ken to Kano as she came up to him. He smiled and looked down at Kano. "Yeah I know, but next time they do come out try to let the third party know what's going on. That poor bastard had no idea what he was doing." He smiled as she kissed him on the cheek and ran off. He raises a hand as she ran off "later." He shook his head, I really like Kano, but that guy is sadistic. To think 8 golf balls could fit up that dudes.... but the dark energy from that pain felt so good. (Look at that smooth save, so smooth)

Des ran his finger through his hair and turned to Ken. "I'm bored too, let's go somewhere and do something cool." He passed the two girls and winked to them. They smiled and looked to eachother not even noticing Kano’s presence. She was so close to Des it was only natural to the others. Des motioned to Ken "come on let's check up on the students at the school grounds.

@Peaceswore @Rantos
Ken glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. "Sure, not like I got anything going on." He said as he grabbed a few random books. He looked around the room, before tearing the middle and last page of every book he grabbed. He then placed them away and started to make paper airplanes out of them. "I'll be there soonish...though I was just there *shrugs* whatever." He muttered as he threw the airplanes making them land directly in different trash cans. He just smirked at what he did before shuffling through his pockets. "Here take this to my dorm." Said to Op as he handed him the hard drive. "I'll go now." He got up and stretched and walked to the door. @The Suspicious Eye
"Oh that? Thats not even the worst thing I can do. I remember this one night when..." Kano went on and on and on about different stories of different times hes doest the same thing to different people. His favorit was Des's and his first night together. Mid way through he turned back into a boy. There was no pulling out of that one. Mostly because of the potato peeler but thats another story for another day. ((Ok Eye just like you asked now im done with all the dirty stuff. For now.)) "But yeah. To be honest I forgot what gender I was a long time ago so I switch in and out when I feel like it. It makes for some really funny stories sometimes. Why I remember this one time with me and old man cain..."

Cain - Chancellor's Office

Cain rushed into the chancellor's office looking for Donovan and low and behold he was there. "Mr. Demios there is something I need to tell you regarding the up coming spring-" Cain froze as a shiver ran up his spine. He looked out a window and at the garden, his eyes filled with an unbelievable amount of shock as if watching a body rise from the dead, or like watching a mother saluter its own baby. "My god... he spoke of it!"

Kano - garden

"And thats the story of how I found out about what a skittle pop is. Hey whatcha reading, im interested again."

((@animegirl20 the story I skipped over was filled with things that if I posted on RPnation my account would get taken away fast. Just remember that there was blood sweat and cum when you write your response. Also @The Suspicious Eye ok now im done.))
It was really hard to freak out a girl like Alice but this was just to much. Alice face looked totally freaked out. She also looked like she was going to puke. She slowly stood up her legs a little shaken. Once she stood she breathed in slowly then sighed. "I'm suddenly feeling very sick." With her book in her hand she started to walk off.

(Congrats you have officially freaked Alice out xD )

Cyril was already giving commands to his knights. He had Joseph, dig holes to where the supports will be place and Gunther place the beams in each one. Nicholas was buzz cutting each hardwood so that they will be just the right size for the floor of the stage. Finally, Wesley was getting nails and hammers so they can proceed to phase two. In all the midst Cyril was helping out each knight to make sure everything is where it needed to be, once he made sure everything was going smoothly, he walked over to Shara and Tera while wiping some sweat of his forehead. "As you can see I have everything under control but if you insist on wanting to let Tera help me than fine." He looked over at the girl and pointed back to the soon to be built stage. "Shara needed some help with building the stage for the spring festival coming up so whenever your ready grab a tool and get to work."

He was too busy informing Tera of the job at hand that he didn't realize there was a piece of hardwood left laying behind him that once he turned around, he tripped landing straight on his face. Now anyone would laugh at their own idiocy but this is Cyril were talking about. He just got back up and wiped the dust off himself. "How unfortunate, now I will have to wash these when I get back to my dorm..." @The Suspicious Eye @FireFlare
Donovan Demios ~ Chancellor's Office

Donovan looked up at Cain as he rushed in. He smiled at him "oh hello Cain, you know you can call me Donovan. I may be a few milenias older than you, but we look the same age and it's quite odd." He saw Cain fave and his eyes grew serious, so this is the next event. Is it too early? No not yet, this is something else. His tone grew serious "What's wrong Cain? Tell me."


Shara Rain ~ School Grounds

Shara smiled and helped out handing supplies to the Knights. She did have work to do, a lot of work, but she put it aside to help out. She liked working it made her feel like she was doing something important. She looked over at Cyril and smiled as he was interacting with others. Suddenly she watched him fall on this face. Stifling a laugh she ran over to him. "Oh my god, Cyril! Arw you alright?!" She ran over and looked at his face. Oh luckily he wasn't bleeding but he did have a bruise forming. She frantically looked for a bandage and or ice pack on her body. She finally found one and leaned over. "Hold still." She gently put the cold pack on his head. She leaned back and smiled, " there all better. That should stop the swelling and feel good against the heat too." She leaned over and wagged her finger at him. "Be more careful okay, I don't want you getting hurt."

@SirKnight Squibbly

Des Demios ~ School Grounds

Des made his way to the school grounds and sighed as he saw Shara. He leaned against a tree and watched her. Man seeing her face is like a breath of fresh air. He sighed as he looked at her. Des truly loved his sister although she was the polar opposite of him. But she is so cute, and adorable and tiny and perfect in every way. "Man isn't she just adorable?" He watched the other kid fall on his face and laughed, "what a loser, am I right." His fist clenched as he got closer to her. Although, Shara was the one who came to his aid, Deus would never believe that his darling sister would ever make a move to a guy. "That mangy bastard, who does he think he is hitting on my sister, I bet he fell on puropse. I'll kill him." His eyes were dark and blood thirsty. Dark particles began to form around his hands.


Ken was once again laying on a branch as he quietly watched the others build the stage. However his attention soon went over to Des. Yandere much? He wondered as he watched. "If you do plan to kill him go ahead, but if you would rather not have your sis hate your guts, my advise is to wait till she is gone or do it where he isn't out in the open. Though that's already obvious, either way cool it with the dark powers for a bit." Ken said lazily as he yawned and continued to watch the situation. "You know since I'm a nice guy I'm more then willing to help." He said in a jokingly manner, though he actually would help him Des paid him, or if it would relive him of his boredom.

@The Suspicious Eye
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