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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Tera smiled at the antics of her two friends. "Well, I'd be happy to help out setting up, but I might make the whole stage fall down in the process." Jobs that required any amount of physical labor weren't exactly her strong suit, so as Shara tended to Cyril she rummaged through a few of the supply boxes, looking for anything mechanical. Finding a box that held a couple of speakers she picked them up, checking the wiring in the back to make sure nothing would malfunction. She was going to continue with the maintenance check, but a sudden chill running down her spine directed her attention elsewhere. The sight of slightly murderous looking Des greeted her. "Hey Shara, I think someone's here to see you." She called over to the girl.

@The Suspicious Eye @SirKnight Squibbly

Semi-Important plot stuff (Skip at your whimsy)

Cain - Chancellor's Office​

Im sorry Mr. De- I mean Donovan. My apologies, I was raised in a vary strict house hold so its grown into a habit, I will do better." Cain gave a respectful bow towards Donovan. "Sir it is quite strange indeed that we look of similar age but the reason I am here is because of important news regarding the up coming event and... the ice." As those words, the ice came from his mouth his face grew less serious and more fearful. "I will deliver the good news first. Regarding the event it should be coming in right on time, no delays on the matter. Your daughter Shara is doing a wonderful job. But that is to be expected. My only concern is your son Des. You know how he gets around these types of events. Nothing bad there. Now, regarding the ice. We have confirmed what it is, how it got there and when that basement was formed is still a mystery. We can assume that the ice was made by the one of the two entombed in it. I have also confirmed that the ice is the aftermath of someone using flash freeze." Cain stood silent for a second to let that information settle in. He took a deep breath and continued. "Flash freeze is one of the three great sword techniques that can only be used by powerful members of the order of the tundra. As you know I know one of them myself. No one can learn more then one so my guess is someone from the order gave us a visit. Now theres the last problem. A flash freeze of that size could only have been done by one of the 7 kings." Cain stopped there for a second and looked outside. "We are also being watched." He looked back at Donovan. "Kano sir. Hes outside watching us. What do you suppose we do?"

Alice went to her dorm and put her book away then went to the cafeteria to eat, she was getting pretty hungry. She got a plate stack with food then sat at the table and started eating. Alice has black whole for a stomach and never seems to get full. While she was eating she looked out the window trying to decide where she should shoot those fireworks off.
Shara Rain/Des Demios ~ School Grounds

Shara turned to Tera curiously. "Oh who is it?" She looked around and then felt a familiar presence near the trees. She looked around and saw him. Her face lit up and she nearly shouted with joy. "Brother!" She ran overy to him with fervent excitement. Getting close she jumped up and hugged him. "Oh what are you doing here?! You're surely not here to help. Are you?"

Des's bloodlust vanished as Shara ran towards him. He walked over to her and hugged her, spinning her around. He smiled and puled her closer to him. "No I was just walking around when I saw your beautiful face sis." He poked her nose and smiled as she wriggled it.

"Hey!" Shara hated when someone poked her nose. "I maybe a rabbit but I hate that and you know it." Des laughed and Shara glared at him. Suddenly a large rush of dark energy flew from Des's body and into Shara's. Des staggered and let Shara go. She smiled landing to the ground with ease "Ha! Penalty siphon! If you're not going to help the least you can do is lend me your strength." She twirled around and waved to her brother. "Alright I'm off now! See you at home! Oh don't forget to come to the festival alright!" She smiled and hopped back to the others. She walked over to them and smiled. "That's my big brother, Des. Don't worry about him guys he won't bother us." She lifted a large wodden plank with ease. "Now let's get back to work!" She punched her fist in the air and smiled as she jogged to the nearly completed stage.

@SirKnight Squibbly @FireFlare

Des Demios ~ School Grounds to Terrace

Des sat on the grass looking at his sister run off to her friends and shook his head. "She is so cute." He stared at her a little bit too long for comfort before turning back to Ken. "Alright, I needed that." He got up and cracked his neck, and walked back toward Ken. He brushed past him and said one word "Terrace."

Then continued walking. He made his way through the Regular classrooms and up to the schools Terrace. Des prefered this one more than the others because it didn't have any guard rails or fences. He walked over to the edge if you fell from here nothing could catch you but your own skills. He smiled looking out at the school it seemed so tiny from here. Everone looked like ants running around doing their daily chores. "It's sickening, the peace is intolerable." Des eyes grew dark and cold as he looked around the school. Is the rest of the world just like this? Full of smiling faces without a care in the world blindly following whatever is handed to them? I bet it is. This world is dull and boring. He suddenly began to shake he clutched his sides and bent over nearly tetering on the edge. I want to see action! I want to see power! I want to see death! He was loosing it, his eyes shifted around trying to find. Ah... He found Shara still working down below and let out a long sigh. He clenched his head and stood back up straight. "It's sickening, but not intolerable." He stared out at to Shara yet again and smiled. "Not intolerable."

Des turned to Ken and smiled "I have another job for you."


Donovan Demios ~ Chancellor's Office

Donovan waved his hand in a dismissing motion. "It's fine, leave him be." He clapped his hands and the blinded fell. The entire office became set apart in a box dimension no one could come in or leave, no matter what power they had. "There, this will prevent any other realm to interact with this room regardless of power." He put his elbows on his desk and rested his chin on his hands. Although it is not what I fear, I may have to rewrite the design if the ice, breaks. It is not in my design and I cannot destroy it. It seemes to have the same power as my dear wife Mary. "Tell me Cain, is there a chance that the ice will break? What have we learned about the two entities hidden in the ice?"

Ken followed Des to the terrace and sat on the edge not caring if he fell or not. When he heard about another job he let out a small chuckle and looked over at him. "Another job? This would be my third one, I'm usually not an errand boy, but for you I'll make an exception." He said as he stood up and walked over to him his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. "Thought you do realize you need to pay for this one. The first job you paid by letting me in on this plan, the second one I got something out of it, so mind telling me how you are going to pay for this one? I don't care for cash, just so you know." He then looked out at the horizon and yawned. It's funny how everyone is so tranquil, peaceful, and god damn oblivious right now. I can't wait to see the panic and havoc on this little event. I know Des said he will take the blame, but I better cover up my tracks just in case. "Since I'm a nice person I'll hear what you want me to do, but I won't do it unless...well I already said."

@The Suspicious Eye
Des smiled at him, a businessman to the core huh? He put his hands on his hips, and looked at him. "This is a challenge, not even Kano can do it. But I think with your talents you can sucess where he hasn't. I need you to find a secret entrance to a underground path. It's hidden somewhere in the school. There you will take the path and find something big. I want you to find it and report everything." He crossed his arms and smirked, "Sounds simple right? But here's the catch, the only two people who know the location are my father and professor Cain. That makes it hard. My father is omnipotent and omnipresent he knows everything before it happens, probably even this conversation. So he's impossible to follow. That leaves professor Cain, I suspect he's in charge of whatever project is going on down there. He's a ball of nerves and extremely powerful. He's become suspicious of Kano so I think it's time to switch out."

He paused for a moment and let all the info sink in. Then he continued "since this is such a big mission, I give you a good deal. I will owe you one favor of your choosing. The only thing I won't do is harm my sister in anyway. Other than that I owe you one favor." He looked at him, knowing that a favor from the king of the school was like a get out of jail free card. You can pretty much get away with anything, including murder. He looked down at him and extended his hand. "So what do you say?"


''Yes, one of my abilities is chi manipulation, but it's a little more to it than that'' said Xen. Yes indeed he manipulated chi, but his manipulation was a result of his inherited combat capabilities. Out of everyone in his faimily he was the only member who got that ability in the last 300 years. Every member of the Wukong family had an enhanced physical condition and some form of shapeshifting or magic, but Xen was different. His physical state was higher than the rest and his combat prowes where as well.

Of course, no one knew his real name. He was registered as Xen Evans , for good reasons. Evans was the family name of his grandmother, who he deeply admired, more than anyone else, even more than the Monkey King himself. Regardless, all that information and history was not something others really needed to know.

Xen continued his sentence: ''My ability to manipulate chi comes from my natural understanding of martial arts and by extension the flow of this spiritual energy known as chi. Other than that, my phyisical condition is also highly enhanced''.

He hoped he didn't sound arrogant or anything like that.
Ken kept on a serious face before he began to chuckle, soon he was having a full on laughing fit. "Deal! Hahaha! Without a doubt you have a deal." He said as he calmed down enough to stand. He wiped a tear from his eye as he became serious. "Finding an entrance to a secret tunnel that only two people know? Sure, though this sounds like I may actually have to do something." He said with a grin. He gave Des a small wave before heading out of the door. If this doesn't scream excitement, then I don't know what does!


The path to the regular classroom

Ken was leaning against a tree as a bird sat on his shoulder. The bird was talking while Ken just leaned against the trunk and listened, of course he was carful and made sure no one was nearby while he did this. What are they hiding? Where is this basement? A flash freeze? Great sword technique? 7 kings? I don't give a damn about that at the moment, though...I should look into that. I need to know where this basement is...I guess my best choice is to follow that stick in the mud of a teacher.' "Thanks for the help, I don't expect much since he moved the office in a place where you can't hear. Sadly I didn't have an informant in his room...though even if I did he most likely would have seen it." He muttered before handing the bird a cracker and sending him off. "Now what should I do? *sigh* looks like I have to do this one myself." He mumbled as he walked toward the Chancellor room, making sure no one saw him or followed.


Down the hall from the Chancellor room

Now I need to play the waiting game. And think up an excuse to be here in case someone sees me. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes keeping his ears open as he waited. He felt something crawl up his leg, but didn't flinch. "Nice timing Op, we finally have something intresting to do." @The Suspicious Eye @Rantos
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Moving to the Dorms

Alecta looked up at the tree and inclined her head at the boy there, indicating he knew he was there (Ignis had smelled him long ago) but she really didn't care that he was. She was more interested in what Xen was saying how he could control chi, she thought he was being rather modest compared to some. Many powered individuals, she had noticed, got a bit of a complex about how great their powers were and could rant for days about how mighty they made them. This boy seemed almost reticent about his, like there was some aspect about his skills that he had to hide. A feeling she could emphasize with. "So am I right in thinking that this chi," She paused as she asked trying to memorize the name, "Is like a body's natural energy? You can control it to push your body's limits?" Again not waiting for his response she moved on to the dorms. and explained "And these are the dorm's we're waling past, you should have been assigned a room. Every student gets their own private room with rather nice accommodations, and well you can do whatever you want with it." She had a rather large arsenal of "medieval" weapons in hers, it was nice knowing that they were there.

@Kotios @Azure Sky
Alice-Terrace, Chamber of Music

After Alice finished eating she walked down the hallway. Boy what day she thought she would never get some peace but she finally did. She decided to head to the Terrace. She wanted to take a look and see if that would be a good place to shoot the fireworks from. When she got there she noticed Des was there. "Shoot." She was not in the mood to deal with him. She turned around to head back but then she glanced back at him. She thought about talking to him but decided not to. He seemed to be in deep thought. Plus he probably didn't even know she was there. While heading to her dorm she stopped when she saw the music room. She hadn't been in there a while because most of the time there a bunch of people just hanging out making a lot of noise but now it was nice and quiet. She walked in and looked a the piano. She use to play but she stopped for certain reasons..........She sat down at he piano then looked around to make sure no one was watching or near by. She put one hand on the piano and played a few notes. She then put both hands on the piano and started playing. She then started singing softly then as she continued to play her singing got louder. She forgot to shut the door all the way so whoever walked by could hear her.

(bored......who wants to chat)


@The Suspicious Eye

the song she is playing and singing


At the dorms

''Hmm, yes , if I remember correctly my room number is 314'' said Xin. He saw that Alecta has a habit of asking things then moving on to do other things. Xen found it rather amusing. On the other hand it wasn't like she didn't expect an answer, it seemed that one really needed to keep up with her. ''Yes, chi is the natural energy which exists in all living things. Some people have more and some have less, but it can be amplified through training and meditation. It also has a pretty wide variety of uses, and some people can even revitalize others using it...I am not one of them though'' he added.

This was a nice experience for Xen, talking with someone who doesn't want to fight him or not even fear him. He belived his years here will be fun...or at least he hoped.

Cain - Chancellor's Office!!!!

Cain watched as the blinds came down by themselves and marveled at Donovan as he explained what was going on. Cain admired the chancellor greatly and saw Donovan as a man to shape his own image in. Cain seized his gawking once Donovan asked his question. "Technically sir no there is no way to break the ice without the caster. Although there has been speculation of a few ways. The first being the caster breaking it by there own will. The second is if the caster dies. Both of those are not an option and I will get to why. The third is through a blood ritual with the blood of the caster or of a close relation with the caster. Now I noticed that the one within the ice, the white haired boy was the caster. But there is one more thing that worries me. Its about Shara."

Kano - outside the chancellors office.

Kano snuck up behind Ken and looked in the direction he was looking in. "What are we doing Ken?"

((Im sorry that Kano's post was so short. It will never happen again I just really want to get this out and I wont be able to post again till much later))

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
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Path to the classroom building

The trio walked past the dorm building, Alecta making a mental note to make sure Xen found his room later. But there was much to see. She had discovered that the campus was much bigger then it seemed and to tour all of it, their little group would need to move quickly. "Ah." She said as they continued s they neared the student road, "The martial arts I learned have a very similar concept, called pneuma. It's what drew Ignis to you at such a speed. Call it what you will, you have a lot of it. Speaking of speed, this is the student road, it goes from the dorm to the classroom buildings and is generally your fastest route between the two. Stay away from the center though, people with super sped tend to dominate it and that collision is not something you want." She paused as someone, moving extremely fast whizzed by. "Like that. But I keep rambling. Any questions so far?"

@Azure Sky
Ken let out a small sighed, not even slightly surprised by Kano's appearance. "I found this wall to be rather enjoyable, so I decided to rest here. After all I have been on the busy side, you know being bored out of my skull, and such." He said before looking at Kano. "Why are you here? To spy on Cain?" He asked as he kept his ears opened in case the meeting ended suddenly. @Rantos
Cyril Allen- School Ground

"I highly doubt a promise like that could be kept in the first place Shara... We are in a school filled with supernatural beings and hold events that sometimes pit student against student." Cyril stated being a bit too literal, instead of trying to understand what she actually meant. He took the ice pack off his head and set it aside so that he could continue working. At this point Knight Wesley was helping Tera with the maintenance by plugging the speakers and setting up the lights so that the girl did not have to do most of the heavy lifting. Knight Gunther was assisting with taking the hardwood with Shara to the stage despite her not needing the help. The iced tea Cyril brought earlier was starting to attract other working students nearby that Knight Joseph and Nicholas were put in charge of making more drinks for everyone to keep them refresh. This left Cyril to hammer in the nails into the hardwood.

It seemed that the stage was nearly finished but now all the four knights were starting to act strange. Both their movements and responses were sluggish, their once tall and mighty posture is now a slouch. Controlling multiple suits to perform individual tasks while working under a hot sun was going to put a toll on Cyril at some point. That is why he asked Shara to go with him to pick them up in his room, so that he didn't have to waste energy having to make them already show up at the school grounds before them but thats besides the point.... for Cyril hit the final nail into the floor which finished the stage.

He took a moment to take a breather before going to the others.
"There all done... So what was the next thing you needed me to do?" @The Suspicious Eye @FireFlare (Sadly I couldn't find a good stage made of wood... Sooo I found the next best thing!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Concert_Stage.png.36a6555570b91fe282deb0f38c6452e8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/Concert_Stage.png.36a6555570b91fe282deb0f38c6452e8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Concert_Stage.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 40
Rantos said:
Cain - Chancellor's Office!!!!

Cain watched as the blinds came down by themselves and marveled at Donovan as he explained what was going on. Cain admired the chancellor greatly and saw Donovan as a man to shape his own image in. Cain seized his gawking once Donovan asked his question. "Technically sir no there is no way to break the ice without the caster. Although there has been speculation of a few ways. The first being the caster breaking it by there own will. The second is if the caster dies. Both of those are not an option and I will get to why. The third is through a blood ritual with the blood of the caster or of a close relation with the caster. Now I noticed that the one within the ice, the white haired boy was the caster. But there is one more thing that worries me. Its Shara."

Kano - outside the chancellors office.

Kano snuck up behind Ken and looked in the direction he was looking in. "What

((Im sorry that Kano's post was so short. It will never happen again I just really want to get this out and I wont be able to post again till much later))

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
Donovan looked at him his eyes serious. "I understand, you can inform me about that later. What I want to know now is....." His tone grew darker when he mentioned Shara's name. "What about Shara? How does she play into this anomaly?" Donovan had already done enough to Shara that would haunt him for th e rest of his life. She was a curious girl and her powers were odd for a rabbit. But she shouldn't have any connection to this. Shara does not poses true freedom. How is she connected to this breach of design.

@The Suspicious Eye[/URL] @FireFlare (Sadly I couldn't find a good stage made of wood... Sooo I found the next best thing!)

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Shara jumped with joy at the completion of the stage! "Oh how awesome! Everything is perfect!" She ran over to Cyril and hugged him. "Oh thank you so much for your help! I really, really appreciate it." It struck her that she was smothering him and let him go. "Sorry I get overly excited when I aborb more energy." She scratched her head in embarasment. She smiled and looked at him "Oh you want to work some more? Well I don't have any other manual labor for you. All the other booths are being made as we speak." She thought about it for a moment and turned to Tera. "I know! How about you and Tera go help the others! There are 14 booths being made, I'm sure a few of then could use some help!" She looked at him and smiled warmly, "but make sure to take breaks okay? If you get tired or too hot you need to stay cool." She turned to Tera and smiled "you too Tera don't push yourself!" She leaned over and whispered in her ear "take good care of Cyril for me. He's a little odd, but has such a good heart." She pulled back and smiled to her "okay?" Withour waiting for a reply see tured back to Cyril "I'm have some work I have to do, so I won't be around, but you have my number so call me for anything okay?"

@SirKnight Squibbly @FireFlare
Tera could only nod at Shara's words, the girl speaking too fast for her to even try to speak. '14 booths?' She chanced a look at the sun, wishing it would go away for once in her life, even just a few clouds would be nice but the sky was as clear as it could get for what seemed like miles. Looking at Cyril, she wondered if he was just naturally pale or if he was on the verge of passing out. Deciding it was probably a combination of both she made her way to where the drinks were and poured a cup. "Here," she said, handing it to Cyril. "We can't have you fainting from exhaustion if we're going to get all this done."

@SirKnight Squibbly @The Suspicious Eye
Julian Lanchester
Front Office-

A sense of wonder took over the hyper fellow as Ryllian explained what Shiu's relationship to him was. Whoa, that was cooler than he could imagine. To have a cat as a servant, and knowing how cats are predestined to become assholes after maybe the third week of life.

"That's super cool! I had a cat once, but our were relationship was far from friendly. Named him Ditz, but than changed it to MF. Yeah, there was never an easy moment with that douche around I swear me and my . . ." he paused for a moment, his cheerful demeanor quickly turning into hostility at the thought of that . . . that man!"Best to not think of . . . no just don't think about him and you'll do great." he told himself, unconsciously squeezing Ryllian's arm.

"Anyway, nice to meet ya Shiu. You can call me this guys strange acquaintance." he chuckled, returning back to that goofy boy that everyone was probably annoyed by and felt discontent for. It didn't take long for them to reach the front office, Ryllian having been strangely familiar with the place itself. In Julian's mind, there was only one reason why anyone came near this death trap and that was because they got busted for doing something that "violated the sacred rules". He had been here a number of times before, having to wait in this dastardly office the speak with the higher ups about how to deal with his "misbehavior" as they liked to call it. As they entered the large antique building, the colorful boy took shelter behind the dude's back, hoping to hide himself from any suspecting eyes. If they saw him there, they would wrongly assume that he had done some sort of mischievous around campus.

Scanning the area, he found no one in sight, only that large immobile marble desk without the old bag. The old bag was the lady who worked there all day long, and he swear he had never saw her move for anything. " So you telling me she always here on the days I get in trouble?" he thought, the sudden realization that the room was empty left a weird taste in his mouth. Something wasn't right. He could smell it. The kid was to lost in his thoughts to notice that Ryllian had already asked about the announcement to no prevail. With that, their mission was a complete failure, and so they left the room Julian being the only one who had won a battle. The battle of not getting busted for that little surprise he left in first period that someone was bound to find out, but he could think about that tiny mishap of his later Ryllian was talking to him.

On the way to the Cafeteria-

"Hmm? What? Ao no Exorcist? Oh, that's the Japanese name for it." he said, his mind filling up with information on the anime.

" So you watched it huh! It was totally awesome! Especially that seen where . . . " Julian began ranting about how cool the main character was and how freaking awesome it was when Satan possessed his brother. Soon he was interrupted by the growling of his stomach.

"Crap, seems like I'm hungry. Wanna go get a bite?" he asked while rubbing his stomach in an attempt to quiet it down.


(Erk not the best, but brain wasn't functioning properly. @A@!

Sorry it took so long.)
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Ryllian Langh-Cafeteria(on his way at least)

Ryllian watched silently as Julian talked endlessly, somehow during the short amount of time they had been at the front desk he had managed to talk about Shiu, Ao no Exorcist and how hungry he was, and almost everything explained in detail, he was like a little ball of energy which was both annoying and kind of endearing, even though Ryllian felt as if he didn't want to be a second closer to this guy he also felt a protective urge towards him, maybe it reminded him of some people he had met way before, when he wasn't constantly running away, Ugh knock it off Ryllian, not the time to be thinking about it he thought, then he grabbed Julian's arm and dragged him towards the cafeteria, he hadn't realized it but he was also hungry, with a growl he remembered skipping both lunch and breakfast which meant the last time he ate was lunch the day before, he was used to skipping meals because of being focused on his art or just because he had been too lazy to go and get some food.

When they arrived to the cafeteria he realized he had been so lost in thought he hadn't paid any attention to Julian so he didn't even knew if he had spoke at all since they left the front desk. He somehow ignored constantly other people, not because he consciously decided to but because he managed to miss what others may say, with a startle he felt Shiu moving on his shoulder
"Do you have any ideas about what may have happened this morning with the PA announcement?" he asked him whispering, after receiving a negative answer he focused on Julian and said "Well, here we are, let's go and eat something since I'm starving. Also, remember about what we're trying to find out and ask people about what happened this morning, or where we may find Shara, she probably knows about it"

@A Guileless Fable

((Don't worry about taking too long, though now we'll have to catch up with the others ._.))
Julian Lanchester

Julian lit up when Ryllian agreed to take him to the cafeteria. There was only so much a man could deal with in a day, and starvation was the straw that broke the camels back. Seemingly dragging his companion into the enormous, delicious smelling room which was the cafeteria, Ryllian set up a few guidelines for him. Well, more so of a plan of attack in order of figuring out who the culprit responsible for making such a weird and scary announcement.

"I doubt that that stick in the mud knows anything about this, Shara I mean. She's probably as clueless as the rest of us are Ryllian." he spoke bluntly, sounding if he knew something about the voice that wasn't apparent before. Weirder was that he had lost the idiotic attitude and actually sounded as if he had a brain.

"Knowing Shara as well as I do, there is no way she'd allow someone to do this on her watch. The fact that someone could get pass her watchful eye means that this person either a ghost or incredibly strong. I know, I tried to bust in there plenty of times, but never once have I made it through that door. She always keeps it heavily guarded like it's Gold Rodger treasure or something." she growled, remembering all his failed attempts at breaking through the door to the broadcast room. Julian scanned the menu as he moved towards the end of the lunch line wondering if he should get ramen with an egg or chicken with rice. Two delectable items, but only enough money for one. Tough decisions were all over the place today, but in the end he ended going with the Ramen because it was simply too good to pass up a free egg.

"Ramen please." he asked the hags in the line, a mole decorating some part of each of their droopy faces. With a quick nod, they pulled out a bowl and poured the broth, noodle, and egg in that order. The smell was intoxicating as the egg began cooking in the heat of the soup, his mouth drooling, imaging the flavors that would soon color his taste bud. The wait was too long, but by some stroke of luck, the line was moving at an incredible speed today making his wait last a minute. After paying for his food he found a table for the both of them near the entrance of the building. Julian so desperately wanted to take a bite, but decided to wait for Ryllian to get his own since food always tasted better with a friend.

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Kano - outside the chancellor's office

"Oh you know just going from place to place checking out all the sights and learning about the ice." Kano leaned next to Ken against the wall and shifted hi body till he was in a comfortable position. "I can see that you mean. This wall is awesome! I'd you are board then stick around with me for a bit. I may not seem it but I'm Des's right hand man. Right now I was lissrining in on old man Cain and Donovan's chat and I heard a few cool things. I say we tail gate him as soon as he leaves. Ya in?"

Cain - Chancellor's office

Cain hesitated to tell Donovan but in the end he knew that Donovan had the right to know. "The thing that makes the ice unbreakable is that the cast imbeds there life force into it. Using that I was able to confirm that one of the two in the ice was the caster. The identity of the other is still unknown but why we have confirmed is that an unartral amount of dark energy resides within. Now back to Shara, he have confirmed that Shara's hair pin is made of the same ice as the ice found in the basement. We don't know if this means she has a connection with the Order or not but if it's ok with you I would like to conduct some more tests. Also, if I am ever tailgated to the ice by anyone, student or not, am I authorized to use force of they do not comply with keeping it a secret." Cain stood strong infrount of Donovan, he knew his request was a little out there but he felt it his responsibility to keep this secret as well as the school safe.

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
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Ryllian received his food and walked towards the table Julian had picked and sat down, he was considering what he had said about Shara, and in a sense he was right, but that just gave them anothe reason to ask her, after all if she ended up having a breach in her security she was probably investigating it already, Shara wasn't the type to let things go that easily so she'd probably be working on it, or at least that's what he hoped. So he ate his meal as fast as possible, swallowing it almost whole and looked up to Julian after he was done with it, "Well, you're right about Shara, but by now she must've investigated, so we're still going to look for her and ask about this." he said.

While he waited for Julian to finish his meal Ryllian was thinking about where to find Shara, the school was enormous and she could be anywhere, Maybe the chancellor's office? or the student council room he thought, after a minute or so his eyes happened to glance at the wall and he saw one of the posters that advertised the big and annoying event that was having place that day, he hated those events since it always seemed as if it was just another opportunitie for those popular kids to gather up and make a big show of their skills or whatever they decided to do, so as he was about to discard the thought it dawned on him that Shara was probably working on it, so almost against his will he decided they'd have to go there. "Finish your meal Julian, we're going to that big stupid event to look for Shara, I got some questions for her" he said with an annoyed face.

@A Guileless Fable @The Suspicious Eye (thought about tagging you since we're going to be looking for you, well at least Ryllian will)
Ken was quiet for a bit as he thought about it. "Sure, I know you have tired to follow him before and failed, why?" He asked as he took out his switchblade and a few things that had metal and gave the to Op. "Take those to my dorm." The mouse who let out a small squeak and ran off as he dragged the switchblade behind him. "So how did you fail in following him?" I would do better if I'm by myself. With him my chances of getting caught rise a bit, however if that those happen I can make up an excuse and put the blame on him. Though the teacher will suspect me, just not as much. He rested his head against the wall, closing his eyes as he though of a plan to follow Cain. @Rantos
Shara Rain ~ School Grounds to Student Council Room

Shara smiled at them one last time and ran off. She turned and waved to them "Awesome! Thanks guys you are the best! You'll be rewarded!!"

@SirKnight Squibbly @FireFlare

She ran over tthe Regular classrooms and made her way to the front entrance she pulled out her phone and dialed one of the Student Council members.

"Hey, it's me. Have you been able to find anything?"

"Nothing yet, but we still have a few more tests to conduct."

Shara groaned a little and then spoke "alright I know you are doing everything you can. Send all the data to my laptop. I'll be in the Student Council Room till further notice."

"Will do miss president." Then the call ended.

With a long sigh Shara enter into the Regular Classrooms and made her way to the Student Council Room. When she opened the doors she took a deep breath and smiled. She loved the SC room it was perfect in every way. She made her way over to the desk and sat down. She opened her computer and began to work.


Donovan Demios ~ Chancellor's Office

Donovan's face was serious. He knew that neither Shara nor her family had anything to do with the Order. He had been watching them for quite some time. However, he was curious as to the origin of her hair pin. She said she found it on the Terrace after the first earthquake. He wanted to take it from her but she grew so attached to it that It became impossible. Donovan was lucky enough to have scanned the hairpin for the data they have now.

He looked to Cain and took a deep breath. His serious demeanor drifted away and was replaced with a pleasant smile. "Oh Cain, I doubt anyone would follow you. This is a school not a military base, you need to learn to relax." He laughed and continued to speak "but if you truly think a student is following you. You may use non-lethal force, just try to scare them off a bit." with that he clapped his hands again and the room was returned to it's normal state. The blinds opened revealing a beautiful mid evening sun. Event's from the room could once again be heard and entrance into the office is now possible. "Alright Cain, thank you for your report. I look forward to hear the results of the tests."


(I'm thinking of a time skip soon but I will wait on others to tell me they are ready. In the mean time please be prepared for a time skip soon.)

"Failed? Whoever said I failed? I may not look it but I ca be quite the little sneak. I can't really think of and recent fails, I do remember my first few attempts ended in failure but the I realized something. The man is so high strung that there is no sneaking around him. Dude needs to learn how to chill. But after a while I found out how to follow him without getting in trouble." Kano paused at he saw the blinds in the office go back up, he saw Cain exiting. "Watch and learn boy." Kano walked up to Cain and started walked beside him. Cain stopped and eyed the boy. "Something you need Kano?" "Naw just wondering where ya heading to." "You want to come dont you?" "Yeah kind of." "Follow." Cain began walking again and Kano followed, gesturing to Ken to follow too.

Cain - Chancellors office (a few seconds before)

"Sir I can assure you I am quite relaxed, why just today I woke up at five fifteen rather then five o clock, I took a two cups of cereal rather then my normal one and a half and I took a nice three minute and twenty seven second walk through the campus and made it to my history class twenty minuets ahead of time instead of my usual thirty. And to top it off I let a student leave for a bathroom break twice! The same student twice. Sir today has been my more relaxed day in years. I hope it doesn't happen again." With that Cain bowed to Donovan and walk out of the office.

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
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