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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Ken just watched and facedpalmed. I...have no words. He shook his head and followed though he still was on the cautious side and remained hidden from them. I swear to god if it is this easy....nah I'll still make Des owe me.' He thought calmly. He was able to not make a noise as he followed the two, after all this isn't the first time he did this and it would be unlikely his last. @Rantos
Kano slowed down a little a started walking next to Ken. "So? If this is what you meant by fail then I guess I have failed every time I follow Cain." Kano giggled with glee and gave a cocky smile at Ken. "So what do you think of Des? Quite handsome no? How did you meet him? And tell me honestly what you think of him. Im curious." Kano pulled out his phone and started texting Des. "Don't worry I'm still listening."


Hi honey! How have you been? I'm doing swell, just wondering what your location is and if you are ready for tonight ;) . Cya soon sweety!

Kano sent the text and then looked down his contacts. He stopped at Julian and began to text.


Hello love. It's me Kano aka Romeo. Just wondering what you wanted for dinner tonight baby.

Kano put his phone back into his pocket and gave his full attention to Ken.

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @A Guileless Fable
Ken let out a sigh as he continued to walk. "Sorry, but I don't gossip. I give out info for a price, so if you want me to answer those questions...well I just told you." He said with a small smirk. Des made this sound like a big deal, is it really this easy? And how come I'm just now finding out about these underground tunnels! I guess I need to get more informants. @Rantos
animegirl20 said:
Alice-Terrace, Chamber of Music

After Alice finished eating she walked down the hallway. Boy what day she thought she would never get some peace but she finally did. She decided to head to the Terrace. She wanted to take a look and see if that would be a good place to shoot the fireworks from. When she got there she noticed Des was there. "Shoot." She was not in the mood to deal with him. She turned around to head back but then she glanced back at him. She thought about talking to him but decided not to. He seemed to be in deep thought. Plus he probably didn't even know she was there. While heading to her dorm she stopped when she saw the music room. She hadn't been in there a while because most of the time there a bunch of people just hanging out making a lot of noise but now it was nice and quiet. She walked in and looked a the piano. She use to play but she stopped for certain reasons..........She sat down at he piano then looked around to make sure no one was watching or near by. She put one hand on the piano and played a few notes. She then put both hands on the piano and started playing. She then started singing softly then as she continued to play her singing got louder. She forgot to shut the door all the way so whoever walked by could hear her.

(bored......who wants to chat)


@The Suspicious Eye

the song she is playing and singing


Des Demios ~ Terrace to music room

Des was deep in thought trying to wrap his head around what his father was hiding from him. That is until he sensed eyes looking at him. He didn't move but he could tell it was a girl. When he heard her turn and leave he followed. He follows her presence, she must have been around him recently because he could feel some of his own dark energy in her. He smiled that makes it easier to track her. He followed her trail toward the music room where he heard a beautiful voice sing acompanied by the piano. He leaned on the outside wall in the hallway and listened for a while whoever she is, she is very good. He closed his eyes and listened to the song as it played. All the emotions that stirred in his head and heart drained away as he listened to the sweet melody. When it ended he clapped loudly enough that it could be heard in the music room.
Kano reached to his pocket and tool out a fifty doller bill. "I'm guessing this will do? Or does money just not cut it? Would you be willing to trade information for information? And if not what else would it take." Kano looked Ken dead in the eye, he loved playing hard to get, and out of all the times he has played he has never lost. "So how about it, care to answer a few questions or are you going to be more greddy?" Kano licked his lips in anticipation, Ken was just like Kano when we was younger, this made Kano want to stick around this kid a little longer.
Ken looked at the fifty and mulled things over before shaking his head. He only took money when he believed that person would not benefit him later otherwise... "I prefer favors, though...yeah, a favor." He said simply. "If you agree then I'll answer...a few questions that you may have." He said as he ran his hand through his hair. @Rantos
"Sure whatever. A few favors, fine by me." Bad move. Kano is the last person you ask favors from, unless something is binding him to doing it, legally or physically getting Kano to do something he doesn't want to is harder then getting a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Ken would soon realize that Kano really isn't one to be trusted. "Now then, answer my questions. I'll throw a few more in there too. Just who do you think you are?" That lat question broke through Kano's smile and a more serious look covered his face as he awaited the answers.

Path to the classroom building

''No, everything is clear'' said Xen as he watched the speedsters run down the center of the students route. His instictive habit of testing his limits got the best of him again. He went to the center of the route and losed his eyes breathing slowly and enhancing his senses with chi. As many speedsters came to him and seemed like they were close to colliding, Xen simply evaded every speedy guy or girl that got near him. His running speed was barely faster than that of a Formula 1 race car but his agility was high enough for him to dodge even the fastest sniper bullets, in other words he could dodge supersonic attacks, but he amplified his senses with chi for an accelerated perception, in case anyone was faster than that.

He simply evaded everyone. It looked like the dance of leaves in the wind. He eventually sensed that someone was moving at a speed higher than his ''dodging limit'' so he got out of the way and went back near Alecta. He was like in a trance so when he got out of the ''danger zone'' he snapped out of it. He looked at the girl and after realizing what he had done, he blushed and turned his face away. ''Sorry, bad habit'' he said.
When Alice finished her song. She sighed a little then smiled. Felt nice to do that again. Then suddenly she heard someone clapping. Crap crap who the hell was listening? "Who is it?" She didn't bother to stand up. Her voice sounded a little nervous and annoyed that someone was listening. "Last time I do this again." She said to herself. She heard the door open but she still didn't turn around. She felt embarrassed plus she was trying not to go cuss the person out. "If this person makes one joke I swear I'll knock thier lights out."

@The Suspicious Eye
"Des is intresting and keeps me from being bored, I met him by chance after I was done doing some business with a kid. I think if I stick with him my boredom won't return for a while. Rather big of a flirt, his weakness is to easy to use against him, but luckily this is a school and not the real world." He said nonchalantly. "And I'm Ken Tanaka." He said with a small smirk. @Rantos
animegirl20 said:
When Alice finished her song. She sighed a little then smiled. Felt nice to do that again. Then suddenly she heard someone clapping. Crap crap who the hell was listening? "Who is it?" She didn't bother to stand up. Her voice sounded a little nervous and annoyed that someone was listening. "Last time I do this again." She said to herself. She heard the door open but she still didn't turn around. She felt embarrassed plus she was trying not to go cuss the person out. "If this person makes one joke I swear I'll knock thier lights out."
@The Suspicious Eye
Des continued to clap for a moment until he hadn't embarrassed the girl enough. He got up and made his way into the music room. He didn't understand why the girl was hiding. He thought it was really good, not a lot of things warrant a applause from him. He hardly ever claps after someone's performance. He leaned against the door and smiled at the gir, realizing who it was. "You should go pro Miss Straight A's."
She turned around recognizing the voice and she stood up. "I should of known it was you...........Going pro huh? I don't think my father would approve.........my mother would have......" She then walked up to him. "Anyway I'm not that good. That's the only song I play. Oh and don't go telling anyone you saw me. I don't need people thinking I'm soft."

@The Suspicious Eye
Alecta stared at him, one eye twitching in a mix of annoyance and disbelief."jumping in front of people moving at supper speed is an interesting bad habit." She said as her nerves calmed, "Can't imagine where you picked that up." She calmed herself. The boy seemed to have a gift for stirring her up inside. Maybe it was the force of his "chi" or the smell of it flooding his senses. But he made Alectas more fiery emotions bubble to the the surface. A quality that she couldn't decide if she liked or not. She would have to focus on retaining control around him. That was for sure. By the time she reached that conclusion they had arrived at the class building. 'This is where you will spend most of your time." She said with a begrudging smile, "Most classes are here as well as many of the clubs. It's Japanese style so think a lot of desks and a podium. The music rooms are also in there if you are so inclined, we can check them out."

@Azure Sky
Class building

''Sure, I'd love to'' said Xen smiling. He felt like he made a mistake a while ago with the speedsters and tried not to do anything like that anymore. It was just that his instincts got the best of him. Since he was born it was in his nature to test his limits and his instincts had more power than his logic and self-control some times, even if he was a master in martial arts. It was belived to be the cause of the Monkey King's blood.

Xen hoped his actions didn't make him seem wierd but sincerely, he most certainly seemed wierd. He was afraid I'd affect the way Alecta saw him up to that point. ''Umm...am I ...strange compared to other people here?'' he asked, a bit embarassed.

Des Demios ~ Chamber of Music

Des watched her stumble through her thoughts. So dissaproving parents and low self esteem? Just what I love in a woman. They are so much fun to play with. He tilted his his head and smiled. I thought it was quite good. If she really wanted to she could be big.

As she came closer, Des smiled and crossed his arms. "You don't want people to think you're soft? Huh?" If that's the case then you should go out with me." He smirked, "if you wanna be tough you have to date tough." Suddenly his phone buzzed, he pulled it from his pocket and smiled.

Des Demios - Chamber of Music

Des patted his phone and smiled. "Yeah, if was just about tonight." He smiled and walked up to her and towered owe her. Oh so your the fun type huh? He grinned at her "not thr dating type huh? Well are you the dinner type. What's your favorite food?"

She looked up at him as he came closer. "N-no I'm not the fun type..........dinner?" She eaten not to long ago but she was still a little hungry. Plus she was big eater. "I'll eat pretty much anything....." For some reason she felt embarrassed to say that. And she blushed slightly and looked to the side. Then suddenly feeling unconfterble with him being so close she said, "Do you mind backing up?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Cyril Allen - School Grounds

"Yeah... Sure thing."
He said while waving goodbye to Shara. Afterwards he turns around to see Tera handing him a drink in which he accepts and begins sipping it. "Thanks, I guess we should start working then..." With that said, the both of them were now walking around the school grounds to help out those who haven't finish building their booths. Sadly they were being turned down every time for some unknown reason until finally a female student accepted their help with building her fortune telling booth. Cyril didn't see a reason why he needed to use his powers for a simple booth, so he cut his power off and began working. Couple minutes into the job the same female student came up to them. "I don't know how to thank you guys enough! If you'll let me, I want to return the favor by reading your fortunes." but suddenly Cyril pushed his hand out to stop the girl in her tracks. "I refuse.... Fortune telling isn't based on any facts or science, therefore it cannot be true to read ones future." His words seemed very harsh but his expression showed nothing but never the less, the student just said "Sorry..." turned around and walked away with a tear falling from her side. Cyril continued his business as the others who were watching started giving him disgusted looks. @The Suspicious Eye @FireFlare
Des smiled at her she was so cute when she blushed. He took a step closer and smiled at her. "Only if you name your favorite food. Come on I'm trying to be nice here. Is it Chinese? Japanese? Italian? What do you feel like eating?" He grinned he was having a lot of fun.

Man this guy was annoying. "Your being irritating........Italian." She then backed up and walked to the window trying to change the conversation. "Anyway I decided I'm going to shoot the fireworks from the Terrace." She glanced at him then back at the window.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des smiled "the Terrace sounds like a great place. Good job straight A's" He winked at her. Then he pulled out his phone and hit speed dail #1.

"Yes Shara speaking."

"Hey Shara, can you make Italian tonight I'm bringing a guest who's fond of it."

"OMG is it a girl? Are you bringing a girl home!?"


Shara paused for a moment and then squealed with joy. "OMG, OMG! That is so awesome! I will make a HUGE feast for you guys. I can't believe it you'really bringing a girl over for dinner! Aw, my horoscope was right! Good thing will happen when you have a positive attitude! Go Des!"

Her voice was so loud you could hear it throughout the entire room. Des pulled his ear away from the phone as she continued to babble on about horoscopes and food. Des loved his sister, but she was surely loud when she was excited. "Shara, shara? I have to go now."

"Okay. You go get her liger!" Then she hung up. Des shook his head and laughed. "Liger? Really where does she come up with this stuff?" He pocketed his phone and turned to Alice. "Well its done. You are going to dinner."
Alecta thought a moment, it was a big question and it deserved a full answer. "You have more pneuma, "chi" if you insist, then anyone I've ever met. Ignis could smell you from miles away. You step in the path of speedsters moving at a hundred, if not more, kilometers an hour. For fun. You are quite strange in that way." She said in a calm tone, and paused again searching for the right words, "you are, too used to thinking you're exceptional, unique in the world. Not that you aren't. But Xen." She turned and met his odd crossed eyes with her her own blood-red ones, feeling Ignis mimic the action behind her with his own six blood-red eyes. "You are among the exceptional and unique here. You are strange yes. But no more then anyone else at this school." She felt a small smile forming despite herself. "You're among peers now Xen. Probably for the first time in your life. It will be odd but you get used to it. Now come on, a lot of campus to see yet and I finally have someone to cart my amp around. Fair price for a tour yes?" And in her usual, no time wasting style, she turned on a heel with Ignis' back under her hand and headed to the music room. Nose wrinkling as she smelled Des. I had really hoped to not run into him on this tour. I hope the encounter is brief. She thought as she reached the stairs.

@Azure Sky and @The Suspicious Eye (coming your way)
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Alice could hear the girl squealing over the phone. She rolled her eyes clearly annoyed by it. She then realized what he just did. "Wait a minute I never said I was going to have dinner with you. You can just call her right back and cancel." Right after she said that her stomach growled and her face turned red.

@The Suspicious Eye
animegirl20 said:
Alice could hear the girl squealing over the phone. She rolled her eyes clearly annoyed by it. She then realized what he just did. "Wait a minute I never said I was going to have dinner with you. You can just call her right back and cancel." Right after she said that her stomach growled and her face turned red.
@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at her and laughed. "I think you could use some food. Besides, if I canceled now it would only disappoint her. You heard how happy she was, and believe me if she squeals like that, rest assured that it means a whole banquet of food." Theit conversation could be heard throughout the whole room and even out into the hallway. Des smiled and looked at her "besides Shara is one of the cooking class's best cooks, she has been training with the elite chefs here since she was eleven. You will love her cooking."


(@Azure Sky @theunderwolf if you wanna get in on this dinner action, you are welcome to invite yourselfs. If Des gets all mean you can call Shara. She loves company.)

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