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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Julian Lanchester

Julian frowned at the annoyed Ryllian that had rudely rushed him to finish his food. How dare he! They had just met and after nearly dying of starvation he finally gets food and he can't even enjoy it. What kind of evil joke was he playing!

"Hey, no need to be constantly in a rush my boy. That's why you're always so gloomy you know, you never take the time to enjoy the finer things in life. Jeez, you are only young once dude. Leave the worrying for when you have something to worry about!" he advised, shaking his fork at the boy before diving into the deliciously cooked egg in his noodles. Slowly, he dissected the dead avian, the yellow yoke oozing out of the open hole that he had just poked. The smell was absolutely intoxicating. The warmth tickled his nose while the scent amazed his taste buds, his saliva gland producing an amazing amount of the liquid in his mouth. Stabbing the already wounded egg with his fork, Julian proceeded shove it in his mouth, his eye brightening as the broth of the soup and the saltiness of the egg blended splendidly on his tongue. Allowing the delightful taste to linger on his tongue, he slowly swallowed releasing a satisfying "Ah" while it journeyed down his esophagus.

"See Ryllian, if you slow down you could have fun . . . like me!" he chuckled, swirling his fork gathering a number of noodle strands. Taking a glance at his companion, he could see that the fellow was not amused by his "slow" pace.

"Okay man! Don't have to look like death ya know. I'll finish this up quickly." he spoke, picking up the large bowl in front of him. Picking it up to his mouth, he opened wide and shoved the food down his mouth, hot drops of chicken broth stung the side of his lips. By the time he was done his lips were burning from the extreme heat, his eyes watering as he forced himself to speak.

"Are you happy now." he whined, rubbing his mouth, flinching at the coolness of his own touch. Why was he doing this again for a complete stranger? Just like "how many lick would it take to get to a center of a tootsie pop?" The world will never know. Now that he was finished with his lackluster meal thanks to a certain someone, Julian placed his bowl into one of the man trays designated for dirty dishes and followed after the black (dressed) kid (pun intended).

"Well since I finished that amazingly awesome dish," he paused making sure he got his sarcasm across before continuing," Where shall we go now master?"

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Apparently this guy Xen was new here and according to Des he has a really strong grip. She then noticed Des hand being engulfed in dark matter. She glanced at him then back at his hand. What was going on with his hand? She glanced at the others then looked down the hall. Maybe I could sneak away. But that sister of his was cooking them dinner. "Damn.....why the should I care?" She started to back away from the group and turn around. Just as she was about to get away but then the girl started talking to her. She turned around and said, "Oh no there is nothing between me and Des. Though he seems to think other wise. " She said as she crossed her arms and glanced at him.

@Azure Sky

@The Suspicious Eye

((Hmm, cutting of the tongue? The idea never came to me, I'll keep that for future reference @Peaceswore (} :) )))

"I have half a mind to give you detention right now Ken. And you have five weeks detention Kano." "Aww what? Is this about the worms in the lasagna?" "Six weeks." "Alight, alight I get it. Sheesh, you know I'm not going to show up to them right?" "Thought as much." Cain sighed and moved onto Ken, believing that Ken would be easyer to talk to in this situation. He stood in the way blocking Ken's view of the ice, he crosses his hands and have Ken an intimidating stare. "Thats what I'm trying to figure out. But now that you two know of it then you can help me when I am in need. I will contact you if I need assistance, no matter what you are doing or when you are doing it you will come, this is mandatory so you can't say no. It's been nice chatting but now you must leave good bye now. Oh and remember if you tell anyone." Cain ran his finger around his arm while looking at the boys. "Because I can't use lethal force." "Aaaaaaaalight Ken let's dash. We got a dinner to crash.". Kano began walking to the door, he held it open and waited for Ken to follow.

Des smiled at the two of them, a little more cocky. Hew raised his hands up in exasperation and sighed. "Aw, come on you two, you act like I'm some pervert. You both know that I am nothing, but a gentleman to my lovely ladies." He winked at them. He put his arm around Alice again and looked at Alecta. "So still no boyfriend to speak of Alecta." He shakes his head "tisk, tisk, tisk such a shame. Are you planning on always being a virgin?" He knew that would hit her hard. He grinned and leaned in closer "you know that my offer is always on the table." He leaned back and looked down at her. "I bet you still know my number by heart."

(Damn Des is cocky, I warn you guys he just gets worse..... I'm sorry. Also @A Guileless Fable OMG I love your character.)

@animegirl20 @Azure Sky @theunderwolf
"I knew there was something wrong with the food! Did you also put the laxatives in the deserts?" He asked before facing Cain and chuckling nervously. "Ok, the thing is there are sometimes when I can't help you, but if you leave a message I'll get back to you as soon as possible." He waved at him and walked off. "Can't wait to hear from you, but I won't meet you in the middle of the night or alone! Later!" He gave one last wave before exiting through the door. "Do you think he set up extra plates for us or do I have to steal his food?" Ken asked Kano as they began to head off.

((You're welcome (} :) )) ) @Rantos
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Alice rolled her eyes as he winked at them. He then put his arm back around her. Guess I won't be sneaking away she thought to herself. When he made that comment about being a virgin to Alecta Alice said, " She's doing right if you ask me." His next comment for some reason made her mad. "Well if that's case you don't need me." She moved his arm out from around her again.

@Azure Sky


@The Suspicious Eye
"The lax- oh yeah, no that was all Des. Shuch a kidder that one, brings a tear to my eye when I think of all the things he has done all by himself, speaking of I feel like causing a little chaos at the dinner. Care to join in?". Kano closes the door behind him, it creeked and made a loud bang upon closing. Once they were at the top of the stairs Kano looked back down, his gaze unmoving on the door that stands at the bottom. "Location memorized." Kano walked back into the hallways and took a deep breath. "Nothing like a nice trip into a basement cavern to make ya feel alive. And my go they better have something made for us, if not then chief Kano is in the kitchen."


(Des better watch himself, he belongs to Kano and no one else!)
Ken sighed and shook his head. "Did you ask if I wanted to cause some trouble? Is that a trick question?" He joked as he walked next to Kano. He already remembered the location, and thought about visiting the place later if a chance appeared. "I guess though I was hoping for some lava or a demon to be down there guarding some marvelous treasure. But hey seeing that display was probably better than meeting a demon." He joked as he began to chuckle. "I have never seen you cook, if you want I can help. Though last time I tried to cook, it turned into a black sludge...and attacked me." He said with a smirk, sadly he wasn't exaggerating, he was a terrible cook and no matter how hard anyone tried he would never improve (mainly because he just didn't want to even bother). @Rantos
(Just think with Deus in him.... oh gods....I might vomit)

Des looked down at Alice and sighed "aw, come on Alice don't be like that. I have dinner made just for you. Both Shara and my dad are probably cooking away right now for you." He pouted a little, he truly wanted her to come. He put his hands on his pockets and looked at her in the eyes. They were clear and hypnotic swirling with energy. His voice was slow and serious. He leaned closer to her and whispered, "Alice that dinner is really for you. Shara and my dad hate Italian, but I know they are happy to fix it. They are happy because, I am bringing a girl home. And I know they will love you, especially a perfect girl like youself. So just try to make it till dinner." He gave a soft smile and pulled back and looked at her.

(Not my best, sorry)

@animegirl20 @Azure Sky @theunderwolf
Alice turned her trying to ignore him. The fact she is still dealing with him was shocking enough. She then slowly looked back at him. He seem to be pretty serious. Which was a shock for considering he is never serious. He leaned in closer and whispered to her. She didn't move back like she normally did. When he gave her that soft smile she blushed turned around and said, "F-fine but I don't why you want me so bad." She looked back at him then turned back around trying to hide her flushed face. "Bastard" She said quietly but loud enough for him to still hear.

@Azure Sky


@The Suspicious Eye
Kano slimed at Ken as he asked if causing trouble at the dinner was a trick question. "You and me my friend, this is the beginning of a looong and wonderful friendship." Ken was starting to grow on Kano, he liked that little trouble maker, maybe he could even join his and Des's club, although he would have to pass the test, no one has survived the test before other then Kano and Des, but nows a great time, before you have to do nine golf balls instead of eight. "To be honest I liked seeing that better then a pile of treasure, it was defiantly more interesting. But lava would have been cool too." Kano laughed along and almost lost his balance, he took a second to rebalance himself before continuing. "Black sludge? Impressive for a noob, when you can make red smile that breaths fire then we will talk. Also im about to teleport myself to my room to pick up some stuff, want to join?"

''Hmm...To answer your question I can lift up to 60 metric tons at my peak'' said Xen acting as if it was just a normal question your average joe would ask a bodybuilder. Of course with his acupuncture technique and chi he could enhance hs strength above that, but he didn't want people to know. ''I'm sorry I might have put too much force in the grip...Did it hurt?'' he asked innocently, he was seriously asking Des if his supernaturally strong grip hurt the guy. None of the sparring partners at his house ever complained about it and he never bothered to ask the bullies from the past if his attacks hurt...for obvious reasons.

''Considering the way these people act around each other , I'm a bit confused...Are they enemies or really good friends?'' thought to himself Xen, a bit confused. He heared somewhere that your best friends are people who make you have no need of enemies, so he was curious.

@The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20 @theunderwolf
Ken eyed Kano suspiciously when he asked if he wanted to go to his room. He was about to deny, but remembered he didn't have his switchblade or Op. "Damn my laziness." He mumbled before nodding. "Sure, but I swear you do something that even I find weird I'll bite you." He said as he crossed his arms having very little faith in Kano. "Also if you do get to cook you can show me how to make the red fire breathing stuff? Haha That would be intresting thing to use to threaten people. Or even better we could experiment! Hahaha I wonder what would happen and how badly we would be killed. Hahaha." He said as he started to have fits of laughter, though he was able to calm down rather quickly. "Anyway, let's hurry up I'm hungry." @Rantos
Ryllian Langh-Cafeteria

Ryllian listened to Julian as he spoke endlessly, Seriously, does this guy has a mute button? he thought. When he asked where were they headed, he started thinking about where Shara may be. Now, she was probably working on the big event of the day but she wouldn't be at the site for long, after all she usually coordinated everyone from the student council room unless something big happened, so that would be where they'd have the most likely chance. "Ok come with me, we're headed to the student council room" he said as he stood up and headed to the exit.

Once outside he looked around and realized there were almost no people at the school grounds, he thought about it as weird and he had a bad feeling about that whole day since that morning, so he couldn't help but wonder if anything was happening at all "Shiu, watch closely our surroundings, tell me if there's something suspicious" he said, after the cat silently nodded he kept walking. After a few minutes he reached the building and started walking in silence towards the student council room, he could hear someone typing inside and the door was slightly open. After a few seconds of hesitation he knocked and peeked inside "Hey, is Shara here? I need to talk to her" he said without checking who was he talking to.

@The Suspicious Eye @A Guileless Fable
"Dont worry I won't do anything I wouldnt regret." Kano walked over to his closet (oh did I forget to mention you are in Kano's room now.) and opened it looking inside for stuff. The closet was about as big as he was and was standing next to three more all lined on the wall. When you take a good lock around Kano's "room" looks more like a vault, his room is filled with filing cabinets closets mark with different labels like "Fun things" and "Things that go boom" Even the door was blocked off by a filing cabinet. "Dont mind the mess, I have been keeping busy lately. Now I just need to find that thingy." Kano looked in a closet that said "Things that dont go well with food" and began his search. "Ima need this, and this, and this, maybe this, oh thats gross... ima take that too." Kano put things he was going to stuff into the food in a bag. He kept going for a minute before turning back to Ken and saying "Ready to go?"

@Peaceswore (God having teleportation is so handy)
Ken would have commented on the double negative if he didn't feel so lightheaded at what he saw. 'How can anyone survive with a dorm this mess!' He wasn't really a clean freak, but this...oh gods. He carefully walked over to the door while Kano was scavenging for whatever he was getting. He then pushed the cabinet out of the way so he could get to the door. He made sure there were no traps or anything of the sort before opening the door. "Wait a second." He muttered to Kano as he leaned against the doorway. After a few more seconds he smirked and kneeled down. "Took you F-ing time didn't you? Got what I wanted? Haha! Great!" He said as he picked up Op who had a small pouch the sting in it's mouth. "Okay I'm ready." He said as he closed the door and pushed the cabinet back in it's place. He walked over to Kano and opened up the pouch that held his switch blade...and a few other things.

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"Alright then now we just need to cook ours selves an abomination. So heres the plan, ima make something decent while helping you make something that looks good but is going to make everyone barf. Make sure to put these into it." Kano took out a few bottles, some had pills and others had powder. "These bottles consist of things like laxatives, theres something that shuts down bladder control in there. Some of the spiciest power I have ever had in my life! Also something that makes you fart uncontrollably. Now remember, we are not destroying this dinner, we are a passing storm of farts, piss and uncontrollable bowel movements. Now that thats been said lets get cooking. Kano teleported the two into the kitchen and began cooking.

@Peaceswore @anyone near the kitchen

Amadeus was rather passionate about cooking so he was trying a new recipe. He noticed Kano and Ken so he looked at them and smilled. ''Oh, it's nice seeing students which are passionate about cooking'' he said. After looking at both of them better, he added: ''Anyways, be careful when it comes to ... ingredients !'', his voice dropped on the last word.

He then returned to his cooking.He was making an unusual recipe: breaded avocado fries with cilantro lemon dipping sauce. It might mave been unusual, but it sure smelled good and was tasty.Out of all the teachers he was probably the most eccentric.

@Rantos @Peaceswore
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'I like this plan, but he better not put full blame on me. Also side note don't eat anything he cooks...ever.' He thought as he strolled into the kitchen. He sniffed the air a bit and smirked. "Italian? So spaghetti? I think I can do that. Just boil some water and throw in the noodles grab a can of tomato sauce, dump it on the noodles add a few 'spices' and boom there's a masterpiece." He said as he began to get to work on the stated plan. "Hopefully it won't blow up this time. Last time I did this somehow it blew up before I placed in the pasta." He mumbled as he began to boil the water. @Rantos @Anyone else in the kitchen
Alecta made a choking sound when Xen said 60 metric tons. Thats heavy. She thought, trying to reckon how heavy ignis was at full size. No t that heavy. Then made a louder one when he suggested that her and Des were friends. The floor started bubbling and Ignis made an indignant noise."if by friends you mean two people who loathe each other," She said a little pointedly," yes. Now lets keep on this tour, lots to see and if we want to balance meeting Mr.My-dick-does-the-thinking-for-me, I want you to meet an actual friend of mine. Who has my amp." So she turned and went into the hallway, calming a little. Now all hat she wanted was a little revenge on Des. Then she had a wicked idea. She flipped open her cell and called Shara.

((@animegirl20 @Azure Sky @The Suspicious Eye))
Kano walked past Ken as he was making spaghetti and looked over his shoulder. "Turn down the temp before you se the kitchen on fire, boy you where not kidding when you said you sucked, its ok though, just stick with the easy stuff. Dont worry, I wont make anything too fancy so that your dinner wont seem so bad. Kano held the so longer then usual, it was obvious that Kano was making fun of Ken, and he was hoping that Ken caught on. He then passed by and went right to Amadeus... (why does that name give me weird feels then I type it?) "Oi teach! Thanks for helping out and all, so here is how things are going to go. Kens going to bring out the appetizers, and I know spaghetti isn't the most traditional appetizer but hang with us, its his first time. You and me are making the main meal which is to be served by me and my travailing ensemble." Kano snapped his hands and out of all crevasses of the kitchen clones of Kano came and took a military stance behind him. After a salute they went to work. "I see your making something fancy, good! You handle the gourmet stuff and ill take a crack at some more basic stuff, ya know, for the simple people." Kano began working with Amadeus preparing some more simple things, mostly things involving meat, mainly fish. He eyed Amadeus none suspicious way. Dam, why does there have to be a teacher here, aw well it should be fine, its not like Ken's special ingredient makes any smell, he shouldn't be able to tell. I hope at least.

@Peaceswore @Azure Sky
''You know , mister Kano, the way you mix the ingredients is the most important in cooking, but also for other things...yeah, such as...pranks ! You know, you can even make a prank using food and adding a special foreign ingredient for a funny effect! Oh, I know lots of things...Lots of things!'' said Amadeus, while having a deeper tone in some parts of his speech and a creepy smile on his face. Sometimes he spoke in a really unusual patern just to see how people reacted to it. But he did observe something. He was rather naughty when he was young , therefore he could recognize naughty kids when he saw them. And his instincts told him that Kano and Ken were very...naughty . On the other hand he really didn't care if they wanted to do something or not , but he really wanted to mess with them a little.

@Rantos @Peaceswore
"Why am I not surprised? Everyone always thinks im up to something no matter where I go, what I do. Why dont you keep on cooking your fanciness over there, we need to hurry if we want to make it on time." Kano emptied his mind of anything that would give them away and more, this guy does know lots of things. "You do know lots of things your right about that. Why do I feel like the staff is getting more and more comprised of people that can see right through me. Tell me mister, what's the funnest effect you can get with certain ingredients." Kano began to copy Amadeus, while it did surprise him a little just how well Amadeus saw through him we kept a clear head and his best poker face.

@Azure Sky
''Hmm...For example...'' he said as he pulled out a pill and broke it in half. ''This pill is something that a naughty friend of mine from college created, an extremely powerful laxative, but there's more to it than that. It has no taste and if you add it in food, the best people can do is to think that it's some sort of cheese. Even mixed through pasta , once you eat this you'll have a very long trip to the WC while your stomach sees true Hell!'' he added on a deep tone, still smiling. ''Or take this avocado frie for an example. I want to play a game with Cain later, a game which he won't know about of course. Some avocado fries have wasabi mixed in them. Well, I think you get the point'' he said in a creepy way.

@Rantos @Peaceswore
"And this is why you are my favorite teacher." Ken said with a smile before letting out a string of cusses, some how the spaghetti sauce he was working on caught on fire. "F! I-I planned that." He muttered as he tossed the sauce and grabbed a random can of tomato sauce. "Hey! The pasta isn't overcooked! Miracles do happen Hahaha!" He said with a smirk as he began to prepare the food. Even though it was plain pasta (with a mixture of the special ingredients) he made it look five star material. "Ok, my pasta is done. Um Teach you didn't happen to see me place anything out of the ordinary right? I mean I placed in all the ingredients like I was suppose to." @Azure Sky @Rantos

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