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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

@Peaceswore @Rantos

''Yes, young Padawan, you did well. Bugs Bunny would be proud'' said Amadeus, smiling and giving a wink. ''Oh , I almost forgot something important'' he added. He took out a jar from his pocket which contained red chilli pepers sliced in small pieces under oil, olive oil perhaps. ''This is what Italians call the Calabrian Bomb. They only add the edge of a little spoon of this shit right here whenever they want their food spicy , because if they don't... I think you get the point'' he said as he gave it to Ken. ''Have fun'' he added afterwards as he started walking ...through the air up to the celling and phasing through it, disappearing. That was a demonstration of his Free Walker ability.
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"Agreed, you are an alright guy Amadeus, maybe I should pay attention in your class more, HA! Dont lie to your self Kano." Kano continued cooking as he watched Amadeus walk up to the ceiling and through it. (thats a really cool abillity!) "Thats man is an interesting one. I wonder what old man Cain is going to think of his little prank." He looked over at Ken now in possession of a Calabrian Bomb. "Only put that in your stuff k? I have a feeling that Shara is going to be there since its going to be at her house. But thats fine because I have a plan. Ok im almost done here, hows the appetizer coming?

Ken smirked and as he used the new bomb and placed it in the food. "All most done." He mumbled as he began putting the final touches of their little surprise. "Oh you may want to make a bit of food that's...different in case they ask use to eat it. For some reason I don't think they trust us." He joked as he finished up his appetizers. "Okay, I'm finished." He said as he looked at his masterpiece with a smirk wow I didn't burn it! Awseome! One more step to being a master chef! Hahaha! Like hell.' "Anyway, I guess I'll go ahead and sever them the food or is there any last touches I should add?"
"No not yet. We dont serve till everyone is present. I just checked and not everyone is there. While this is still a prank there is someone I want to test who is still not there yet. Lets pack it up and walk to the chancellor's house, she might be there by then. Ill handle the food we eat, you just need to sick back and relax, to make sure you dont get in too much trouble ill be the one to serve." Kano began packing up both the food he made and the food Ken made while explaining the plan. "But to lower suspicion you need to get there earlier or later then me your pick, also I need to add a little bit of spice to your plate, just pretend its worse than it really is." As Kano finished up packing he started wrapping up the mission briefing. "In the end im going to make sure all the blame is on me, you just need to make sure you dont make anyone think you helped. That is all, its been fun, ill see you at ground zero Ken." Kano snapped and his clones started picking up all the food and followed him out the door and to Donovan's house.

Ken let out a sigh kinda worried that he will also end up eating some of the special food. Of course he trusts...of course he knew Kano was a fellow in trouble making, but usually a small prank like this... He let out a small sigh and shrugged. He decided he would arrive sooner than Kano. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and casually walked out, and headed to the house arriving a bit before Kano.
(Notice how he never said please or I'm sorry. Lol)

Des Demios- Hallaway (near the Chamber of Music...cuz hallway is vague)

Des turned back and smiled as Alice called him a bastard. He really loved her gusto, she is so much fun. I totally have her hooked, she is so adorable. He smiled and turned back to Xen and shrugged. "Eh, oh you know it's fine. Broke a few bones in the hand, but." He showed him his black hand and flexed it. "It's nothing I can't fix. They'll be good as new in a matter of days." He smiled and leaned closer to Xen, "But, dude 60 metric tons? That's impressive!" He looked over to Alecta as she spoke. He laughed and watched as she called her by her adoring nickname for him. He turned and followed as she walked away. "Nice to know you still think about me Alecta! Oh and Xen Welcome to school. If you get the chance make sure you meet my sister."

He sighed and turned to Alice. "Well that was pleasant." He laughed and leaned closer to her "Now where were we?" Looking into his hexes he leaned close to her face and smiled. He let her embarrassment sink in, then he smiled. "That's right we were off to a special place." He leaned back and began to walk, leading her down the hall.

@animegirl20 @Azure Sky @theunderwolf

Shara Rain- Busy Bee in the Student Council Room

Shara was typing dangerously fast, she stopped for a moment. "Aaaah choooo!" She looked around and sighed. Hmm, I wonder who is talking about me? She shrugged and looked at the time, "Oh gosh I'm not gonna be able to make dinner in time. Hmmm" She paused for a moment and smiled, she smacked her head. "What am I thinking, I have six cousins who I have been teaching to cook." She smiled and picked up the phone and called her house. "Hey Yui could you and the others try cooking Italian food? I'm still busy with work here and I can't start it yet." Chattering could heard her in the background and Yui spoke "Alright we'll get it done!" Shara was relieved and thanked them.

Then she continued on her work, typing away rapidly. Suddenly, she heard a voice and looked up to see Ryllian. "Oh, hey! Ryllain, right? Come on in! What do you need?"

@Darekk @A Guileless Fable

(Don't worry @theunderwolf I will get to your call... patience and plot making)
Alice stood there still refusing to turn around. Jeez can we just go eat now? She thought to herself. She then glanced back at the other three when she heard Des yell out 60 metrics ton. She glanced at Xen. "Wow" when she heard Alecta name for him. She almost laughed then stopped herself. Once the other two left Des walked over to her. He leand in close to her. She was about to answer his question but his closeness was making her nervous. He then leand back and started walking down the hall. "Special place huh?" She followed him down the hall.

@The Suspicious Eye
Kano - Chancellor's house

Kano kicked open the door to the chancellor's house and called out so all in the house could hear him. "Yo, yo, yo! Whose home?!" He saw the six cousins of Shara and Des and walked over to them. "Oi, this is where the dinner is going on ya?" They all nodded at the same time and Kano giggled with glee, it was coming together perfectly now and he only needed to do a little more. "Im guessing Shara asked you to get food for the dinner. Well you dont have to do that anymore. I got it." Kano snapped his fingers and his clones came rushing in with the food. They all got the dinner table set up for the dinner, a seat was made for everyone other than Kano. "Looks like going to culinary school for a while was a good idea. Looks like you were right... sis." Kano's smilie vanished as he spoke the word sis. He rubbed his eyes. "Come on Kano, this is no time for tears." As his clones finished up setting up he pulled out his phone.

To Shara

Hey Shara Senpai

Everything is ready for the dinner, tables set up, food is made and ready to eat, I set up some nice music (or will soon at least) so dont worry your pretty little head about anything. Come when ready, ill just be playing with your six adorable cousins until its dinner time. And if your dads home maybe even have a nice chat with him over a good bottle of spirits.


After he sent that text he snapped a picture of himself as well as a few of her cousins and sent it to Shara.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/large.png.3fb1fadf84cbda703e2776559a05103f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="46430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/large.png.3fb1fadf84cbda703e2776559a05103f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@The Suspicious Eye



  • large.png
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To make life easier I have decided that Shara has sent out a mass invite to a Pasta Party at her house via text. I will time skip to said house after @Darekk or @A Guileless Fable reply.

The time skip will be made into an announcement like this and I will shout "time skip to The Chancellor's House for a Pasta PAARRRTAY!"

That is all.

Ryllian walked inside the room after Shara invited him to, he was there to ask about the weird PA thing but now his mind was blank, somehow Shara had that effect on him "Oh...Uhm...Well I wanted to ask if you knew anything about the PA incident that happened this morning" he said. Then he looked around and found a chair to sit down, it was a fancy room and he wasn't there often so he took the opportunity and checked the entire room, meanwhile Shiu jumped off his shoulder and approached Shara, he had always been curious about here because of the effect she had on Ryllian.

"So you're Shara huh" Shiu said, then he set himself on a chair "You look...interesting". Ryllian watched silently as Shiu talked, over the years he had gotten used to his attitude and now it was just an everyday thing. He stared through the window while thinking about what would happen from that day on, he had a feeling that things were starting to experience a big change.

@The Suspicious Eye @A Guileless Fable
Shara Rain- Student Council Room

Shara was somewhat surprised that someone was worried enough about the announcement that they would come find her. She smiled, well, Ryllian has always been the most caring student. Oh, listen to me I sound like a teacher. She leaned back from her chair and looked at him and shrugged. “I haven’t gotten any information yet regarding the subject. But rest assured that the Student Council is looking into it.“ She looked at Shiu and gave a warm but slightly confused smile. “I hope it’s interesting in a good way.” She didn’t really know what to make of Shiu, but he seemed to be well behaved so she didn’t mind.

She noticed that he looked a little worried and got up. Slowly she walked over to him and smiled. “Ryllian, I’m having a Pasta Party at my house to embarrass Des and his girlfriend. I was my father’s idea and all. (There was a invisible conversation that made this happen. Too lazy to write it).” She moved closer to him and spoke. "I know you don’t like large crowds so you don’t have to come. But I’d love it if you came.” She turned to Shiu and Julian as well (assuming he’s there @A Guileless Fable ), “I’d love it if all of you came.” She felt her phone vibrate five times and pulled it out. “Oh the food’s ready now.” She looked at him and smiled “I don’t know how many people are coming, but…..” She turned back to Ryillan and smiled. “Just think about it. I’ll set a plate out for you all, just in case.” She got her laptop and put it in her bag and began to walk out the door. In the doorway she turned back to him “I really hope you come.” Then she made her way out the door and down the hall.

@Darekk @A Guileless Fable

The sextuplets… The Chancellor’s House

(They all talk over each other)

Three of the six girls were gathered in the background whispering about Kano and his company.“They borgh-They brought foo- I know! We were goi-“ One of the sisters were cut off by the voice of two more sisters coming with more food. "I already made sauc- Plus the pasta is done. You make spaghetti with soy sauce right? I added tobacco sauce the noodles are suppose to be black right?” The youngest and the only black rabbit among them spoke softly. “I don’t thi-“ She was cut off by another “Of course they are, I mean my Alfredo sauce is green and black and green complement each other.” The other girls nodded in agreement. The oldest put her hands on her hips.“You know what? We’ll add our food to the others so they can taste out culinary genius.” The youngest try to speak up again “, but Yui, we only just started leaning how to cook yester-“ She was drowned out by the other siblings shouts of agreement. They dean off and snuck into the room where all the food was set up.

“This will not end well.”Kuro said. The five sisters snuck in and planted the horrible goop they dare call food (I’m hungry, this blasphemy!). Luckily, no one saw them, although it wasn’t luck at all. The five sisters disregarding Kuro were white rabbits with the ability to produce and bestow luck. They are the ones blessed with fortune and lead heroes to their destiny. The 5 siblings poured their fowl smelling and tasting food on everything then quickly ran away and hid. Kuro watched as the others ran away and hid. Some of them texted the other family The food the kids cooked began to ruin the other food that was previously cooked. The smell was horrible already and growing worse. Kuro tried to remedy the situation. “Maybe I could use my luck to…” The second she thought it a wave of bad luck fell on the food and it began to rot horribly. “Oh no!” She looked around and ran away.


(Muhahahahahahahahahaha, boom.)

Des Donovan- Walking to a special place when suddenly...

Des felt his phone vibrate five times he sighed and pulled it out. He looked at his phone surprised. “Oh, well I guess the food is ready now.” He leaned in closer to Alice and smiled “I guess, the surprise will have to wait for a later date.” He turned around and headed east toward the Chancellor’s house.


(WARNING: Obvious

This post is short…. sorry)

Like I said Time Skip, does anybody have anything they want to add before I skip?? Like if your answer is no.
Julian Lanchester

He followed Ryllian through the dark corridor of endless boredom where dreams died and excitement was scarce. Oh how he despised this place, but even that didn't prepare him for the terror that was about to consume him as he entered it's domain. The room was freezing, as it normally was as if the creature didn't know how to work a GOD DAMN HEATER! Anyway, Julian eyes flew across the spectacular room, his fear meter slowly rising with each glance he took. This was not good. No. He was going to make it, he just had to. Yeah, it made sense seeing as how he has seen this nightmare so many times and managed to stay alive through the boring lectures and devilish gaze coming, coming . . . Fuck. He jumped at the sound of her voice, Ryllian doing nothing to protect him from the beast in front of them. It had long fur stretching down its neck, eyes that could kill, and a smile that could make a man lose his manhood without the need of surgery. Every time he saw her his skin crawled making him wonder how he was able to survive every meeting. Julian's fear had been innate, or more so beaten into him, literally.

It was cold. Her voice was cold as ice (in his mind) as she spoke to her unsuspecting prey who had foolishly taken comfort in the chair next to her. "Idiot, does he not feel the vile beast's blood lust?" he thought, searching for the nearest exit which happened to be behind. Maybe he could slip out without them noticing. Yeah, that was a good plan and it just had to work, not for his sake, but for humanity's future as well. As anyone should know, Julian life was key if the world were to keep on going the way it has been. Do they think the sun rises and the earth spun because of gravity? NO! The sun rose to greet his beautiful self every morning, and cried every evening when it disappeared below the horizon. The Earth spun because it was so excited to have such a magnificent creature living on it that it had no other way to express such magnificent joy other than dancing in a circle. Julian couldn't even imagine how the human race survived before he was born . . . Explains all the great depressions and wars that had been happening in the past. Creeping back, he attempted to make his escape, but was stopped when she had turn her vicious gaze at him, her fangs seemingly sparking. All that would make this scene truer would be a few drops of blood falling from her mouth which was soon to be if she was going to do what he thought she was.

"No, no , no, I wasn't planning on escaping or anything hahaha. No not at all! I love being in the presence of a beauty such as yourself and I'm not just saying that because I'm about to piss my pants or anything. Oh no sirree not Julian." he said at 150 mph, his brain running amok. He didn't even notice the new faces in the room as his fear meter had extended far beyond what is stopping point was. However, his fear began to dissipate as he heard the word "pasta".

"Pasta you say?" he cooed, his mouth watering at the idea of him eating a hefty bowl of shrimp alfredo. No longer did he saw the develish beast, but a lovely little lamb with the prettiest of sapphire eyes.

"I can do pasta." he said, wiping the saliva from his chin. How could he had ever mistake this angel for a demon? It was simply preposterous! Indeed he was a fool, but he had now seen the light and was ready to be baptized for his sins.

"Now, let's eat." he demanded, his nose searching for the smell of shrimp and pasta. Ha, her food bill was going to be high tonight . . . Hope it's free.

@Darekk and @The Suspicious Eye

(Sorry was being lazy admittedly.)

Time skip to The Chancellor's House for a Pasta PAARRRTAY!

You can start by being there (@The Servant @GiannaCoco @TheFallenwhisper

(Oh Gods I swear @A Guileless Fable I literally rolled over in laughter from your post. Lol xD )

Till 11 hours from now my lovelies(^.^), I have physics to do and have to find ways to integrate all you beautiful followers into this rp so you can never leave!

Muhahahahaha!! (} :) )


They were walking to his "special place". While walking there his phone vibrated apparently it was time for dinner. He leand and said the surprise would have to wait till later. Then started in his way. She followed him down the hall. Though she didn't want to admit it she was curious about the place.

@The Suspicious Eye
Her cell phone buzzed to life with a text from Shara, not that she noticed. She was far to busy with her work. For the first time ever, the school, in its infinite wisdom and more importantly, apparently infinite budget. Had given her the remains of a car. And a ton of engine parts, more rust then anything. as well as minimal tools and a small garage with an engine that was more likely to explode more then run. Needless to say she was in heaven. Until she ran out of things to do. She had put rusty parts in solvent and was waiting for paint to dry on everything else. She looked around the shop vainly, remembering her violin was up in her not often used room instead of her often used hammock in the corner of the metal shop. So she turned to her plugged in and dented phone. It had about ten messages from Alecta. "For a reserved girl," Gwen interrupted her normal chatter to say,"She is an aggressive texter She'd be like cracking the phone screen with her finger as she smashes the keys. hehe. I'll talk to her later, ooh Shara haven't heard from her in a while I wonder what she... Pasta." Her stomach grumbled that yes, in fact she did need nutrients." OK so I have have evening plans. Including delicious pasta. Oh I really want some pesto right now, its like my peoples spirit flavor. Ok so what doe's alecta have to say... OhcrapIneverfixedherampIneedtodothatnowwherethehellarethosewires..." she continued chattering insanely as she sprinted to the far edge of her little workshop and grabbed the falling-apart amp and grabbed wires and speaker bits from the full and disorganized shelves with no hesitation,She had disorganized them, she knew where everything was. With amazing speed she activated her power. what she saw was impossible to explain. Despite how verbose she was, it was one of the things she found it hard to explain coherently. What was it like to see everything and nothing and nothing at the same time. What was it like to see every single grain of sand on a beach? She knew and she loved it. but now she focused her eyes on the amp, looking for it's weaknesses, which when she was trying to repair something, usually indicated where it was broken. It never failed, and she found the offending group of circuitry and wires, she opened the front of the amp and found that yes indeed, the metal and plastic looked, melted? A little weird, but nothing she couldn't deal with. She pulled them out and threw them unceremoniously across the room. She replaced the cicut bopard easily, she had plenty of salvaged soundd boards from a varity of toys and MP3 players she had disassembled. Finally, she finished. an scooped the amp in it's protective case and sprinted out the door, running to get to the chancellors house on time.


In reality she arrived far earlier then most anyone else. She ran through the gate of the chancellors house and rang the doorbell, hopping in place and chattering tiredly as she shifted the amp from one arm to another.
((Its ok... I can work with this, all I have to do is not panic... I can fix this... I can fix this... SON OF A BI-))

Kano looked at what the five younger girls had done. Wow, they are actually stupid. But who would I be if I wasn't ready for this. "Well you are just the cutest little accidents I have ever seen. As much as I would love to chat looks like I need to remake the food. Kuro if you would be so kind as to restrain them that would be lovely." Kano knew the six slightly, he has been to the chancellors house more then once and he knew that Kuro was the only one with any kind of sense around here. He walked over to the abomination that the five had made and eyed it for a minute. "Eh, an appetizers an appetizer." Kano took the liberty of adding a few extra things to make it taste less like sewage and more like car oil. It was a start at least. He heard the door bell ring and took it upon himself to answer it. He opened the door and looked at who was here, only one person so far, good. "Hello lovely! Im so happy you could make it. The food is done, both the main corse and the appetizer. Besides me you are the first one here, please come in and sit a while."

Ken laid on the couch playing a hand held gaming system he 'found' (he got it from someone who had to repay their favor). As he played he kept a blank expression on, perfectly masking the pain on the inside. When he saw what had happened to his master piece a wave of depression had swept over him. He knew he couldn't do a damn thing to fix it, and sure...he had a few of the ingredients plus his own(He brought them from his room earlier and they are just as bad as Kano's), but that's not what made him so depressed... 'I cooked those noodles perfectly...and they ruin it...my poor poor spaghetti .' He continued to play his game absentmindedly as he mourned his pasta.
Ryllian arrived to his room a few minutes later, he had thought about attending or not to the party Shara had talked about, if it had been anyone else he would've instantly said no, but this time it was different since Shara was the one who had invited him. After moments of silent hesitation he sighed heavily and dropped on his bed. "Ok why don't we make this a little bit faster for you and me, you'll think about it for half an hour or so, then you'll decide to attend and rush there to make it in time" Shiu said with a bored tone. Ryllian wasn't even surprised of him saying that, after all he was always like that. "And exactly how are you so sure about that, I may surprise you this time, unless suddenly you developed an ability to predict the future" Ryllian said.

"It's because I know you kid, I've been with you for years now, now stop making bad jokes, go take a shower and ready up, I want some pasta as well" Shiu said. Annoyed, Ryllian silently picked some clothes making sure he wasn't dressed all in black, yet he didn't have much to choose from. He ended up choosing a grey shirt and a pair of jeans, afterwards he absentmindedly took a shower. The incident had vanished from his mind in sight of something more imminent and preoccupying for him, which was obviously a party, after all he was not social enough to fit at a party Well I guess I can always leave early.... he thought.

He left the room a few minutes later along with Shiu, he had already placed himself again on his shoulder. Most people stared at him when Shiu was on his shoulder, after all what kind of normal person would walk around with a regular sized cat perched on his shoulder as if it was a parrot and he was a pirate, but he usually just ignored them. He walked silently through the school grounds until he reached the chancellor's house, after staring silently at the door for a few seconds he unsurely rang the doorbell and awaited silently at the door.

@The Suspicious Eye @Rantos @theunderwolf @Peaceswore

((I think you're the ones at the house right now(?), well except for the suspicious eye but since it's her party and her house weeelll....))
Ken let out an annoyed groan as he got off the couch. 'I was having a really good brooding session, why don't they just walk in? I entered through the second story window, so I don't get why everyone else is using the door.' He still played his hand held as he walked to the door and opened it. "Whatever you are sell I'm not buying. However if you are not a thief or a sells man then you can come in." Ken said not once lifting his eyes from the game. He then casually walked back to his pervious spot and started to concentrate on his game. @Darekk
Ryllian Langh - Chancellor's house

He walked inside after a guy he didn't knew opened the door and left without even giving him a look, now that he was there he didn't knew what to do, so he stood by himself for a couple of seconds until he smelled something that came from the kitchen "Well it smells like roadkill in there, if that's the pasta I don't want it anymore" Shiu said before jumping off his shoulder and walking at his side. When they arrived to the kitchen he saw Kano working on the food, or at least what was supposed to be the food, since it looked more like a brownish mud you'd find at the boots of a sewer worker.

He stood at the door for a second "Oh hey Kano...do you want any help with that?" he asked. Ryllian wasn't the best cook but he knew enough to avoid starving while living on his own, also he knew how to follow instructions so as long as Kano told him what to do he'd be able to help. He wondered where Shara may be, or the chancellor, he didn't thought much about Des since he knew he would appear eventually, or at least some trouble would appear eventually and he'd surely be the culprit. He heard a lot of noise and girl voices coming from another place of the house so he knew there were already more people in there Who could be making all that noise? He thought.

@Rantos @Peaceswore

(( I wasn't sure if you were still working on the food, I can edit if it's already done))
"'Ello Sham!"Gwen said happily in return," I thought I'd be late. That's a surprise. Hold the amp while I slip info something more comfortable ." After shoving it into his hand she brushed past him and through off her coat, revealing the bright green, stained with motor oil, tank top she was wearing and heavy tool belt. As she continued to chatter. " So why are you in door duty big guy? Last time I checked you aren't liven' here? I'd figure the chancellor would make des do it. Or sharia herself. Is that Motor oil I smell? Did you make my dream come true and develop edible and delicious motor oil. Please tell me we're putting it on the the noodles because I am loving that idea. Anything I can do to make that happen? I can cook with about a 39% success rate!"@Rantos


Alecta sighed when Shara answered her call but was gratified when she received the Pasta invitation. She would have called Gwen like she promised Xen (Oh god her friends rhymed) but instead she coolly informed him of the dinner and rushed him though the rest of the tour.

" That's the chancellors office, being called there is very good or very bad news."

"That's the nurses office. Knowing you, you'll end up there a lot. Unless you can back up your boasts."

"This is the cooking class room, when schools in full swing you can usually snag some free food here I usually grab well..." She grabbed a stale meat bun from the left overs cabinet and tossed it to Ignis who devoured it greedily, "dog treats."

"That's the gym. There's no real dojo, if that's what you're looking for. But I use the wrestling rooms for martial arts practice and they're nice.

"Well based on the books, I'd guess this is the library. It's huge in here but the librarians can usually find what you're looking for. Or you can go exploring, which is very fun. I found a tablet from a couple thousand bc. Fun stuff."

"That's the pool that the gym class uses. I usually fail that portion of the course and have no Idea what it's like."

" the stadium is used for something every day I think they're setting up spring fling stuff there now."

"That's the recreational pool, I've heard its like a water park in there. Heard. You'll never catch me near the place."

"This is the rear gate, I've been told it's impregnable. Not that I'd know why we need and impregnable gate but never waste a good fortification I guess."

"And finally," She said arriving at the chancellors home," The chancellors manor. Very fancy outside and in. And that's the whole tour! What do you think?"

@Azure Sky
Kano happily took Gwen's amp and set it down beside the door. He followed after Gwen and whistled as he saw her tank top covered in oil. "Looks like you have been keeping busy in the garage. You will have to tell me what you are working on later tonight. As for why im on door duty is because I was here first, I made some food for dinner and now im door man. The families not here yet but im sure they will be here, Shara does not trust me here on my own." He closed the door behind him and sat down on the couch. "Eatable motor oil, yeah I could make that, maybe ill even make it tonight. Ill do anything for you love if you give me a kiss first." Kano smiled at Gwen and blew a kiss her way.

Gwen laughed cheerily and pecked his cheek daintily, leaning down to do so. "Sorry hon but i don't swing your direction," She whispered as she backed off the blonde boy "Now you get to work on that motor oil, and i'll try to handle the pasta, I'm a deft hand with, well most things really, so i may be able to fix it for ya while you get my oil on the grill. I'd recommend seasoning it with citrus. While I have yet to put lemons in gasoline for reasons that... Ok never mind why in the hell haven't I put lemons in gasoline yet. that's just leaving possibilities on the table Gwen! Silly me. It does give me and idea for a cocktail though, I'll have to call da. But here let me help finish dinner. I smell good pasta but you definitely need..." her nose twitched, "garlic bread. You did not make garlic bread. What travesty is this? Do I need to make garlic bread? I think I need to make garlic bread. You gonna help me?"


''I think I'm charmed...Umm, wait, nevermind'' said Xen blushing a little. ''I think it's a marvelous school and I will enjoy my time here for sure'' he added. He looked at the big manor and smiled a little. Wow, this is just as big as the Wukong dojo he thought to himself. He then looked at Alecta again. She was quite interesting and something about her made Xen have quite a lot of interest. He never felt that way before and he belived that he finally found true...friendship.

''Anyways, I guess we should enter, right?'' he asked.
" No garlic bread? KEN! What kind of idiot makes spaghetti without making garlic bread?!" Kano headed over to Gwen on his way he switched genders. With every step he became more and more feminine. He was fully transformed by the time he got to Gwen, he wrapped his arms around her waist and started to purr. "How about now? Now would you want to kiss me love?" Kano asked in a now more feminine voice.


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