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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Ken heard his name and got ticked at the sentence that followed. He stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen were he had last seen his destroyed masterpiece. He entered and leaned against the door. "You were there to, so you could have made it. Not to mention I can guarantee if I made the bread the kitchen would have been decimated." He said as he crossed his arms and looked at the two. "Hey Gwen." He said giving her a small wave before taking out his game and returning his attention to it. @Rantos @theunderwolf
''Hello, young Padawans'' said Amadeus who entered...through the vertical wall, by phasing and continued to walk through the air until he ''landed'' on the ground. ''Did your special cooking session go well?'' he asked, smiling. He came there for various reasons, but the main one was that he wanted to talk to Donovan about something important. Or probably he just wanted to mess around, or maybe he wanted free food, or maybe all of those combined. Sincerely it was hard to tell, Amadeus Xenolion was not a predictable person.

@Peaceswore @Rantos @The Suspicious Eye
"Oh ever so much..." Gwen said with a catlike grin, "But later. After you take me to dinner eh bird? But let it never be said I don't enjoy..." she eyed Ken from head to toe and bit her lip with comedicly over-exaggerated approval, "Some shapely help in the...kitchen." She winked and extracted herself from the now-girls hands to strut into the kitchen. She liked flirting with Kano it was fun, though she was reluctant to let it go further. She liked ken, though she liked everyone for the most part but... she liked Ken like not like like but like-lik? It was that big tangle of confusion that kept her from probing for something more serious with Ken. She said this all below the auditory range as she went into the kitchen and began looking around. With a flick of her hand, she turned on the oven and put some power into heating it up a little faster, and with her other hand she found and pulled out two delicious looking rolls of thick white bread. "Hey Ken! Hows the game!" She said in response to his greeting then turned to Kano aain and said commandingly "Now Honey-sous-chef-Kano. Find some garlic and butter for me."

@Peaceswore @Rantos


"It's ok that you're charmed with the school" Alecta said, holding back a blush at his Freudian slip or at least what she hoped was his slip,"it's full of charm and whimsy" She finished with a sardonic twist. Then ignis ruined it with a somewhat crooning whine of approval. She shot him a angry look, to which he responded with a expression of who me? She rolled her eyes in response then looked up at Xen and gesturing for them to proceed. When they began walking she spoke again "Well thank you for keeping me company all afternoon, I enjoyed showing you around, but uh before we go in can I ask you too..." She felt the flush bubble back into her face, "Teach me some eastern martial arts? I could teach you some Greek Pankration and sword and shield stuff if you want." By that time they had reached the door and Ignis, for once being the one in the pair to leave first, burst through the front door after a very familiar scent. Alecta sighed but mentally told him it was cool. Gwen loved Ignis and vice-versa. They could occupy each other.

@Azure Sky


Gwen paused in her bread retrieval when she heard some massive foot steps echoing through the house. She knew a quadruped when she heard one. And she put the bread down on the table just in time to turn and greet him. "Iggy!" She cried happily as the massive mythological monster burst into the kitchen, tail wagging and tongues lolling out of his mouth. He bowled her over and let his heads take turns licking her as she scratched all six ears in turn. "ooohwhosagoodboyyousagoodboyyesyoureyesyouarewhosthecutestterrrifyingmonsterintheworlditsyouitsyou!" She chattered quickly as the two got reacquainted, "Ok get off me. Please." She said as she slowly got to her feet and reached into her tool belt grabbing three Identical chewy treats. Her neighbor had a big dog that liked chewing things so she had made a point ever since elementary school to carry big chewy treats. When she moved from Dublin to the school she found a giant dog sniffing at her belt. Things had flown naturally from there. Meanwhile, in the present, Ignis rolled over for the treats and took them happily. He laid himself on the floor in an unoccupied corner of the kitchen and began chewing.

@theunderwolf ((wait...))

Xen's eyes started to sparkle, metaphorically. ''I'd love to'' he said with a childish smile on his face. He was happy to find someone who'd be willing to martial arts training with him. Alecta truly was a great...friend for Xen. It was wierd that his so-called friend gave him such nervousness after thinking about it better for a while. Why am I nervous? Could it be...she's strong enough to make me nervous? Is this the reason I feel this way? Yeah that must be it thought to himself Xen.

After they entered he saw Ignis started to play with a girl. ''Hmm... is she a friend of yours?'' he asked, because he belived the little cerberus was a little too affectionate.

(Sorry about yesterday I was in the hospital, no phones)

Shara Rain ~ Way home/Gardens

Shara was making her way home when her phone began to ring. She pulled it out of her pocket and spoke.


"Miss President!"

"Moe? What is it? Is something wrong!?"

"No ma'am, well yes ma'am. See...."

A faint voice could be heard in the
background shout, "just tell her!"

Shara was getting worried, she detoured to the flower garden and sat down on a bench. " What's wrong? Did you uncover the location of the recording? Moe tell me, please."

After a long pause Moe spoke. "We were trying to find out where the recording came from, but found nothing. So we decided to clean up the sound to identify the voice, and deduce from there. But..."

Shara was growing impacient, "but what? Moe what did you find?"

"We cleared it out and.... it's your voice, Shara."

Shara stopped for a minute taking it in. My voice? She shook her head "It might not be me...."

"We did a voice recognition match with every student in the school. You were a 98% match."

"that doesn't mean anything I have done millions of speaches. Anyone could splice it together or make a voice synthesizer to match.."

"It would be traceable. We already checked for any use of digital or power manipulation and there was none. It had to be live."

"Live? But, you all saw me. I wasn't..."

"We know, and this is where it gets weird. The sound came from the PA speakers. It didn't move from any electric cord."


"There's no source. It just came from the speakers."

"Is that even possible?"

"Well, in paranormal phenomenas..."

"No, ghosts aren't real. This is a power. I want you to compile a list of students, creatures and anything else that cold possibly do this."

"Alright but..."

"Also send me a list of eletrical, sound and any other kind of scientists who could explain this. I want their names and numbers."

"Yes, but.."

Shara stood up, it had already grown dark. "There's a resonable cause for this Moe. There are no ghosts at Demios Academy!"

There was a long pause and a sigh "yes miss President. What would you like us to tell the student body?"

"Tell them it was made with a vocal synthesizer and the culprit is being tracked. We don't know anything else and hopefully the culprit will show themself. That's all." She sighed and picked up her backpack. "You guys did good, go get some rest. And if you'reservation feeling up for it come by the pasta party." She thanked them again and hung up. She put her phone back in her pocket and began to make her way out of the flower garden. However, something grabbed her hair and tugged hard. Shara screamed in pain ad a voice echoed in the wind. "MY PLAYTHING, MY DOLL, MY TOY, MINE...." Rapidly she tured around, fists clentched, to see what had her. But there was nothing there. Shara noticed that her hair was caught on a late shrub. She sighed and unclentched her fists, then began to untangle her hair. "There are no ghosts in Demios Academy, I am scaring myself for no good reason."

Chancellor's House Entrance

She finally got her hair untangled and continued to make her way to her house. She noticed that there were already people there and shook her head "I am a terrible hostess." She opened the door and made her way indoors. "Hey everyone sorry I'm late!" She dumped her bag next to the door and made her way in. "I hope everyone wasn't waiting long. I can-" She smelled the rotting food. "What is that?" She saw all the rote food and nearly gagged. Using the last of the energy she stole from Des she destroyed the food and cleaned out the pots, using her dark matter. She sighed and followed the sound of cooking. She saw the others making food and smiled.

Chancellor's House Kitchen

"Hey guys I'm so sorry that I was late. But... what happened in that room?"

@Azure Sky @theunderwolf @Rantos @Peaceswore @Darekk @whomever I forgot.

Des Demios ~ Making his way home w/a lovely lady

Des sighed and took the long way back. He was uneasy about bringing Alice there. Shara and his father were historically, very over excited about things. They love to make a big thing over unimportant things. One time they had a blow out celebration for the mice in our house for having another litter. After 15 parties they then had a extermination extravaganza with a circus. He smiled thinking about the contortionists. Hmmm, maybe I should call them they were so much fun. Des felt Alice and focused back on her. I wonder how much fun she will be? He looked down at her pensively. He really didn't know what to do or say when he was near her. Damn, I just hope Shara and dad didn't make this into a big thing.


Donovan Demios ~ Chancellor's Office

"There!" Donovan took a few steps back and looked at his flow chart. It read, 'Super Pasta Party- Ninja Theft Plan.' He grinned looking at it. "Okay so the party is in movement then I distract everyone with a surprise dance party. While everyone is distracted with the dancing, I will signal the ninjas hidden in the room to blend in and steal Shara's hairpin. Then they will cover their tacks with a smoke bombs which, I will cover with dry ice. Then they will deliver it to me and I will test it and mail it to Shara pretending to be the mailmain. That way I get to use my fake mustache. Ha! It's perfect! I'll call them now." He turned to get hs phone when he saw the time. "7:15? Oh no! The for hire ninja place closes at 7! What will my plan be without ninjas!" He threw his paperwork up in agony "why!? My beautiful plan is ruined!!" He fell to the ground and sighed,looking at his ceiling.

(This is the guy that wrote and controls your future. Do you feel safe now?)

He continued to look at the ceiling and his face grew more serious. He raised his hands and split space and time. He floated upwards and entered into it, the slit closed behind him.
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It was taking a while to get there and there was a nice silence. Though for some reason she wanted to say something. Normally she liked silence but for some reason the silence just made her more nervous plus she was going to a party she had never been to one before. She glanced at him and realized he was looking at her. She quickly turned her head slightly blushed. "So it's just you, your sister and your dad?" She asked trying to start a conversation.

@The Suspicious Eye
Ken looked up and at Shara before looking back at his game. "They were cooking...actually it's more like salvaging at this point. The food that was brought here mysteriously got ruined, I blame the six rabbits." He muttered still a bit depressed, but by now he was over it. "Anyway those two are trying to salvage the food, though it's a lost cause." He said as he nodded in the Kano's and Gwen's direction. He was so focused on his game he hadn't noticed that Amadues had entered, honestly he wouldn't have noticed Shara if the game hadn't been loading.

@Rantos @Azure Sky @The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf
At Donovan's manor

Amadeus looked at Shara and responded: '' I'd like to answer, but I just got here myself''. He then realized that Ken didn't notice him and a big grin appeared on his face. He simply walked towards Ken until he disappeared from sight. He walked into Ken's game then went really close to the screen, with a creepy smile on his face. ''Hey kid, wanna buy some weed?'' he asked with a jamaican accent. @Peaceswore @The Suspicious Eye

Near Donovan's manor

Akira just entered the academy and was amazed by its beauty. He was searching for a certain Mr. Donovan, who was the chancellor, and he was told that he should be at his manor at the moment. He really didn't want to bother him but he really had a lot of questions.

''Ok, so I am here. Passing the school gates and entering the school yard I can't help but observe the beauty of this place. Not only that, but everything is clean and symetrical, the academy is also gigantic. If I'd take a guess I'd say the one who runs this is a person who is highly fond of his students and wants the best for them. If that is the case I am highly sure that I can meet people here who didn't suffer from oppression or anything like that and the fact that they can freely express their feelings, beliefs and life philosophy. Because of that there is probably a wide variety of personalities here, from the most cliche I can think of to the most unusual or non-mainstream. Sincerely I don't expect highschool life to be like how it's depicted in many of those manga many people enjoy for some reason, but if my intuition is correct, then I might actually enjoy life at this academy. But before I can enjoy it I need to find the chancellor and get information on how to move around here" he thought to himself. Akira had the habit of having rather long internal monologues, but that couldn't be helped as it was a part of his rather analytical nature.

After walking for a while he encountered Des and Alice. ''
Umm ...excuse me. I-I'm n-new here and I'm trying to find the chancellor's manor. Could you h-help me out?'' he asked, slightly embarassed.

His androgyny, his voice tone and neutral voice type always made people question if he was a guy or a girl.

@animegirl20 @The Suspicious Eye

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Des Demios ~ Making his way home w / 2 lovely ladies?

Des looked at her and scratched his head "well yeah, I guess." He was embarrassed, this wasn't his forte. Usually girls didn't ask about his family other than the obvious incestuous question. He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged. "I don't remember much before Shara joined our family. " He really couldn't remember much about his past. It should have bothered him, but he enjoyed that his memories started with Shara. They walked towards the forest taking a long forgotten path to the Chancellor's house.

On the way there a young.......person came up to them. Des looked at the .....girl? curiously. He didn't know what to say to someone who's gender was so unestablished. Best to stay cautious, I don't want Alice getting mad at me.Des pondered the stament as he thought it. Why do I care? Other than her burning me to a crisp why should I care if she gets mad. Still deep in thought, he responds to Akira "Uh, yeah we're headed there now. You can follow us if you want."

@Azure Sky

Shara Rain Chancellor's House

"Salvage?" Shara looked around at the food. Then noticed some of the hiding sextupletes. "Oh dear..." She didn't expect them to try to ruin the food. She glared at them, hurriedly they ran away. She turned back to the others, "I'm so sorry guys, I'very been teaching them how to cook simple things and thought they could handle the prep." She sighed and bowed to them. "I really am sorry guys. I wish I could do...." Then she stood up straight and smiled "I know how about instead of making this a Pasta Party we make it a Pizza Party? I know a guy who gets here really really fast. We can try the pasta once it's ready, but can have pizza while we wait!" Without a second to loose she called the pizza place.

"Hi, I'd like one of everything to be delivered to Demios Academy's Chancellor's House. And can... oh you remember me? No I'm doing well, and you? Oh that is awesome. You don't need to thank him, Mr. Demios loves your pizza. Italy is such a lovely place. Great, have Zane... Wha, he should be here alredy?" The doorbell rang and Shara walked out of the kitchen and opened the front door. Suddenly stacks of pizza appeared on the dining room table at lighting speed. Shara smiled and held out a 40 dollar tip. Zane grabbed it and smiled "ThanksShara,seeyouinmathtomorrow!" Shara smiled and waved as Zane vanished in a second. She closed the door and walked into the dining room. "Okay guys pizza is here!"

@Everybody (I'm too lazy to name you all)


Pizza Party!


Ken kept a blank expression when Aradues appeared on his screen. "No thanks I already know a guy." He joked before tossing the game in the trash (of course he fried it's circuits first). He then leaned against the door and waited for the pizza. He wasn't really hungry, but come on it's pizza even he can't deny he loved that stuff. @Azure Sky @everyone in the kitchen
Doesn't remember? She thought to herself. He seemed different right now. It was interesting. She then noticed a.......boy? Girl? She wasn't entirely sure but then she took a good look. Boy she thought herself. She looked at Des as he answered. He's acting different she thought to herself. For some reason she found it funny. He had been acting really quiet all the way here. Was he not sure what to say to her? A little laugh escaped her lips.

@The Suspicious Eye @Azure Sky
Hi Shara! Gwen shouted from the kitchen out of politeness (her mother had taught her better then to not greet people at the door. 'We meed some good pasta and I'll eat the crappy stuff. It smells decent to me. Granted everything smells decent to me. i wonder why. encourages further investigation.."


"Yeah," Alecta said slowly, appreciating the wave of happiness from ignis and his treat. "That's Gwen, I'll introduce you two later but I think you should meet Shara first, she's over," She looked around until she saw Shara taking the pizza from the pizza guy who wasn't there a half second ago. Geez, even the delivery men are super powered at this school. She thought as she said, "There. Go and say hello, I'll go make sure Gwen isn't going to give herself food poisoning again. And with a wink and a flick of her pony tail, she was in the kitchen and making sure that the bad pasta could be safely ingested.

@Azure Sky
''Umm...ok'' said Xen who approached Gwen after Alecta went in the kitchen. ''Hello, I am Xen Evans, I just transfered here. Pleased to meet you'' he said to Gwen. The girl had a rather...special aura around her, then again, everyone in this academy had something special about them, whether it was a good or bad thing. He was reluctant if he should give his hand for a handshake, as something like that caused a few bones in Des's hand to crack and he really wasn't used to holding back that much. @theunderwolf

''Good answer mister Ken. You should never do drug-...oh wait you are already in contact with a dealer. Ha-ah lost cause'' said Amadeus ironically while walking out of the game before Ken fried its circuits. When he walked away from the inside of the game he changed his destination to above Ken's head. '' Hmm I see that your special cooking masterpiece was destroyed. It's ok. Life is full of opportunities'' he added , with a big, creepy smile on his face. It was hard to tell if he was making fun of Ken or not. Then he walked to the ground again and sat on a chair. @Peaceswore

Near the mansion of Donovan

''Oh, ok. Thank you'' said Akira, smiling. He followed them for a while and then he said: ''My name is Akira Hebi. Pleased to meet you''.

'' These two look like a couple. While he did say it was ok to follow them, I wonder if he was just being nice and didn't want to make me feel awkward. Although I do feel awkward and realise I might have been intruding in a rather intimate moment, maybe I should just forget it. If my presence was that irritating I would have known'' thought to himself Akira. He was a great analyst and through the years he developed outstanding observation skills. He could tell when someone was in a positive or negative disposition. He even went as far as to analyze their different breathing paterns and their body language in detail.

@The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20
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Des Demios - path to Chancellor's House

Des stared at Akira even more confused than before. That name did not help whatsoever. I mean she might be a girl, but that Japanese anime the guy was a dude and his name was Akira. He scratched his head and smiled "Des Demios." He motioned to Alice "and this is Alice Evermore." He looked at Akira and shuffled his feet. "Nice to meet you. The house is just down this path through the forest." He looked onward toward the direction of the house. Giving a long sigh he began to walk, towards his house. He dreaded what would happen when they got there. But more than that as they began to walk the thought of Akira's gender was eating at him. Des couldn't take anymore. "So Akira, uh, I gotta ask you were you named after that dude in that movie Akira?"

@animegirl20 @Azure Sky

(So smooth)
Alice looked at Des when he asked the question. She realized what he was trying to do and it was funny. I wonder If I should tell him. She thought to herself. She looked at Akira then at Des. This was to funny and cute in a strange way. She started laughing little at Des. the laugh was loud enough for him to here. She then looked at Akira and bluntly said,"Are you a boy or girl?" Then she looked at Des and said, "See simple all have you to do is ask."

(Alice just bluntly asks xD )

@Azure Sky

@The Suspicious Eye
Path to the chancellor's house

Akira was silent for a few seconds then let out a sigh. People always asked him that question for some reason. Unfortunately his gender wasn't exactly easy to deduce by others and he knew it well.

''Oh, I sure get that question alot. Akira is an unisex name in Japan. It can be given to both boys and girls, of course there are more names like that. I am not sure if my parents thought about that anime character when they named me though hahaha...I am a guy'' said Akira, smiling. ''Seriously mother, father....why did you give me an unisex name? And why did you make me keep my hair long? This happens all the time geez'' he thought to himself.

@The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20
Des Demios- Path to Chancellor's House

Des smiled and shook his head at Alice. Damn she is one tough chick, I really like this girl. He almost blushed until he realized his face was getting warmer. Taking a deep breath he calmed himself down and turned back to Akira. He listened to Akira talk and was a little embarrassed that he thought he was a girl. He felt bad for the new kid. He is going to get that a lot. "Dude, you must get that a lot. I'm gonna warn you it's gonna happen more often, new school and all." He shook his head and sighed "I feel for you. Anyway the house is over there." He nodded in the general direction. Putting a arm over Alice they made their way to the Chancellor's House.

@animegirl20 @Azure Sky

Shara Rain- Chancellor House

Shara picked dup a piece of pizza and began to walk around. She picked up the remote of the stereo and turned it on. A upbeat tune blasted on the stereo playing the top hits. She smiled and walked around the room watching everyone. Behind the smile her mind rolled with the discoveries she learned. How was my voice used. How could it be live? What was the purpose of the message? If it is taken literally, there might be danger up ahead. Shara was deep in thought as she wandered the party. Completely forgetting the reason why it was making.

Ken let out a small laugh at what Amadues had said already over the fact that the food had been ruined. He pushed off the wall and walked over and grabbed a random slice of pizza and began to eat. He noticed Shara just wandering around in a zoned out state, of course this caught his attention so he casually walked over to her and leaned against a nearby wall. "So what's so intresting that you zone out during a pizza party thrown for your brother because he got another girl?" Ken asked as he took another bite of his food. "And don't say nothing, cause it's not nice to lie." He joked while tearing off a bit of the crust and giving it to Op. @The Suspicious Eye
Shara snapped out of her trance as Ken appeared in front of her. She put her pizza on a chair and turned back to Ken. She crossed her arms "his party is to celebrate the first girl Des is bring over. Not because he 'got a girl.' Anyway, I don't believe that my thoughts are any of your concern." Her face was slowly getting flushed. She wasn't sure whether it was because she was embarrassed or angry. However she stood her ground and looked right at him. She felt like she had seend him before in a report. "You look so familiar..." She racked her. Rain trying to figure out where she had seen him. Then, she finally got it. " Hey, aren't you the troublemaker who is hustling money for secrets? What's your name again?"

Ken listened to her absent mindedly he gave her a small smile as he shook his head. "So Kano doesn't count? And I find it hard to believe Alice is the first girl he brought over...maybe the first one you know about, but whatever." He said with a shrug as he ate another bite and then gave the rest to Op. "Also I don't hustle secrets, I sell information. Totally different...well one sounds nicer. The name is Ken Tanaka, and don't worry you don't have to tell me, honestly I will likely find out before I even go back to my dorm." He said in a teasing tone as he gave her a smirk. @The Suspicious Eye
Shara Rain ~ Chancellor's House
(So in the dark she can't even find a flashlight.)

Shara glared at him he is so cocky, doesn't he know how many coplaints I've gotten about him? Sixty two, sixty two complaonts in two years. If I wasn't off the clock. (Why? Your not a cop, Shara.) She cocked her head confused "Shuuya is a boy. And what do you mean by the first one I know about?" She took a step closer, getting into his face "selling information on school grounds is a punishable offense. So unless you want to be sent to a review committee Mr. Tanaka. You better tell me what you meant by the first one I know about." She was dead serious as she looked into Ken's eyes.


(Oh if this pans out I am sooooo kicking Des in the face. Also sorry for the shortness)
Ken looked back at Shara completely unfazed by her glare, honestly he found it cute how she tried to intimidate him."The review committee?" He asked as he placed his hand on his chin he let out a sigh after a bit and raised his hands in defeat. "Okay okay, I'll go after this party." She does know that at least half of them owe me...right? Eh whatever. "Just for future reference I don' gossip, and if I caved into threats then I wouldn't be seen as reliable, and I like being seen as a sort of reliable person." When he said that he couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "So what I'm saying is I won't tell yo-...actually...how about this? If you tell me what you were thinking about I'll tell you what you want to know. And what offence? What I'm doing is fine, after all I'm sharing my knowledge with others to help them improve their life in this academy. They just happen to be so grateful that they give me...gifts of gratitude" He said giving her an innocent smile. (Don't worry, I'm a forgiver xD @The Suspicious Eye )
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Shara raised her eyebrow at him. Nobody wants to go to a review committee. There's something fishy about him. I don't know what it is, but it's there. She smiled at him, "you're something else you know that?" She put her hand on her hip and flipped her hair "I don't need to make deals with narcissistic jesters that go around spreading the secrets of others. Besides I have my own ways of getting information." She smiled at him "and my secret is too good for the likes of you to hear." She put her finger under his chin and gave him a little bad luck. She turned away and made her way back to the kitchen. She stopped and turned back to him. "Also, anything that involve a unapproved transfer of student money is a grave offense. I won't report you, but make sure you watch your step." She smiled and turned around and stepped into the kitchen.

@The Servant @Kotios

@SirKnight Squibbly
As Ken watched her leave he couldn't help but smile. You know I wasn't joking when I said I'll find out before I get to my dorm.' He thought with a sigh. He then got off the wall walked over to a couch only to step on his shoe lace and fall flat on his stomach. "You got to be kidding." He muttered as he stood up, hitting his head on the coffee table. He let out a quiet string of cusses as he held his head which just so happened to be the exact same spot he had hit before when he was cursed. "Damn...if only Des wouldn't kill me...I would totally flirt with her." He joked while he made his way to the couch and sat down. "So Op, how's your day been?" He asked as he rubbed his head. @Anyone
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'' Woah this place sure is big'' said Akira, honestly impresed. He then looked back at Des and Alice. ''These two are truly wonderful people. If it's them I'm sure I can -kill- be friends with them and then -kill- share beautiful memories here. Of course, first I need to -KILL- learn about them more and...- Kill them silently, slay their bodies, minds and souls. Kill for the sake of polishing your skills , kill for the ultimate sake of achiving greatness in the finest art of them all...assassination. Listen to your bloodlust...Kill!- Guh. Damn it not now...I will not succumb to you, you bloody pain in the ass!'' thought to himself Akira. A part of him was about to succumb to his assassination instincts but he had a strong will. Unfortunately, during his ''moment of weakness'' he gave off a rather high amount of bloodlust but just for a second.

@The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20

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