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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

(Everyone see where I'm going with this?)

Des looked at her and laughed. He didn't hide it this time, she was hilarious. "Alright, I'll grab some boxes and you go ahead. It's upstairs, to the right the Stai to the Terrace are right past Shara's room. You know Shara right?" He grabbed three boxed already and went for a fourth. He was starving and by the way Alice was acting, she was too.



Shara glared at him when he ruffled her hair. She tried to fix it as he walked towards the door. She watched him and smiled as he mentioned what he thought he could getfrom her. Delusional to the end, although I do like his persistence. She gave up on her hair and walked over to him. Pushed him against the door and looked strait at him. "I don't care about my brothers sex life. I don't need to know about his tastes or partners." She leaned against him and whispered into his ear, "and he doesn't know a thing about mine." She looked him in the eyes and smiled. Then she opened the door and let gravity do the rest.

She put her hand on her hip and smiled "know this, you might be good, but I'm better. When you are crawling around for power grabs, remember this moment. And for the record, you should have a better hand, before you think you can play me. Know who dotes on who."

She blushed when he started laughing. " I-I don't what's so funny." She looked up stairs and went on her way. when she got up stairs she noticed Ken on the floor and Shara looking down at and then she smirked. "Well things not going your way Ken." She then walked out to the Terrace.

@The Suspicious Eye

Ken sat on the floor a grin spread across his face, when he saw Alice and gave her a small wave as she headed to the terrace before turning his attention back to Shara. "Don't worry. I'll remember this, since you asked me so nicely." 'He stated sarcastically. Though I'll remember it when I found out you are just as intresting as Des.' He stood up and took Op out of his pocket and placed him on his shoulder he couldn't help but laugh a bit when she mention not having a good hand, especially since he is surprisingly good a poker (Cheats 100% of the time). "Hahaha I can easily get a royal flush, but I won't try to use that hand till I know how everyone reacts to losing and winning." He joked as he gave her a small smile. "Well it has been fun, but I have to try and convince Des not to F this relationship up before I head to my dorm." He gave he a small wave and walked downstairs casually looking for Des. 'Maybe I should just text him about this...oh and I should tell him what lie I told Shara.'
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(Lol if I could high five you @animegirl20 Also feel free to pick our a terrace pic if you want)

Shara rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. "Yeah. Good luck with that and slammed her door. She locked it and he added strait for her personal computer. Typing in a long password she opened the new email she got from the others. The lists for everything she had had asked for, and a prepared speech was already in done. I love my council. They are the best in the world, I should reward them. She printed out the student list and put it in a folder to review. She then printed out the long list of professionals and began her mass research on them while editing the speech she was given.

(Meanwhile in the Toolshed)

Des had 6 boxes of pizza on one arm and various types of soda and cups on the other and was making his way out of the dining room. He was slowly making his way to the stairs when he saw Ken coming down . "Ken, you're here?" He smiled then leaned in closer. He grew serious and looked at him "what did you learn about what my father is up to?"

Ryllian walked towards Kano after he called him over. Kano was talking with a girl he had never seen before "Meh I've never been a fan of parties, but the pasta sounded tempting, how about you?" He said while grabbing another slice of pizza, seriously how many pizza boxes had they ordered, it seemed to have no end and Ryllian could swear he had already eaten a whole pizza just by himself. He wondered where Shara was, it had been a while since he last saw her.

@Rantos @theunderwolf
Ken looked at Des slightly impressed at how well he could balance all the stuff he was holding before he to became serious. He glanced around making sure no one was in ear shot though he still was cautious incase some had better hearing then others. "I still don't have the full details on everything, but whatever he has going on involves very powerful magic that I haven't seen before." He said before pulling out his phone. "Yes I know doing it like this is annoying, but I swore not to tell anyone about this, so I have to write it." He muttered.


Okay so this is more or less what I know. The entrance to the tunnel is (direction to the under ground entrance). When we got there it was actually pretty funny, some guy was giving the finger to this old geezer and they were both frozen in a block of ice. From what I overheard it's called a Flash Freeze, ice that can't break or melt, it's one of the three great sword techniques that only can be used by strong members of the order of the tundra, I have no clue what that is. And only one of the seven kings have this power once again...I have nothing on these guys. Sadly that's all I know... Wait! Magic door! I forgot there is a magic proof door that only Cain can open because of his key. Yeah...I think that is all.


"Yeah, I know that took me a full three minutes to type. Anyway do you want me to carry some of that stuff? I'm pretty sure that is going to create a huge mess." He said as he looked at the Pizza boxes that were slightly tottering. "Oh a few more things, first off don't even bother to ask how I got your number, secondly if your sister asks I was hanging around you because I was trying to sell you information about Alice. And finally does Shara often zone out during parties she hosts? If not...*shrugs* Maybe it's nothing." @The Suspicious Eye
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Alice walked on to the terrace and looked around. "Wow this is nice........did he really do all of this?" She walked over to the railing. "Nice view." She stood there looking over at the stars. She looked back around the terrace. It looked like a outside living room. It was nice. "Better not tell him that." She said to herself. She then turned back around and looked out to the night sky humming the song she played earlier in the music room.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.2043a384f5d2c77a2781b5e2a12f88bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="47310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.2043a384f5d2c77a2781b5e2a12f88bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@The Suspicious Eye hows this?



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"Xen Evans..." Gwen said dreamily, as if she was trying to push the name into her conscious forcefully, "You have quite the DNA Xen..." She paused for another moment before shaking her head and turning off her scan feeling her unfiltered green iris' return,"Right sorry all done for now! She said happily, grabbing his hand and shaking it several times before releasing it, "Welcome to the school Xen! I'm Gwen but Alecta probably told you that I'm pretty much the schools machine girl so you can come to me for technical issues or fixing or generally anything to do with metal or wood or carpentry I also knit but I havent made anything more complicated then a scarf in ages so if you need a sweater anytime soon you're out of luck on my end. You don't seem like the sweater type though Mr.Muscle. You just came in today right? Roped Alecta into giving you a tour somehow. And she didn't even stop by my workshop which is like the coolest part of the school in my not-so humble opinion.Unless we're talking about being literally cool in which case that huge block of Ic- I mean the freezers in the cafeteria. You heard nothing. But yeah! You should stop by sometime I'm told I give very good advice. Technical or otheeeer wiiiiiiise." She finished with an impish grin and twitching eyebrows, but the pause didn't last long, "But anyway where ya from big guy? What's the Craic? "

@Azure Sky


"I came to mess with Des at first, mission sucessful, but ya see that guy over there," Alecta pointed at Xen who was gotten his ears bit off by Gwen," It's his first day and well he needs to meet people. And I need to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and I do like Italian. Also hi." She turned to the odd looking boy," I don't believe we've met."

@Rantos @Darekk
Peaceswore said:
Ken looked at Des slightly impressed at how well he could balance all the stuff he was holding before he to became serious. He glanced around making sure no one was in ear shot though he still was cautious incase some had better hearing then others. "I still don't have the full details on everything, but whatever he has going on involves very powerful magic that I haven't seen before." He said before pulling out his phone. "Yes I know doing it like this is annoying, but I swore not to tell anyone about this, so I have to write it." He muttered.


Okay so this is more or less what I know. The entrance to the tunnel is (direction to the under ground entrance). When we got there it was actually pretty funny, some guy was giving the finger to this old geezer and they were both frozen in a block of ice. From what I overheard it's called a Flash Freeze, ice that can't break or melt, it's one of the three great sword techniques that only can be used by strong members of the order of the tundra, I have no clue what that is. And only one of the seven kings have this power once again...I have nothing on these guys. Sadly that's all I know... Wait! Magic door! I forgot there is a magic proof door that only Cain can open because of his key. Yeah...I think that is all.


"Yeah, I know that took me a full three minutes to type. Anyway do you want me to carry some of that stuff? I'm pretty sure that is going to create a huge mess." He said as he looked at the Pizza boxes that were slightly tottering. "Oh a few more things, first off don't even bother to ask how I got your number, secondly if your sister asks I was hanging around you because I was trying to sell you information about Alice. And finally does Shara often zone out during parties she hosts? If not...*shrugs* Maybe it's nothing." @The Suspicious Eye
Des read the message and frowned. Not from the information, it was very good. He was more angered by the fact such a big secret was being held from him. How could I not have known this? A king Of Ice and a man. A magic door? I wonder if I could find a way down there? Maybe an adjoining tunnels, are there tunnels in the school? He was thinking about the tunnels when for another time food popped up in a discussion.

(Seriously guys u need to eat)

He smiled, "don't worry it's all good." He twirled the pizzas around on his arm. "I'm pretty good at balancing things." Take the implications for that as you read. Des looked at Ken confused by what he meant, "okay, I'll tell Shara that if she asks and no she's usually the life of the party. But, what does she have anything to do with this?"

Ken was quiet for a bit before let out a sigh and shrugging. "It's probably just the spring festival she still has a bit to do, shame if only she asked for my help I'm almost certain I could get the event organized in a few short hours oh well, her loss. Now you shouldn't keep Alice waiting, that wouldn't be gentlemanly." He said with a smirk as he looked at a corner where his face grew serious for split second, but just as fast turned back to his usual cocky self. Before I tell you, I want to know more myself, and looks like I will know soon.'

"Now it has been a very eventful day, and I got things to do, pizza to eat and people to co-I mean help. So I'm going to leave before you can convince me into doing something else." He gave Des a small smirk as he walked to the corner and picked something up. "How did I drop this?" He muttered as he headed to the door, slipping something into his pocket. He was about to open it before he stopped and facedpalmed. "Crap, I almost forget." He went into the kitchen, and came out with six boxes of pizza and a soda bottle. "Anyway later!" With that he opened a window (cause why not) and jumped out. He then casually began to walk to his dorm as he listened to his tiny informant. @The Suspicious Eye

''Umm...I...I'm from America, yeah. But I'm half chinese and I spent most of my years in Hong Kong, learning martial arts and chi control'' said Xen, blushing a little and smiling. He didn't lie about it, though. With the exception of his family name , everything else was true. ''She sure talks a lot'' he thought to himself, but it didn't bother him, he actually found her amusing and interesting. ''So she's passionate about machinery huh? That's cool, maybe I can learn a few things'' he continued to think to himself.

Meanwhile Akira approached them silently, hidding his presence until the last moment. ''Mister Xen? Is that you?'' asked the androgynous boy from behind.


Xen was caught by surprise but he somehow recognized the voice and turned around. ''Akira? What are you doing here? Wait , never mind that. How are you? Where have you been in the last 5 years?'' asked Xen. Akira looked at him, chuckled and replied: ''Oh, I've been in Kyoto. Sorry for not contacting you, but me and my family had our reasons. So...are you going to introduce me to your new friend?''. He was talking about Gwen. Somehow Akira was very good at changing the subject and evading questions,, even if it was unintentional. The situation was perfect for him to do so anyway. ''Oh, umm...Ok. Gwen this is an old aquaintance of mine, or better said...friend. His name is Akira Hebi. Akira this is Gwen'' said Xen, then he whispered in Gwen's ear :'' Yeah , he's a guy. Don't ask...''. He still had questions for Akira but he gave it up for the moment.

Akira smiled at Gwen and said: ''It's a pleasure to meet you''.

Des took the obvious brush off and shrugged. He raised his arm as a supplemental wave. "Later." He was curious about what he meant about Shara. Making his way upstairs he passed by her door and knocked. "Shara?"

Shara opened the door and looked up at her brother. She pulled the pen out of her mouth and smiled. "Hey, brother what's up? Enjoying daddy's surprise party?" Des looked at her and smiled "Dad's surprise party? Really? Well I'd enjoy it more if you entertained the guests. Instead of." He leaned over her and looked at her computer, "whatever your doing."

Shara looked at him and raised a eyebrow. "You mean, your not planning on spending time at your own party?" She poked his chest for him being a little too nosey. Des looked at her and smiled " I plan to spend some quality time with my girl. So please do this for me." He looked at her honestly he was serious.

Shara almost had a breakthrough in information, there was a certain somebody at school who might be able to help her. However, if her brother really needed her to stop what she was doing. She would. Shara shook her head and smiled "alright, you have fun. I'll go see how the people are doing."

Des smiled and rushed up the stairs "your the best Shara. You know I love you." Shara watched him go and shook her head. "I know. Go have fun." She waved to him and began to walk downstairs. Des stopped and turned "Shara. Are you okay?" Shara stopped and turned back to him "I'm fine." She smiled and walked down the stairs.

Shara made her way downstairs to the kitchen watching everyone get along and introduce themselves. She crossed her arms and made her way around the first floor watching others.


Des made his way upstairs to the third floor and came out to the terrace. He smiled at Alice, Damn she's beautiful. He smiled and put the pizza on the table. He walked over to her and smiled "so what do you think? It took a few good months of work, but I think it turned out good."

She stopped humming then turned around when she heard Des. ".........It's alright." She said not really saying what she really meant. She thought he did a great job but because of the way she is she didn't want to admit it. "You really did this all by your self?" She was also wondering why did he do iron the first place. She then suddenly noticed the pizza. She walked over to the boxes. She looked over at him. "Well come on not going to let me eat it all are you? Then again I could eat this all myself." She said with a smirk.

@The Suspicious Eye
Ken's Dorm

Ken let out a sigh as he entered his dorm. He placed his pizza down, and locked his door. Today has been very eventful to say in the least...hahahaha! Finally! Something that can keep me entertained! Now then, time to get some more info/leverage." He did a quick stretch before sit-..."Right...chair broke thanks to someone's curse." He muttered as he made a makeshift chair out of a huge stack of books he had. Ken shifted through his pockets and pulled out his tape recorder. He then typed in a really long password that even he considered it ridiculous, but still the idea of someone trying to figure it out made it worth it.

He then placed the recorder's hard drive into the computer and began to download it all. 'This is going to take a bit.' He let out a sigh and got off his makeshift chair and headed over to the pizza. He grabbed a box before kicking off his shoes and laying on his bed. '...Even for me this is quite a bit to take in... First I'm part of an awesome plan to ruin the spring festival, I trash the chancellors office just to get a disk which ends with me being cursed a bit. Delivered that information, met Tera, that was actually nice since I rather like her. After that stuff happed and I end up finding a secret underground entrance that I knew nothing about with Kano. Poison food, head to party, foods ruined, depressed, chat with Shara, get cursed...again. Talk to her some more then texted Des now I'm here thinking back on what I did today.' He let outa small laugh as he finished his third piece of pizza.

"Damn this is really freaking good." He said as he reached for his forth. 'What is that recording Shara was talking about? From what I was told she seemed pretty worried over it. Now the question, should I tell Des? Ask Shara again or...' He remained quiet as he stared at the ceiling. He sighed and was about to talk to Op when his computer beeped telling him the download was finished. He placed his pizza slice in the box and walked over to his computer. "Everything seems good, I'll look over it some other time." He muttered as he put the download into a hidden folder that was tucked safely behind a proxy folder. "Now them! Sleep is needed, but first things first." With that being said he quickly cleaned up his mess and changed the sheets since there were a few bread crumbs. He then di everything a normal person would do, once he was done he plopped onto his bed and fell asleep surprisingly quick.
Kano turned his gaze to Xen and watched him get fresh with his girl. "First day eh, ill have to talk to him later, nothing like a new guy to relieve some stress on." Kano eyed Xen for a bit. He looked good enough, if he is indeed new then maybe this is his first chance to make a real friend. His sister always told him that the only people he was going to attract where the trouble makers. That was getting more and more true by the day, but Kano was fixing herself, slow but surely. After she scanned Xen for long enough she looked back at Alecta. I would love to hear more about you being able to successfully messing with Des. Please tell me more. And take a seat while you are at it, get comfortable."

@theunderwolf (Sorry, at last I have been hit with the lazys. I thought this day would never come.)
animegirl20 said:
She stopped humming then turned around when she heard Des. ".........It's alright." She said not really saying what she really meant. She thought he did a great job but because of the way she is she didn't want to admit it. "You really did this all by your self?" She was also wondering why did he do iron the first place. She then suddenly noticed the pizza. She walked over to the boxes. She looked over at him. "Well come on not going to let me eat it all are you? Then again I could eat this all myself." She said with a smirk.
@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at her astonished, he spent months and a small fortune on this masterpiece and she says alright?! He shook his head in disbelief and combed his hand through his hair. Leaning over the balcony he looked at the night sky. "Yeah I did it by myself, nobody knew this place still existed until I stumbled on it. I really liked the view of the sky from here and after falling through the floor and ending up with a broken arm. I decided then and there that I would make this my spot. I poured months of cash and labor, but I can proudly say I made all this with my bare hands, and some help from Home Depot." He smiled and turned to her. "And yes, it was worth every splinter and injury I got. It was a labor of love" He then fell silent, watching her, she looked gorgeous in the night lights. His gaze followed her to the pizza boxes and he laughed. "You are something else you know that?" He got up and walked over to the pizza and grabbed a slice "well I guess I'll have to eat it all to make sure you keep your pretty figure." He gave her a wink and bit into the slice.
She started eating then said, "Please I eat all the time and never gain a pound.........by the way." She blushed slightly. "I really did think you did a good job." She said not looking at him. She then started on her 2nd slice. She sat down in the chair and looked up at him. "You know I'm really not that good of company you be better off where the party's at." She started eating her third slice.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked her up and down and smiled, "I certainly believe you." He smiled and grabbed another slice of pizza and sat down in a chair. He heard her complement him, yet said nothing. He could have pestered her, but wanted her to enjoy tonight. He grabbed his third slice and looked at her. "No way, I most certainly like your company over theirs. This was something my father planned for some reason. I refuse to be apart of it." He nearly pouted as he turned away and looked out into the distance. His hatred for his father was deep and brooding. He watched the stars begin to slowly move, his eyes swirling along with the earth's rotation.

She looked at him then took her 5th slice of pizza. "You don't like your father hadn't huh?" She thought about her dad she did everything she could so she wouldn't be a disappointment. She is always trying to prove herself. Though part of her hated him at the same time she still strived for his approval. She didn't like thinking about it and the more she did the more angry she got. Especially when she thought of her mother. She took her 6th slice.
Des smiled at her and leaned back in his seat taking another slice. "It's not that I truly hate my father. It's just...." He scratched his head and sighed. "I hate the incessant need others have to please them, parents. I don't have to please my father. I feel like I've been around for such a long time, I just...." He knew he wasn't making any sense so he tried to keep to the normal stuff. "I am so tired of trying to please him. Following the path I think he want's me to take. Well I'm taking an alternate route. My father doesn't define me." He pointed his thumb to his chest and looked at her seriously "I make my own path." He smiled at her and then took the slice of pizza that Alice had in her hand and ate it. "And boy does it taste good."

She listen to him and what he said stung a little. "That's easier said then done......hey that's mine!" She pouted little then thought more about what he said. "I strive to prove myself to my father and I finally did right now he finally recognizes me as his daughter. I'm as strong as him and my brothers now." She said this with slight anger. She felt her self getting mad then sighed. She sat up and crossed her legs. "why the hell am I telling you this?"

@The Suspicious Eye
He looked at her, his face serious and somewhat dark as she spoke. However, his serous face quickly turned into a smile. He went on his next slice and leaned in closer to Alice, "It's because I am such a good conversationalist, besides I always listen." He winked at her and took another bite out of his pizza. He really wanted to kiss her right then, but figured if he did, he might get a slap in the face. Or worse, have my face on fire, my sexy body is only half the deal. He smiled and sat back in his seat once again. "Besides, you know you like me, right?"

"I do not."she said. "Though I am questioning why I haven't set you in fire yet." She laughed a little. She stood up and walked over to the railing. "Your actually one of the very few people I have been this nice to." She looked at the view then at the stars. She then started humming her song that she played in the music room. She then suddenly stopped humming. What she doing being so relaxed in front if this guy? "You know what I think I'm going to go now." She was suddenly feeling nervous. She headed towards the door.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des laughed along side her as she made the joke. He wondered the exact same thing, but knew the answer. It's because she likes me. This is so going to be a thing. He listened to her as she spoke watching her as she got up and went over to the railing. He smiled as he listened to her hum. This is nice. I could get used to this. Suddenly she stopped humming and Des opened his eyes. He quickly got up and reached for her arm as she headed towards the door. "Wait!"

She heard him yell out wait as he grabbed her arm. She didn't turn around right away. What dies he want? She thought to herself. Why is he so damn attached? And why didn't she fight back more like normal? She slowly turned towards him. She looked at him then looked the other way. There she was feeling nervous again

@The Suspicious Eye

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