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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

What was with that way of talking? Was he pretending to be sophisticated or barbaric, throwing food around like that? And what was he insisting she taste his food for? It didn't have anything to do with her. She wasn't some kind of poison-tester.Who was he, again? It started with a C, she just knew it, he was.... Carter? Cameron? No wait, it was something that sounded Japanese like Nagato, or Katagi. Oh, whatever. She'd ask his name if it became relevant. As his hand extended towards hers to hand her the spoon, she snatched it from him carefully, making sure she didn't touch him, or get too close, just touching the spoon. Metal, not plastic, thank goodness. Metal spoons bent, plastics broke. The pot though.... Megaera gripped her piece of bread as she considered it, then dropped the spoon, letting it clatter on the wooden table, rather than risk breaking it. Taking her piece of bread, she dipped it in and sucked on it. It tasted... well... oily, but was plenty flavorful. No ginger, thankfully, and some garlic, a lot of spices, but there was definitely a slightly burnt aftertaste to it. "It's good." She said quietly, looking back at him with uninterested, purple eyes, and went back to munching on her piece of bread.
Julian Lanchester
The Dorms A.K.A The Man Cave-

"Catch'em uhhh all. Gotta mmmm Kamehame... Lelouch ... SAVE SHIRLEY!" He hollered, flying out of his twin sized bed shaped like the bat mobile, and onto his limited edition Pika Pika rug. He growled, his face burning from falling head first onto the lovable yellow Pokemon's electrical pad. Ouch. Tears began to fill his eyes as he pushed himself off of the ground and onto his feet, or at least that what he had planned for before falling down flat on his ass.

"Why do bad thing always happen to go people!?" he cried, the tears threatening to fall from his sockets. Quickly wiping the annoying water droplets away, he tried once again to stand up, this time standing up on his feet. Lucky him. Rubbing his eyes, he squinted at first as he stood in front of the incredibly large window that was posted in the middle of his room nearly three feet away from his bed. As his eyes began to adjust tot he onslaught of light, he groaned, feeling the urge to jump back in bed but he stopped. What was that sound? It was loud, comparable to the sound of a elephant blowing his horn at its enemy. What could it possibly? He looked at the direction of the school, then at the cafeteria, and soon at his stomach, that roared even louder at the touch of his hand.

"Bruh! You still hungry after snacking on all that delicious, mouth watering, juicy, pizzas we ate yesterday!" he questioned, his eyes narrowing down angrily at his unreasonable partner. Unbeknownst to the others, he had no time for socializing at the event, even though it was his specialty, and just sat at the corner of the room eating slice after slice. The thought made his mouth salivate until little droplet of drool began overflowing from his mouth. Roaring once more, Julian snapped out of his pizza day dream and pouted. "Didn't we eat all that food yesterday!" he thought to himself, preparing for a argument between his mind and his stomach. Another growl and his reasoning was done. It was time for food, and there was no way in hell that he would allow himself to starve when the cafeteria was only a few feet away from the dorms. Wearing his favorite Black Butler pajamas (Sebastian Edition) along with a hat with a cottontail decorating the tips and no shoes, he charged out of his room. His eyes were ravenous, his mouth wide open and ready to eat anything that looked edible. It's a wonder how he made through everyday life with such weird habits. Ah, such is the life of Julian Lanchester.

Cafeteria -

It didn't take long for him to reach the cafeteria entrance, his legs breezing through obstacles such as large bushes, animals, and even people who had either moved out of his way or was pushed aside. His arrival was followed by a multitude of curses by those unlucky enough to stand in his path on his quest for something to eat. Running like an Olympic track star, he flew through the doors, the slamming of the to metal frames caused a loud crash to reverberate throughout the whole cafeteria. You could see that many was surprised by the sudden intruder some of jumping or falling out of there seats while other simply looked the other directions pretending that didn't just lay witness to Julian's idiocy. "Food." the words filled his mind while orange took over his sight? Was that someone's head or a orange? He couldn't tell, but it looked to delicious to pass up and so he lunged at the unsuspecting Kano and bit his head, his teeth gnawing at his skull.

"... Ewwwwwww." He spat, wiping the strands of orange hair off his tongue. "Oh hey Kano. Why you under me for? Do you have those type of hobbies?" he gasped, splotches of red filled his face. "Why you beast!" he teased, his index finger gently nudging his friends head. Who would have known the guy was so freaky! Oh my . . . Would this be something that Julius was interested in? He could feel a new door opening at the thought. "No! Strictly anime for you!" he told himself, the door closing behind the outrageous thought of something so perverted I refuse to right in this post. Wondering if he should get off, he felt quite comfortable on his friends shoulder and re-positioned himself to make it more comfortable seating arrangement. Once done, he looked down from his makeshift thrown and saw a new face.

"Oh my word. How ya doing down there?" he asked the longed purple haired girl who seemed to be about the same age as himself. They were in the same grade (probably) and he had never seen her before. UNACCEPTABLE! He may be a lazy anime asshole, but he was a gentlemanly lazy anime asshole before all else.

@firejay1 & @Rantos

(Sorry it took so long for meh

lazy ass to post. Been in a sorta slump.

Now back though . . . YAY!

Also it may say yesterday and knowing

that this is a one week time skip he so hungry he thinks

he ate it yesterday. Let's go with that.)
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Ellian began her morning ritual simply and elegantly-- by falling right off her bed. "Oww..." she moaned, rubbing the tip of her nose. "I'm used to Queen," she thought aloud, looking at the traitorous bed with tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "I miss my Queen." Pouting, she, instead of getting up, rolled to her bathroom door. Thud. "Ow." And there she lay, squished against her door, for a good few minutes before she managed to get up.

* * *

"There's gonna be food all day," Tara said with the smallest glint of excitement shone in her eyes. Greeting Ellian with a hug, she placed her hands on her friend's upper arms as she took in Ellian's outfit for the day. "You'd make a rainbow jealous."

"An all green rainbow... That'd be tragic. It'd match leprechauns."

"Now I have a craving for Lucky Charms. Come on!" Tara hooked arms with her friend, pulling the half-dazed girl towards the walkway, "Let's check out the stands!"
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Oh she was not good at this. She was really not good at dealing with these people. She gave the black-haired... uh... girl? boy? a calm look, trying really hard to pretend she had not just squeaked like a frightened mouse when he'd come barging in. Down there? What did he mean by down there? It wasn't as if she was ten feet below him. Oh she did not like people like this. "I'm alright." She said politely, not offering the usual question back to him. She'd found out that the more rude people thought her, the less likely they were to bother her further. She bit down on her piece of break again. Oh darn, it was getting small, she was almost down to the last square. Looking back at the boy who had been bitten, she wondered if she should maybe ask for some more of his slightly burnt-tasting soup. On second thought, better not, the other one was trouble. If she stayed there too long, who knew what would happen. She tilted her head back, opened her mouth wide and dropped the last square of bread inside it.

@Rantos @A Guileless Fable

Shara- Central Path (Festival Stands)

Shara was looking at all the stands on the central path. Some students were already set up, while others were just arriving. Shara yawned once more and rubbed her eyes. Man I am really tired... Why couldn't I be plagued with such weird dreams when I was on vacation. I have too much to do today to be this tired. She walked over to a stand that was a little makeshift cafe. She was overjoyed when she found that they were serving coffee. She ordered her favorite, a dark chocolate macchiato. This time asking for 3 shots of caffeine than her usual one.

She happily gripped the warm drink and took a sip. "Oh that is good." She paid the barista and made her way further down the stand area. She pulled out her phone and began to text.

Hey, morning! I am here at the festival and I would love to see you here. If you can make it we could hang out or something. Text me when you get here and we'll meet up. ~Shara


[message=them]Hi [/message]
[message=me]Who is this?[/message]
[message=them]Lol, It's me silly.[/message]

She finished and sent it. Slipping the phone back into her back pocket she continued to make her rounds. I am so glad that this is finally coming off the ground. Hopefully, this will be an eventful festival. One that no one will forget. She smiled at the thought of it and continued down the path.


Des- Chancellor's House- Des's room

Des tuned off the shower and wrapped a fowl around himself. He looked around and realized he forgot his clothes. Stepping out of the bathroom he looked around and realized that Alice was awake. He tilted his head to her and smiled. He sat on the bed and leaned over to her. "Morning, Alice." He leaned in closer and kissed her. It was passionate, yet polite. He smiled at her. "How are you doing this morning? You excited for tonight?"

Ryllian Langh-Dorm room

Ryllian had just woke up when he heard his phone ring Who is it this early at the morning? I swear if it's an automatized message from my provider I'll kill someone he thought annoyed. He had stayed up late last night finishing one of his drawings and now he was starting to repent his decision. With a groan Ryllian rolled out of bed, but he misscalculated and found empty air where a part of his bed was supposed to be and fell to the ground, after a few curses he stood up and checked his cellphone, it was a message from Shara inviting him to the festival. Originally he wasn't planning on going but now that she had invited him he suddenly felt eager to go, and so he answered

Hey, morning! I am here at the festival and I would love to see you here. If you can make it we could hang out or something. Text me when you get here and we'll meet up. ~Shara
Sure! I just woke up though so I may take a while arriving. I'll be there in let's say......half an hour I think, I'll wait for you at the festival entrance if that's okay with you. ~Ryllian

After he sent the message Ryllian ran towards the bathroom and took a short shower, his room was a mess and he needed to find several stuff, which included the comissions he had stayed late working on, he had planned on paying someone to deliver them but since he was now attending the festival he might as well deliver them himself. 25 minutes later and having found everything he needed he exited his room walking as fast as he could towards the exit.

@The Suspicious Eye

((Rather than lazy I like to call it energy saving( :) )))
Ken Tanaka Dorm

Ken let out a small groan as he failed to go back to sleep after a half an hour of trying. "I need to sound proof my room." He muttered as he dragged himself out of bed and onto the floor he laid there as he came to a small realization. "This is really cool...maybe I can sleep here." He mumbled as he closed his eyes he was actually about to go to sleep, but Op decided it as time for him to wake up. And being the kind and caring mouse he is, he woke Ken in the gentlest way possible, he pushed the fried alarm clock off of the stand making it fall right on Ken's head. As soon as it made contact Ken let out a string of cusses and stood up, he sent a death glare where Op was at however the mouse had disappeared. He let out a sigh as he walked over to his bathroom and got ready for the day.

When he was done he walked over to his computer and typed in a really long password. The entire week he had been trying to figure out more about the cavern, the kings, the sword technique and all of that. He was getting slightly frustrated since he only found dead ends. He also had been trying to get Shara to tell him what her voice was used for. But once again no luck, of course he kept his question on the down low and didn’t tell Des.

With a sigh he leaned back on his chair for a bit before downloading a few things into his mp3 player. As he waited he got up and took out the last slice of pizza from a fridge he had in his room (no not a mini fridge). He heat it with his powers and stared at it. “It’s a good thing thinking takes a lot of calories I have been eating this all week…and I regret nothing.” With that he began to eat as he took the player and shutting of his computer. He placed Op in his pocket and left heading for the festival. ‘Guess I should enjoy it before it’s ruined.’



Alex was laying under a tree as he nibbled on some toast and played his handheld. Every now and then he would watch others set up and volunteer to help. He wanted to help more but was too shy to ask. So he sat there and absent mindedly played his hand held.

Alecta walked down the festival's main aisle, searching for familiar faces and holding a small gift bag. The festival was nice, she decided, if a bit too lively for her taste but she was doing her best to enjoy it. Ignis certainly was. The massive canine was having a blast jumping from booth to booth, begging for and usually receiving free scraps or sometimes a whole fresh cooked meal from different stands. His good mood was certainly improving hers and she found herself smiling a little as she wandered the stalls looking at all the food and games that were set up for the festival. Eventually though, she caught sight of someone she did want to see.

"Shara!" She called out in greeting to the slim girl, who was wandering the aisle with a satisfied smile

@The Suspicious Eye
Alice looked up when she saw him come out of the bathroom in a towel. "......." She didn't say anything she was just thinking about last night. Then he leaned in and kissed her then smiled asking how she was and if she was doing alright. She looked up at him then looked down at the bed. " Don't think just because I might of said some things last night and the fact we.......don't think I'm just going to turn all lovey dovey cause I'm not. " she hid her face under the covers suddenly feeling embarrassed. She then peeked out from under the covers a little then hid her face. " Should of burned his butt when I had the chance." She didn't care that he heard her. She didn't want to admit she really did like him though she did last night so there was no taking that back which she already knew. "To answer your questions yes.....and sure" She didn't mention her nightmare she was use to it. It was like a constant reminder to not disappoint and right now her father wouldn't be to happy with this......in her mind she thought he wouldn't find out anyway so she was good......she hoped.

@The Suspicious Eye
Kano watched as Megaera took a bite of his creation. He winced slightly as she took dipped her bread into it and bit into the bread. Once she swallowed it down Knao took cover as if she was going to explode. He sighed with relief when she didn't. "Whew. I was worried there for a second. I was scared you were going to... Well you know..." Kano dragged his finger along his neck. "But don't worry. I was ready to bring you to the nurses office if need be. See, I'm a nice guy." Nice was a debatable word in this situation. Kano gave Megaera a few pats on the back before getting ready to pick up and head out. Before he could even get to his pot he felt teeth bitting down on his head. Kano didn't really feel the need to see who it was, there was only one person that strange in this high school... Maybe two. "Good morning to you to Julius. Glad to see your a chipper as ever." Kano let Julius gnaw his head. Now this is something I can get into. He pouted as Julius stopped. As he made himself more comfortable on Kano's shoulder Kank took a lock of Julius's hair and started playing with it. "Oi you two I was just on my way the the festival. Care to come with?"

@A Guileless Fable @firejay1

((Sorry about my lateness))
(I guess....I think college is turning me into a naggy old person....( :o )......(:'())

Shara was walking downy he path when she noted some of the others students having trouble with a stand. Shara was helping them put up their sign when Ryllian texted her. After 24 minutes she finished and looked at the stand. Curious as to see if Ryllain responded she pulled out her phone. "Oh man." She turned and dashed over to the gate where they would meet and sighed in relief that she made it in time. She really hated to make others worry about her, and most of all be late. She leaned against the gate and waited for him to come by.

Hey, morning! I am here at the festival and I would love to see you here. If you can make it we could hang out or something. Text me when you get here and we'll meet up. ~Shara
Sure! I just woke up though so I may take a while arriving. I'll be there in let's say......half an hour I think, I'll wait for you at the festival entrance if that's okay with you. ~Ryllian
Hey, I'm sorry I almost didn't make it, but I'm here. Always. ~Shara

Shara realized that autocorrect (being the A-hole that we know and love.) Altered her last sorry with a always. She though for a moment about sending another message rectifying the mistake, but decided against it. He'll just think it's a typo right? I am so tired.



Des smiled at her as she so cutely hid under the covers. She was like a tiny embarrassed cat. He chucked at her little statement and shook his head. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up princess style, covers and all. "Well good. Because today my little firecracker is the big day." he carried her from the bed and into the bathroom. "you have to get ready. We are going on another date."He put her down and looked at her. "I'll go get you some clothes from Shara's room." He smiled and kissed the top of her head.


Die? Oh geez, rude. What did he think he was doing, serving her stuff he thought would make her keel over and start kicking the bucket? Nice guy indeed. What a jerk this guy was. Whatever his name was. Ah, so Julius was the biting one's name. She'd have to remember that. Ju-lee-us. Looks like a chick, wears a braid, bites people. Watch out for this one. Better watch out for both of them, actually. It was true this school was made specifically to house freaks, and she'd long since accepted the fact that no one in here was normal, herself included, but considering the guy actually looked like he'd been enjoying having his head bitten, she didn't want to get involved with him. The way they were flirting, too, was almost irritating. When he asked if the two of them would like to go to the festival with him, she immediately shook her head, the long, pale purple hair swishing with the motion. "I don't go to those kinds of things." She said bluntly, keeping her words as few as possible. Megaera wasn't about to explain something like this to him. It had nothing to do with him.

@Rantos @A Guileless Fable
Ryllian Langh-Festival

When Ryllian arrived he saw Shara standing by the door and felt a twinge of guilt for making her wait for him, so he aproached her and said "Hey! I'm finally here, sorry for making you wait, did you wait much?". Then he took a sip of the coffee he had bought on the way, as sleepy as he had been he wouldn't have been able to function properly without it. The festival looked lively and was pretty loud so far, everyone seemed to be having a good time and that somehow made Ryllian felt hopeful and happy about it, then he grabbed his phone and was about to check it when he realized it had no battery Ugh, I think I didn't connected it to the charger last night, great no phone for the entire day he thought while sighing annoyed. His stomach grumbled as he realized he hadn't eaten anything since he woke up, so he looked at Shara and said "Uhm....wanna go and eat something? I'm starving."

@The Suspicious Eye
Shara Rain~ Festival

Shara leaned over looking at her phone, reading updates on the firework preparations. She turned when Ryllian spoke out to him. She smiled at him and looked at him, "Oh, no I didn't wait long at all. I just got here to be in fact." She noticed his coffee and smiled, she realized they had something in common. She sipped her macchiato and looked around him. The festival was getting pretty festive and was overjoyed by its current success. She looked up at him and smiled as his stomach growled. She nodded "yeah, I think all the stands are set up and the cafeteria is serving food all day." She steeped closer to him and smiled "So where do you want to go? I'm up for anything." She actually had breakfast earlier at around five, but she could eat.

"Fine." Once he left she decided to take a shower. While in the shower she thought about tonight. "Oh yeah almost forgot." she thought to herself. He went to et me some clothes. If he brings me some girly crap swear I'll burn it, she thought to herself. She continued to wash while she was waiting for him to come back with the clothes.

@The Suspicious Eye
"Bunnies!" Tara grew starry-eyed, before a glance back at Ellian brought her back to earth. "You might wanna stay there Elli, never know which of these could bite your head off," the brunette teased her rainbow-haired friend.

"The power in their jaw, even if they bit their hardest..." Ellian trailed off as Tara patted her on the head.

"I'm teasing, luv! Still, you really need to see that movie..." Tara gestured vaguely to the ground. "Stay here, yeah? I'm gonna get my daily dose of cute and then some, real fast!" With that, the short-haired brunette junior drew in closer to the bunny petting stall. Ellian, on the other hand, looked around in a mild daze. There were so many people, so much noise, so many colors--
PINK! Spotting the Cotton Candy stand, a small squished smile formed on Ellian's lips. "Tara..." she spoke, stepping closer to her friend, one foot at a time, all without looking up from the cotton candy, as if it would poof out of existence if she let it go out of view.

"Hey, girl, hold this real fast?"

Without giving Ellian a moment to answer, the stall minder placed a soft bundle in Ellian's arms. A lover of fur, Ellian looked down--

To see a live rabbit.

"EEP!!" Shrieking in surprise, she reflexively jerked her arms. The rabbit, shocked, sprang out of her arms, bolting away. Ellian tried to catch her balance, throwing her arm out-- hitting the bunny box. It knocked over, bunnies launching out to save themselves. "No, wait, you belong here!" Ellian cried out softly, all in vain.

The bunnies bolted everywhere, Tara and Ellian and the booth minders running in different directions to catch the bunnies. Ellian ran after the bunny she'd dropped, the snow-white fuzzball jumping left and right, running faster than Ellian could keep up with it.

The rabbit, after the initial terror run, began to calm. It slowed under a large tree, nibbling the grass beside a boy fearlessly. Having been pet by humans most of its life, it wasn't afraid of people. Let alone the boy minding his own under the tree.


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animegirl20 said:
"Fine." Once he left she decided to take a shower. While in the shower she thought about tonight. "Oh yeah almost forgot." she thought to herself. He went to et me some clothes. If he brings me some girly crap swear I'll burn it, she thought to herself. She continued to wash while she was waiting for him to come back with the clothes.
@The Suspicious Eye
Des put on some clotes as she got ready and left to get Alice some clothes. He knew she hated all that girly stuff so he made sure not to pick any skirts or things with ruffles. So insteas of choosing somethung from Shara's room he went to his secret pile of clothes of girlfriends past. It was a big pile of clothing of varying sizes and styles. Figuring out her size by the previous night he picked out her clothes. He came back with some jeans and a nice tanktop and underclothes.

He walked back into his room and without a second thought opens the door "hey I brought you some clothes."
After she got done washing she wrapped a towel around her. Then before she knew it Des was walking in with some clothes. She stared at him and then got mad. "Get Out!" She snatched the clothes then pushed him out locked the door. "Jeez knock next time!" Then with a huff she started getting dressed.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des laughed as she pushed him out the door. "Aw come on it's not like I haven't seen you like that before." He smiled and leaned against the door, "you know, you are so cute when your flustered." He kicked off from the door and and smiled and he went to his phone.


Hey K, you prepared for the day today? Make sure to stay clear of the fireworks tonight. ~ D


Then he messaged to Kano, he hadn't seen him in a while in either form and thought it was time to see how he's doing.

K, Don't forget to deliver the packages to the Terrace before 6. You ready for this. ~ D

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"Uhm well...anything would be fine for me I guess, I just need food" he said "Maybe some ice cream....no wait, that would be a strange breakfast, a sandwich then" he said while smiling. It was sunny and lively day, and even Ryllian was starting to feel energetic, maybe it was because everyone around them seemed to be enjoying the day. And so he stretched out, finished his coffee and threw the cup in a trash can. Afterwards he looked at Shara half expecting her to lead, he had no idea where the food was supposed to be.

@The Suspicious Eye
"What you emo or something." Kano said jokingly to Megaera. "Awww come on. Festivals are always more fun with a friend or two. Even if you're not into that sort of thing they can still be really, really, really fun." Kano sat back down, forcing Julius to bend over. Kano kept on playing with his hair and he looked at Megaera. "Ok ill be honest with you. Im not going to force you to do anything. But I can speak for both of us and say we would love to have a third. But if you really dont want to thats fine too." Kano felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his phone and started reading it. His smile grew as he read on. Once finished he started texting back.


Sure thing sweetie. 6 o'clock it is.

Im making so many new friends lately and I have been so busy.

But if you want to get together after the "event" I would love to meet you somewhere.

Privately ;)


Kano hit send and put his phone away back in his pocket.


@The Suspicious Eye

@A Guileless Fable
Ken had left the building and was now looking at a few of the stands that were at the festival and already operational. He walked over to one and saw they were letting people pet rabbits. Near him was a girl that was in a small sort of daze. He thought about surprising her, but it seemed like her friend had something else in mind. When the girl gave the other the rabbit he guessed what her reaction would be and before she did anything. With a small chuckle he pushed a box of bunnies closer to the edge of the stand.

And just as he predicated the girl freaked out and knocked over the box of bunnies. He couldn't help but laugh as the two girls tried to collect the rabbits. After he was done with his laughing fit he walked away still laughing to himself. As he kept looking around his phone vibrated. He took it out and read it causing a smirk to form on his lips.


Got it. Oh! Say morning to Alice for me and reminder her not to blow herself up!


@The Suspicious Eye

Alex was still in a small daze, but was brought out of it when he heard something near him. He looked over and saw a small rabbit that was eating some of the grass. Alex snapped his fingers and the handheld he was holding busted into pixels. He then held out one hand and pixels formed creating a few pieces of lettuce. He turned to face the rabbit and held out the lettuce which the creature almost instantly went up to. Alex picked up the rabbit and set it on his lap as he fed it the lettuce. He saw a girl approach him and he looked at her then the rabbit then her again. "Is this your rabbit?" He asked calmly as he gently petted the rabbit with one hand. @Kal
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zShara smiled at him warmly and tossed her empty coffee into the trash. "We can certainly get both. I mean I have to say, I've tried waffles and ice-cream before. It is delicious." She took his hand and pulled him down the path. "There are various, places to eat here, but I still think the cafeteria is the best place." She turned to him as they walked through the cherry blossoms and began to cut across the school ground to the cafeteria. "They have a whole buffet today, I think it's the best idea they have come up with. I'm petitioning that we should have buffet style every day. But that's up for the committee." She realized she was babbling. She blushed a little and turned to him and smiled, a little embarrassed. "Oh, sorry I shouldn't babble about work. So what have you been up to? I haven't really seen you around much this week."


Des looked at his phone as it buzzed twice. He smiled at Kano's text. He sighed, he knew that with girls like Alice he was meant to be exclusive. Or at least secretive about his other endeavors.

K, Don't forget to deliver the packages to the Terrace before 6. You ready for this. ~ D
DeeDee~ Sure thing sweetie. 6 o'clock it is. Im making so many new friends lately and I have been so busy. But if you want to get together after the "event" I would love to meet you somewhere. Privately ;) ~K
K, You know the rules. I'm spending time with Alice after all this. But maybe the garden? Around one?


Des looked at Ken's post and shook his head. They guy knows everything doesn't he? He responded back and put the phone in his pocket.

Hey K, you prepared for the day today? Make sure to stay clear of the fireworks tonight. ~ D
D Got it. Oh! Say morning to Alice for me and reminder her not to blow herself up! SK
Alright, I will. Don't worry about Alice, I'll be with her when it goes down. ~D


He turned the bathroom where Alice was. "Hey Alice, you ready?" He walked over and leaned closer to it. "Or do you need me to help you into anything? Or out of anything?"

Alice was getting dressed then heard Des speak. She looked at the door. "I don't care." She continued to get dressed as he spoke then blushed when he called her cute. "Whatever....." she slightly smiled to herself. She was putting on her pants when she heard him ask if she was ready and if she needed help. The comment pissed her off and she shot a fire ball through the door. "Darn I missed." Then she put her shirt on and came out crossing her arms.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des watched as the fire ball flew out of the door. "Woah!" The fire ball singed his hair a little as he dodged it. He looked at his hair and messed with the singed area. I guess it's not that bad. Des sat on the bed and looked up at Alice and gave his most handsome, smolder. "You really are a fire cracker." He smiled at her and pulled her closer, "Aww come on baby don't be mad. You know your the hottest girl in my world."


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