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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Alice sighed then relaxed a little. "......you have lot sweet lines don't ya." She laughed a little. Her mind then drifted off a little then something came to her mind. "Hey what day is this?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at her and smiled "of course I do. You know I am just as sweet on the inside too." He Pulled her closer and rested her head on her chest. He looked up at her confused, "Friday. Why?" He slid his arms up her shirt and smiled. "If you're worried about the plan. We have a whole seven hours to kill. Come on lets have some fun."

"Hey!" She said blushing. "Not the time for that." Then she just realized what he said. "Friday?" She jumped up and ran to her phone. "Listen be quiet for a minute ok." She dialed a number and her father picked up. "Your late calling." Was his first words. "Sorry sir....." She talked with him for a minute. "Yes top in all my classes..........yes tomorrow ok bye." She hanged up and sighed. Then put down her phone. I should be in the training room right now. She thought to herself.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des leaned back and sighed as she was on the phone. He had slept with enough girls with disapproving parents to know what was up. He waited of her to hang up and smiled. "Army dad? Or just very rich and disapproving?" He knew the types of dads and how to get the girl when he wants them. He tilted his head and looked at her. "What does hearing his voice make you feel like you need to do?"

"One of the top fighters.........Train" she looked around for gloves and put them on. ".......I know you don't like it when people try to please thee father so much but wanting to have approval is everything. I won't have him calling me weak anymore. I finally got him to accept me as his daughter and I'm not letting that go. My mother might of been weak but I'm not. He can't stand the fact that look almost just like her." Her hands were shaking a little from anger.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at her worriedly and grabbed her hands. "Hey. Hey, Alice." He got up and looked at her "you are the strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever met. And you should know that you don't need your father's approval to show it." He raised his hand to stop any argument before she would argue with him. He smiled and looked at her "let's go."

He took her hand and pulled her close to him. "Don't thank me yet. We're going to the gym." He smiled at her and lifted her up and carried her downstairs. "If you have the need to train. Well you are lucky enough to have the (self-proclaimed) best fighter in the whole school at your disposal." He kissed her as they made their way to the last step.


(I'm going to wait till tomorrow to respond)
Emo!? And when had they become friends, considering he had just been very willing to use her as a poison-checker? It would be easy to say things like that were fun for him. He wouldn't have to spend the entire time trying not to break bones and stalls and hearts and people's favorite sweets. He should try it sometime, why don't he? Talking as if she were some kind of pathetic, immature, uncompromising brat. How rude. And cheeky. And so so irritating! It almost made her want to shake his hand just to get that cheeky mouth to shut. And that phone he was using. Jealousy blossomed up in her, seeing him use that. Megaera bit the inside of her lip a little before speaking. "I already said I just don't go to things like that." She said, her voice sounding surprisingly calm and unconcerned to her ears. In slightly careless anger, she pressed her hands against the table surface, her fingers spread slightly. From where her hands touched the table, large ugly cracks spread, until the table looked like it had two spider web designs carved onto it. Hastily she drew her hands back and stood abruptly, refusing to look directly at her handiwork. Now where should she go? The library? Out of the corner of her eye, she stole a long, hungry glance at the church organ, and she couldn't help hesitating before she could bring herself to leave the room. It was going to be a gloomy day, with everyone going to the festival, and she stuck doing what she normally did.

@Rantos @A Guileless Fable
"I wish you would let me walk." Why did have to carry her like that? It was embarrassing. "The gym?" She looked at him a little surprised then she smirked. "Well you better watch out because I'm pretty good."

@The Suspicious Eye
Des smiled at her and twirled her around a little before setting her down. "Oh really is that so? I guess we'll just have to settle that."He pulled her out of the house and down the path to the gymnasium.

He laughed at her as they arrived at the gym. He bowed to her and looked up "after you milady."


Ken let out a sigh as he watched the two talk on and on. He had heard from one of his little friends that Des an Alice were about to spar and obviously he had to come in hopes of seeing Des power in use. Also he was hiding out for a bit incase someone say him and asked for his help on something he didn't want to do. "You should use your powers. And to fight you require more then to talk to each other. Sure it is entertaining at times, but...I think you should save that for the bedroom" he joked as he walked over to the bleachers. "Can I watch or is this suppose to be a private session?" He asked with a grin as he did a small stretch.

@The Suspicious Eye @animegirl20
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She turned her head towards Ken. She shot a fire ball at him. Which went just passed. That was for the bedroom comment. "Sure you can watch unless you rather join." She said smirking at him.

Ken looked at the bleacher that she had just charred and sighed. "I made the comment not the poor seats. And I don't really care for a threesome since someone is going to be a third wheel. Hahaha. Besides I wouldn't want to get in the middle of you two lovebirds" He joked as he moved away from her knowing that she would likely attack again. "And as awesome as I am in a fight, I prefer not to since someone would end up pretty hurt and rarely is it me." He said with a smirk as he placed Op on his shoulder. "If you really want to I may join, but otherwise I'll just spectate."
Des smiled at both of them, I wish I had some popcorn. These two are so much fun. He walked down and smiled "alright, alright, Ken you can watch for now. Alice, let's fire it up." Des smiled a the pun and looked at Alice the dark matter expanded from his body and created a ring around him. "I won't hold out firecracker."

@animegirl20 @Peaceswore
"Fine." She closed her eyes and breathed in then she opened them in full concentration. "Don't feel just attack the target till victory is yours." She whispered to herself. Her face was completely emotionless. "You start."

@The Suspicious Eye
Des smiled and looked at her "oh, you underestimate me." Des punched the ground and a wave of floorboards exploded sending them strait to Alice. He looked up at her and smiled. He loved the sense of battle.

Julian Lanchester

Julian played with the orange of Kano's hair, listening to the conversation unfold before him. Well Kano did have a point in calling her emo. Although all emo people weren't anti-social only those who had those devious kinds of thoughts and satanist. She didn't look like she belonged to either category and openly expressed her irritation through her eyes at being called emo. Yeah, she looked like she didn't really care, but all good actors must put on a show for the audience otherwise it'd be pointless. The boy placed an elbow on Kano's large cranium trying not to bring the "skid" as he like to call people, anymore harm. He already bit his head, and even if he didn't wanna admit it, it had to hurt pretty badly. Julian sighed at her refusal to go to the festival with them. It wasn't that bad even for those who disliked loud place, the festival was one of those things that just got people jumping.

"Oh stop being such a sour puss." he said, laying his body over Kano like he normally does when bored sitting at his desk." You'll never get a boyfriend with that kinda attitude, but if that's the plan than keep up with what ya doing cause you doing a mighty fine job sweetie." he stated, finding something irritating about her character. Normally there were three things he felt. One was happiness, two was laziness, and three was fear that only one person at this school could instill within him. No names, but damn did she scared the living shit out of him. However, he felt none of the above for the girl leaning on the table. He didn't necessarily hate her, just found something he disliked. Maybe he was being rude, but then again when did he ever care about what came out of his mouth. She should be thanking him for keeping the world spinning . . . Ungrateful! A sudden cracking sound caught his attention as the purple haired chick rose from the origins of the sound and walked away. In her place were cracks spread across the table all it took was one person copying High School Musical and BOOM! The whole thing would be coming down. He shivered at the sight and attempted to gulp down whatever liquid was filling his mouth, because it wasn't saliva.

"Kano, I don't know if I like her a lot." he spoke, doing very little hide his dissatisfaction with her. Couldn't really careless if she heard him or not, because frankly he had lost interest in her after saying that sentence. Moving on to happier, Julian thought of something he could do with his power. "System On" he thought, a transparent blue screen popped up in front of him. Going through setting he clicked on the [Party] icon and typed in Kano name, but refrain from sending it.

"Hey! Since we all buddy buddy now. Wanna join my party?" he asked the kid below him clicking send on the party request. "Don't freak out okay bud. You should see a blue screen with my name on it saying if you wish to accept my request of joining my party. Now you choose whether you want to join or not and done. Then we could do some cool stuff like in SAO!" he chuckled, holding an imaginary sword out much like Kirito did.

@Rantos & @firejay1

(Not the best post . . . brains a little mushy!

And you notice I changed the font. Looks

animegirl20 said:
With fire coming from her feet and hands she blasted and dodge them. Then she sent a few flying ack at him.
@The Suspicious Eye
Des blocked the attacks with dark matter tentacles swatting them away. He charged towards her his arm forming into solid dark blades. He made sure that they were dull, this was only practice after all. "Come on Alice, bring it on!"

((Wow when did Des and Alice start fighting!?))

Kano nodded as he listens to Megaera explain for the third time how she doesn't want to go. "Alright I get it. Im not so ignorant that I would ignore your wishes after the third time. Sorry to bother you then." Kano felt a vibration in his pants pocket and pulled his phone out to see who texted him. When he saw it was Des his face lit up with happiness. But as soon as he read it that happiness faded and was replaced by a blank stare. "Yeah I know the rules..." Kano mumbled to himself. After he put his phone back in his pocket he looked blankly down at at the now destroyed table. After his mind assessed what just happened his jaw opened wide with disbelief. He started frantically surveying the table with wide eyes and a smile on his face. "I dont believe it! The raw destructive power, the symmetrical cracks of the table making a perfect design and the smell of pure destruction! They all come together in perfect harmony! Its... its..." Kano got one last good whiff of the table before arching his back backward, his head facing to the ceiling; and throwing his arms out to his sides. "TRES BIEN!" (Please someone get that reference) Kano stayed in that position and started hyperventilating. He got snapped back to reality when a blue screen popped up in front of his face asking if Kano wanted to join Julian's party. he hit accept and the blue screen went away. "I call dibs on being Asuna! She's way more cool then Kirito. Comon lets get going!" Kano turned away and started walking to the door. He stopped around half way and without turning around spoke to Megaera. "Thats some impressive strength for such a closed girl. I would love to see more of it sooner or later. Oh and I almost forgot." A pink sticky note fell from above Megaera, it had Kano's phone number on it. "Feel free to give me a call if ya ever need anything." Kano began walking again and made his way to the exit door in the cafeteria. "Oh shoot almost forgot." Kano snapped his fingers and the pipe organ that was sitting in the cafeteria vanished into thin air. "Ok now lets go." Kano ran outside to the festival and looked at all the booths. "Ok lets find one we can get fake swords at!"

@firejay1 @A Guileless Fable

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