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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

(I'm doing this in parts.)

animegirl20 said:
Rings huh? She got into position. Three rings that will be a tough dodge but I think I can handle it. Theoughts went through her head then she looked at him. "Ready."
@The Suspicious Eye
Des flipped backwards sending the rings flying towards Alice. The rings charged forward then suddenly began to spin around each other creating multiple patterns that were constantly changing. The rings were dull but the speed was fast and growing faster. It moved at a extremely rapid pace creating a strong vacuum of air. Des smiled as the fast spinning ring fan. He hoped it wasn't too much for Alice.


(@theunderwolf I'm waiting on @Darekk )


Donovan happily walked down the halls humming one of his favorite song.

I'm a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world

Life in plastic, it's fantastic.

You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere.

Imagination, life is your creation.

He liked the relevance of his song and the trans dimensional creation of parallel worlds. Also he loved he upbeat beat of the song. He made his way to Xenolion's office and knocked at the door. Then he peaked in and smiled. "Hey Xenolion! What are you doing sitting in your office? Are you deep in thought again? Stop worrying I've already investigated everything. There is nothing to worry about. Come on lets go see how the students are enjoying the New Spring Festival."

@Azure Sky
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"Uh?..Uhm yeah, I'm Ryllian, nice to meet you Alecta"he said, her arrival had been so sudden Ryllian hadn't had time to process what Shara had said. A big three headed dog was with her and he instinctively summoned Shiu, the black cat boringly walked towards him and climbed to his usual place on Ryllian's shoulder without saying anything. Alecta looked like a nice person though he hardly remembered watching her, then again he didn't pay much attention to other students at all so he thought it was just normal.

Then he remember what Shara said and noticed her hand holding his "Oh some help would be apreciated, so thanks" he said smiling, he felt relaxed being with Shara, since he didn't really have to think much about what to say or do. Then he smelled food and his stomach grumbled loudly I definitely should've eaten something before arriving here he thought.

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf

((Sorry I took so long, I'm having a lazy day))
Peaceswore said:
"Um....are you okay?" Alex asked as he looked at her with his head tilted to the side. "Are you afraid of this rabbit?" He asked as he looked over to it. "....If you are I don't mind taking him to the stall for you." He said nonchalantly without looking back at her. Instead he looked at the rabbit and started to pet it. ((Sorry for the shortness!! ;- ;) )
No, Ellian wanted to say, it wasn't fear... Well, in a way, but, how could he so naturally hold that rabbit? They were so... unpredictable, animals, and their moving, warm fur, there was just something downright... not right about it!

"Elli, there are you," came a voice from behind. Jogging up to the group of girl, boy, rabbit, and rabbit-croc hybrid, was a short-haired brunette with an armful of rabbits. The furry rodents shook their noses, bored, patiently awaiting to be put down. Ellian took a not subtle step the side. Why was she being surrounded by animals? This festival was turning into something out of a horror film! (In Ellian's fine opinion, anyway).

Coming up to the group, Tara's eyes first caught onto white rabbit. "Ah, there's another one..." She looked towards the boy, "Thanks, I was looking for them as you can see," she jerked her head down, using her chin to point to the rabbits. "And-- Oh!" Meaning to thank the third party, she blinked in surprise when her eyes met the hybrid bipedal creature. And then, realizing that she was altogether
staring and the creature, laughed at her own social ineptitude. "I'm sorry, I'm being rude. I just... have never quite seen such a shape-shifting ability quite like yours before," she shrugged apologetically, though her motions were severely limited by the three bunnies in her arms.

@Peaceswore @A Guileless Fable
Kano was walking through the festival eyeing all the different booths. One way or the next he was going to find one that he could win fake swords at. To his luck he found one. Sadly for him the game was ring toss and he sucked at that, lucky for him that he had teleportation powers though. He warped in and out without being seems by the person running the booth. He snickered as he walked away with two new fake swords. On his way back to Julius he bumped into Akita and nearly lost his balance. "Sorry little guy, didn't see ya there. You wouldn't happen to be Akita ya? I saw you at the pizza party but never really meet you, oh, the names Kano by the way."

@Azure Sky
Shara held Alecta in the highest regard. She smiled as she kissed her cheek and waved to the three headed dog. She thought he was so cute and he was always so sweet to her. She looked between Alecta and smiled at him as she held Ryllian's hand. She was really happy about being near him. She really didn't understand why, but she felt nice being near him.

She giggled a little as she heard his stomach growl. She turned to Alecta and smiled "We were going to the cafeteria to grab some brunch. Would you like to join us? We are going to have ice cream and breakfast." She was excited for the meal she really could go for some carrot ice cream. She blushed a little, talking about her and Ryllian as a couple. It made her nervous and a little bit happy. She smiled and glanced at Ryllian for a moment be for adverting her attention to Alecta instead.

@Darekk @theunderwolf
"Phew ok close one I mean falling metal and out of control machines I can handle but books!? Books are surprisingly dangerous. What with the hard covers and all. maybe they should make books bounce or something. like Soft covers. Oh wait those are a thing. And some fell on you too. And you're still hurt. We'll table that idea for later then... what was I oh right books!" She reached down and started to stack up all the books she had dropped. "I was pretty much finished anyway. Found what I needed sketched what I wanted etc. etc. Though... Oooh this one isn't mine. My robot dragon project has been on hold for years. This yours lass?"



"I'd love to join you two." Alecta said smoothly, "If it wasn't going to be a one on one thing. You know. Oh that reminds me I have something for you Shara it's a bit delayed but here present for you." She held out the gift-bag to Shara, "It would have been polite to give it to you at the pizza party, you were the host after all but well that was short notice. Please don't complain. C-c-cat." Alecta caught sight of it for the first time. As Ignis did. His tail stopped wagging and all three of his heads reached out to sniff the odd smelling cat. "Why cat here." Alecta said in a hoarse whisper, "I am trying very hard to not chase the cat. Please give me good excuse not too." She was looking for an excuse, as she always did in a mental tug of war with Ignis, some logical reason he'd understand so that he wouldn't follow his canine instincts to pursue his destined feline foe.

@The Suspicous Eye @Darekk
"I'm not just "Cat" mind you, I have a name and it's Shiu, nice to meet you Alecta" Shiu said. Ryllian knew he hated when people thought he was just a regular cat, several dogs had ended up with scratches due to that. Ryllian was overly conscious of holding Shara's hand and he kept glancing at her, he was happy and a little nervous as well. "Oh I forgot to introduce you, Alecta this is Shiu, you could say he's one of my family's servants" he explained, people were always confused when he tried to explain his powers so he tried to keep it simple, also he hoped the three headed dog wouldn't try to attack Shiu while he was still on his shoulder, otherwise things would get ugly.

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf
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"Huh?" the word escaped his mouth as the white haired child created a piece of some type green vegetable that he gave to the creature before them and then offered to him. Carefully, he used his claws to pick the leaf from the human's grasp trying not to injure the boy in anyway. Once his mission had been completed, he brought the apparently edible leaf to his nose, the scent it released was quite intoxicating indeed. Concluding that the conjured up green had not been tampered with, he slowly placed it in his mouth, the taste sending a tingling feeling from his tongue to his stomach. "Was this yummy?" he asked himself, nibbling the edge of plant until there was nothing left, the rabbit below looking at him with a silent satisfaction on his face.

"What? We're . . . friends now?" he inquired, the ball of fluff nodding in response to his question. Friend. It sounded warm, but that wasn't possible. Words were only a way for creatures to communicate to one another, they should hold no real value . . . so why did he feel warm when the rabbit called him a friend. Was he getting sick? No, that couldn't be. Demons are immune to all human diseases, so what could this feeling possibly be? The feeling scared him a bit, but he pushed back the warmth that nearly consumed him and turned to the human seated next to him, attempting what human's called a smile.

"Thank you. The leaf was . . . Yummy." he thanked before continuing,"Yes. I can understand this rabbit." answering his previous question picking up his crocodile like hands forming a dysfunctional thumbs up. Looking at it, no one could tell if he was raising a thumb or a finger, it was all green hand and claw from that point. Removing his hand from view, a loud abrupt noise coming north of him caused his ears to jerk in pain. "Loud." he complained, sorta, in his head as a brightly dressed female entered seemingly out of breath. Immediately, her eyes locked onto the creature before them and then onto himself. Like all the others, there was confusion in her gaze, but turn into nervousness as she chattered on about the rabbit having ran away from whatever booth she had some from.

"It's a boy." he stated, answering for his gender, which the female seemed to have no clue about. The rabbit pouted at her confusion, annoyed by the fact that his temporary handler cared not about knowing him. Weird beings indeed. All of them had these abnormal reactions inside of them called feelings, something that allowed them to do unimaginable acts without thinking of the consequence. Even animals had that quality, although humans believe otherwise, almost all living things had it . . . except for him that is. For some strange reason he didn't "feel" or experience what "all living things" did. Did that by default make him not living? A small voice in the back of his head whispered,"Marchosias, no need to worry about such insignificant matters." The voice assured him that whatever he was thinking about would only cause harm to himself, and the best solution was to not think such dastardly thoughts, so he obeyed.

Lowering his ears that hid beneath his purple cloak, he listened as the humans spoke to one another about trivial things, while the rodent chirped with glee at the male's touch. Soon, another female holding an odd number of bunnies entered the party greeting him with another estranged glance, and even a weirder comment. Shape-shifting? Who was a shapeshifter? Was she referring to him? Concluding that the comment was directed towards him, he felt the need to correct her.

"I am no shapeshifter. For as long as I remember, I've always looked like this. It seems this form is not "normal" to you all. I apologize if it bothers you." he apologized. It also ended up like this. He would end up saying something and then apologizing for something afterwards. The whole process completely baffled him, but in the end that just how things went.

Turning to the male beside him he asked," May I have another?" March enjoyed the blade of grass from earlier and would feel uhmm, warm was it? He didn't understand it, but he kinda like the warm feeling it gave although it scared him. Then he realized he had never introduced himself. It was considered proper etiquette to introduce yourself to strangers and so that what he did.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I apologize, my name is Marchosias, but humans tend to have difficulty pronouncing it, so they gave me a nickname? Is that what they call it? Well, the shortened version would be March. Pleased to make your acquaintance." he greeted in a monotone voice. He hoped that would suffice for a proper greeting, but knowing this fickle beings as they are, they might find some flaw in it. "That was good enough wasn't it?" he thought, reassuring that what he did was correct. The last thing he wanted was to make the dominant race angry.

@Kal & @Peaceswore
Shara happily took the bag and smiled. "Oh thank you! You , buy you didn't have to get me something. We throw parties nearly weekly these days." She peaked inside the bag and smiled at the gift. She loved it already. Noticing Alecta's shift in speech made her look around. There on Ryllian's shoulder was a cat. It was beautiful, but knowing about Alecta's connection with Ignis she knew it wasn't a good idea to have the cat here. She slowly let go of Ryllian's hand and walked over to Alecta.

She looked at Alecta. "I don't know about the cat, but just remember. You are Ignis's human master, you have control over this." She saw that motivation wasn't enough. So she decided the best course of action was to distract Ignis. She bent down and looked at him, "Ignis hey Ignis!" She let her rabbit ears pop out and picked up a stick. She waved it auound in front of the three heads. Then she wriggled it in front of them and began to walk away from the cat. "Come on Ignis who wants to play fetch? Come on!"

@Darekk @theunderwolf
Rabbit. A rabbit who wants to play fetch. This is the best thing ever and you should play fetch with a rabbit. Alecta transmitted to Ignis as she felt his dual suspicion fade away. He agreed and starred wagging his tail and jumping around like a massive puppy. Alecta felt the surge of happiness and smiled encouragingly to him as she turned to Shiu, " Sorry." She said bluntly, "Ignis has a nose for the supernatural and a major dislike of cats. kinda a bad combination for him and well there are downsides of empathetic links." She took a breath and calmed her own dislike of cats. " It's nice to meet you Shiu. And thank you Shara for your timely, rather fetching appearance change. And please don't worry about the gift, it's the polite thing to do and I'd feel awful if you didn't take it."

((Btw forgot to mention but the gift is chocolate carrot cake))

@The Suspicous Eye @Darekk
Lass? What a funny way of addressing her. This person - Gwen was it? - was being very amusing, if a bit overwhelming. It was clear from both her reading material and the things she was saying that she was some kind of engineer. Megaera wondered what her power was, if maybe it had something to do with technology. A robot dragon. Again, jealousy reared its ugly head in her heart. For a second she considered denying the fact that the book was hers, since it was a little embarrassing, being caught reading childish things alone in the library when most people were out enjoying themselves at the festival. At least this girl was here as some sort of research, but it wouldn't do much to deny it after all, so she just nodded and replied, "yes, that's mine," before gingerly taking the laminated paperback from the other girl's hands. She couldn't quite bring herself to meet the other girl's eyes, and so kept hers glued to the cover of the book.
Ryllian watched as Shara started playing fetch with the dog, it seemed as if his shoulder was safe for now at least, but it was probably wiser for him to dismiss Shiu "Shiu I think it's best if you leave for now, you know, so we can avoid potential cat/dog related incidents" he said. It had been unpolite from him to summon Shiu when Alecta's dog was here but he honestly hadn't do it on purpose, it happened sometimes when something managed to surprise or startle him.

"It's ok Alecta, I've had worse. And yeah Ryllian, I'll leave for now, goodbye everyone" Shiu said as he got off Ryllian's arm and left.

Ryllian sighed with relief and realized Shara had rabbit ears now She looks kind of cute with them he thought, and then smacked himself mentally for thinking something like that. "Thanks for the help Shara, I don't think my shoulder would've survived a fight" he said while smiling "Also, sorry for summoning Shiu, I did it instinctively, I hope I didn't cause much trouble to you Alecta" he said. She seemed to be a nice person and he had cause unnecessary trouble for her so that made him feel kind of bad.

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf
Gwen watched the funny expression cross the girls face, She was curious this one. "Fer Hephaestus' sake I thought Alecta had mastered brevity," Gwen cheerfully muttered as she turned on her power, feeling the familiar tingly sensation around her eyes as they switched from sharp green to the distinctive silver she began scanning the girl. She was odd. Very very odd. She had this weird aura around her hands but... "Hm. You know if you don't want me to call you lass, lass, you should really introduce yourself kinda rude to be honest book-girl. Or I could call you book-girl. Or book lass? Book-girl makes you sound like a superhero.unless you are a superhero. In which case I hope you have a better alias then book girl. Because your power is not controlling books, I'll hypothesize that much. What are you reading though it looks good judging by how tight your clutching it."

Festival under a tree

Alex stayed quiet as he girl with many rabbits approached and started talking. He sort of zoned things out by accident and was snapped back into reality when he heard the hybrid ask for some more lettuce. Alex look at him for a bit, not really staring, he just went off into a small daze as he wondered how he should address the creature.

Before he could ask, the said creature introduced himself. Alex gave Marchosias a small smile as he nodded. "Yeah...your introduction was fine. Hello Marchosias, I'm Alex Drake. And sure, here you go." Alex said as he created a few more lettuce leaves. He handed one to Marchosias an gave a few to the other rabbits leaving one more for himself since he was now curious as to why the rabbits enjoyed this leaf so much. He inspected the lettuce a bit trying to remember when exactly did he copy it, since he usually didn't like vegetables. "Right...last Tuesday during lunch." He mumbled to himself as he bit into the lettuce. "... Not candy, but it isn't bad." He said as he at the lettuce.

After he finished he didn't really know what to do so he did the first thing that came to mind. He held out his hand and in front of him pixels appeared on the ground and a simple board game of snakes and ladders formed. He smiled a bit as he sat cris cross and started to set it up. He intended to play by himself believing that the other people around him would soon go along there way and not waste their time playing a board game.

@Kal @A Guileless Fable
If Simon were here, he'd probably explain that being rude was Megaera's specialty. Megaera herself, on the other hand, had always found this particular accusation more distressing than the rest. While it was certainly true that she tried to keep her words few so as not to get too close to people, how was she supposed to defend herself without talking too much? She couldn't protest that she didn't mean to be rude, because then they'd insist on knowing why she didn't speak too much, and besides, did she really want them to think she was just a misunderstood quiet person who needed to be brought out of their shell? No siree. So she hesitated to speak and looked up at the girl, only to see her eyes a bright, shining silver. What was she doing?! Horrified, she forgot all about the book-girl quip and superpowers (they all had superpowers after all), and jumped backwards. She neglected to give her name, or tell her about her powers, or apologize for being rude. All other thoughts flying out of her head, Megaera yelped, "What are you doing?" She dropped the book and clasped her hands together uncomfortably behind her back.

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Walking outside of Xenolion's office and going to the festival area

''Hmph...You always have an answer to everything, huh? Ok, let's see what these naughty children are up to'' said Amadeus before laughing as he walked out of his office alongside Donovan, ready to see how the festival was going. He was human and , by nature, he was curious, he asked himself questions, he searched for answers and tried to solve things even if they were predetermined. As a human he tried to change destiny in his own way, but a being such as Donovan would have probably found his efforts pointless. It didn't matter to Amadeus , though. He was who he was and he would still do what he wanted to do even if others found it foolish.

Festival area

''Haha, actually my name is Akira, Akira Hebi. Pleased to meet you Kano'' said Akira before smiling. His stature, neutral tone of voice and androgynous looks were as always a determining factor in people's confusion. There were many people who walked around them and asked themselves what gender Akira was. He got used to it by now. But he awaited to see Kano's reaction.

@Rantos @The Suspicious Eye
Gwen paused for a moment unsure of what she meant, then she went on talking "Whats wrong something bothering you? You're staring at my face. Is there motor oil on it? Are you enchanted by my girlish good looks? nevermind its definitely mortor oil, I haven't prettied up since... middle school. Wow it has been a while. But maybe not motor oil unless it's on my eyes... Oh yeah! My eyes. Sorry i didn't consider that it might scare ye. I just activated my lil super power it's no book control but well it's pretty powerful and really cool." She narrowed her eyes and whisepered conspiratorially, "I can see everything." then switched back to her normal, quick talking, Irish accented tone, "well nearly everything so as much as I wish... no private covering is required... Oh wow Gwen how to form a bad impression in one easy step much? Whatever. Anyhoo don't mind me, it's pretty much a second instinct for me to just switch it on when I see something or someone interesting. see?" She switched it on and off rapidly, "Ow. Headache ow remind me to never do that again ow. Oh and it's nothing to probing but well I can see the complete chemical make up of your body. Looking good by the way. You must eat healthy. But... your hands do something weird don't they? They've got this weird.. energy around them. I'm guessing your power activates when you touch something. Now I've spilled mine. I will try and be quiet if you tell me since you don't seem to be the talking type.



"it's my fault more than yours Ryllian." Alecta said politely, "Giant psychically linked dogs are a little inconvenient to have around sometimes. So we're in the same boat as far as instinctive powers gos I have the sucky suite." She finished and regarded Ryllian again. On a second glance he seemed to be very very opposite. He was dressed a little heavily and frankly smelled of cats. She meanwhile, was dressed lightly in the spring heat and was empatheticly linked to a giant three headed canine. It'll be OK Alecta She reassured herself Sharas winter loving a rabbit and we're friends I'm sure he and I will be friends.

@Darekk @The Suspicious Eye
A little suspicious of the girl still, she gently leaned over and picked up the book she'd dropped again. Boy could this woman talk, and largely without substance. Now she understood why her brother told her to shut up all the time. It got so overwhelming. Actually, she didn't think that was why Simon told her to shut up. It was probably more he found it annoying. She didn't think anything could really overwhelm him. Gwen's ability to see the composition of things wasn't as bad as Megaera had feared, which was that she could see everything her hands could do, but it was precisely because she'd thought of that that she'd hid her hands. What was this, "don't mind me" nonsense? That girl really should be more considerate about her power. No one wanted to have someone read their composition. She wasn't sure if she liked the classification "interesting" either. She was trying her best to be anything but interesting. Don't get involved, Megaera, don't get involved. "My power doesn't activate when I touch something." She said simply. It was true. Admittedly she was usually almost touching something when her power kicked in, but it was technically always on, firstly, and secondly she almost never was actually touching anything. She had no intention of telling the other girl to shut up. Perhaps it would be appreciated, but that wasn't why she wasn't saying much, anyways. "I break things." That was the simplest way to explain it without inducing questions. Or so she hoped. Seeing how talkative this person was naturally, maybe she'd still ask questions.

“Ahahaha, sorry about that man. But hey, this is our first meeting so I think a little mispronunciation can be over looked eh?” Kano bent down and passed Akira a 20-dollar bill. He put his fingers over his mouth as if the fact that Kano didn’t pronounce a name right was something bad. “You know what, you’re a lot shorter then I though you would be, n-no offence just noticing.” Kano waved his hands nervously trying to dismiss his own height comment. He couched and unsheathed one of his swords throwing it over to Akira. “Hey how about this, help me test out these swords I “won” over at the booth.” Kano slowly and dramatically unsheathed his own sword. He threw the scabbard to the side and got in a fencing stance.

@Azure Sky
Donovan Demios- Heading to the Festival area

Donovan laughed at the statement and shook his head. He was the grand designer for the entire world. If he didn't have the answer to everything there would be many unknowns in the world. He was a god the mapmaker of humanity the writer of fate. He liked how Amadeus tried to change his fate. It was impossible, but Donovan held Amadeus in high regard. He was amazed by his tenacity and determination. Amadeus was the embodiment of human strength and for that he had Donovan's respect. "Yes let us be off."

@Azure Sky

Shara Rain- Heading to the Cafeteria

Shara patted Ignis's heads and smiled as she let him keep the stick. She walked over back to Ryllian and Alecta with a smile. She looked at them and smiled warmly as her ears shrank back to their normal size. She walked up to him and shook her head, "oh, no problem I love playing with Ignis. Dogs are adorable." She looked down at Ryllian's hands and blushed a little. wanted to take his hand again, but didn't think it would make sense. Let alone be appropriate.

Shara turned to Alecta and smiled "So are you guys ready to get your brunch on!?" She knew it was a terrible joke when she uttered it. I really need to stop making school signs at night. I think I'm starting to sound corny in real life too. She knew she couldn't take the joke back so she decided to stick with it.

@Darekk @theunderwolf
Ryllian Langh

Ryllian saw as Shara's ears went back to their regular size and made a rather corny joke about eating brunch, he was indeed starving and couldn't wait to reach the cafeteria and get his hands on some food. He looked at Ignis and thought he did looked kind of cute, then he looked at Alecta "I'd pet him but it probably wouldn't end well" he said while smiling, she seemed to be a nice person and he was feeling relaxed enough to be himself with them, which probably would end up in some awkward situation created by him being too carefree. "Well, I surely am ready for brunch, I'm starving" he said laughing softly, so he walked a few meters in the direction of the cafeteria, turned around as he extended his arm towards Shara"Shall we?" he said.

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf

((I'll make sure to bath Ryllian often so he doesn't stink of cat ;- ;) )
Heading towards the festival area

As Amadeus walked alongside Donovan there was one question whch couldn't help but continuously pop into his head. ''Donovan, I'd like to know something...You are a godly being which creates the map of one's fate, so...Was the death of my whole family also a part of the great scheme of things?'' he asked. The question had a heavy atmosphere around it but Amadeus didn't show any sign of anger or sadness, he just had a blank expression.

Festival area

As Akira caught the sword, his natural assassination instincts kicked in. At this point he only felt that he needed to 'kill' the opponent's will to fight. Akira just looked at Kano and after a few seconds started walking towards him, without taking a stance, like he was casually taking a stroll through the park. After he got very close to Kano he gave a nice child-like smile. But the atmosphere completely changed when he suddenly started to give off a high amount of bloodlust and lifted the sword in an unusual way as if it was an arm and he was trying to do an upercut, in other words he lifted the sword upwards , vertically and tried to impale Kano in the neck.

@Rantos (not a good idea to have Akira as a sparring partner D:)

@The Suspicious Eye
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)"Oh that's a flub on my part. Of course it doesn't activate when you touch things judging by the energy field it's... Always on... Wow. And your power is to break things that's... Really sucky. More of a curse then isn't it... I mean I haven't seen many curses but that's one. What with that sickly miasma I mean not that your power looks bad your aura is actually a really pretty shade and it's all sparkles and anyway not the point." Gwen took a long breath and looked the girl straight in the eyes," I'm sorry. That's quite the load. I hope I didn't press any buttons with my power little callous In retrospect. "Oooh look at me I can see everything and flip my power on and off in rapid succession fancy silver eyed Sherlock scans. Oooh"" She mimicked herself in a eggsagerated patty o'gill accent.

Kano watched as Akira came closer and closer. He was just simply walking, not taking any kind of stance or anything. Kano thought to himself of several different ways Akira could strike him. Then he thought about ways to block, then counter. Then Kano's thoughts went in the direction of pizza and trains. His stance loosened and Kano forgot he was in battle for a second. Kano was soon snapped back into reality once Akira was right in front of him. "Wow hold on i'm not re-" Kano was interrupted by Akira's sword coming closer and closer to his neck. Centimeters before it made contact Kano vanished and reappeared behind Akira. "Ah sorry about that. You surprised me there, ok, no more teleporting, promise. Now let's keep going." Kano smiled and gestured at Akira to come at him.

@Azure Sky (Yeah I know, but its fine, lets just try not to drag it out)
A flubb..? What was that? Oh, nevermind, it wasn't important. She could guess from context anyways. Problem was, this girl just kept digging. She'd already worked out that it was a curse. Great, just great. As long as she didn't fine out Megaera could break hearts, though, it wasn't much different from what other people could find out. Sickly miasma? Sparkles? Oh what Megaera would give to see what she was seeing. Normally she would've found the self-imitation funny, but this girl's power in particular, not to mention the serious way in which she was apologizing, unsettled her too much. She took an awkward, shuffling step backwards. "It's fine." She said, keeping her hands behind her and hoping the girl couldn't also see into her brain. "I'll just... be going now."


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