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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Donovan Demios-Near the Festival

Donovan turned to the man, he knew this question would come. No because he had written it, but because so many before him had asked the same question. Donovan turned to him and smiled, his face showed no change in his cheerful attitude.

"There are no schemes in this wold. Every life is precious, there is nothing worth gaining for the death of a loved one. So no there is no great scheme. It was nearly their time. I apologize for the manner, but It was how it came to me. Take comfort in knowing that in another world in another book there is a story in which your family is alive and well."

Donovan knew that this wasn't enough. It was never enough for anyone. He knew and accepted that those who lost someone in this world would blame him. He was blessed to find the one woman in the world who her death was taken away from her world. However everything else he predicted he wrote. Every genocide large or small, every war. He knew he wrote to pass and yet did nothing. He felt guilty, but never stopped living. It was the best he could do to keep the world happy.

@Azure Sky

Shara Rain-Path to Cafeteria, then Cafeteria

Shara smiled and looked at him. She instinctually reached out to him and took his arm. She smiled at him and held his hand. She blushed a little and walked with him. "Ah, yes. Lets get something to eat."

She followed him to the cafeteria where there was a huge buffet of food. She sniffed and smiled, as her favorite ice cream could be smelt. "Yumm, carrots." She smiled happily. and leaned against Ryllian a little. "So you ready to stuff your face full of food?"

"You bet I am" he said while smiling, when Shara leaned against him he felt a void in his stomach that had nothing to do with hunger, but he dismissed it and started checking out the food. There were lots of exotic food, much which would made a healthy breakfast and all, but as soon as he saw pizza he forgot about the other food "Yep, I'm going for that pizza, as for the ice cream I think I'll try that carrot flavored ice cream you've been talking about, I'm curious about it" he said.

@The Suspicious Eye
Shara Rain- Cafeteria

Shara giggled as he decided to go for pizza. She thought it was cute. Shara had decided to try some of the Belgium waffles a la mode. She was so ready for some carrot ice cream. She turned to him and smiled "Well lets get the ice cream first! I'm sure there's plenty of it most people don't like carrot flavored food." She pulled him over to the frozen section and smiled.

However her smile turned to a frown as she saw that almost all of the carrot ice cream was gone. There was only one bowl full left. In her surprise her ears popped out again. They stood strait back in shock. "What? It's gone.... but who eats carrot ice cream other than me?" Her ears drooped down and she rested her index finger on her lips thinking hard. She came to the realization. "The sextuplets! Awww man. They must have eaten most of it. This is the last order we'll get this month too." She pouted a little and then smiled.

She turned to Ryllian and blushed a little "well, do you mind sharing the ice cream? I mean if you don't want to that's fine, but I do really want you to try it."

Ken Tanaka


Ken was in a pretty deep sleep, but sadly he was woken up when the ball he was using as a pillow fell off the seat and made him hit his head, effectively waking him up. He rubbed his head as he looked around and yawn. "Huh? You two are still at it?" He asked as he sat up and looked around. He was debating if he should stay or not, really he could figure out Des's capabilities with the little fighting that was done, so he had no reason to stay and watch. After a bit of mental thinking his stomach decided to give it's opinion and growl at Ken. Ken looked at his stomach with a questioning look distinctly remembering that he fed it pizza earlier today, but after a bit gave in to it's demands. "Well you two lovers have fun...I need food." He said though he muttered the last part. With that he got up and left the gym not giving the two a chance to talk to him


Ken walked into the cafeteria and saw the breakfast buffet when he saw it he shrugged and grabbed a plate and once again cut in line. A lot of the people were used to it by now and didn't complain as much when he went over and took what he wanted. When he arrived at the ice cream he saw the carrot one was gone which made him laugh a bit. 'Good thing I have some on standby.' He thought. Yeah he hated, no detested carrots with a burning passion, so why did he want or even have carrot ice cream? Well simple! Because others may want it and since the sextuplets ate it all no one got a chance to eat it. He actually was surprised at how many people wanted that disgusting ice cream, but hey whatever his business is to cell not judge.

After he got some pizza. hamburgers, spaghetti, and some fries along with a soda he took a seat in his usual table that was by the window and ate. As he ate he absentmindedly looked around. When he saw Shara he thought about bugging her about that voice thing she was talking on the phone about a week back, but decided would be a bad day to get cursed with bad luck. So he let it go and began to zone out his surroundings.

@animegirl20 @The Suspicious Eye
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Alice watched the rings carefully as they came towards her she carefully dodged them but it was a very close call. She looked up at him and smiled. "Nice but I'm not down yet. I must say your good you are the second person who has actually made me break a sweat." She was getting tired but she wasn't going to stop. That was the way she was taught raised. Don't stop until one falls.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des smiled at her. "Oh don't think that it's over yet." The rings now behind her sped up rapidly creating a vacuum (Air being sucked into the rings.) The wind was strong and pulled many items into the ring fan ad watched as they shredded to pieces.

Megaera and Simon Gott - Heading to the Festival

The minute Megaera had pushed her way out of the library, she began running like the hounds of hell were chasing her. She knew she shouldn't be panicking like that, but somehow she just couldn't stop herself. She'd never had someone figure it out like that so quickly. She turned the corner and stopped abruptly, breathing out a long sigh of relief as she turned her face to the heavens, eyes closed. Man, that had made her nervous. Oh great, what was she going to do now? Annoyance spiked through her, though whether it was directed towards herself or towards the overwhelming female, she couldn't quite tell. Should she go for a swim? She'd have to head back to her room first...

As she was making her way there, she bumped into Simon again. Goodness how did this boy always seem to know where she was? "Huh? I was just coming over to speak to you, where'd you come from?"

She gave him a look that prepared him for the 'never mind I didn't want to know' face, then took a deep breath and opened her mouth. "There was this really scary girl in the library and she dropped books on me and she had these weird eyes that could tell what my powers were and that it was a curse and that it was on my hands and they turned silver when she did it and she kept talking and talking and I didn't know what to do. She kept talking so fast I couldn't keep up, about like sparkles and superheroes and miasmas, and it got super overwhelming so I ended up running away, but I don't know if she thought I was weird, well, I guess she did because she called me interesting, but what if she meant that like in a bad way and she's mad that I ran away from her." She gasped. "Or what if she wants to start hunting me down. Or wait, no, she seemed to feel bad for me, but I just really don't know how to deal with people like that, so I just panicked and I ran out and I forgot my book, but I can't go outside because of the festival today, cause you know I don't want to break anything so I decided to come back to change so I could go swimming instead, but now that I see you I remember you're not supposed to swim within an hour after you've eaten something so-"

"Sis, would you shut up?" Simon's hand was plastered to his forehead. "I really don't know why I ask you these things still." He gave her a once-over, then grinned wickedly. Uh oh. She did not like that look.

"Simon... what are you..."

"Well then, let's go."

"Go? Go where? You can't mean. You're not talking about-"

"Where else would fine students like us be going but the festival?" He smiled merrily, planted his hands on her back and began shoving her down the hall.

"Wai-! That's not fair, Si!! You know I can't push back!!" Megaera was unsuccessfully trying to plant her feet on the ground, but her brother was stubbornly pressing on, getting her to shove on at an alarming rate.

"Y'know Meg. I really think God messed up on us. You're too nice for that power of yours. You have no idea how well I'd use it if it had been given to me instead. You, on the other hand, would've enjoyed my power, instead of freaking out every time someone comes near you." At that exact moment, Simon, with one last shove, sent Megaera flying right into the school founder. Screeching, she twisted her body sharply so that her hands wouldn't come into contact with the god of the school. "Oh, speak of the devil." Simon said, then he laughed at the irony of that statement.

Megaera jumped upwards. "SIMON MICA GOTT. I AM GOING TO KILL Y-" She froze and turned to look at the man she'd just about careened into. Terror flooded her limbs and she gaped at Donovan Demios and Amadeus Xenolion like a stone cold cod.

@The Suspicious Eye @Azure Sky
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"I don't mind sharing the ice cream, but are you sure you want to share it with me? I mean it's the last carrot ice cream left" he asked, after all she said another order wouldn't arrive until next month. He looked around and saw many different types of ice cream, even a liver flavored ice cream Who even eats liver flavored ice cream? he thought shuddering. He then remembered what Shara had said about an art event, if he had already agreed to it he may as well get informed about it "Oh and hey Shara, you mentioned an art event before, what would it be about?" he asked, he couldn't deny the idea of the event was appealing but the fact that he was going to show his art to others worried him a bit since it would be the first time someone besides him or Shiu saw his art, so he just waited for Shara's answer with a worried look on his face.

@The Suspicious Eye

(( Sorry I totally forgot you had already answered .-.))
Peaceswore said:
Festival under a tree
Alex stayed quiet as he girl with many rabbits approached and started talking. He sort of zoned things out by accident and was snapped back into reality when he heard the hybrid ask for some more lettuce. Alex look at him for a bit, not really staring, he just went off into a small daze as he wondered how he should address the creature.

Before he could ask, the said creature introduced himself. Alex gave Marchosias a small smile as he nodded. "Yeah...your introduction was fine. Hello Marchosias, I'm Alex Drake. And sure, here you go." Alex said as he created a few more lettuce leaves. He handed one to Marchosias an gave a few to the other rabbits leaving one more for himself since he was now curious as to why the rabbits enjoyed this leaf so much. He inspected the lettuce a bit trying to remember when exactly did he copy it, since he usually didn't like vegetables. "Right...last Tuesday during lunch." He mumbled to himself as he bit into the lettuce. "... Not candy, but it isn't bad." He said as he at the lettuce.

After he finished he didn't really know what to do so he did the first thing that came to mind. He held out his hand and in front of him pixels appeared on the ground and a simple board game of snakes and ladders formed. He smiled a bit as he sat cris cross and started to set it up. He intended to play by himself believing that the other people around him would soon go along there way and not waste their time playing a board game.

@Kal @A Guileless Fable
"He's right," Tara said, agreeing with Alex. "You're fine. Honestly, you're more polite than a lot of people I know." Glancing down at the rabbits, she smirked, "I'd shake your hand, but you know. I'm Tara, by the way, and this is Ellian. And, yes, she's always like this," she said, referring to the fact that Ellian was slowly backing away from the group.

"Looks like that little guy likes you, Alex," she said to him. "Why don't you keep him for a bit? I'm sure the petting stand isn't going to miss him too much, not after we return these guys," she jutted her chin towards the bunnies in her arms, before checking behind her-- Yup, Ellian was a good few feet away.

"Nice to meet you both, Marchosias, Alex," Tara nodded at the two, "Just return him later, yeah? The petting stand is by the cotton candy one, can't miss it. I'll see you both around." And with her parting words, she jogged back to Ellian, the bunnies lightly bouncing in her arms.

@A Guileless Fable @Peaceswore
Shara Rain- Cafeteria

Shara loooked at him and smiled. "Of course I'd love to share it with you. Carrot ice-cream is the most delicious ice cream ever made. I know you'll love it." She smiled s she scooped the last of the light orange ice cream into a bowl and proceeded to get her breakfast. She was happy to finally eat something and even more happy to spend time with Ryllian.

She turned to him as he asked about the art event. She smiled "It's a new part of the Celebration of Re-creation." She walked over to him and then took a seat a a table near him. She was close to Ken however, she didn't notice him. She looked up at Ryllian and continued. "Usually we just showcase, films, plays and talent shows. However, I wan't to add more aspects to the celebration. Sculpturs, paintings, sketches, steelwork, glass working and more. I am planning to get artists from the school to come together and showcase the works they have done. Like a outdoor gallery of sorts. I have lots of people coming to look at the works even some famous artists and dealers."

She smiled at him and looked "I think it will be nice and it will be a good way to get all the others artists here to get to know one another. It won't be for a while so everyone has enough time to make work they want to showcase. Anything I can do to help prepare you I would be happy to do."

@Peaceswore @Darekk

Donovan Demios- Heading to Festival

Donovan looked down at the girl and smiled. The look on her face was so cute, he had to smile. "Oh hello there Miss Gott. How do you fare today? Are you enjoying the festival." He looked up and noticed her brother. "Simon nice to see you here as well." He smiled at both of them warmly. He may be over 400,000 years but he enjoyed the oddness of the youth. He thought that the young were so cute.

@Azure Sky @firejay1
Alice felt the wind pulling her. She was ok at first but then it started to get worse she held on to a near by pole. she held on for a good ten mins before she finally started to get pulled in.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des let the air continue until he thought she had enough. He stopped the rings. The air suddenly vanished and everything either fell to the ground or settled back to its original position. Des shrunk the rings and changed them into three large metal balls. He smiled and waked over to her and grinned. "Alright, you we're about to be in pieces. Remember that with powerful opponents you need to make your surroundings YOUR surroundings. Pit the area against you opponent. Make them move like you want them to."

He coked his head towards her and smirked. "You want to go some more or do you want to get something to eat? I could go for either, but I'm kinda in the mood for a burger."

Ryllian followed Shara and sat down at the table as he heard her explanation about the art event "Well it sounds pretty good, and well, if you want to help I guess you could give me some feedback on my art, no one has seen it before" he said shyly, then he focused on eating his pizza. This is so good, I can't believe how hungry I was he thought as he happily munched on a pizza slice, a minute later he remember about the carrot flavored ice cream and decided to try it "Oh, it's actually tasty" he said while smiling. So far he was enjoying the morning, he was happy about being able to spend time with Shara just talking about anything. "You know, I could help you organizing that art event as well, when I used to travel around the world I visited several museums and exhibitions of art" he offered, memories came back to him from his varios travels and he smiled remembering his favorite art pieces.

@The Suspicious Eye
Shara smiled at him and watched him eat. She could tell that he like the food a lot. He must have been very hungry. I wonder if he ate breakfast this morning? Oh, I did wake him up... I must make it up to him. She smiled at him as he offered to let her see his work. "I would love to. I would love to see some of your works and help you pick out pieces."

She rested her head on her hands and smiled. She watched him take a scoop of the carrot ice cream and smiled as he said it was good. "See I told you it was." She took a spoonful of ice cream and popped it into her mouth. She grinned and licked some of the ice cream off her lips. She realized how it was somewhat inappropriate and grabbed a napkin from the dispenser. She wiped her face and blushed a little. "Sorry."

She looked at him and tilted her head. "Really? You would help me with this?" She smiled at thin brightly and put her hands onto his. "Thank you so much! I would love your help!!" She'd never had someone to offer to help her before. It was a nice change in pace and she happily accepted it.

@Darekk @Peaceswore
Festival Area:

-Xen Evans (Xen Wukong)-


While going from stand to stand Xen noticed Alecta. He had a little grin on his face, he wanted to surprise her so he ran past the limit of a space car and appeared behind Alecta in less than a second, the speed and kinetic force caused a powerful wind to come when he reached the point she was at. ''Hey, Alecta, having fun?'' he asked with a smile on his face.

-Akira Hebi-


''As you wish'' said Akira before throwing his sword towards Kano. Afterwards he ran past the speed limit of a cheetah and grapped the sword again before reaching Kano. He rotated his whole body and attempted to slash Kano in the zone of his right knee. At the same time he released his fear inducing bloodlust. Being near him felt like a snake started to strangle you while wraping itself around your body, slowly.

-Amadeus Xenolion-

@The Suspicious Eye @firejay1

#Before the meeting with the students

''I see...You must have a tougher life than anyone on this planet Donovan. So I'm not really trying to blame you or anything'' said Amadeus seriously. ''Anyways let's see how these curious creatures called teenagers have fun these days'' he added. His happy and sarcastic attitude was back.

#After meeting the students

''Let's see...an extroverted and high achiving brother and an introverted and low achiving sister. This sure brings back bittersweet memories'' thought to himself Amadeus, thinking about his deceased son and daughter.

''There's no need to act like that young lady. We're just your wierd and eccentric teachers. Nothing new...'' said Amadeus before laughing. Then he took a look at her brother. ''Teasing people might backfire one day. I do it all the time so I'd know...Hahaha. Anyways, remember to have an escape route when that happens'' he joked.
"Thats more like it!" Kano got himself ready for the worse, he wasn't worried too much about the sword flying at him. That was just plastic, but getting hit by the blade means losing. What worried him more his why. Kano put a bounce in his stance and watched the sword flying at him. Once he saw Akira grab it again he smiled. Easy dodge! Kano got ready to dodge but moments before Akira would have made contact Kano started feeling tense. What he thought would be a easy dodge ended up being him just barely dodging and almost face planting. "This must be your doing eh? Good, looks like this will be a fun battle!" Kano calmed himself, his sword was still shaking in his hand but hopefully that paralyzing fear won't come as a surprise again. He got himself ready for Akira's next attack.

@Azure Sky

What Kano didn't know was that Akira was highly proefficient with weapons. Not only that, he was a fast attacker as well. While a guy like Xen could have thrown around 36 punches per second, Akira could have given 45 ''conventional'' knife strikes in one second.

Akira was moving fast, with the sheat of the plastic blade in his mouth and with the toy sword in his right hand. He did a lot of acrobatic and hectic movements striking at high speed midair.
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Ryllian's heart went out of control when she grabbed his hands If you smile like that I'd most likely do it even if I didn't want to he thought, however that was not the case "Yeah of course I'll help you" he said while smiling, besides he thought helping Shara out with this meant more possibilities to spend time with her, and it should be fun working on art related things, overall he found it a great arrangement for him. He wondered what else they would be doing that day, after all there was still a lot of time left. he ate the last part of his pizza and ate a little more ice cream, then he stretched his legs and relaxed on the chair, the day was getting warm so he took off his jacket "It sure is getting warm today, it's great for the festival but I'd wish it was colder, you know like those days that are sunny but cold as well, I love those" he said, when he realized he was blabbering he blushed a bit "Sorry, I got distracted and started blabbering about boring stuff" he said.

He wondered what would he be doing if he wasn't here Well, I'd probably be just sleeping or drawing he thought, and somehow the idea of being at his room versus what his morning had been so far wasn't as much as appealing as it would have been a few days ago. It was weird for him being outside enjoying himself without thinking something bad will happen, or that somehow those who had killed his father would get him They are still out there, but somehow it doesn't feel important now he thought.

@The Suspicious Eye
Kano managed to dodge the first strike with room to spare but the rest came so fast. Little did Akira know Kano was the world wide DDR champion! (The most BS reason as to how Kano can dodge so well.) He took his scabbard in his other hand to assist him in blocking. The fear was starting to get to him, dodging wasn't the best option anymore. So Kano stood his ground, some attacks he dodged so Akira would fly past and some he blocked and pushed him away to his best ability. I need to end this soon or I won't make it past the next attack. Kano ran at Akira bladd coming up from the ground and towards the bottom of his chin.

@Azure Sky
Ken just quietly ate his food as he listened to the two behind him chatter about art and other boring things he didn't really care about. 'Should I try and ask her again? If she gives me more bad luck...*sigh* I hate my curiosity.' He thought as he watched the two as he stated on his spaghetti.

@The Suspicious Eye @Darekk

Alex sat there and played snakes and ladder by himself for a good while before getting up. He snapped his fingers and the board vanished. He then grabbed the rabbit and started to walk off. His was really zoned out and didn't notice he was about ot walk into a fight. All he followed was his sense of smell since he wanted something to snack on.

@Rantos @Azure Sky
@Rantos @Peaceswore

As Kano was about to attack, Akira quickly analyzed some aspects of his opponent, namely breathing rate, facial expression and the overal tension he felt. ''The cornered rat will bite the cat,huh?'' he thought to himself. As he awaited the exact moment when Kano's tension reached it's peak and threw both of his weapons and clapped his hands once very loud near Kano's face. The small shock and vibrations in that situation should have left Kano in a state of confusion and paralysis for a few seconds.

As Akira took his sword from the ground he also attempted to perform a low sweep kick to cause Kano to fall.
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As Akira threw his weapons Kano's mood changed a little. Maybe hes giving up. Either way I got this in the bag. Kano found a new confidence he had this battle on lockdown. That new found confidence was soon trampled by Akira clapping in his face. The loud noise and shock left Kano in a moment of pure "Da fuck?!" He tried to reorient himself but the second he managed to do it he was brought down by a kick that sent him to the ground. He was so close he couldn't give up. Kano found his second wind and rose up with a open palm aimed at Akira's face. He looked Akira dead in the eyes as his eyes turned red.

@Azure Sky ((Do or die time. The final strike comes, finish is with a single sword strike.))

Unfortunately for Kano, Akira was a guy who was agile enough to casually dodge bullets, so his palm strike looked like it was done in slow motion through A. Hebi's eyes. As he dodged the attack he entagled himself as a snake around Kano's body, putting the sword close to his opponent's neck.

''It seems I have won'' said Akira. ''Did I KILL your desire to fight yet?'' he asked on a different and creepy tone.
Alex had stopped in his tracks and was watching the fight. For whatever his reason the rabbit was laying on his head and he was now clapping for the two. "...Was this a street performance?" He asked absentmindedly as he tilted his head making the rabbit fall. He caught the rabbit with one hand but he still seemed slightly confused. "Either way...that was neat." He said with a small smile as he let out a yawn.

@Rantos @Azure Sky
Kano stood frozen as Akira asked if he had killed his desire to fight. He didn't respond, he only stood there with a horrified look on his face. Kano quickly stood clenched his face, a finger over both eyeballs and for a second it looked like he was going to poke his own eyes out. "You didn't look right?" Kano softly muttered. He allowed one finger to leave his eye and he looked down with his now free eye. He uncovered his face and looked at Akira as if he was on his death bed. "T-thank you for sparing with me... keep the sword I can get another one easy." His voice was much more timid than before. "Im sorry for bothering you Akira, please have a good day." Kano rushed off and into the school. He passed Julius in a hurry avoiding eye contact. He pulled out his phone and texted Des.


Hey Des, it almost happened again.

I know the drill, after the spring festival.

Punishment will take place in my room.


Kano closed his phone and slouched on the wall. "Damit!"

@Azure Sky ((GG, I just got wrecked)) @The Suspicious Eye @A Guileless Fable

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