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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return


''There are many types of food, so...would you like going around and try a few?'' asked Akira on a calm but cheerful tone. He was actually quite friendly. The main reason he acted timid around Des and Alice was that he was no good with ''romantic situations''. He awaited Alex's response.


''Yes! I am having fun! Everything is so colorful and fun and and...*growl* t-tasty'' said Xen , blushing a little. He was behaving like an overexcited child and because of his height, build and badass guy vibe it seemed really unusual, but funny nevertheless. He saw that he derranged Alecta's hair style and he got really serious all of a sudden. He disappeared at high speed and appeared latter with what seemed to be a ...hair style kit of sorts. Since he was naturally talented in martial arts, he found everything he didn't have a natural talent at very interesting and was really ambitious in learning it. Seeing his mother's hair arrangements and techniques since he was young Xen was fascinated by it and decided to learn how to do woman hair styles. He began working on Alecta's hair for roughly 30 seconds without asking her, then he was finished and gave her a mirror. Her hair was made in an elegant way, somehow mimicking a...rose. ''How do you like it?'' asked Xen.

--The hair style:


@The Suspicious Eye @firejay1

''Sure, let us make haste and crash the par- I mean watch maturly how the children organized the festival like the serious adults that we are'' said Amadeus, returning to his usual self. He started walking in a wierd way, showing of his Free Walker ability. He walked horizontaly and vertically through the air in a circular motion as if he was walking through spiral shaped stairs midair.
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"Yup, sounds like a plan to me" he said smiling, then left the cafeteria without even looking at Ken. He was uneasy from the things he had said but he shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind and decided to buy some snacks for the fireworks before finding a cherry tree to sit below. He was happy about spending at least a part of the fireworks with Shara though he wasn't sure why. After arriving to a snack store he distractedly bought a couple chip bags and some bottled water, as he was about to leave he noticed some carrot flavored chips, and after a few seconds of indecission he bought them.

Ryllian then slowly walked towards the cherry trees, enjoying the afternoon, it was almost completely dark already and most of the students seemed to be headed in his same direction. As he arrived he picked a tree and sat down lazily, he rested his head on the tree and let himself close his eyes for a while, before even noticing he fell asleep under the shade of the tree while hugging his snacks.

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @Anyone
Megaera and Simon Gott - At the festival

Simon smiled back. Megaera had managed to steel her nerves, and was no longer making a fish face, but she wasn't smiling. She knew perfectly well Simon was just trying to give her a reason not to fight him all the way there. Letting out a little piffling sigh, she followed the two teachers and her brother down to the festival. She spent the time walking there being irritated with Simon, and therefore completely forgot to be frozen with fear. When they got there, on the other hand.... Megaera clenched her hands into tight fists, her fingernails digging into her palms. Her breathing became very steady, a forced effort. Simon placed a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down." He spoke quietly so that other people wouldn't hear. "It's fine. Just keep your fists clenched and by your sides. It'll be fine."

He cast the two teachers a merry smile again. "Would you like to accompany us through the festival? You don't have to if you don't want, we can find something to do ourselves in a big place like this."

@Azure Sky @The Suspicious Eye
Alecta flinched as her hair was done in a half minute, "Great Zeus Xen!" She exclaimed, "You don't just- I mean you shouldn't- Is there anything you can't do I mean your a martial artist sprinter and now a freaking hairdresser!" She fell silent for a moment as she looked, or more accuratly, admired her hair, "But it does look... pretty nice I guess I mean I've never really styled like this." She was blushing, why was she blushing she needed a distraction, "Wait a minute!" She said faking anger, "If you can style hair so well why is yours up in those spikes all the time with your mad skills you should be able to wrangle them into something manageable!"

@Azure Sky
Alex nodded giving Akira a small smile before walking off to the food stands. "...I think the fireworks are going to start soon." He said as he looked at a stand that was selling Lo Mein. "...This isn't the first time I have been to a festival like this... Though I thought it would have been a bit more...different.... Do you want some as well?" He asked Akira when he arrived at the register.

@Azure Sky
Ken left the cafeteria quietly laughing to himself as he made his way through the hall. After walking some ways he checked his watch. "Oh...the fireworks are going to start soon." He said with a grin as he made his way outside. "Let's see if they somehow mess it up or will they actually make this festival fun.' He wondered as he walked to the roof of the academy to get a good view of the chaos that will shortly happen below. "I love how ignorant everyone is right now...it's laughable." He said to himself with a broad grin. "Well Op...let's watch a show."
Violet Green - Gardens

Violet chuckled at the girl she was cute. It had been a good four ours since someone had asked her that question. She knew the girl said it in good faith, but it irked her just a bit. She and her seventeen siblings were all named after their signature flower. Violet's happened to be violets, but her favorites were orchids.

However, to keep the conversation pleasant Violet nodded "Yes, I do enjoy violets. I enjoy all plants." She smiled at the girl, "and people." She walked over to the girl, the flowers sprouting behind her. "So tell me are you enjoying the festival? Have you saved a spot for the fireworks?" They were soon approaching.

@The Servant @A Guileless Fable @kira blackthorn


Shara Rain - Cafeteria

Shara sighed. This is why I do the PA system. She shook her head in exasperation. "Why did they let Kai make the announcement. He has a good head, but is crazy about music. Just burst into song for no reason. He always sings the words oddly too." She loved Kai, he was one of her dear members of the student council. She sighed and looked at Ryllain and smiled. "Well, I have to go help set up the fireworks... I guess, I'll meet you under one of the cherry trees on the center path." She slowly stood up and looked at him and waved goodbye as she went out of the cafeteria. She made her way over to the set up area far off through the woods near a lake.


Des shook his head as he heard the announcement, he knew Kai for a long time now. "Dude still is hyper as ever." Des looked around and smiled as he flipped out his phone. He grinned as he fervently typed.

Group Text: @Peaceswore @Rantos @alcoholiccat @animegirl20

Get into position guys. This is the real deal. Let's cause some chaos.


Des put his phone back and made his way out of the gym and down to the center path along with the others. He was going to go see the fireworks. He wouldn't miss it for the world.

Donovan Demios - Path to Center road

Donovan nodded to Simon and walked with them for a while. He chuckled as he hear the silly announcement. "Such children full of vibrance. I simply adore this school." He knew of the firework fiasco which would occur, but he wouldn't tempt fate. He had already written it and was assured that no one would be hurt. He watched Amadeus preform his Free Walking, skill. To say he was impressed is a understatement. To think the powers of my children grew to such variance. He continued down the path and looked at the others. "Are you excited for the fireworks? They are sure to be a blast."

@Azure Sky @firejay1

(So yeah... plot)
Mari, the Terrified


"Wait, the festival's today?" Her surprise itself was feigned, but Mari honestly had completely forgotten about it. She had been so wrapped up in the investigation, in her readings, that everything simply vanished into the background. Her classes, her limited relationships with others, everything was an inconvenience, interrupting her true goal.

"I'm sorry, I had completely forgotten about it!" Mari said, shaking her head. Before their conversation could continue, however, an annoyingly loud voice appeared, announcing that the festival was about to begin. 'Mari' yelped in surprise and 'flashed' invisible and visible, doing exactly what a shy, nervous girl would do in that situation.

@The Suspicious Eye
While walking around her phone vibrated. She checked to see who had texted her. "Des" She checked her messages and read the text. Then she smirked. "Haha fun time." She headed to the terrance where she would be setting off the fireworks.

(@The Suspicious Eye is this right)
Violet was a little surprised Mari had forgotten. It is the eeason classes were cancled today. However, for a studious student it would make sense for thrm not to notice. Shesmiled at her as she flashed. It really was adorable. As a turd ent council member she was required to know all registered powers for each student so it was so surprise to her that the girl turned invisible for a moment.

"Ah well, why don't I lead you there? I'm heading that way too check on the cherry trees before the fireworks begin. We could walk togeather if you like." Thinking that this girl may think it out of her wah to help someone in need she held out her arm to the girl and smiled. "It would be no trouble at all, besides I love the company.

Mari had no intention of going along with this. It was pointless, a waste of time in every sense. Fireworks were children's idea of fun, and adult's idea of romantic. Mari, without a romance and without the innocence the vast majority of children have, had no need to misuse her time in such a manner.

But the 'Mari' she was passing herself off as was a terrified girl barely capable of looking at her own shadow. 'Mari' needed to be social, needed to spend time somewhere that wasn't her room or the library. Besides all of that, having more people like the student council member on her side would be extremely beneficial.

"W-Well if you say you don't mind, then sure!" 'Mari' said a little too energetically, taking Violet's hand with a small smile.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des made his way towards the forest and saw Shara coming by. Des pulled out his phone and texted Kano.


You have to steal those fire works and deliver them to Alice on the terrace now. Shara's coming soon.


Ken looked at his phone and smirked. He didn't have anything to do but sit back and watch. He let out a small yawn as he laid back on the roof and patiently waited for the show. 'Why do I have a bad feeling......something just isn't right.' He thought as his mind began to drift to the questions he had and still were a mystery to him. "Don't think about that now... I can worry about that later.... I wonder where information like that would be hidden..." He muttered to himself as he started up at the sky his attention starting to leave him.
Kano looked over his supplies arranged on his bed. He looked like he was staring death in the face. His phone vibrated and he slowly pulled it out of his pocket. Kano contemplated whether he should check to see who it was or just leave it be. In the end he picked answering it. He read the lit screen, his eyes quickly scanning over the words. "Oh yeah, that thing almost forgot about it. Well... I cant show up with this face." Kano put the phone away and grabbed a few needles from a drawer. One at a time he stuck them into his arm, half way. With every needle there was a wince of pain followed by the beginning of a smile. After the 6th his usual smile was back but with a more forced twist to it. Instantly he vanished and was in the storage room in the school where they keep the fireworks. It was a big storage room with a bunch in it. It took a few minutes but he found it sooner or later. He grabbed a bunch of them before he head the doorknob click. Someone was coming in. Kano tried to teleport but his cooldown was all but done. He hid behind a few boxes as he heard the footsteps come closer and closer to his location. Dammit, dammit, dammit! The footsteps stopped right behind the boxes where Kano was hiding. Kano held his breath. The only people that can get in here are teachers. Well Kano too but thats beside the point. Kano felt a shiver run through his body, the sign that his teleportation was ready again. He took no time to do anything else, the moment he felt the shiver he teleported and the last thing he heard was the box above him getting moved. Now on the terrace Kano looked around and saw Alice. He gave her a friendly wave and put down the fire works. "So here they are. If you dont mind im going to be up here watching the show. So hows it been since I last talked to you?" Kano asked while laying down on the terrace, the needles in his arm still clearly showing.


@The Suspicious Eye ((Sorry this is really late. I should have made this last night but stuff came up. Im really sorry))
Alice turned to see Kano. You could tell she was not to happy to see him mostly because of their last encounter. "I don't care. Stay if you want." She walked over to the fireworks to take a look at them then looked around to see where exactly she would put it to set them off. "It's been good she said emotionless wit thoughts running through her mind.


Mitsuru Akane

As time began to pass by Mitsuru continued to sit on the roof's cornice and, without the need to see her phone or clock, soon realized the fireworks were close to beginning. The reason for her knowing this was because a large crowd of students gathered beneath her, all of which seemed to be there for the pyrotechnic show. Luckily for Mitsuru nobody seemed to have noticed her sitting above them or else some of them would've probably tried to join her there. This was her secret spot after all; she didn't want a swarm of students to infest the area. In any case, Mitsuru didn't though bout an unforeseen issue that was just beginning to show its ugly head: The cold. Because she was sitting of such a high and unprotected spot the wind was able to freely circulate through there. Mitsuru had this sort of issue in the past, but they were no big deals. But, because of the time, the wind was especially cold.

"Huh, maybe I should've brought more than just a blazer, a shirt and a skirt...Oh well, what's done it's done..." Mitsuru though as she got off the cornice and instead stood on the roof.

Instead of just leaving Mitsuru just sat on the ground, her back laying against the roof that lead onto the roof. At least that way she would be protected from the wind. Reaching onto her backpack Mitsuru took out a new bag of candy floss. As of that point Mitsuru had eaten a total of four candy floss bags and drank two cans of cola. Letting out a soft sigh Mitsuru closed her eyes for a moment before slowly opening them again.

"How much time do they need to set off some fireworks?..." Mitsuru mumbled to herself with a bored tone before rubbing her eyes to keep herself awake.

''Umm...well, about that. I only ever watched how my mother and a few other more female members of my clan made hair arrangements, so I only know how to do woman's hair. I think my spiky ,chaotic hair suits me...and sincerely I have no interest in doing men's hair'' said Xen, then after a short pause he continued: ''A woman...a girl's hair is generally silky, smooth, feels good to touch and model, while also having a nice fragrance''. While he was holding his monologue, though, he hadn't noticed that he had been touching and playing with Alecta's hair. After he finished speaking he came back from his ''dream world'' and realized what he had done. Embarassed, he let go of Alecta's hair, blushing. ''I'm sorry, I got carried away!'' he said.

@The Suspicious Eye

Amadeus had stoped demonstrating his Free Walking and saw Donovan was analyzing him. ''Hmm...is there something wrong, Donovan? Or does my ability intrigue you?'' he asked , on a slightly ironic tone. Amadeus would have found it a bit wierd for a being with godly abilities such as Donovan to actually be intrigued by his powers but that's what he deduced from the man's facial expression.


''Sure, I enjoy tasting food'' said Akira, smiling. Surely if one looked at him he would seem the most harmless person ever and that was exactly why he was a perfect assassin, but that didn't mean the boy liked the idea of being one. He was born with great powers, but somehow he wished he didn't have them at all. ''So, Alex...are you usually by yourself?'' he asked.
Alex bought the noddles from the vender and handed one box to Akira while he held onto three more for himself. He opened one and started to eat when he heard the question. He looked at Akira for a bit as he chew and blinked at him absentmindedly. After he swallowed he nodded his head giving him a small smile. "Yes...most people find it a hassle to be with me.... So I'm often alone... But I don't mind...." He mumbled as he ate more of his noddles, he was clearly lonely not that he would admit it. He didn't hide his loneliness for his pride or anything like that, but because he hated burdening people with his own problem. "....I think the fireworks are going to start soon....... Are you going to watch them?" He asked as he ate. @Azure Sky

''Yes, I will...Oh thanks for the noodles. I think you're interesting...If you don't have any friends around, mind if I become your first one?'' said Akira with a small smile on his face. He could understand the feeling of loneliness quite well, although in his case it was for different reasons.

Alex smile and nodded happily. "If you want to then sure!" He said unable to contain his actual happiness. "....You're welcome.... I'm intresting?" He asked as he finished his first box and started to work on the second. As he ate he looked around before looking back at Akira. "Where should we sit to watch the fireworks?" He asked changing the subject rather quickly though he didn't have anything to hide, he just get's distracted very easily.

@Azure Sky

The PA system tured on, playing its soothing chimes. A few moments of silence emitted from the PA system. Suddenly a loud voice boomed from the PA System. "ARE YOU GUYS READY!!!! IT'S ALMOST TIME!!! IF YOU'RE NOT THERE, GET YOUR BUT DOWN TO THE FESTIVAL RIGHT NOW!! WE'RE GONING TO LIGHT THE FIREWORKS! BOOM! POP! BANG!" Kai laughed as he was pulled away from the mic. "Awww, come on who doesn't love some onomatopoeia?!" A girl came on her voice shakey as if she were nervous. "This is you student council Treasurer Mai h-here.... um, the fireworks will be lit in 12 minutes. So, um, please... please make your way towards the festival to see them." There was a pause for a moment and she added, "thank you..." Then the PA system clicked off.

Shara Rain ~ Forest.

Shara shook her head as she heard the second announcement. She sighed as she counted the fireworks and made sure they were secure. Everything, looked perfectso she decided to leave before they lit them. The last thing they need is a person who bad luck loves to hang around. She turned away and made a dash towards the festival grounds.

Donovan Demios ~ Festival.

Donovan smiled "you know your power has always intrigued me." It's true over the centuries, the powers his children possessed in this world have altered and developed into much stronger forms. It int er Estee him that through bloodlines powers have become stronger not weaker. He wrote this in the world but knew not what it meant. He grinned and continued "just because I am the architect of this world does not mean I am not astounded by the world. Surprise and awe come easily to anyone in this world."

@Azure Sky @firejay1
((Wow, not even so much as a comment about the 12 needles sticking out of his arm?))

"Wow! Feisty much?" Kano scoffed at Alice. "I mean I know our last meeting was nothing too, ummmm.... spectacular for lack of a better word." Kano vanished from his spot and reappeared behind Alice using her shoulder as a rest for his chin. "But that doesn't mean we can't be friends." Again, into thin air Kano disappeared and this time reappeared with one foot on the railing and pointing outwards towards the horizon. He had a jet black top hat atop his head as he yelled. "Alice! Hoist the sail and raise the flag! The S.S Friendship is ready to be sailed by your captain, Hatty Hattington! Oh and how long till the fireworks are ready?"

@animegirl20 (sorry this is late)
Simon and Megaera listened to the exchange in relative silence, when suddenly an announcement that the fireworks were about to start split the air. Fireworks!? Megaera looked at Simon and he almost started laughing, the imploring, shining eyes of excitement were cute to say the least. A little hilarious on the other hand. "Well, if you'll excuse us, I think my sister wants to explore a bit then find a good spot to go watch the fireworks." He smiled at the teachers, then took Megaera by the wrist and began dragging her into the crowd, giving the teachers a final, merry wave before they disappeared.

(@The Suspicious Eye @Azure Sky @anyone)
Akira thought a little about it and responded ''A higher place from which we can watch them without obstruction would be good'' he said on a calm tone. He thought about it better and added: ''Hmm maybe ...at a rooftop or something''. He saw that Alex could get distracted easily but it didn't matter much to him. @Peaceswore

''Hmm I see...'' replied Amadeus to Donovan, on a calm tone. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a few minutes he stopped though and watched how the festival was going. ''These kids don't have easy lives on a planet full of hatred and fear where they are constantly bullied, despised and hurt by those who consider themselves normal. On the other hand I'm happy that they can find a place where they can be themselves and enjoy their youth like any kid in this world should. Maybe with time , the rest of the world will be willing to accept reality...'' he added. @The Suspicious Eye

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