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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return


Burning Burning Burning

Mari heard her voice. The soothing, soft voice. Was she an angel sent to protect Mari, to keep her safe? Maybe she wa-

Her last relatively sane thoughts were interrupted when the pain traveled to her throat. She had to take it out, she needed to claw herself free of the pain, even if it meant cutting through her own neck.

But she couldn't. Something, some unseen, horrible monster had made it impossible to move her arms above the ground, and when she tried to kick at the invisible demon she found that her legs were bound too. Why, why why why why why. Why her, why now? Was this her punishment? Did her father feel this pain when she cut him up? What about Roger, when she watched the life flee from his body?

And suddenly, just as suddenly as it arrived, the horrible, blinding pain was gone.

Not all of it, of course. Her hip still screamed at her, made her want to bathe in ice for the rest of her life, but most of it was gone. She could see again, could accurately focus on the world around her.

The first thing, the first person she saw, was Violet. She stayed to help? Mari would think about why she did that later, but first she needed help. She tried to ask her what happened, or get her to help her up, but she could only whisper one word: "Water."

@The Suspicious Eye
((Before I begin, I like Mari's location. "Burning, burning, burning." That is all))

Nurse's office - Kano

Kano gasped with relief once Megaera told him she was ok. He sounded like a 100 pound weight just got let off his back and in some ways that was true. He took a look outside and saw that the fire was being taken care of. Somehow, right now, the feeling he got when looking outside wasn't that of glee, regret neither; he was more or less unaffected by what was going on outside. "Im glad your ok. Im defiantly beginning to like you more... as a friend! As a friend of course!" Kano awkwardly laughed off his previous sentence and itched the back of his head. As Kano heard Simon move and speak behind him he turned around to face him. "Hellllo~ My name? Good sir I am Kano!" Kano stood up with his usual dramatic flare that he puts into everything. He put one hand to his heart and one over his mouth and put on the best shocked expression he could muster. "The fact that this visage is not memorized by everyone by now, why I feel insulted!" After one last flourish of his arms he sat back down and looked at Simon with his usual cocksure smile. "I heard about what happened to you during the fireworks, thank you for protecting your sister who's a really nice girl by the way, not many people can pull of light purple hair but my god can she!"

Under the school - ???

The boy watched as Shara came closer and closer to him. The boy's face showed pain with his eyes were riddled with fear. He looked at Shara like a lost puppy. He faintly repeated the words that she said back to her. "De? Mois? S-safe?" As Shara approached him he turned his head away as if he was looking at light after being in a cave for too long. He tried to stand but was still too weak, until he heard her say her name. "Shara? Why are you here?!" The boy stood with much struggle and shambled over to her. "Your, here? That means... wheres... De!-" Before he could finish his sentence he tripped over a rock but still advanced to Shara. "S-Shara!"


@The Suspicious Eye
Ken stood with a blank exerssion as Des got punched, and did the same as he started to choke his attacker with the intention of ending her life. 'This is a waste of time...but... What a pain...I better get something out of doing this.' He let out a sigh as he walked up to Des and grabbed his forearm glaring at him as a little electricity danced around him. "Des...if you want to kill this idiotic girl, by all means do it. However you are wasting some pretty valuable time trying to strangle this dumbass." He said as his grip tighten around Des's forearm. "For all you know the longer you are here the closer to death she could be there. So let her go, killing her will get the others to through a tantrum and get in your way, which once again...waste time." He stated as calm as ever even as he glared into Des demonic, emotionless eyes. 'If reason doesn't bring him back to his senses then pain might....' He thought as his electricity crack and sparked around him, not hurting anyone, but showing he was more than willing to electrocute everyone near by.

@The Suspicious Eye


What the-! Why'd he sigh like that? It should've been clear that she was mostly okay. It wasn't like she was his responsibility, either. It was... annoying, somehow. And why did he have to be "defiant" in order to like her? Was she really that bad a person? No no, wait, that was wrong, he wasn't SUPPOSED to like her. Drat this kid, he confused her. She didn't know how to deal with him, and it didn't feel like running away or being rude would work. Then, Kano turned around and Megaera realized Simon had woken up. She smiled and waved at him gently, but then Kano began his rather astonishing introduction. Yup, it was official. Kano was the WEIRDEST person she had ever met. Great. She looked away uncomfortably at the mention of her personality and hair color, not really good at taking compliments of any kind.

Simon, on the other hand, had definitively decided he didn't like Kano. The first person to say they liked Megaera had to be this person? Really? And man, did he want to wipe that smirk off of the boy's face. "I don't need you to thank me for keeping MY sister safe." He growled, hostility pouring out of him. Honestly, what right did this guy have to thank him? As if Megaera was his sister and not the other way around. Annoying. Yes, she was a nice girl, he knew that already. This stuck-up little-. Simon stood unsteadily, which proved to be a big mistake. With the sudden movement, pain streaked through his head again, and his vision turned a funny color. So instead of standing properly and facing the boy, he stood and began wobbily falling forward, straight towards the other boy. Oh curse it alll...

Kano looked up at Simon as if ready to break into a laughing fit. He always found bravado like that funny. Humans are dogs, and the dogs that bark the most are usually the ones that turn tail and run once things get bad. Now, Kano has heard of what Simon did for Megaera so he knows hes not the kind of dog that barks too much. The most annoying dogs of the batch. "Look no need to get so hostile, I get it, you would have protected her no mater what. Im just saying thank you because you did it. Trust me, a lot of people would run at that sight." Kano could tell the tense air between him and Simon, they had just meet, Kano said thank you, and now Simon looks like hes going to kill Kano, like brother like sister. I guess this generation just isn't ready for me yet. Kano shook his head and was about to say something clever and witty to Simon, most likely about his mother and her weight problem; but before he could speak Simon stood up and fall forward into Kano! (Gasp!) Kano stood up and tried to catch him. He managed to catch him and stop Simon from falling to due to reasons of because Kano himself began falling backwards and into Megaera.

It happened too fast. For both of them. Before either of them could react, Simon had careened straight into the irritating boy, and the irritating boy had, in turn, careened straight into Megaera. Needless to say, she panicked. She threw her hands out without thinking, then realized that that was precisely what she shouldn't do. Too late. Next thing she knew, her hands were pressed against Kano's back, preventing him from slamming into her. She heard three loud cracks and shrieked, shoving him off of her. Simon managed to break his fall by grabbing onto the bed post, but Kano was thrown onto the floor. Megaera's hands shook, and she stared in shock, fear freezing her in place. Had she hit his spine? What if... what if she'd killed him! Oh no. Ohno ohno ohno. What was.. she... what if she was a murderer. Quivering, she brought her hands up towards her face. Simon grabbed both her wrists to prevent her hands from moving any closer. "It's fine." He said calmly. "The boy's not dead. Don't do anything stupid."

As soon as Kano's back hit Megaera's hands he heard several cracks come from inside him. The sound of cracks were followed by a brief second of carnal pleasure followed again by a much less brief and less enjoyable pain. Kano didn't need to assess this pain. He knows the feeling of his ribs breaking. The sound followed by that quick second of the incoming pain is good, but after that even Kano must admit that shit hurts! He feel to the floor with a thud and before his scream could leave his mouth he bit down as hard as he could on his arm and let out a muffled but highpiched yell. He got into fetal position on the ground and laid there for a bit. Once his little yelling fit was over he got up looking almost fine. "So, that's two, no, three ribs broken. I would say I'm crying on the inside but I hate telling the truth. But let's look on the bright side, at least it missed my spine. Or imagine if you could break hearts too! That would be bad!" Kano sat looking at Megaera putting on the best "I'm fine" smile he could.

@firejay1 (sorry if it's a little bad)
Violet Green- Festival Fiasco

Violet watched as Mari went through a immense amount of pain. To the peaceful Violet, it was almost un-bear-arable to watch. She wanted to close her eyes but suddenly Mari grew more relaxed. She watched her calm a little and Violet let a sigh of relief. I'm glad the medicine seems to be working. She seems to be fine, but I hope that there won't be any side effects. There was a possibility of hallucinations, but it is so rare. She should be alright, right? She watched as Mari slowly woke up "Ah, your okay."

She leaned in closer as she heard Mari whisper something. Water? "Ah! Yes! Water!" Violet spun her hands up and a cactus grew out the ground. It floated up and she began to squeeze the water out of the cactus and into her mouth. "I'm sorry about the taste but it's water." Violet smiled at her somewhat embarrassed. She didn't want to leave her tided to the ground, Mari might get trampled.


Shara Rain- Underneath the School

Shara saw the pain and fear in the boy's eyes he looked so lost. She blushed a little at him as he repeated her words, at least he understands me. Shara nodded to him politely, she really didn't know what to say she was very confused. Suddenly he shouted when he heard her name it was like he knew her or something. She jumped as he ran towards her, it surprised her. She cautiously took a step back and raised her fists. She didn't know what he was going to do, attack or stop, either way she was ready. "Yes?"


Des Demios- Festival

Des could have easily snapped this girl's neck, but something deep within himself told him not to. Suddenly he felt something on his forearm and turned to see Ken. Ken was making quite a lot of sense so he decided to listen to him. For Shara..."Shara...." Des threw Alecta to the ground and walked off not really paying attention any of the others. "Cain..... keys..." Des made his way to Cain and stepped right next to him. "Give me the keys to the tunnel now." His eyes are completely red and deadly serious. A dark wave of energy formed around him.

@Rantos @Peaceswore
Under the school - ???

"Im free? But what about? Shara your here? Deus..." The boy stood stationary as he mumbled to himself words that didn't make sense by themselves, he looked upwards and into Shara's eyes. "Shara..." The boy had to choke the words out, he was on the edge of tears. He blinked away any tears that began to form. He put his arm to his eyes and choked down his sadness. Upon uncovering his eyes he looked at Shara once more. No longer did he look lost, but rather happy, as if seeing an old friend after many years. "Shara it is you? My vision is still a little hazy but I can tell, it really is you!" The boy walked to her and without warning gave her a hug. "Shara... me being free is no good thing, that means He is free as well. But I think for just a minute thats fine right now. Im sorry, im so sorry for what I did!" Without warning again the boy came close to Shara's face and planted a kiss on her lips.

Cain - Festival

Cain bent over and place his hands on his knees, he was pushing himself too much for protecting a school that repaired itself. I mean really! If you can make a school that self repairs then why not non burnable trees. Des came up to him while he was taking is small break and once Des spoke Cain's expression got slightly more agitated. "Des you will command nothing of me-." Right before Cain about about to let loose the rant cannon he took a good look at Des's facial expression. Something was wrong Cain could tell that much. "Alright Des, you can explain on the way. Also learn what your place in this world is. You have yet to reach that point when you can command me. Come." Cain began leading Des back to the school and subsequently the basement. While he passed by Ken he grabbed him by the shirt collar and dragged him with them. "And you Ken, you and me are going to have a long chat once this is over."

@The Suspicious Eye

Ken was walking off to his dorm, however he didn't even make it three steps from his original position when someone grabbed his shirt and drag him off. On instinct he was going to electrocute the person, but stopped when he heard it was Cain. 'Right....forgot about that.' He let out a sigh, letting himself be dragged off though it was uncomfortable. "I didn't do it. However if I was suppose to do it then I did it." He said as tugged his shirt out of the uncomfortable grip. "I can walk on my own as shocking as that may seem." He said sarcastically disliking the fact he was being dragged around.


@The Suspicious Eye
Des smirked a little as the whites of his eyes changed from red back to white. His irises were still red but he had calmed a little. "Shara is underground." That was probably all they were going to get out of him. Des was trying his hardest to stay in control. However, he could snap at any moment. Inside he felt horribly guilty. I am such a moron! Shara I am so sorry you can gate me for this later, but please be alright. He gave a silent prayer as he followed Cain.

@Darekk @theunderwolf

(You can follow if you want)

@Rantos @Peaceswore

Shara lookes at the boy confused. How did he know her? What was he doing in that ice? Why does he seem so familiar?Suddenly he mentioned Deus and a chill ran down her spine. She took a step towards him. He knows about Deus...who is he? She was curious about the boy from the ice. He seemed to be full of do much knowledge.

Without warning he hugged her. She was so surprised she didn't know what to say. He was still cold, probably from all the ice, however she felt some warmth in his arms. Her heart was racing and her entire body grew warmer. "What...are...?" She quieted as he spoke listening intently to what he was saying. She looked into his eyes as he spoke, she was so lost on what he meant. She was about to ask what he meant when he kissed her.

Her entire mind went blank. She didn't know what to think about , a deep crimson bloomed across her face. It was a numb feeling, where she kind of liked. However, her odd euphoria quickly tured to anger. Her ears shot up and swung back in fury. She bit his lip drawing blood and pushed him back. Spitting out the blood in her mouth she glared at him. "Who the Hell do you think you are!" Then she raised her fist and punched him right in the face with all her might.


The Rapidly Recovering Festival Fiasco

God, that tasted terrible. Mari wanted to vomit it back up, but drinking it was the only thing reminding her that she was awake. She downed the disgusting liquid as quickly as Violet would let her, doing her best to not cough it back up.

Mari took a few more seconds to breathe and rest before looking at Vio- Were those birds? For some reason there were rainbow birds flying just beyond her savior's head. How odd, why didn't she focus on them?

Mari tried moving her hands, trying to grasp for the fluttering creatures, but still she was bound. She looked at Violet, whose eyes seemed to be bulging out of her face. What was going on? Did those birds have something to do with it?

Mari opened her mouth to yell at the birds, but she suddenly couldn't feel her tongue. She tried yelling, screaming at what was going on. No sound came from her mouth, and those birds began perching on Violet's shoulder, taunting her.


Of course, to anybody else Mari was just squirming, making grunting noises every few seconds, and occasionally pulling at her binds. She looked absolutely nuts.

@The Suspicious Eye
Under the school - ???

The boy was lost in the euphoria (I really like the word) of kissing Shara, he was surprised when she pushed him back. He looked at Shara confused after she had screamed at him asking who he thought he was. "Wa... What are you talking about Shara? He took note of the blood leaving Shara's lip. He felt his own lips and some blood came from them and onto his fingertips. "Shara its me J-" His sentence was cut short by the sudden pressure on his face. Before he could comprehend what was going on he was already flying through the air because of the punch. Why did she hit me? Was the only thing that ran through his head. The moment he made impact on the ground his thoughts shattered, became a jumbled mess and the boy's mind overloaded with questions and emotions. The world fell black in his eyes and he drifted into sleep.

Cain - Underground passage entry way

"Oh I know what you are capable of Ken and I intend to use that capability later as punishment, you and Kano." A faint smile grew on his face. He was indeed satisfied. He he, shocking, I see what you did there Ken. Cain let his grip go once he felt Ken struggling. He put his focus back on Des and listened to his short explanation. "If you think Shara is under the school then I guess we should make haste. I know your sister means the world to you and your father, I can promise you that we will bring her back safely so please calm yourself. You dont want to save your sister looking like a monster do you?" Cain stood in front of the doors that lead to the stairs. He opened it and proceeded to lead them down it.
Ken could only sigh when Cain mention a punishment, knowing whatever he planned would not be good. When he was let go he decided to tag along, cause why not? Making a run for it would wield no useful results since even he would have trouble dodging Cain forever. Though he wasn't interested in the slightest about going back underground. He kept a blank face when they reached the door and silently prayed he would get something out of doing all of this. He took a small breath as he followed Cain down the stairs, ignoring the small space that was in between each wall. "Yeah...can't wait to get crushed...anyone else think this is going to collapse?" He muttered though it was mainly to himself.


@The Suspicious Eye
Ryllian silently followed Des as he walked beside Cain, he had a bad feeling about going with him in that state but it was the only chance for him to find out what had happened with Shara, besides he had always wanted to see the underground tunnels and know what secrets laid hidden in them. He wanted to call Shiu but it wouldn't be wise to call him with Alecta near, so instead he decided to call another one which would probably be more useful anyways, a few seconds later a big siberian dog arrived quietly "Hey there Allo" he whispered as he scratched one of the dog's ears. Allo was an expert on finding his way and tracking down people as long as he had any belonging from that person or at least the scent, and he could also find a way out of creepy tunnels most of the time. "So...Why do the school has underground tunnels anyway" he asked waringly, avoiding Des's eyes.

@The Suspicious Eye @Rantos @Peaceswore @theunderwolf
Violet looked at Mari curiously.She had seemed to be getting better, but was now acting strange. What's wrong.....the cactus juice? Or maybe a side effect from the medicine? Either way I probably should keep these retains on her. She wiped some sweat from her head, using all this magic was tiring her out. "I'm sorry Mari, you might be having hallucinations from the medicine, don't worry they should subside soon. And I'll be here." She smiled at the girl warmly although inside he felt terribly guilty. I am the one who poisoned her.... I am a terrible apothecary.


Des glared at Cain as he mentioned his appearance. He hated Cain, he always had, however this time the smug bastard was right. He let out a long growl and his blood red eyes returned to the dark pools of black. He let out a sigh and shoved his hands intro his pockets. He spoke up talking to the shrimp next to him. "The tunnels didnt always exist, tgey are recent and now, there's some kind of iceman down there. Something the teachers didn't want us to know about it." Des glared at the back of Cain's head. "As the ice powered teacher in this school I know you know something."

@theunderwolf @Rantos @Peaceswore @Darekk

Shara looked at the unconscious boy. Her face was still bright read and she was nearly fuming in fury. How dare he take my fist kiss! Asshole. Shara may play a tough act, but she still was a good girl. After a few moments, she calmed down just a bit and made her way over to the boy. "Shit..." She looked at him up knocked out cold. "How am I supposed to carry him?" She sighed and looked around to help her carry him with. Sadly, all that was around her were rocks and ice. "Ugh..." She wrapped his arm over her shoulder, lifted him up and slowly began to walk.


Meanwhile, Donovan was still helping the children put out the fires and help the Injured. He felt a chill for a moment, but dismissed it some the cold in front of him needed his full attention. After bandaging the last student he was done, the school quickly replied the structural damage. Although, plants were destroyed, no life was lost. However, a eerie feeling crept up Donovan's spine. He looked up in the sky as if he could see the disturbance. "This is not right...."

The black energy trailed along the walls every few inches shooting up into the ground. If the mass smile, there would be a wide grin plastered on its face.
Megaera stared at Simon with broken eyes, not quite registering what he'd said right away, but the boy, Kano, stood up, looking rather as if nothing had happened. He assessed the damage as if it had happened to someone else. Megaera's hands continued shaking, and she clenched her hands back into tight fists and gently extracted her wrists from Simon's grip. When he made the comment about breaking hearts she squeaked in surprise, then laughed in a really awkward manner. "A-anyways, you sh-should sit down." She stammered, her tongue tripping over itself in her mouth. She stood abruptly to make room for him on the bed, almost head-butting Simon as she did so. "You- you can't just smile when you have broken ribs. You should rest. It's- not good for your ribs." She gulped. "They could heal wrong or... something." She couldn't figure out what she was trying to say, her own brain felt fogged over with that sense of panic. Well, it seemed she hadn't touched the spot over his heart. Thank goodness for that. For all that he made jokes, her own sense of relief was inexpressible.

Simon gave Kano an unreadable look. "And what if she could break hearts? Would that even hurt a heartless zombie like you anyways?" He asked, cruelly. He wasn't just trying to be rude, he was trying to assess the boy's reactions, and if the boy thought he was just being rude, all the better.

Ken had to resist the urge to face palm when Des talked about the ice man. 'I'm just going to hope Cain brushes that off......... *sigh* He won't will he....damn it.' He thought as he stuffed his hands in his pocket and kept walking down the tunnel. 'Note to self, give Des less info... I got too excited, and shared too much...' He thought as he silently played with his switchblade that was in his pocket.

High as !@#$

Mari kept trying to pull her binds, but no matter how much she tried nothing worked. The birds were starting to laugh at her, taunt her. Why would such beautiful creations act so horrid? Mari decided they needed to be punished.

She had to be freed, and she had to get rid of those things, so the only thing she could do was the unthinkable: A Blast. She would use all of her leftover energy to immobilize those things, then choke the life out of them. Then the taunting would stop.

Taking a breath, Mari immediately began screaming, putting her own power behind it. Every being within 20 feet, be it stupid birds, humans, or anything else, would be completely immobile, paralyzed by the pain and agony of her voice. The shock would last for at most a minute, and Mari would only have a few more minutes before her energy ran out, but that would be all she needed.

@Everyone at the Festival

@The Suspicious Eye
Alecta swore in Greek. Profusely. She'd lost her temper and paid for it. She just felt luck she hadn't completely let go again. Calming herself as she used Ignis to stand up. Her neck wasn't that injured after all. And she'd worked with less oxygen in the past. If Des wanted to hurt her he'd have to do better. But that was a matter for another time. The alien life she smelled had wormed it's way to the surface, and weird smelling as ever. She and Ignis sprinted towards it full tilt.

As they drew closer Alecta saw the... thing. Like a wraith of pure shadow. Was floating above the earth and seemed to be grinning, Right over their headmaster. who was staring at it like he'd seen a ghost. Which in context is is a perfectly likely explanation. Alecta reasoned as she screeched to a halt next to him. 'Excuse me sir?' She asked, "But what the γαμώ is that? I could smell it across campus!"

@The Suspicious Eye

"See this is why I don't leave my workshop." Gwen muttered, "People are so much harder to fix." She was wrapping a bandage around a gauze covered arm of a trampled student. "that should do ya. Don't use it too much though or it'll open back up. And considering the fact you've lost what looks to be near lethal amounts of blood... well don't lose fore blood. And for gods sake man do something about that tattoo. Yes I can see it. No I never want to again. Now then!" she stood and layed him back down on a stretcher. "Now then!" She declared happily, "Who's next?" Then she heard that ungodly scream. "That's next!"

She ran through the festival towards the ungodly noise, activating her eyes as she did. "20 ft sonic wave. Paralyzing and debilitating. That will need to be dealt with. And that poor girls caught in the middle. hmm do I have my... I DO!" She withdrew a small device from her belt and shook it. It was a grabbiling hook as she called it. She paused and braced herself, then took aim and pushed her power into it. She felt the rush of bracing energy move through her arms and enter the little machine which immediately shot it's payload, a grabber arm. She had mad a grappling hook of course, who wouldn't with enough time energy and superpowers, but she found the whole "hook part" A little inefficient. So this was different. The small sphere she shot was connected to the hilt by strong steel wire and had three arms, meant for grabbing, not hooking. On a good day she could snag a tool from the other side of her workshop. A human twenty feet away? "A snap" The mechanic said with grunted effort as she pulled the girl out. The purple headed teen landed in Gwen's arms, seemingly dazed. "Are you alright!?" Gwen shouted at her, "Can you hear me? Nod if you can't hear me! wait no that wouldn't make sense..."

Kano - Nurses office.

Kano had to hold in a laugh once he heard Megaera squeak like a rubber duck and laughed along with her. Kano's laugh turned quickly into a pained laugh and soon after that it looked like he was about to cry. He slowly tried to get up and onto Megaera's bed. "Oh god I can feel my rib shrapnels digging into my esophagus... Just kidding of course of course." Kano made his way up onto Megaera's bed with only a minor case of fatal internal bleeding. Once he was up he flopped down onto the bed and layed there. He smiled up at Megaera, his best "im ok" smile. "Im fine Megaera, thank you for caring but im sure ribs grow back quickly. Im sure of it" Kano wasnt sure of it. Kano put his hand over his eyes and sighed, its been a long day. Without removing his hands from his eye Kano spoke, his tone of voice grew surprisingly serious. "I dont think of myself as heartless. Its in there, somewhere... covered in ice and chained to a wall, but its there." Kano stood and stared Simon down he approached close to him. Long seconds passed by as the feeling of animosity in the air nearly became palpable. Kano scoffed and his smile returned, he laughed loud enough for everyone in the Nurse's office to hear before turning around to face Megaera. "Megaera~ The nurse is busy so you going to have to heal me~" Kano literally dived in for a hug being sure not to dive anywhere near her hands.

Under the school - Cain

"Dont worry about being crushed by anything in this hallway. Leave that worry for you and Kano's punishment." Cain paused as he reached the final door before the underground cavern. He pulled out the keys and turned around the face the three boys. "What Des said is true Ryllian. I trust that this information will stay with you and never leave your mouth. Punishment will be enacted if you do, same for you Des. Being a Cryomancer I do know much about this ice, more than anyone. But what you know is all you are going to know Des." Cain put the key inside the lock and twisted it. There was a clunk or two before the sound of the lock unlocking. "I will only permit Des to follow, Ken, Ryllian you two stay here and for gods sake put away that knife Ken!" Cain entered and held the door just long enough for only Des to enter in after him. "You find your sister and ill check the area for damages." Cain only managed to get a few steps before seeing the elephant in the room (or lack there of.) He was surprised to see the ice broken and Shara holding the boy that was previously in it. "What happend here?!"



@The Suspicious Eye

Ken let out a sigh as he scratched his head. 'Yeah leave me here in this tunnel cause I ever so obviously love it here.' He thought as he crouched to one knee and looked at the door. 'Why won't let he come in? I already saw it once...... *sigh* Curiosity kills the cat, well....good thing I'm not a cat.' He thought with a small smirk. He placed his knife back into his coat pocket and pulled out a small test tube. He kept his back to Ryllian as he took off the top of the test tube and sighed. 'It's going to be a pain to find you guys...oh well you know what to do.' He thought as he pour out fourteen tiny black spiders that were able to fit under the door. He had been waiting for a chance to go back here despite disliking the enclosed space, now that he had a chance he was going to take it. And yes he has had a small test tube filled with spiders on him all day (actually he's had them for about five days)...don't worry he placed in air hole and let them stretch their legs.

When the spiders crawled under the door they immediately split up and hide in places where they could hear and see everything. Ken stood up and hide the test tube back in his pocket and pulled out his knife. He started to play with it as he leaned against the wall and looked at Ryllian. "How does it feel to be a keeper of a big secret?" He asked with a grin as he waited to get out of this death trap. 'If the tunnels cave in I swear I'm killing Cain.' He thought as he eyed the tunnels warily.


(@The Suspicious Eye if it seems like I pulled this out of thin air I'll edit it)
Ryllian Langh-Tunnels(Or tunnel entrance, not sure)

Ryllian stood up in silence after Cain told them they weren't allowed to go in "Well, as far as secrets go I don't really care much about them to be honest, I only care about things directly related to me" he said with a bored expression on his face. The whole point of him being here had been defeated by being forced to wait outside like little kids Seriously, how old does he think we are, ten? he thought annoyed. He stayed in silence thinking about what to do, he did however wanted to know what was happening behind that door and since he was already tangled in all this mess he might as well know the whole deal.

Wincing slightly due to the pain on his leg he sat down and looked up at Ken "As much as I hate asking help from you, I rather know everything about things I'm in so I suppose you can tell me more about this whole mess down here, also, I'm pretty sure you have a way to know what's happening behind that door, so it would be most helpful to hear about that as well" he asked annoyed. Ken was a resourceful person, and dangerous at the same time for what he had heard, however anyone could ask for his help...for a price.

Donovan turned to Alecta curiously, then to where she was looking at. He turned back to Alecta worriedly "Alecta dear... can you see something?" Donovan being a being tethered to this world could not see the odd blavk mass above him. (Anyone who wold have the potential to move from one world to another will be able to see it. Sooo everyone other than some teachers.)

The dark mass floated above Donovan and began to move around him. A sloshing sound could be heard, maybe it was a laugh of some sort. It was inhuman to say the least. The black sludge twisted and tured creating a mask like grin as it turned to Alecta. Then in a swift movement it fell back down into the ground.


Violet was knocked back by a bearing sensation of pain. She quickly covered her ears as the passion ate at her sanity. "Oh gods what is that?" The plants and bonds began to vibrate with her concentration failing. The bonds holding Mari began to writer and dry up, now becoming brittle and weak. Then Violet lost all feeling in her body, she was paralyzed. She sat there frozen in place her mind racing. What is going on? Is this another side effect or her using her ability? Either way it is bad...I.... need....to.....move! Suddenly she was wrapped around in something metal and dragged away. She couldn't move her head but she looked at her savior as her, face came into view. It was Gwen, Oh thank goodness I thought I was done for.She looked up at her and smiled ever so slighly.

@theunderwolf (Sorry for the delay)


Des rolled his eyes, like Cain could punish him or any of his friends. Not this time... Des glanced at the others as he passed them. He knew why, Ken was here, but the other guy.... he didn't like him. He didn't know his motives and that bothered him. However all his thoughts emptied as he saw Shara.

Shara was making a failed attempt at trying to half carry, half drag the boy. She looked up to see Cain and Des, and was filled with relief. "Finally! There is no way I could have carried him."

Des came over to Shara arms outstretched. "Shara thank God you're alright!" He was going to hug her but he was bluntly stopped by a solid foot in his face.

Shara leaned over and glared at her brother. "Don't you dare think that I forgive you. I know this is your fault." She pushed him sway and dragged the boy over to Cain. "Here, I don't know what is going on, but he's alive.... just unconscious." She blushed a little as She handed the boy over to him. ShAra looked past Cain towards the exit, there saw Ryllian there and ran over and hugged him. "Hey! You cane to get me too?! Aww that is so sweet thank you!" She smiled at him warmly as she pulled back from the hug.

@Darekk @Peaceswore @Rantos

The dark sludge seeped through the earth and returned to the tunnels. It suddenly scattered it to millions of tiny little black particles each with one goal, find the host. The invisibility danced around the room until they laid their eyes on one individual. The perfect individual. Quickly they moved into the host.

Des stumbled back as she pushed her away almost heartbroken. He tured only to see her hug the guy who came down with them. He growled with a dangerous fury. I will ki- His entire thought process was cut off as a dark entity slipped up behind him and gently and quietly eased itself into Des's body. Des paused for a moment and then stretched, popping every joint he could. MY MY, WHAT A LONG TIME IT'S BEEN OUT OF A BODY. OF ALL MY LUCK I FIND MY OLD ONE STILL KICKING ABOUT. Des stood up straight and made his way over to Cain and the boy. He glanced at the boy and sneered. ROUND TWO JARIUS, AND THIS TIME YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR DEMI GOD "BROTHER".... I MADE CERTAIN OF THAT.
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Under the school - Cain

Cain took the boy and scanned him. This was fed dentally the boy in the ice but that still leaves the other person within it. Where could he have gone? Cain put the limp boy underneath his armpit and held his body there. "It seems everything is in order, good, Shara Des was worried for your safety (So was Cain) I think that a kick to the face is hardly a way to say "thank you". I wouldn't have found you so soon if it wasn't for him. How ever I don't know now is the time for a thank you." Cain was referring to Des's new way of talking it worried Cain. Never had he seen this boy talk in all CAPs. It started him to say the least. Cain dropped the boy and a metal rectangle with several holding bars caught him. The table flotted to Ken and Ryllian. He stood between Des and the door. "So I can take it you know that boy? If you two want to engage in round two then don't you think it would be most fair to do it when he is recovered?"

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @Darekk

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