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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return


Festival Fiasco

She didn't have time for this. The drug, whatever it was, had worn off when she passed out, and the pain had come back in full force. Her clothes were torn, she was covered in dirt, and she barely had the energy to stand. This kid was keeping her from resting, from regaining her already low energy. She could have made him piss himself with fear, send him into a corner to drown himself in the tears gained from years of such a no doubt pitiful life. But that would cost her her secret,

No, the better option would be to shame him. He seemed hotheaded. Those kinds of people were always easy to deal with. The crowd made things even easier, Violet was still around, and a few other people were beginning to gather

"I'm so sorry!" Mari loudly said, clutching her burn. Make sure the wound is as obvious as possible, so others see what a dick he is. Looking like she was about to cry, Mari spoke again "I didn't mean to, it just happens when I'm in danger. I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean it!" It was costing her a lot of energy to speak so loudly, energy she didn't have, but publicly shaming someone like this was usually worth the cost.


@Lioness075 (Mentioned - Crowd)

@The Suspicious Eye (Mentioned)

@theunderwolf (Mentioned - Crowd)
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Cain - back in the school (finally)

Wrapped up in his own story Cain didn't even realize that he was at the top of the stairs. "Oh. And I wasn't even one fourth done with the story. Oh well, I must get this information to Donovan." Cain rushed as fast as he could to the chancellors house.

((Public apology for how bad this post is.))

@The Suspicious Eye
Manjano glanced up at nearby shouting, but saw his sister was in no immediate danger so he averted his gaze back to his sketchbook and continued his drawing of the ruined festival grounds and the scattered people amongst it.

Leandra's head shot up and in the direction of some girl making a seemingly big deal out of something. Either she was overdramatic or emotional. Either way, Leandra wasn't about to let someone get potentionally bullied or something. Walking over, Leandra decided to first ask what was wrong before she jumped to any conclusions. Once she'd joined the girl and some boy who seemed to be the source of concern from the girl, Leandra crossed her arms over her chest and asked, "What's wrong here?"

@jakobtatee @Homage
" you know, I honestly don't give a damn if your injured or not." Masao said with a lot of rage. "People get injured all the time. It's NOT a big deal." Masao said as he noticed someone else walk up to them. "Great! Now you brought attention to us. Hi I'm masao" he said the the girl next to them. " nothing to see here. Just a bitch who did some sort of drug and caused a lot of people to become paralyzed." Masao said to the girl trying to regain his composure.

@Homage @Lioness075
"I'm Mari, and I think I was hallucinating from a side effect of something my friend made me drink. It made the pain from the firework go away, at least for a few minutes." Mari immediately defended herself from this kid, not understanding how he didn't seem to feel at least a little guilty about screaming at her. "And my powers, they activate in moments of intense pain or if I'm danger. I'm sorry about that." Mari finished, sounding as regretful as possible.

She tried to get up, she felt odd being looked down on by two people, but she only managed to take a step before the pain and exhaustion forced her to the floor.


"you konw, i know what your doing here." masao said. "your trying to make me feel terrible for yelling at a wounded girl. well IT. AINT. WORKIN." he said giving her a glare.


Leandra and Manjano

Location: Ruined Festival Grounds

Leandra frowned at Masao, not at all liking how he spoke. The minute he said 'bitch', Leandra's eyes shined with anger and she instantly summoned a small bit of water from the flask on her hip, sending it to his mouth and then freezing it so he had a solid ice gag, thus preventing him from speaking. Smirking at him, Leandra said, "I think you need to chill out."

Looking over at the girl now, Leandra listened to what she said and then nodded. Some people had a harder time controlling their powers and such things like that could happen. It'd probably happen to Leandra and her brother as well. Leandra's thoughts were halted though when Mari tried to take a step after standing up, only to stumble back to the ground. Leandra instantly rushed forward grabbed Mari's elbow, stopping from what would've probably ended as a faceplant. Frowning, Leandra said to her, "You need to lie down and get some rest." Pausing, Leandra realized she hadn't introduced herself and so she smiled at Mari and then Masao before she said, "Oh, and my name's Leandra by the way."

@jakobtatee @Homage

(@jakobtatee Hey, slow down on the replying there. Let my character have a chance to react before you make things confusing and leave her behind in the interactions.)
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Ken let out a yawn as he walked down the halls, silently cursing himself for making a huge mistake like that. "I still got a lot to learn.... *sigh* I let my excitement get the best of me..." He muttered as he looked outside seeing that it calmed down a bit but not completely. He shrugged as he left the hall and made his way outside so he could watch people panic and just to get as far away from that tunnel as he could. 'I'm not going back down there unless absolutely necessary He looked around an saw the chancellor not too far talking to the girl who almost got her neck snapped by Des. 'good times...good times.' He thought with a small snicker as he looked at the two once again yawning.
The Hiatus is over!! Post! We lost a heartbeat!!

@The Servant @Metaphysics @jakobtatee @Penance @Lioness075 @LunaCrosby

Time skip A WEEK +a day LATER!!


Shara Rain-Her room in the Chancellor's house

Shara woke up in a sweat, she had been having nightmares constantly ever since that fall in the cave. Well not technically nightmares, some were actually quite nice. She blushed a little thinking about the once she had two nights ago. It was sweet, she could still feel the unknown man's lips on hers. It was something she dreamed about a lot, the kisses felt different. One felt unnaturally familiar like Deja vu. She had countless dreams about other people, ones she wasn't kissing, but she still couldn't see faces. She sighed and got up.

I was just a normal super powered academy student before I fell into this dark hole that came out of nowhere. There, I found a boy in the Ice who says he knows me! I've never seen him in my life, but he knows so much about me it's scary. Because, all the dorms were filled Daddy, I mean the academy director decided that he would stay in the Chancellor's house with me and my big brother Des. I don't know how I feel about this. I have Ryllain and I mean....he, that Jarius character, he stole my first kiss! I should hate him...right? right? Then there's the others, Des is dating Alice, Mari and others have been injured from the fiasco last week. Ken keeps pestering me, and I don't even know what is going on anymore! She scratched her head and sighed "Ugh, when did my life get so complicated?"

Today was Saturday, so there was no need for morning announcements or pants. She yawned and stretched as she made her way into the bathroom. She groaned begrudgingly as the lights came on and began to brush her teeth. When she was done, she turned on the shower and began to take off her shirt.

@Rantos (I highly think you should get in on this.)

DES Demios- On the Roof of the Chancellor's House

Meanwhile up on the roof, there was a dark shadowy figure cloaked in dark energy. He stood watching the sun rise in the distance, his gaze stoic and emotionless. A bird came by and landed next to him, giving a soft chirp as it looked up at him. In a instant it was in three slabs of meat. The figure scoffed and looked away from the meat pile. "Disgusting vermin, ain't nobody got time for that."

Des was wide awake, well to be more precise he never went to sleep. He spent the entire week working from the shadows, finding other's weaknesses, planting his own seeds of destruction, retrieving all of Des's memories, getting pudding. He had to figure out the internet all over again, it was a stressful time. Dimenson hopping is not as hard as situating to this new world. A world where me and my dear pet are related? How interesting indeed. She is so much more determined in this world, it's annoying. It even seems as if she used to have hold over this body using something called love? Well not anymore, but I think I will try using that myself. Maybe eve switch up a few hearts and sides. He raised his hands up and began to form a three small dark eggs, he gave a dark grin and released them into the academy. It had been tiring and a long struggle, but he finally was ready to begin the day. The day that would mark the beginning of the return of DEUS.

@animegirl20 (You can be in his room if you wanna)

(SPOILER for everyone there will be dragons!!)

Donovan Demios- In his room in his house aka Chancellor's House

Meanwhile the chancellor was locked in his room. His mental stability has been degrading ever since the festival fiasco. He has stopped going out more an more. Everytime he did he looked more weary like his life was being sucked out of him. He knew he was worrying his children and co-workers so he tried to put on a brave face. However, the situation was grave. There are names missing in the book, scribbled out, and even he couldn't remember them. His power was degrading rapidly, he didn't understand what was going on, but it had something to do with Jarius and that unknown entity.

I have to find what happens, before, fate completely unravels. If that happens anything is fair game, for heroes or villains. He shuddered at the thought of it. He needed to find what was altering reality and destroy it before he loses all control over the realm. He had ordered Cain to look for the second figure, but with no idea what it looks like it was hard. I'll have to talk to Alecta, she saw something that day.

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Jarius - Wandering the halls of the Chancellor's house.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images.jpg.67cbd1b569f2dac3692c43bdf9879ab0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/images.jpg.67cbd1b569f2dac3692c43bdf9879ab0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jarius had just woken up from the sixth unrestful night in this world there has just been so much on his mind lately. The first big thing being how he was living in the same house as Shara. A dream come true (Jarius is bad at prioritizing his thoughts.) despite his literal dream coming true all week Jarius had wandered throughout this house, nay, throughout this whole world Jarius has been walking in a daze. It all so similar, same school, same city and yet his days and nights were filled with unease, that uncanny feeling that something is lurking within Jarius himself. He didn't understand why he was freed from the ice or how, Shara was the only one there. "Ghhha!" Jarius hate thinking! Jarius gave his mind a rest and headed to the bathroom so he could freshen up before he left. Jarius opened the door without knocking because he's RUDE! (no he just forgot) and within he saw a half undressed Shara. His face turned as red as a tomato at the sight. Jarius stood there watching for an awkwardly long time, he didn't know what to say or what to do. So being the rational man he is, Jarius did the only thing a respectable man would do in this situation. "Nice underwear." And then he bolted out and away. While most people would be embarrassed Jarius was skipping down the hall in delight, lil perv.

Kano - Kano's room (working up a sweat.)

It was early in the morning but that didn't stop Kano from making a public disturbance from the safety of his own room. He had the TV in his room set to the max volume as he was working out to the insanity workout disk he got from Julius. Nice kid, that boy. At first Kano only actually used this disk just to cause a disturbance to the people above, below and beside him by turning up the volume at loud as it would go and just leaving it like that but recently Kano tried it out for real and now he is addicted. Once his workout was over Kano was ready to begin the day. He grabbed <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Kano.Shuuya.600.1260946.jpg.fc77cca89c57ed080243ba5a0d9ef3c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53603" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Kano.Shuuya.600.1260946.jpg.fc77cca89c57ed080243ba5a0d9ef3c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> his usual hoody that he had recently put cat ears on and bolted out the door. Now in the hallways. "Now in the hallways, mild mannered Kano Shuuya has dawned his alter ego and is now Cat Man! Defender of justice and felines." Now in the hallways is seems as Kano has taken the narrator's job. "I pounce away and into the night in search of villains, and catnip!" Kano rushed out onto the campus and looked for anything fun to do. Sadly there were no villains about so he did what every smart person would do. Go bother Shara.

Kano - Chancellor's house.

Inching closer and closer to Chancellor's house, there's always interesting stuff happening there. He closed his eyes and- "I, Cat Man close my eyes and use my super sharp hearing that I gained in an alternate dimension where Chernobyl and Hiroshima were in the same place. I dash to the bathroom window!" And Kano did just that, climbing a nearby tree he got a good view and within he saw Shara half dressed and a white haired boy. The boy's face was incredibly red as he ran out. Kano opened the window and sat on the windowsill looked at the half dressed Shara in front of him. "Hes right you know. That is some nice underwear."

@The Suspicious Eye



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Charlotte Ultaine - Academy Grounds

Status - Slowly approaching Stage 2

Charlotte was simply laying down on the grass, absorbing the early morning sun's bright rays. To her, it felt like bathing in warm liquid silk as she lay there absorbing photons from the sun. What she didn't know was that she was approaching her stage two form. She yawned cutely before stretching her hand and feeling her hand touch something. She sat up and looked behind her only to find a rather huge egg. "Um...hello? I-ahh...is anyone there?" She asked meekly as she looked wildly around. Finding none, she approached the egg and she felt warmth within it, warmth and a heartbeat. She gently brought it to her and started to hug the egg. "It's aright..." She cooed to the egg. "No one's going to hurt you." She added as she snuggled against the egg while continuing with her photon absorption.

The Library

No no no no no no no. What is this? How is there not even a single mention of Deus? Mari flipped through page after page, going through a dozen books in double the pace she had prior to being exploded.

Exploded, that was certainly a word for it. The blast that burnt her side, that hurt dozens of people, it still stung. She had been severely harmed by it, and Mari had no doubt Violet was the reason why the injuries hadn't been worse. The hallucinations were terrible, but they were nothing compared to the pain that filled her body during the entire day.

After that, after being hospitalized, Mari had all the time in the world to catch up with her personal project. Unfortunately there was nobody of note named Deus, not a single soul. Even nicknames and donor records held no remote hint of the person with that name. How was that possible? Was it really just some prank, or maybe a reference to modern pop culture? No, it couldn't be. Others would have recognized a pop culture reference, and pranksters don't have a tendency to attempt murder.

And to top it all off, Violet's visits caused Mari to have lapses in memory, as though their conversations had never happened. That mystery was relevant, but far from the most important.

And, sadly, she didn't really have a choice. As much as Mari hated being around the woman to whom she owed her life, Violet had insight few other students had. Getting up she pulled out her cell and contacted the Student Council's 'official' number, hoping to get in contact with Violet through them.

In what USED to be her own bathroom

Shara grew a bright red as Jarius walked into the bathroom just as she got her shirt off. As he stood there not knowing what to do, neither did she. Half of her was furious while the other half was embarrassed and excited. She stood there her emotions growing as he just stood there saying nothing. Her face seemed to grow redder as time continued until he was stupid enough to open up his mouth and told her "Nice underwear" She snapped and began to throw anything she could at him. "Get out you jerk!!!!!" As he ran away she was still a furious bright red, she hated him. "I will get you for this!!!"

She turned away and sighed, ugh! I hate that guy!! Why does he have to stay with us!!! She began to clean up the mess she...he made and continued to grumble. That is until she heard another person in front of her. She looked up to see Kano looking at her as well. She blushed a brighter red and got angrier. "Kano!?! What? When did this bathroom become a public place!!!" She picked up a towel and covered herself, "Kano what are you doing creeping around outside?" She looked at the window and the door and sighed note to self get new locks for both of these. She turned back to Kano looking up and down at him "why are you dressed like a cat?"

Shara's now public bathroom - Kano.

"I think the matter if more that I dont respect private places. But did you see that guy with the white hair. I dont think I have seen a face more red in my life, I should have taken a picture. That was a priceless moment right there." Kano jumped down from the windowsill and onto the bathroom floor. He grabbed a seat on the toilet and looked at Shara now covering herself with a tower. "You see little one, the reason for my creeping and my new attire is because I have discarded my previous persona for a new one. I am now Cat Man! Defender of justice and felines!" Kano sprang up from the toilet and made a few poses that looked like they belonged to the power rangers. "Also dont look at me so angry, were all girls here right?" Without missing a beat after his sentence he morphed into his female form. She let out a small laugh while he took off her over coat. She walked closer to Shara until she was right next to her ear. "Oh I almost forgot the main reason I came here. Hows Des doing?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Ken Tanaka's Dorm

Ken let out a sigh as he rested on his bed trying to decided if he should bother to get up. His muscles were a bit sore from the punishment he got from Cain. He had successfully avoided the teacher for six full days.... But Alas! He got caught when he was trying to get a simple sandwich from the cafeteria. Now he didn't feel like getting up the effort it would require would be far too great for him at this moment. So he let out a yawn and grabbed a nearby pillow before clonking out.

Alex Drake Dorm/hallway

Alex had been awake for a while now and was busy trying to get to the top of the leaderboards in some random game he had picked up from his HUGE pile. "....... I'm hungry..." He mumbled with a small yawn as he pressed a few more buttons completely decapitating his opponent. "............. That was too easy." He hut off the game and with a depressed sigh left is room and started to wander the halls.
Stupid bathroom Everybody wants to be in

Shara listened to ken as he spoke. She still felt uncomfortable with other people just coming and going as they please in her bathroom, but whatever. This is what she get's for choosing the only bathroom that is across the hall instead of inside the room. She didn't even know what to comment about first with Kano, the fact that he didn't know Jarius's name or why he decided to become 'Cat Man' and most oddly if she was a girl now, would she still call herself Cat Man? Shara let the thoughts roll around in her head until she thought she might throw up. She couldn't handle all this conversation so early in the morning. She leaned back as Kano came up close to her and asked about Des. Well I guess I can answer that simple question. "He's fine. I mean he's been a lot more nicer recently, but I think it has something to do with his cute new girlfriend, Alice. She is just so great, I really think they are a good match for each other. I hope they stay together." She smiled, genuinely speaking the truth she loved hanging out with Alice and thought she was a pretty cool girl.

"Yeah... I noticed that too. He has gotten nicer, your right. I just hope he hasent forgotten about his posse." Kano pulled out her cellphone for a second. SHe let it rest in the palm of her hand while she talked to Shara. "Oh Alice. We could have been friends, why must you do this to me. First you take my best play toy then you start corrupting Shara. What's next? Will you take away my title of Cat Man too?!" It was hard to tell if Kano was being serious or not. She didn't speak another word. Instead she picked up her over coat and put it back on, she climbed onto the windowsill and before she left spoke one more time. "Shara, you look hideous when you put wool over your eye. Take it off." Kano lept from the window and onto a nearby tree before leaping away. As he left a note fell from above Shara and onto her head, it read.

Dear Shara.

Just thought I would tell you that you were talking to a clone. Thanks for a nude pics.

Sincerely Yours, Kano Shuuya.

Ps: if you are going to kill me then please wait till a week, k thanks bye.

@The Suspicious Eye

A Hallway Just Outside the Library

Mari wasn't surprised to hear a voice that wasn't Violet's. The student council members didn't live in that room, so Violet having something to do on a Saturday was expected. "H-Hi, is Violet there?" Shy Mari was the person Violet knew, so it would be best to act as afraid of conversation as possible.
Student Council Room

"Who?" Mai said her voice still full of joy, she looked around dumbly knowing she was the only one here. She suddenly realized that she meant who she meant. She spoke kindly, "Oh Violet..... well no she isn't. Actually she's been pretty down after the whole festival thing. She hasn't been in at all the past week. " Mai thought it was because Violet was afraid Shara or the School will punish her. However, she knew that neither would happen... probably. "If you want to find her she's probably in the garden near the Lilly pond. (Which is somewhere.....). Oh but don't mention her ex-girlfriend, or she'll start crying. Oh! I shouldn't have said that, now you will. Promise me you won't talk about it. She'll be furious with me. Everyone knows I am such a blabbermouth." She knocked her head playfully and shook here head. She maybe cheerful in the mornings but she was so loopy.

Charlotte Ultaine

Academy Courtyard

Status-Approaching Stage 2

Charlotte felt the egg grow warmer and it surprised her by a bit. She slowly set the egg down in front of her. "Oh...are you hatching?" She said to herself as she watched the egg wiggle. "You seem to be." She added as she took the egg back into her wamr and loving embrace. To her the egg felt like a little sun.

On Her Way to the Lilly Pond

God this girl liked to talk. Didn't she have friends or maybe a job to do? Mari had said three words to her and that was enough to earn a life story. The worst part was that the girl had no clue where the Lilly pond was, so she was completely useless. With the moron still talking on the phone, Mari asked a few students about the pond, and thankfully received quick directions.

"Thank you so much, I've found her!" She lied to the girl before hanging up, keeping her from continuing. Mari was only a short walk from the pond, and she didn't want to deal with Mai beyond that.

@The Suspicious Eye
Alice was having a strange dream and the dream was starting to turn into a nightmare. She woke up suddenly and looked around then laid back down. "Damn it! Why the hell am I having the strange dreams!." There were other people there and tones of chaos. She didn't like it, it was really terrifying. What really disturb her was Des laughing at the whole thing like it was a joke. ".....Great what is this a warning......." She decided not to get up just yet she was kind of happy he wasn't in the room right now. Specially after having a dream like that. "Just a normal day for Alice. Ugh"

@The Suspicious Eye
Megaera - In her Room

In the week since the firework fiasco, Megaera had recovered mentally. Her right arm was still in a cast, but in a way, that had been calming. One less hand to worry about, swinging around this way and that. Retrieving things, on the other hand, had been increasingly frustrating, with only her non-dominant hand free to grab the limited number of things she could grab. Writing, especially, had become slow and laborious, and her notes had become both sparse and sloppy. Not to mention she kept breaking her pen nubs, because her fingers kept sliding down too close to the tips of the specialized quills. Those things were expensive, too. Most people would have gotten impatient and irritated, but Megaera had broken almost every bone in her body at one time or another. The only bones she couldn't seem to break were her skull, her spine, and the bones in her hands. So in her mind, a broken arm was a lot less painful than a broken tailbone - those hurt no matter what you did - and a lot less inconvenient than breaking one of the bones in her feet - crutches were impossible to use with her curse, so she'd been carried around by her brother more than once, which was both inconvenient and embarrassing. Still, Megaera was Megaera, and she continued to push away everyone around her.

Simon, as usual, was undeterred, and came to help her every day. The truly unusual thing about the past week had been the blonde boy - Kano. After their awkward parting that day in the hospital, she had fully expected him to avoid her. She'd outright told him that he was no friend of hers, which she had figured would always work, but the next day he came back around happily, as if they were the best of buddies. She still felt guilty about his broken ribs, but he didn't seem to hold it against her. Megaera had tried, really, to make sure he stayed away from her, but he seemed determined to show her that he was her friend, even occasionally doing things like offering her free food. He'd really... been so nice. It was definitely creepy.

Megaera was still lying in her bed, her eyes opened, staring up at the ceiling. She hadn't slept much the night before. She'd had a dream about the first person she'd ever broken. It had been a little black-haired girl when the two of them had been in pre-school - her first real exposure to the outside world. The little girl had been happily dancing about, and had bumped into her. Megaera had automatically started at the sudden contact with another human being, and pushed the other girl off of her. She hadn't pushed hard, it could barely be called a shove, but the minute her hands had come into contact with the other girl's chest, the girl's face had twisted and darkened. She'd screamed and dropped to the ground, hugging her knees to her chest. And the look on her face had been burned into Megaera's mind, that look as though that sparkling, wonderful little fairy with the dark hair had never been, as if the girl had never really been happy and could never be happy again. In the middle of the dream, though, the face had changed to that of a blonde boy with a secret in his eyes, Simon coldly watched on. She must truly know her brother well, because even in her dream he had just pulled a lollipop out of his mouth, like he had her first day of school, and asked, "Want me to switch his heart with someone else's? Who knows, it might work."

She lifted her left arm and covered her still-open eyes wishing she could banish the images from her mind. With a dramatic sigh, Megaera sat up on the bed, letting her legs dangle from one side of the bed, her left hand pressed against her mattress softly, her right still in its cast. She cast an almost nervous glance at her phone. It was true that Megaera couldn't hold delicate things like electronics, but this emergency device had been configured to respond to voice commands, and so could be used tolerably well. It was for emergencies, so only Simon and her parents knew her number, except apparently someone else knew this number. Pressing the back of her left hand gingerly against her forehead, the purple-haired girl let out another long sigh. She stood and got ready for the day.

@Rantos (you got an honorable mention! ;P )
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Rear gate - Cat Man (Kano)

Kano admired his masterpiece from afar. He had just finished spray painting the wall of the rear gates of the school, the janitors had just finished washing off his last art piece but this one would prove a harder challenge to remove. While most would think of this as a cruel act Kano thought of it as making the janitors earn there keep; a man dont work, a man dont eat. He gazed longer at his art, while it was good especially for spray paint it was missing something, he couldn't tell what but he knew it needed something more. Kano needed inspiration and what better way to get it then have a sandwich in the music room with a certain purple haired friend. He pulled the phone from his pocket and went down his contacts till he reached Megaera.

To Megaera.

Hey Meggy~ how you doing? Im doing fine.

I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the chamber of music in a bit.

Im bringing home made sandwiches and it would be a shame if I had to eat them by myself.

Meet me there in 30 min?

Love ya, see ya then~

- Cat Man (Kano)

With his text sent he teleported back to his room to get the necessary supplies for lunch.

Lilly pond - Jarius

Jarius sat at the water's edge throwing rocked into the still water. Within his mind the emotion regret was raging a storm, all he could think about was what just happened with Shara. Funny how in this world and the last she seemed to hate him. Is there someone up there that enjoys seeing Jarius without a chance. Or, maybe it was more his own fault. His mind settled on that thought till self deprecation was the only thing he could think about. Jarius brought his knees close to his face and buried his head in them. Around him the temperature began to drop and mist rose from the pond.

@firejay1 @Homage
Megaera had just finished making the thin braid always in her hair, when a buzz made her start. She looked apprehensively at her phone. "Megaera's Phone. Read notification." She commanded it. It complied. "Creepster has texted you." The lady's voice read in its robotic voice, the Creepster part being her own recorded voice. Creepster was, of course, her nickname for Kano, not that she let him know it. As much as Megaera tried to avoid making Kano feel too comfortable around her, she just couldn't bring herself to be actively mean to anyone, and she got the feeling he'd feel bad if he ever found out. Taking a slow breath, she finally said, "Megaera's Phone. Read message." "Hey Meggy, how you doing. Ihm doing fine. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the chamber of music in a bit. Ihm bringing home-made sandwiches and it would be a shame if I had to eat them by myself. Meet me there in 30 min. Love Y-A, see Y-A then. Cat Man Cane-O." Okay so the audio function needed to learn some slang from Kano. It also needed some adjustment of the tone, as that monotone really couldn't convey the way her unexpected friend's voice lifted in an almost sing-song manner. Then again, she was sure she'd feel a whole lot more uncomfortable if a non-robotic voice told her that it loved her. Even her family didn't do that. They weren't affectionate that way.

She thought for a second, then got ready to dictate. "Megaera's Phone. Compose message to Creepster." It let out a beep to show it was listening. Carefully, she spoke, hoping she'd only have to do it once. The first few times, she'd gotten some bizarre messages written out, even when it was short, simple messages like this. "See you there. End message." There was a long pause, and then, "I'm sorry. I did not catch that. Please repeat the message." "UGHH. CAN I KILL YOU?" "Message reads: Ugg, can I kiss you. Confirm send?" "NO!!" "Message sent." Megaera pressed her forehead against the wall, her best equivalent of a massive facepalm. It had sent weird messages like this to all four of the people in her contact list. Speaking of, she still had no idea how Kano had gotten her number. One day, her phone had just buzzed and there it was, a message from an unfamiliar number that turned out to be Kano's. She let out a long growl of frustration, then laughed. It was always funny when she thought about it. She'd have time to be embarrassed about it later, if he commented about it. Dropping the cursed thing into a small purse that she slung over her shoulder, she jimmied the door open with her left elbow and quickly made her way to the music room, hoping he'd just figure that was a yes. Honestly speaking, she was starving, and sandwiches were something she could eat without worrying about breaking anything.

@Rantos (Making fun of modern technology. Man, so much fun)

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