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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Friends? he must be joking. She sighed but smiled a little and shook her head. "They are ready now get out of the way." A flame appeared in her hand as she got ready to light them. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Here we go!" She lit the fireworks and they blasted to their headed target.


@The Suspicious Eye
"Hell yeah! Rock and roll!!!" Kano screamed into the sky. His voice was blocked out by the sound of the main firework show starting.

The sky darkened above Dominos academy. The fireworks show to wrap up the spring festival was just about to begin. Students of all shapes and sizes found spots both on the ground and on rooftops to watch the marvelous light show. Many students wait in anticipation, there patience is rewarded by a loud whistling sound following a red light coming from the ground. Once the red light hit a certain altitude it exploded into many different colored lights that filled the air with a loud bang. A few more followed suit all of different colors and sizes. Students gawked and oohed at the amazing light show.

Once the firework show had all the students attention a barrage of fireworks came from the terrace. Like mortar fire they came roaring down upon the unknowing students. There was one that was faster than the rest which blew first. The students looked away and towards the much closer explosion. The all looked up in horror to see school budget Armageddon. Quickly they scattered from the rain of fire like ants. The fireworks came down and casted there unholy judgement upon the trees and the landscape. Mass panic broke out faster than the trees were catching fire from one another (that alone was decently fast). The screams of many could be heard from the top of the terrace were Kano and Alice lay. The barrage ended at the same time the main firework show ended. As an added bonus the fireworks Alice and Kano shot off planned to spell Des in the sky but of the fireworks malfunctioned and added a U. In bright colors one work illuminated the sky.


Kano looked down from atop the railing of the terrace. He had his arms outspread as if wanting to embrace this destruction. He started to chuckle and slowly his laugh got louder and louder till his laugh reached levels of what you would expect a psychopath to sound like speaking but without looking he told Alice. "Isn't it wonderful Alice, such wonderful destruction, the screams of mass panic and fear, its... its... so, gooooood~" He clenched his face and dug his fingernails into his skin. He gave the air a big sniff, his eyes bugged out and his body even started to move in a strange way. "You see it too Alice? We caused this, together, with Des. Hes probably enjoying this somewhere. The crackle of the fire, the smell of burning trees and the breaking sound of the ground. I want to enjoy it... more and more and more and more! Kano twisted around on the railing he was standing on to face Alice, his arms outstretched like before. "Better hurry and run before they find you here." With that Kano leaned back and took a dive off the terrace.

Kano - on school grounds (or wherever

@firejay1 is)​

Kano appeared back into existence walking normally towards Megara. He gave it little thought while the firework were going on but there is bound to be someone that can't handle this and out of all those people Kano thought that maybe Megara needed an Armageddon buddy (whether that was true or not) From his vantage point he could see everybody. Sure most looked like little ants but Kano had good eyesight so he could make out those he knew from the randoms (I know it sounds like BS but just go with me on this). He saw Megara next to some random and waved at her. "Yo Mega!" He ran up to her and sat down next to her. "So how ya enjoying the fireworks?"

((If it helps write your response we still has like 12 needles in his arm that Alice never commented on cos apparently thats a normal thing for her.))


@Everyone (laziness~)

((@The Suspicious Eye Boom! Hows dat?))
Homage said:
Mari had no intention of going along with this. It was pointless, a waste of time in every sense. Fireworks were children's idea of fun, and adult's idea of romantic. Mari, without a romance and without the innocence the vast majority of children have, had no need to misuse her time in such a manner.
But the 'Mari' she was passing herself off as was a terrified girl barely capable of looking at her own shadow. 'Mari' needed to be social, needed to spend time somewhere that wasn't her room or the library. Besides all of that, having more people like the student council member on her side would be extremely beneficial.

"W-Well if you say you don't mind, then sure!" 'Mari' said a little too energetically, taking Violet's hand with a small smile.

@The Suspicious Eye
Violet dragged her to the festival just in time for the fireworks. She turned to the girl wand smiled "I guess we made it just in time. So do you like fireworks." She waited for her to respond and then was drowned out by the fireworks. They were loud and booming. She looked overhead to see the fireworks. Then they spelled out something, odd. "Deus, who is that?"

Suddenly some fireworks exploded, near some students. She screamed as one flew past her head. She looked around worriedly as the scene became catastrophic. She looked at Mari, "Are you alright?!"
Mari's mouth widened when the name was spelled out. Deus. Immediately she searched through her brain, trying and trying to find if she recognized that name. Deus. Deus. Was he a prankster? Deus. Deus. Deus. Was he behind the interruption two weeks earlier? No, no, that was extremely unlikely. The man behind the intercom was threatening, acting like he intended to-

Just then, Mari felt intense heat near her right hip, and in that same area a wave of pain blasted her. Mari didn't look down, she didn't even know how to react. She just stood there, her mouth wide open, unable to accept what happened.

For a moment she looked at Violet. She was saying something, but the ringing made it impossible to hear her. She didn't look injured, so maybe the explosion didn't affect her.

Mari felt another wave of pain as the burns began to set in, and for some reason her legs weren't working.

The last thing she remembered was the ground, rapidly moving towards her face.

@The Suspicious Eye
Academy Roof

Ken had a small smirk on his face before he started to lightly laugh, and barely ten second past before he was in a full on laughing fit. "Hahahahahaha This is hahaha awesome! Hahaha" He exclaimed as he hit the ground with his fist as he held his stomach. He kept laughing and almost fell of the roof due to this. It took him a good while to stop laughing and when he did he took out his phone and took a picture at the chaos and even the words that ha littered the night sky. ".....Dues....why do I have a bad feeling...?" He muttered before shrugging and going back to enjoying the chaos filled scene.


Alex was just as surprised as anyone when the fireworks suddenly came to the crowd. He didn't run around in a panic or anything of the sort. He just stood there and looked around not knowing what to do with the situation. "This.....is bad...isn't it." He said calmly as he looked at everything going on around him. @Azure Sky
Simon and Megaera had managed to get to a good vantage point from which they could easily see the fireworks. As the first few flew into the air, she stared up in awe and excitement, but then things began to go really wrong. Several of the fireworks came raining down towards the crowd. The crowd they were a part of. She yelped and ducked as one hurtled straight towards them, but Simon threw out both hands, exchanging the undesired flames for an equally undesired, but infinitely less harmful, bucket of slime. Unfortunately, he brought the large bucket and its mop along with the slop, and the bucket slammed into his forehead, knocking him out cold. "Simon!" Megaera yelled. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, she wrapped her arms around him and began roughly hauling him out of the danger zone. She looked up once just to see the word "DEUS" shining in the sky. Good God, that had to be a sign. But there was no time for that. She managed to pull her younger brother to safety, away from the crowd, and stopped, sensing that it wouldn't matter even if she tried escaping further. She took a deep, calming breath, trying to let the tension escape from her limbs.

And then HE showed up. She almost jumped a foot in the air from the unexpected sound of his voice in this hectic time. But his sudden appearance wasn't the only thing that startled her. No, if anything it was the way he looked, the calm of his voice, oh yeah, and the needles sticking out of his arm, that startled her. Her mind traveled back to this morning, when he'd reacted oddly to the cracks she'd left in the table. And of all things he was asking her how she liked the fireworks? What was WRONG with this person?

She stood abruptly, standing surreptitiously between her brother and the strange boy. "My name is Megaera, not Mega. What are you doing here? No, what do you want?" Her tone was a wary that bordered on hostility, but there was no overt anger in it. She just didn't think she could trust him, not with the way he was acting. Who was he really anyways? She stretched her fingers nervously, no longer clenching her fists tightly. She was more nervous now about someone attacking her and Simon than she was about breaking other people or things, and her hands were useless in many cases, but if there was one thing they were good for it was damaging others, whether the purpose was to defend or to attack. Her eyes were serious, and her whole body tense, ready for something very bad to happen.

Ryllian was suddenly awakened by the explosion, in a daze he sat up and looked around as hell broke loose, everything seemed surreal as the students were running around and the trees caught fire. Well for starters I should probably get out of here he thought, yet when he tried to get up and walk away he felt a sharp pain in his right leg, when he checked he was surprised to find a piece of debris stucking out of it. Mostly annoyed by it he decided to leave it there just to avoid making it worse and started limping away from the wreckage.

Once away from the scene he sat down at a bench and checked his wound, it didn't seem to be serious but he wasn't going anywhere soon with it. So he decided to just wait until either someone arrived or he was so desesperate as to attempt walking to his bedroom alone, he could've gone to the infirmary but he hated the place, it smelled of chemicals and there was always the classical injured guy due to a fight, besides it would probably be overflowing with students now that someone didn't knew how to read a simple sign of "this end up". He wondered what may have happened with Shara but it was obvious that with all the firework problems she hadn't had time to arrive to the meeting place, so it was of no use wondering where she may be. With a sigh he looked upwards What will happen now? he wondered.

"Hi, hi! Just here to say hello." Kano saw Megaera's eyes watch his arm and he was reminded of the fact that he never took the needles out. He inspected his arm as if someone put them there and he was unaware of that fact. One by one he took them out, his face unvarying while doing it. Once the last needle was out of his arm he put a few in a pouch and one he stuck half into his mouth like a toothpick. After which he ran over to Megaera and gave her a light pat on the head. "Friendship pat!" Kano started giggling like a little kid, which was creepy given his high voice, he was like a giant preschooler (ok maybe not that high). "I know Mega's not your name silly, ever heard of a nickname? I hope you have cos theres your new one fresh like a hot cake from the oven... now im hungry for some hot cakes, wana go get some?" Kano pointed down the path back to the school (that was currently on fire). Kano peered his head around Megaera's shoulder to see a body. He smiled at her and gave her a "I know" look. "Ooooooo, what happened here, Mega I never knew you were into that kind of stuff."

Megaera jerked backwards, slightly away from him and was rather uncharacteristically unafraid. She growled, "Don't touch me. And don't give me a nickname. We aren't friends. If you want to get hotcakes in that inferno, be my guest, but I'm not stupid enough to do that, you psycho." Unfortunately, it seemed as though her motion had drawn attention to Simon lying behind her. She elbowed the nutso away from her brother. "I don't know what you mean by 'that kind of stuff,' but I promise you I don't want to know." She snapped at him. Megaera's usual inhibitions were gone in face of this probably dangerous person. Funny, that normal people scared the tongue out of her head, while she was perfectly chatty in front of a psycho like this.

"My brother was... hurt when the fireworks fell into the crowd. I can tell you're crazy, but you do know that the fireworks fell into the crowd, yes? If you're still asking whether I'm enjoying them, the answer to that is no. I'm not insane. Someone like you, on the other hand..." she gave him a look of unhidden disgust, "I can imagine enjoying this. Don't just lump me in with you." She reached out a hand to push him away again, then realized her hand was open. Oh shoot. She'd gotten careless. He might be crazy, but he was still human. Her other hand went out to clamp onto her arm, preventing it from actually reaching the boy. There were two loud cracks, and she winced sharply at the pain the ricocheted through her arm as both bones snapped in two simultaneously. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she muttered a swear word or two and began looking for a relatively short, straight stick. She didn't have a lot of time before the bones started healing themselves, and she really didn't want to have to get her bones "reset" as the doctors called it.

The purple-haired girl ignored Kano. She couldn't find a stick, but began painstakingly ripping some cloth from her brother's shirt. It looked weird, and was hard with only one hand and her teeth, but it was doable. The pain, though, was getting unbearable. She knew that if she didn't work quickly, it could overwhelm logical thought. C'mon, hold it together, Megaera. Don't panic now. Not in front of Mr. Needles, at least. Just think about how much he'd enjoy it if you started crying or passed out. Let the anger fuel you. She kept going, finally ripping a significant length from Simon's shirt. She still needed something straight to help her set it up, but some part of her knew that she wasn't going to find that here. Oh dear...

Violet Green -Festival Fiasco

Violet rushed over to Mari as she fell. The burns were bad and she seemed to have some sort of nerve damage. Violet quickly went to work trying to help her with some medicinal plants. She raised her hands up and a field of grass grew underneath Mari. Various plants began to sprout and form. Violet took a deep breath and concentrated on using her plant magic. She brought various plants together and began to spin them together rapidly. While she was doing this she cut parts of Mari's clothes to expose the wounds. She looked worriedly at the burns. "I hope this mixture will work. It's not fast acting though..." Violet looked at Mari warmly. "You are going to be alright Mari. It's not as bad as it looks", she lied. She was truly worried it might not work, or worse have a negative effect on the body. She sighed as the plant salve glowed signifying that it was was done. She looked at Mari worriedly "this may hurt." She put the salve on the burn areas.

@The Servant @Trundle @FireFlare
@The Suspicious Eye

Festival Fiasco

Amadeus looked at the chaotic scene, but unlike Donovan he didn't just stand there. While he wasn't on time to save everyone from getting burns, he still could limit the damage. He used his flame control for jet propulsion and rapidly came in the area of the ''berserk'' fireworks. Using his azure flames , Mr. Xenolion was able to absorb the heat of the remaining fireworks and thus making them harmless. As he finished he looked at Donovan who just stood there and went to him with a blank expression on his face.

Suddenly Amadeus punched Donovan with his right fist, revealing a powerful rage, his voice echoed through the festival area. ''Snap out of it you foul! If you're gonna tell me you entered this state because things didn't go as they were supposed to, I'm really going to beat you up. You are the great designer of this world, but you always fail to realise that this world is not Alfa and Omega, it is not the begining and the end of things. There are still many unknown elements in existence and through different planes of reality. When those types of things interfere it is natural for something that was not planned to happen, you idiotic god! Now's not the time to act shocked, it's simply the time to act...SO WAKE UP, DONOVAN DEVON DEMIOS!'' he said.
Ken watched all of the chaos below him with a rather blank expression. He heard Amadeus clearly, he was a bit surprised fining out that Donovan hadn't planned this. He sat there a small smirk crept to his lips as he shifted into a crow and flew to the ground before shifting back. "Things....are not going to get boring for a while..." He muttered. He looked all around trying to find one thing that had caught his eye earlier. After a few seconds he found it and walked over to Des. He remained a safe distance away from him as he watched him punch the ground where he had seen Shara get devoured by the earth. "....." He for once wasn't sure what to do, he had a feeling she was alive, but he had no clue where she could be...well actually. "....Hey...is there a chance she fell into one of the underground tunnels....?" He asked Des calmly. He knew about all the tunnels around the school, but he wasn't sure about this. @The Suspicious Eye
((@The Suspicious Eye. Ill get to you later, dont have much time.))

"Aw c'mon hot cakes are worth an infer-" Kano stopped jesting once he Megaera told him about what happened to her brother. His face no long that of a man enjoying the show but more like a man at a funeral. He looked as though he had just lost something dear to him and had no way of getting it back. He stood watching as Megaera almost pushed him but ended up stopping her self and breaking her arm in the process. He looked down at her worried, yes, even psychopaths have the capacity for this. He walked over to the two of them and bent over next to the fainted boy. "Im sorry, if thats what you think of me. Come both of you." The scenery around the three blurred and changed. Before anyone could say anything all three of them were in the nurses office with simon already on a bed. The nurse sitting at her table jumped in surprise at the fact that the three came out of nowhere. "Ill get you two some food and water, stay here, she will take care of you." Kano looked up at the nurse. "Sorry for the sudden drop off, you know how things get." Without waiting for a response from either or saying another word Kano left the room give Megaera one last sorrowful glance.

Festival Fiasco

At the festival Cain was trying his best to take care of the fire and evacuate students. While trying his best to put out the fire he remembered how he harshly criticized a 12th student last year. This student also had water manipulation powers, Cain regretted every word he said to her. "Im sorry ok! Wheres someone who can control water when you need them?!" (Cos those trees are not going to put out themselves.)

Under the school

As Shara approached the giant block of ice her hair pin began to grow red. First from the center and slowly it outgrew until her whole hair pin was red, and once that happened a voice could be heard ringing through her head. "Shara... im sorry." The voice repeated in her head over and over. It was low and sounded like it was coming from a man who was choking on his own tears. With every repeat of the word the ice cracked more and more.

@The Suspicious Eye

Donvan was deep in a unknown mental state. Something he hadn't been in, in a while. Suddenly he felt a force come in contact with his face. He stumbled a little to the ground. He snapped out of it and turned to Amadeus holding his cheek to his face. He stood up and looked at him. "T-thank you Amadeus I needed that." Donovan turned to the others students. "Everyone stay calm. All water, ice and weather users get to work dousing those fires. Everyone else help the injured take them to the nurse's office, we should have room for them there. Go!" He shouted to the others and the students got organized quickly. He turned back to those around him. "Are you all aright? No injuries?"

@Azure Sky

Des turned to Ken his eyes a deep shade a red. He growled at him angrily he was on the cusp of insanity. He listened to to him, remembering the tunnels. He breathed slowly and thought for a moment. Slowly he returned to his normal state. He looked at Ken, "yes...... the tunnels. We need to get in them...... " He clenched his fists and stood up straight. He looked at them his eyes still furious. "Ken, what do we need to get inside the tunnels." He wanted Shara back by any means necessary.


Shara covered her ears as the man's voice repeated in her head. She tried her hardest to drown it out, but she could still hear it clearly. What is going on here? This voice is.... familiar, but I don't know where. She took a few steps back.

Megaera was startled by his sudden change in attitude. He even helped bring the two of them to the infirmary. She instantly felt bad for saying those cruel things about him, treating him like an unfeeling person, but for once her mind was as silent as her mouth, and she couldn't find the words to reply as he walked off. She allowed her arm to be treated by the nurse, and the doctor checked Simon and told her that he was fine, but would probably have a nasty bruise on his forehead for a few days. She nodded absent-mindedly and tried to formulate her apology as she waited for the boy, Kano, to return.

Kitchen - Kano

Kano stayed dazed, looking vacantly at the faucet as he cup filled. Conveniently the microwave beeped, signaling that his quick make ramen in a cup was ready the moment his cup filled up. He didn't really have the time to make a good dinner and hey, ramen is the meal of king... and poor college students. He gazed down at the cup of raman softly hit himself with an open palm on his forehead. "Damit Kano, ya always have to pick up what falls in front of you. I guess if I adopted one thing from your personality sis... im happy its that... AHHHHHHHHHHH, Kano stop being so sad!" He gripped his head and shook it from side to side trying to psych himself up. "Alright, there waiting!"

Nurse's office - Kano

Kano warped back into the nurse office just in time to see more injured enter, he turned his head away from them, one thing at a time. He walked over to Megaera and her brother with a big plate holding three cups or water, as many cups of ramen and three forks. He sat down near Megaera and put the plate down. He looked at Megaera and started eating a cup. "Spill it. Your powers not just that you're really strong I just realized that when you broke your own bones trying not to touch me, what's the deal with your power and why cant you touch me?"

Under the school - ???

"Shara, Shara, Shara? WHY!? The last word echoed through her head louder than the rest but after that, it was silent. Well... silent beside the huge block of ice breaking and crumbling down causing one of the trapped inside to fall flat on there face. He was unmoving like a rock. Once the rubble settled and the sound of ice hitting the floor was silenced a faint mumbling could be heard coming from the boy.

@The Suspicious Eye its your pick on what happens to the other body))

Megaera looked up at Kano, as he put the plate down next to her. She'd already been fitted with a make-shift cast, but all things considered he'd been rather quick. She looked at the ramen and water gratefully, but didn't move at first, turning her eyes subtly away from his. Now that he was being kind, the bravado had left her. She reached out awkwardly with her left hand and was about to gingerly pick up the fork, then decided now was a good time to show him, rather than explain. She put her hand above the plate, her palm open, then moved it closer and closer, and when it was still quite obviously above it, the plate cracked. As it was a flat object on a flat surface, and she'd only done it to the corner, nothing spilled or got knocked over. It had just... split into three neat little pieces. "I break things." She kept it simple. Then, Megaera met his eyes neatly, a sort of odd emptiness in her expression. "People, too. They have bones everywhere." She didn't mention anything about her ability to break hearts. She wasn't telling anyone that. Then, she quickly snatched the fork up and carefully, but clumsily began to eat, careful not to let her hand get too close to the cup. It was always a hit and miss with certain not-quite solid objects, like hardened paper or Styrofoam. The cup of water she didn't touch.

Ah, then she remembered. She stopped eating and looked up at Kano. "I almost forgot... I- I'm sorry. For what I said before." And there she was messing up even a simple apology. She avoided his eyes again and tried to eat in silence.

As the ice barrier broke the second figure slowly and quietly broke to pieces and turned into a dark mass. The mass moved through the heavy mist and began to move in a direction away from the two people. IT was heading towards the entrance of the cavern.

Shara cringed as the voice yelled in her head. Suddenly the ice burst and Shara was thrown back by the force. She coughed and looked around, however she couldn't see a thing through all the mist caused by the explosion. She coughed as the mist settled, she felt the cold air brush across her face as she slowly began to stagger to her feet. She looked at the rubble and saw a person lying on the ground. She gasped as she saw a boy on the ground. Is he dead?

Ken was a bit surprised at the change in the eye color, but he didn't say a thing as he waited for him to calm down and listen. When he did he let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair as he took out his phone. "Remember I already gave you that information....so now we need to find the man holding it. Now we need to find him...." Ken muttered as he looked around for Cain. It didn't take long for his eyes to land on Cain who was helping get rid of the beautiful flames. Ken turned back to Des and nodded in Cain's direction. "Well...let's go get the key."

@The Suspicious Eye
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She couldn't scream. She wouldn't scream. Mari was shaking, unable to do anything but flail about needlessly as constant storms of pain filled her body. It hurt, so so bad. It felt like heating a knife to 600 degrees and stabbing herself with it. It felt like the sun itself had crashed into the Earth just to make her feel the such excruciating punishment.

And that was only the first part.

Mari was barely able to recognize Violet and her plants, working tirelessly to create... Something. What were they- "AAH. AAH. AAAAHHH." She screamed, harder than she'd ever done before in her life. What was that? What was making her want to cut her own throat to avoid having to feel that horrible sensation?

She couldn't sit up, couldn't even bother attempting to look and see what was making her unbearable (fuck you Suki) pain feel somehow worse. She wanted to vomit, she wanted to blackout, she wanted to die, anything to be as far from the horrifying sensation as possible.

But still, despite all of this, Mari did not fall unconscious. Her body would not let her sleep, wouldn't let her have even a moment of relaxation. She had to survive every moment of it.

(@The Suspicious Eye )

(@Everyone nearby because you know you heard her scream)
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Alecta ran through the panicking crowd trying desperately to get to Des and punch him. She was dimly aware that Xen was nearby but it didn't matter. people were getting hurt and she was going to find the man at fault. it was hard to think that just a few minutes before she was trying not to blush at Xen's antics. But it didn't matter now now she... What the in Hades was that smell. as Ignis stopped beside her. Something was coming and she'd never smelled its like. It was big, strong, and probably not friendly. She took a deep breath and screamed several curses in greek then ran at Des. he was just standing next to Ken, dumbfounded. Without missing a beat she ran and punched him square in the nose. As he staggered she spoke. "What did you do Des? Because this going beyond a simple prank! What did you let loose?!"

@The Suspicious Eye

@Azure Sky
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Nurse's office - Kano

"Thats an interesting power... considering the amount of things that can be broken in this world, including humans, you can use that a lot." Kano started contemplating Megaera, she was interesting, he remembered her talking more, well, then again that was when he seemed like he was going to assault her. Even still she was exceeding expectations for him, who knew such a quiet girl could be holding so much bravado. She seemed to ignore the cup or water, but she quickly grabbed the fork. "So you cant break everything can you?" Kano put his hand up to his cheek, rested his elbow on his leg and started to support his head. "Im sleepy." Kano listened his Megaera's apology, it was kind of funny the difference between her back at the fireworks and her now, almost made Kano laugh. "Its fine, dont apologize, I get why you said all that stuff, look, I... um." Kano inched the back of his head and looked at Megaera, his eyes couldn't quite reach hers. "Look im sorry, I know I creeped you out back there and... im really sorry. How are you feeling?"

Under the school - ???

The boy slowly, as if rising back from the death. (he he, illiteracy) The boy looked around, his legs limp and weak, even on his hands and knees he could barely keep himself off the ground. The boy's mumbling was only slightly more audible. "Dark... damp... cold... is this death?" The boy took a look around his surroundings until his eyes rested on Shara. "Whos there!?"


@The Suspicious Eye
Ryllian Langh-Dorm room

While Ryllian finished bandaging his leg Shiu arrived quietly and lazily sat by his side on the bed, he hadn't seen him since morning after that small incident with ignis. "So? Where have you been all day?" He asked, if he had decided to come back without being called he probably had some important information.

"Just like that Ryllian? Not even a "hello"?, well after the day you've had I guess it's forgivable. As you've probably guessed already I'm here for a reason, while you were getting that leg wound I saw your friend Shara falling into a hole that closed shortly after, her brother is freaking out at the site, you know I just thought you should know" Shiu said while checking one of his paws, clearly unimpressed by what had happened that day.

As he heard Shiu speak a bunch of possibilities started cramping up in his head, if she had fallen through the ground chances were she had fallen into the tunnel system he had heard about some time ago. So he stood up, grabbed his coat and left after saying "Thanks Shiu, I owe you one".

Festival Fiasco

Once he arrived to the site he saw Alecta running towards Des and punching him on his face, something was clearly happening so he approached them "Hey what's happening? I heard so ething about Shara falling through a hole and came as fast as possible" he said. When he looked at Des he saw his eyes had a strange color and he looked well...dangerous, things may get out of control soon he thought worried, he didn't specially cared about them but he knew he would not be able to find Shara alone, so he looked at Alecta and asked"What's going on?"

((Sorry! For some reason I didn't got notifications, I hope I'm not ruining anything by bumping in or something))

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf @Azure Sky
The first thing Simon felt when he woke up was a lancing pain somewhere between his eyes. He cracked on eye open and groaned as he woozily sat up. His head hurt, but nothing else seemed to be wrong with him. He looked around the room he was in, realizing he was in the infirmary. Sitting on the next bed over, his sister was eating ramen with some guy he'd never seen before.

Megaera didn't notice Simon waking up, because she was still trying really hard not to look at Kano at all. "No... not everything, but most things. And I'm... I'm feeling alright. Thanks." She faltered a little in her speech. It would really just be best if he didn't get involved with her. He was definitely weird, but he didn't seem like a bad guy now that he wasn't being a human pincushion and suggesting they go find something to eat in a shower of fireworks. In particular, he had seemed to understand her concern for her brother. She had even thought she'd seen a flash of pain in his eyes, but maybe she'd been imagining it. In any case, what was she supposed to do now!? He'd been nice enough to get food and water for her, though she couldn't pick up the cup for fear of breaking it, so how could she still be rude to him? But at the same time it was true he shouldn't get too close to her, he shouldn't get in range of her hands and their curse. Without thinking about it, she stopped moving and stared at her hands, one covered in a cast, the other holding a fork. These hands of hers...

Simon saw the exchange and immediately felt suspicious. Carefully he, maneuvered himself until he was sitting on the bed facing the two of them as well. "Who are you?" He growled at Kano, immediately unfriendly. For some reason he couldn't put his finger on, his instincts were screaming for him to keep the boy AWAY from his beloved sister.

Des Demios- Festival Fiasco

(OoO..... @theunderwolf you.... I feel sorry.... jesus.)

Des exhaled deeply still trying to keep his calm. He turned to Ken "Yes your right." He was still furious at Shara's disappearance. She better be alive... God I hope she's alive. Suddenly Alecta ran up to her and punched him in the nose. He staggered back clutching his nose. It wasn't broken but hurt like it was. He could barely understand what she was saying. He growled with fury and grabbed her throat and began to squeeze the life out of her. His intention was murder her. His red eyes began to glow furiously as he spoke. "What did you let loose?" Dark particles began to form around him in a circle. He lifted her up letting her feet dangle. He growled at her, getting hit might have pushed him off the edge.

Ryllian came up to him and mentioned Shara he gripped Alecta's throat even tighter. He growled deeply as his eyes no longer human and bordering animalistic. They were dark and emotionless even the though of killing someone couldn't bring emotion to those eyes.

@Azure Sky @Darekk

@Peaceswore (Lol I forgot to refer your character)

Violet Green- Festival Fiasco

Violet nearly jumped as Mari screamed. She didn't know what to do. She looked at the plants she had used and they were a proper mixture. I guess the medicine is moving through her nervous system. She raised her hands and vines grew from the ground wrapping around her wrist and ankles so she wouldn't injure herself. She didn't know what to do other than pray it worked.

Violet looked at her sadly. "I'm so sorry that it hurts. I'm so sorry, but it really will heal you." She looked at her empathetically. The pain she is feeling must be un-bear-able (I love you too Lotus) I wish I could give her something to ease the pain, but it may kill her instead. She looked at her worriedly but noticed that her wounds were looking better. They wouldn't heal, but the wounds wouldn't be infected. Well at least it's working.


Shara Rain - Underground

Shara watched the boy slowly get up and cautiously took a step back. She didn't know what to do, her mind was racing with hundreds of questions. She looked a how weak he was, what was he doing in that ice? Where was the other one? She looked around worriedly. They could be criminals or monsters in human form. Her mind was racing further from the realm of possibility.

"Who's there!?"

Shara jumped as the boy yelled at her. She took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. She let the remanning fear and ridiculous ideas vanish. She raised her hands up and walked cautiously to him. "Calm down... Your at Demois Academy... your safe here..." she didn't really know what to do, but calming him down was the best thing she could think of. "I'm a super human...my name is Shara Rain and you are.....?"

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