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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

@Peaceswore @Rantos

''It was my pleasure Kano'' said Akira , giving an innocent smile. Then he turned to Alex. ''It was a spar actually'' he replied, then he stood there for a few seconds and added: ''I am Akira Hebi, sophomore. Pleased to meet you''. Again, because of his voice and looks it was very hard to determine his gender.
Alex let out a small oh sound when he was told it was a sparring session. "Okay...I'm Alex Drake...junior." He said as he tilited his head in confusion again. "......" Unsure if he was a girl or not he decided there was one sure way to know. He had seen his father do this all the time so he decided why not. He casually walked up to Akira and as if he did this on a daily basis he placed his hand on his chest. "....So you are a boy..." He said absentmindedly as he let his hand fall to his side. "Oh...This is flu" He said as he showed Akira the rabbit he had gotten attached to and had no plans in returning. @Azure Sky
''This way of verifying my gender is rather new...'' thought to himself Akira. ''That's a cute little bunny you have there'' he replied. Akira analyzed Alex as he did with everyone he ever came in contact with. ''Absent minded, dreamer type, most probably highly imaginative, appears to be an air head , but there 's a high possibility he has an intense and profound personality. I should reseach further as days will go by'' he continued to think to himself.

''So you're a junior. How do you find life at this academy?'' asked Akira.

"....Fun." He said simply as he stated to play with Flu. "I may not have any friends, but it is still fun." He said giving Akira a small smile as he placed the rabbit on his head. "The classes are intresting if you decided to go, and the rooms are nice....and I'm hungry." He said going off subject as he placed his hand on his stomach. "....I want something from the festival...but what?" He asked as he placed one finger on his chin and looked the around the rabbit still laying on his head as if he was on the most comfortable spot in the world. @Azure Sky
"Haha..." Megaera laughed nervously and took several steps backwards, waay from the two teachers. "I'm-" Trying desperately to respond to Mr. Demios' well-intentioned question, she choked on her own words and ended up coughing instead of saying anything at all. Gosh that was embarrassing. Simon, on the other hand, had no insecurities about replying to either teacher. It was his personal opinion that Megaera could be a perfectly friendly and well-liked girl if she just got over her fear of just about every human being on the planet, himself excluded.

He put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. "We're fine, thank you, Mr. Demios. Sorry for running into you like that. It's a nice day out and we thought we'd go out and see the festival. My sister's just a bit nervous in crowds is all." Hearing Mr. Xenolion's comment, he grinned at the teacher, a quiet sparkle of something impossible to pin down shining in his eyes. "Oh I wouldn't worry. Megaera would never hurt me, as much as she's tempted sometimes. And the rest... well... they're not interesting enough to tease on a regular basis, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip." His smile returned to its usual look of polite disinterest. "So, are you both also going down to the festival? Perhaps we could go together." He spoke politely, despite his slightly informal words, nothing more meant than what he had said. If they went together he could probably stop pushing Megaera, as well. He'd probably still have to hold on to her, but she was less open about things she did and didn't want to do around other people. It was waaayyy too easy to take advantage of that personality of hers.

@Azure Sky @The Suspicious Eye
Shara Rain- Cafeteria

Shara was overjoyed she was so happy to have a actual artist help her out. Truthfully, Shara was far from an artist. She couldn't even draw a proper stick figure. However, she was a great lover of art. She loved to look at art, read about art and even by art. She loved paintings and sketches, she liked seeing the strokes the artist took. The work and thought they put into every single line fascinated a busy body like herself. She noticed that she was still holding his hands and slowly let go. A blush grew across her face as she sat back in her seat and looked at him. "Ah, sorry." She glanced out the window and began to twirl her hair around. Something she only did when she was nervous. Her friends always told her it was flirtatious in nature, but she never understood what they meant.

She looked up at him as he talked about the weather. She smiled. She loved the cold, and especially cold sunny days. She loved the bright light, matched with a chilling breeze. The kind that makes you huddle with loved ones. Shara was remembering a fall day when she walked with her parents through the park. She remembered being swung around in her parents arms. The memory was bitter sweet, for she knew she would never have another moment with her parents again. She wiped a tear away and looked at him. She shook her head in objection. "No it's not boring. I agree with you. I love those kinds of days. They are the best to spend with loved ones. It's light enough to go out and enjoy the day, but cold enough to where you have to huddle next to them. They are the days that leave the most happiest memories."

@Darekk @Peaceswore

(Will write others later.)
Alice stood up slightly pissed she had just got tossed around. But she was glad he didn't go easy on her that would of pissed her off more. "Personally I would like to take another shower." She stretched out her arms then looked at him. A normal person probably would of been pretty sore but she wasn't at least that's how she acted. She acted as if the whole fight didn't faze her one bit. She smirked, "Well I'm heading to my room to wash up. "

@The Suspicious Eye
Donovan Demios Path to the Festival

Donovan smiled at the girl sweetly as she choked on her words. It was quite adorable to say the least. He looked to Simon and smiled. It was nice to see such young vibrance in the world. He had thought it all died out hundreds of years ago. The humans of this wold never cease to amaze me.

As Simon mentioned walking together Donovan looked at Xenolion and then back to the siblings. "That is a excellent idea! We should spend time with our students even during events. Don't you think Mr. Xenolion?" He was simply ecstatic to go to the festival, he really wanted to try some fried squid. He clapped his hands together and smiled "well then shall we get going? We don't want to miss out on any of the festivities."

(Obviously, Shara got her cheerful appearance from Donovan.)

@The Servant @TheFallenwhisper @Trundle @GiannaCoco

Alice face went red and she turned her head. "Y-yeah right! You were lucky you got round one." She started to walk off then stop and looked back at him. She still felt some what nervous around him guess that was normal. Mostly because of that inmate night. she walked over back to him. With a nervous and red face. She quickly gave him a peck on the cheek and started to quickly walk off.

@The Suspicious Eye
Alecta knew Xen was coming, Ignis was very familiar with his scent and could sense him when he came near. Unluckily she had also chosen that moment to rearrange her hair after the whole cat incident and when Xen's after shock hit, her bright red locks were blown right over her face "Well, Yes." Alecta said with a neutral tone, trying to play off the whole thing as she desperately tried to look presentable again, "I'm not really the festival type but the big guy is and well you know thee whole deal. how bout you ?enjoying yourself? When you're not trying to breat the landspeed records at least?"

"Well, I don't know about happy memories if I have to be honest, but I find it easier to relax those days, to calm myself so to speak"he said, almost talking to himself. He didn't knew why was he telling all this to her, but it just came out of him naturally, maybe it was because he felt comfortable with her. He realized she had let go of his hand and slowly took it back to his lap and distractedly played with his watch.

He checked the time and realized it was almost 4pm already, which reminded him about the fireworks which were announced for 6 pm "Oh hey, wanna go and watch the fireworks with me later?"he asked, after a few seconds of thinking he realized she probably had to work on it and didn't have time to watch them with him"Oh, you probably have to overwatch the event right? Sorry, I talked without thinking" Ryllian said softly, and now that he had though about it he wanted to watched the fireworks with her.

@The Suspicious Eye
Des looked at Alice as she turned bright red and walked away. He was surprised when she turned around and kissed him. He leaned his head back and laughed as she left. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out and grinned. He quickly sent out a response and walked out of the gym. He turned and watched as the gym began to repair itself.


Alright. I'll be there.


@Rantos @animegirl20
Ken had long since finished eating and was now just sitting there listening to the two near him talk. He however quickly got bored of the conversation about art, weather and whatever else they were talking about. He had actually fallen asleep due to his boredom and exhaustion. He had barely closed his eyes before his arm gave out and his head fell on the table. "Damn it!" He muttered loudly as he held his head. "Second time today....this is getting annoying." He muttered as he laid his head on the table and glanced at his watch. "I should go soon." He mumbled as he stared out the window.

@The Suspicious Eye @Darekk
Alice walked to her dorm and shocked that she made a move like that on her own. She walked in her and fell back on her bed. "Ugh." She then turned to her side getting lost in her thoughts. She then got up and got in the shower.

The Library, in front of the desk

"And you're sure you have nothing left?" Mari asked the librarian, trying her best to get as much out of the woman as possible. Mari had read two dozen books about the history of the school already, but she needed more. This man, whoever he was, had taken the entire school hostage without doing anything. She was impressed with his abilities, but her curiosity had more than overtaken her.

She needed to meet him, to understand how he worked. Mari was well aware that she was not alone in the world, but someone like him was close, and so extremely strong that she wouldn't even have to hide part of herself from the world. With him on her side, she would be untouchable.

And, even if he was just some kid pranking the school, it was a challenge. Mari loved challenges.

Though despite her intellectual prowess, no books she read led to anything notable. There was nothing in the school's history mentioning someone like this, someone who threatened the entire school. He was more than likely a recent addition to the school, someone who had spent years building up his personal abilities for something like this.

"I've got nothing left, you've read everything about that part of the school's history. I'm so sorry." The woman obviously meant well, but Mari stopped listening as soon as she became useless. It was time to find more information, possibly meet with Chancellor Demios to get his thoughts on the matter. It would be simple enough to pretend to simply be investigating the identity of the 'prankster', dozens of students were probably doing the same.

With her job in the library done, Mari walked out of that room and headed to the garden, the place Demios seemed to spend the most time. She could have easily been wrong about her guess of his location, but that would been only a minor annoyance in the overall grand scheme of things.

@The Suspicious Eye
Shara smiled at him. She wanted to say, well let's make happy memories next time a cool day comes, but she would be embarrassed. Why was I thinking that anyway? I'm so weird sometimes. She looked at him and nodded. "I understand what you mean." She watched as he slid his hands away.

She perked up when he invited her to the fireworks. She was so excited that her rabbit ears almost popped out. She wanted to say yes, but she knew she couldn't. He was right she was overmatching the event. She thought for a moment and sighed. "I do have to oversee the fireworks. bit think I can make it. Save me a spot underneath a cherry blossom tree." She smiled at him and blushed a little.

Suddenly she heard Ken shout loudly and she jumped. She turned to him and looked at him surprised. He looked at him and realized who it was. She glared at him, her face still bright red. "What? Why? Were you listening to us?!"

@Peaceswore @Darekk

Violet Green stood in the garden looking at the flowers. She inhaled and all the plants bloomed. She smiled looking at the full blooms. "Thank you, all of you. I am pleased to hear you all are so happy." She took one fully bloomed flower and put it in her hair. She smiled and walked around the garden. With every step another flower bloomed. Her signature flower, violets. She turned her head to the sound of someone coming near. She saw a girl there and blinked dumbly at her.

(Note: Violet Green is the Student Council Secretary. Her power is plant and earth. She is related to the woman who built the schools walls. She helped make the school with the new ability to recover from damage.)

Kano was walking to his room but stopped as soon as he felt his phone vibrate. He checked it and his face didn't get any happier. On a good day the word punishment would send Kano into some kind of sadistic glee but not today, not today was not one of those days. Kano's walk turned into more of a shamble as he got closer to his room. Once he was at the door to his room he teleported in. Him room was a cluster fuck as always. It was a lot of stuff packed into one room and somehow Kano made it work. He closed in on the biggest closet in his room and opened it, inside was a bunch of different files for random things. Good tooth paste ingredients, fish experiment text observations 1 - 50, plans for Armageddon, you know the works. He pulled a few files out and uncovered a secret compartment. He opened it and within he pulled out a few things, a whip, salt, rope, a few golf balls, a sock and a five foot tall mirror. He began to set up. He propped the mirror on a wall and set up the rope, he put the rest of the supplies on the bed and grabbed his phone.


Tell me when you are at the door, I'll let you in.


@The Suspicious Eye
Ken moved his head a few centimeters so he could see her before sighing. "Me and the entire cafeteria." He mumbled as he let out a yawn before standing up and stretching. "Don't worry, I'm not really interested in your little romantic moment, sure I'll know about it, but..." He just smiled before grabbing his empty tray he looked at Ryllian an sighed. "I want to help...but I can't do it for free...oh well! Have fun finding out why she is still single." Ken said with a smirk as he turned his back to head out of the cafeteria, after a few steps he stopped and looked over his shoulder. "So you still won't tell me?" He asked with a 'innocent' smile, obviously referring to the phone call she made on her way to the party. Hopefully she should know that since this isn't the first time he pestered her about it.

@The Suspicious Eye @Darekk
"What do you mean about 'helping'?" Ryllian asked annoyed, he didn't like this guy's attitude and the way he talked."Sure, I'll save you a spot" he told Shara while looking at her. He didn't knew at all what was happening with this guy at all, and he had mixed feelings when he mentioned something about a romantic moment Is what's going on in my head that obvious? He thought annoyed, he wasn't the type to let people know what he thought that easily and the fact that he knew it disturbed him greatly.

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore

School Garden

Mari noticed the girl spot her almost immediately. With only half a second to think about her way of speaking to the girl, Mari raced through her mind, trying to think of what she knew about her. The girl, Violet was a member of the student council, though what position she couldn't remember. She also remembered that her name conveniently matched her abilities, the abilities to influence nature.

Almost immediately she had to think of a way to act around the girl who was almost a stranger. With no real time left to act, Mari went with the tried and true method of pretending to be shy and anxious.

Pretending to only just notice Violet look at her, Mari jumped a little and began shaking, trying to look as terrified as possible before speaking. "M-Ms. Violet! I-It's good to see you here!" After greeting the girl Mari mentally slapped herself for not making any items visible, as anything could have been useful in pushing the conversation away from introductions.

@The Suspicious Eye
Shara smiled at him as he agreed to meet her underneath a cherry tree she was excited to see the fireworks with him. Then her excitement turned to disgust as Ken came by and began to spak. She glared at Ken, she wanted to blast him with so much bad luck he knocked him off his feet. However, she risked hitting Ryllian and she didn't want to curse him. She sighed and shook her head. "It's none of your business Ken." Her eyes shifted from their aqua be to blood red. She glared at him letting him know that she would curse him. "Shouldn't you be enjoying the festival?" Her time was half pleasant and and half threatening. She really didn't like him. (Or does she?!)

She looked back at Ryllian, her eyes returning to their normal sky blue and smiled, bashfully. "I'm sorry about him. I swear I think he's been stalking me." The entire week she felt as if something was following her. She began to hear voices that didn't belong and felt eyes on her all the time. Not to mention all the odd dreams she had been having. I made her feel uncomfortable being alone.

She smiled ans waved her hand, as if to brush off the situation. "Anyway, I'll be a little late. I have to make sure the fireworks go off properly before leaving so I'll make it to you after they start. I'll text you when I'm getting close. Sound like a plan?" She smiled and looked at him happy to be making more plans with him.

@Darekk @Peaceswore

Violet slowly inspected the girl up and down as she studdered a hello. Violet, wasn't the most sociable arounf other peopke. Her best skills were her memory and emotional detachment. She got things done. "Helll. You are...Mari if I am correct." She fully turned to her and walked a little closer. Hee face was stern at first, but then softened. "It is nice to see you here as well. The plants never get that many visitors." She smiled looking down at a rose bush and smiled.

"They do love good company." She laughed at a funny thing one of the roses bushes had said. She looked back her and smiled "and please, just call me Violet. There's no need to be so formal."

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Ken let out a small laugh as he covered his mouth with one hand. "Don't worry I'll enjoy the festival, I promise. Though Haha thanks for caring, if you keep it up I may think you care." He joked before looking at Ryllian. "And helping mean helping. If you want more it'll cost you. Nothing to big but still isn't free." He said with a business like smile. When Shara called him a stalker he almost sent her a glare but kept his normal smugness. "Falsely accusing people? *sigh* Don't be so mean, I have feelings in case you didn't know." He said with a grin as he placed a hand over his heart. "Well I guess I'll go enjoy the festival. Can't wait to see the fireworks Bunny." He said to Shara with a grin before walking off. He made sure that Ryllian was in between him and Shara just in case she tried to curse him which he knew she would do if given the opportunity. "Oh! Ryllian if you want help just ask me, I'll gladly do it." He said before waving at the two and walking off. @The Suspicious Eye @Darekk
Mari was somewhat relieved when the girl took it upon herself to push the conversation towards the plants. Mari wasn't the best with plant knowledge, but it was easier to discuss for her than it was to leave a conversation's introduction.

"Y-Yes I love the plants here. They don't y-yell at you, o-or make fun of you. I-I'm guessing your favorites are violets, Ms. - I mean, Violet?" It was truly a complete guess based on name alone, Mari knew very little about Violet, beyond the major information, so it would be good to add to what she knew.

@The Suspicious Eye

Mitsuru Akane

So far the festival wasn't turning out to be what Mitsuru expected it to be. Yes, the festival food was there, but for some reason for Mitsuru all of it tasted sort of...bland. That's not to say it was bad by any means, many students even seemed to enjoy it, but they just all tasted sort of generic. Maybe it was Mitsuru's fault for setting her expectations way too high, but that didn't make the situation any more pleasant for her.

In the end Mitsuru satisfied her hunger with some candy floss, which to be honest tasted better than the festival food. She had filled her backpack with bags of it and various cans of colas and, at a leasurely pace, made her way towards her secret spot: The academy's rooftop. Every time she needed to study, rest or just have lunch Mitsuru would always head there because of the peaceful nature that reigned the area. It was a place where she liked to be left alone with nothing but her thoughts (And some food of course). Surprisingly enough, Mitsuru was looking forward to the fireworks, even if her face showed no signs of excitement. For her, the idea of watching the fireworks from such a high spot sounded more than interesting. Plus, it would be much less crowded compared to the garden. Finally arriving at the academy's roof Mitsuru set down her backpack and, with a bag of candy floss in hand, sat on roof's cornice, her legs freely hanging and slightly swinging with the wind. From the spot on which she was sitting Mitsuru overlooked the academy's garden, the perfect place to look at the fireworks.

"And now...We wait" Mitsuru though as she looked up at the blue sky, patiently waiting for the show to begin.

(Sorry for the meh post, I am using my cellphone)​
"Ahhh, look at this Moka there is so much food!" Alice exclaimed excitedly as he examined all the food laid out before him. He didn't even know what some of this stuff was. Behind him the little ghost pup yipped in agreement ignoring the students that walked threw him. Twirling Alice picked the puppy up ignoring the icy coldness that spread where he touched and excitedly began to pick out what he wanted. "I bet this is all so good. I can't wait to eat them. Oh, and Soon there are supposed to be fireworks. I hope they are big and colorful. "

( I changed his power. )

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