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Fantasy Dimension Academy 2: Deus's Return

Nurse's Office-Charlotte

Charlotte nursed a burned hand she had from trying to touch the fireworks. She couldn't help it though, she liked all things bright and light, that's just how she was. She seethed in pain as she shifted her hold on her hand and stepped through the door of the Nurse's Office only to find a couple who seemed to be doing something. She felt a pang in her heart before she realized what she was seeing and blushed before she shied away from them.

"Ah! I-I'm s-s-sorry...." She stuttered out as she shied away from the couple. "I didn't know I was interrupting something..." She added as she looked at them. "...make sure to use protection..." She immediately started to search for bandages as to not get in their way of doing...things.... @firejay1 @Rantos
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Ken was about to make one of his sarcastic remarks about being forgotten, but stopped when he saw the black entity behind Des. He would've warned him, but he was far too late and watched as Des became possessed. "......That....can't be good." He muttered keeping his eye Des. Something was off about him, he wasn't sure if it was the black entity or...what, but something was not right. Though as of right now Ken gave so few f*cks, all he wanted was to get out from the underground death trap. He moved his eyes from Des over to the table that the other boy was on.

"......Wait does he expect me to carry him?" He asked Ryllian with a raised brow before shrugging and pointing at the boy. "Go carry him so we can leave.


@The Suspicious Eye

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Mari was finally free! Immediately she sat up and tried to choke those damn birds, but before she could they flew off, disappearing almost two dozen feet away. How weren't they affected by her power? She had to investigate.

She did her best to get up, but as soon as she stood she hit the ground face first, unable to keep herself standing. Mari reached for the birds- No, Violet? one more time before blackness consumed her

@The Suspicious Eye

@theunderwolf (Mentioned)
((Ah shit sorry. Its hard to tell what your thinking when its in ALL CAPS! Ill rewrite my post.))
((Sorry for the momentary Godmodding, will edit if you wish))

Megaera winced at his description of what his ribs were doing, not in the least amused by his uncaring attitude. They were his ribs, he should take care of them, whether they healed quickly or not.

Simon took the cheesy answer to his question very seriously. While he still thought that he'd rather this obviously damaged person not get too close to Megaera, it was still very clear to him that the person wasn't just some kind of crazy psychopath with masochistic tendencies. There was something to be seen there, or perhaps it was more of a "something to be found." For him the silence wasn't hostile so much as musing, but then Kano did something very hostile indeed. He pounced Megaera. In an instant, Simon had stood up, snagged the other boy by the throat and slammed him into the ground. For a brief half-second, he switched the boy's esophagus with air, and it hung gruesomely in the air for a moment, but then Megaera shouted, "Simon!" disapproval ringing sharply through the air, and he returned the esophagus to its rightful place inside the boy's throat. The whole thing took no more than a second.

He let go of Kano with a little disappointed click of his tongue, then sat back down, turning his attention to the confused nurse girl instead. "What are you misunderstanding?" He asked lightly, and stood up to help her find bandages, seeing her burned hand.

Megaera had shrieked when Kano had jumped at her, but the last thing she'd been expecting was to see the boy ripped off of her and then his esophagus in the air... now that was gross. Since when had her baby brother been so violent? She awkwardly tried helped Kano up, which was hard without the use of her hands. "I'm sorry about that. Simon's a little protective, but please don't attack me again. We- we're not friends." She said, sounding both uncertain and uncomfortable. "And I don't like being touched."

Alen was sitting in the nurse's office tending to a few burn wounds from those fireworks. "Damn things....they aren't fun they hurt up close...." It had a few burn marks on his sides and some more on his legs. He saw other people with more injuries than him. "Sucks to be them...." He said blankly

Ryllian was gladly surprised when Shara suddenly came out of the tunnel entrance and hugged him"Hey Shara, I'm relieved to see you're okay" he said while smiling and hugging her back, behind her came Des and Cain with an unconscious kid Well there must be an interesting story behind all this he thought. After spacing out due to Shara's hug Ken's voice brought him back to reality "Huh? Carry him? Where to?" he asked, visibly confused. When he looked at Des it was obvious something had happened to him, but since confronting him at the tunnels probably wouldn't be a good idea he just decided to ignore it

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @Rantos
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Under the school - Cain

"Yes I expect you to carry him up. I made the metal light and hollow, it should whigh no more then 100 pounds!" Cain picked up one side of the metal table and lifted it up own his own. "I swear you are so lazy Ken. Why not be more like Ryllian over here, hes always asking where I want him. Your a good lad Ryllian." Cain gave Ryllian a few pats on the back before he started to carry the table up the stairs by himself. "Why when I was your age I had to life 200+ pounds in the middle of a blizzered and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Cain began to assult there ears with a rediulusly long and boring story about his childhood. He didnt relize that he has carring the boy byhimself.

Nurse's office - Kano

((I dont mind the godmodding at all. But expect me to contact you through PM later.))

Kano just looked at Simon, blank expreation. Everything happened so fast but Kano was used to things happening fast. He felt pain from his esophagus getting warpped out of his body, but his face, his body movment showed no such pain; only curosity. Once his esophagus was back where it should have been he took Megaera's akward help and got back up. Kano's eye contact was stuck on Simon, his irises seemed to flux in color for a bit, growing into a darker shade of red, but the flux stopped before his eyes went completly red. "Im sorry. That was unneeded." When Megaera said they were not friends for a second Kano looked genuinely sad, only for a brief second though. He looked back at Simon and spoke quietly. "Im envyous of you. You are there to protect her always." On his way out he passed by Simon and wispered into his ear. "Its too late for me." Without stopping, without looking back Kano left the room and slumped on the wall next to the nurses office door. He slid down it till he was sitting and he buried his face into his knees.




@The Suspicious Eye
@theunderwolf @The Suspicious Eye @Rantos @Peaceswore

Xen-From the Festival Fiasco towards Underground

Xen was initially worried for Alecta but he saw that she was fine and let it be. ''Alecta I'm going underground as well...I need to check a few things with my own eyes'' he said before disappearing from sight at high speed and reaching the entrance to the underground passage. There he seemed to get ready for a fast run. He was on his mark, he got set and BOOM, he went at high speed towards Des, Ken, Shara and Cain's direction until he found them. He stopped right before Cain , but because of his speed a powerful gust of wind appeared after him from behind Xen, going towards the people he just encountered. ''Hey...Are you guys ok?'' he asked.

Festival Fiasco- Akira and Alex

Akira watched many events unfold before his eyes. He felt a powerful urge within him. ''Hey Alex ...all these things which happened so far seem fishy...I'd like to find the one who is responsible for this. What do you say? Want to help me out in this assassinatio-... investigation?'' he asked. Whatever the being which brought this fiasco upon the festival was, Akira's feral instincts told him to find him/her/it and KILL. Although the word ''kill'' wouldn't be exact...the proper term would be ''assassination''. He always feel his bloodlust running wild when there was something ''dangerous'' around.
Both siblings watched the boy as he walked out the door. Stared after him, really. Megaera, as per usual, was feeling really horrible. She could feel the guilt twist like a knife between her ribs. She knew how cruel those simple words could be, but they needed to be said. She couldn't follow him, reassure him that she hadn't meant it that way. Yes, this was for the best. She'd already broken his ribs. It was amazing she hadn't broken his heart. She didn't want to be a monster. None of this had been her choice. She didn't want to go around hurting people. She didn't want to hurt anyone. She thought again, as she often did, "Just one rule. Couldn't you just give me one rule to change? Just... one." The breaker never knew exactly to whom she was praying when she thought that. She took a deep, shaky breath, and laid back down, but did not cry. This had already happened too many times for her to cry over something like that.

Simon, on the other hand, had just heard the last whisper. "It's too late for me," huh? He let out a short bark of laughter. Looks like they were both bastards with something precious, only one had lost and the other hadn't. A lesson to learn from a predecessor, perhaps. Quite used to finding and implementing first aid tools, it took him very little time for him to find the bandages. "Here, give me your hand." He told the mysterious girl he'd stood up to help. "I'll wrap it for you." He spoke politely, showing not a shred of the hostility that had been thick in the air moments ago.

@Metaphysics @Penance
Charlotte's face reddened at the prospect of someone putting their hand on hers. "Uhh...umm..." She stammered out shyly as she looked rapidly between her hand and the boy. "T-t-thank y-you..." She muttered out as stretched her hand towards him, revealing a burned hand. "I-I tried to touch the fireworks..." She said quietly as she looked down to the floor in embarassment. @firejay1
Ken Tanaka Leaving Underground Tunnel

Ken rolled his eyes as he partially listened to Cain bladder on and on about something he didn't find important. As he forced himself to stay awake despite the boring words that were going through his ears, he felt a gust of wind. He when the wind hit him he almost froze, his first thought was that the tunnel up ahead had collapsed and they were just feeling the wind from it. However when he saw it was just Xen, he let out a quiet sigh as he stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Okay? Of course not. We died a horrible, painful, and terrible death. We fought as hard as we could in an epic and honorable battle, but alas! We failed....on the plus side we are ghost...so that's cool." He said in a voice dripping with sarcasm as he rolled his eyes and once again started to play with his switchblade.

@Rantos @Azure Sky @Darekk @The Suspicious Eye

Alex Drake still in the daze (anyone get that?)

Alex threw away the fire extinguisher he had made making it burst into pixel with a snap of his fingers. He then looked over at Akira and tilted his head. "I don't mind.... What do you mean fishy?......" He asked as he petted the rabbit that was still with him, but now was on his shoulder. "I wonder who Dues is......" He mumbled quietly as he once again started to go off in a dayz. However he as snapped out of it when the rabbit nudged his cheek softly. "Huh?.... Yeah I don't mind helping..."

@Azure Sky
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Des Demios - Underground

Des looked at Cain and smirked a little he coughed and shook his head "no, I don't know him. Why would I?" He shrugged and looked away making his way behind Shara and the others. Shara seems so different now, much more alive, more human and flawed. I personally preferred the easily susceptible Shara. This one, this one will be interesting.

Shara Rain - Underground

Shara smiled at Ryllian for a moment before letting go, she glanced back at Des and glared at him. She was so mad she could fight him, she couldn't believe he did that. Why the hell did you do that Des. I literally asked you not to do that. She stared at him, jesus, I can't stay mad at hi. He's my brother after all...but I can make him sweat. She walked past Des and Ken, to Ryllian. She turned to see Xen appear from nowhere. She jolted a little as he appeared quickly grabbing Ryllian's hand. She looked at Ken as he gave a snarky comment and hit him lightly. "Stop being mean Ken." She turned to Xen and smiled. "We're all fine. Just a little fall and some cold. Thank you for your concern." She smiled at him warmly.

@Azure Sky @Rantos @Peaceswore @Darekk

(Lol, sorry, all the magic made me so sleepy.)

(For Donovan I'm waiting on @theunderwolf

And for Violet I actually and kinda stuck (' :) ))
Underground tunnel

Ken rubbed his shoulder as he rolled his eyes. "He asked the dumb question." He muttered before he looked around and sighed the place seemed to be getting smaller, and he was silently beginning to freak out. He can handle being underground, but the tunnel was so narrow, every time he looed at the walls he could have sworn it as getting narrower. "Well.....today has be very interesting, with the fireworks and secrets. But it's getting late. Me being the role model student I am, means I go to bed on time. So....I think I'll be going now... Got to brush my teeth, go to sleep and all so I can wake up early...." He said with a grin as he stopped playing with his switch blade and looked at the unconscious boy.

He walked over to him and patted his head. "I'm sure you'll be fine, make sure to drink plenty of fluids, and you are already get some rest so good for you." He said nonchalantly as he walked past Xen. "...Anyway.... Later!" He gave them a small wave before running off.


@The Suspicious Eye


@Azure Sky
Masao Hellsing - Ruined Festival Grounds

Masao looked at the paralyzed people as he walked around impatiently looking for Mari. Then he saw her and she looked high as hell. He didn't really give a shit whether she was doped up during her 'outburst' or not, so he proceeded to march to where she was. Once he was close enough to her he became furious. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?! YOU COULD HAVE PARALYZED ME!" masao shouted at her furiously. "AND WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE YOU JUST SNORTED COCAINE?" masao asked curiously, even though he was still pissed off. he then crossed his arms and started tapping his right foot impatiently waiting for an explanation.


Leandra and Manjano

Edge of Ruined Festival Grounds

The twins both tentatively approached the ruined festival grounds, their eyes quickly scanning the area and taking it all in. While Leandra had been watching from her window in the dorms, Manjano had been busily doodling at his desk, oblivious to the world around him as usual. Leandra had seen the fireworks going haywire and flying into the crowd, and so had decided that after it was all over, they should go investigate. While neither of the twins really knew anyone too well around here, Leandra was extremely curious, much like a cat, and so she dragged her brother along with her to the now ruined festival grounds. Upon arriving, they both were unsure of what to do until Leandra heard someone shouting nearby, rather angrily too. Taking the lead as usual, Leandra made her way through the area until she found several people in an area along with someone shouting at a girl. Not sure what exactly was going on, Leandra remained quiet for once and continued to look around. Manjano didn't look forward to any potential human interaction despite his sister dragging him out here, so he wandered off and sat down before he produced his drawing journal and began sketching the scene before him.

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Simon smiled at her reassuringly, and gave her a small chuckle at hearing she'd tried to touch the fireworks. "Well, what do you know, so did I." It was technically true, though he hadn't quite had to touch them for his purposes. "But I got lucky and got away without any burns." He spoke casually, trying to draw her attention away from the hand he was applying burn salve and bandages to. It didn't matter that he was ultimately lying to her, as long as it made her feel better. He finished wrapping the last bandage and smiled up at her, "But my suggestion would be, if you try that again, you should probably be sure you're wearing some thick rubber gloves. Not everyone can get lucky." He didn't know what her power was, but it was obviously not the same as his. He winked at her.


Megaera turned her head to one side, too uncomfortable to stay still, and noticed a scary looking boy next to her, nursing burns on his legs and sides. He didn't seem to be particularly worried, though, blankly looking around the room. There were bandages around his face, but they were hung so loosely, she wasn't really sure what they were there for. It was oddly reassuring to see someone who scared her. By now, Megaera had realized that her sense of morality was probably more than a little skewed. Scary, harmful, or mean people didn't scare her at all, because she got the distinct sense that she would feel no remorse for breaking them. No remorse... huh? Definitely skewed. She let out a short, snorting laugh at herself, and turned her head away again.

Alen was still treating some of his wounds. Those fireworks did a number on him. But he didn't really care it was fun and entertaining while it lasted. He felt like someone was watching him and turned around to see some girl. 'What does she want?' He thought. The girl didn't look that bad course he tried not to get into relationships that much since it got full so quickly with him. She had some wounds of Her own too. The fireworks must of hit a bunch of people. When she snorted he looked at her with his eyebrow cocked "something funny?" He asked

She was a little surprised to hear the boy's voice, apparently speaking to her. For a brief second, Megaera thought of sitting up to address him, but the day had been emotionally straining enough. She was tired, and it wasn't worth it to deal with this frightening, unfrightening person. She trained her pale purple eyes on him, trying to figure out what it was, exactly, she wanted to say. Finally, she opted to smile a slightly wicked smile. "A couple things. Actually a lot of things. You, for instance. So scary, and yet so very unscary. And myself, scared of the timid, but unfrightened by the cruel. Anything that is a contradiction is inherently a little funny, don't you think? And you? Don't you find anything funny, looking around this place full of people? Humans think we are so strong, but how easy it is to break them. A word here, a touch there, and they crumble at your fingertips. Still, they claim to be the rulers of the world, the masters. Yes, I think it's very funny. God made the worst things in this world because he knew someone would eventually find them funny." Her dramatic streak was bleeding out. She was too tired to bother being polite to someone she wasn't interested in being polite too. She closed her eyes, and let out a long breath, unhappiness coloring her expression slightly.

Alen looked at her surprised and then thought about what she said. He started laughing a little "I'll be damn it is pretty funny...." He said laughing some more "they're so sensitive yet they act like gods! They are very peculiar things...." He shrugged his shoulders smiling a little "hey can't live with them can't live without them huh? By the way what's your name?" This girl had grown on him. Course anything that was fun grew on him quickly

firejay1 said:
Simon smiled at her reassuringly, and gave her a small chuckle at hearing she'd tried to touch the fireworks. "Well, what do you know, so did I." It was technically true, though he hadn't quite had to touch them for his purposes. "But I got lucky and got away without any burns." He spoke casually, trying to draw her attention away from the hand he was applying burn salve and bandages to. It didn't matter that he was ultimately lying to her, as long as it made her feel better. He finished wrapping the last bandage and smiled up at her, "But my suggestion would be, if you try that again, you should probably be sure you're wearing some thick rubber gloves. Not everyone can get lucky." He didn't know what her power was, but it was obviously not the same as his. He winked at her.
"A-ah-ah..." She stammered shyly as she reacted to his wink with blush. "D-did you really?" She asked as she inspected her hand and found that it was feeling better. "A-and I can't use gloves, I w-won't be able to absorb light if I did." She said as she looked at a distance. "Fireworks are very pretty..." She mumbled before snapping back into reality. "M-my name is C-Charlotte, what's yours?"
Ryllian Langh-Underground

Ryllian looked as Xen arrived and smiled when Shara took his hand, he slightly squeezed her hand and looked around, even though there seemed to be no inmediate danger close he had a bad feeling about remaining at the tunnels "So...Let's get out of here, shall we?" he said while looking at the others. His leg still throbbed from the wound he had gotten and winced when he put some weight on it Well at least it's not as if it left my leg useless, but it definitely hurts he thought annoyed. He usually called a servant to tend to his wounds properly and speed up the process but with all that had happened he didn't had the time to do it. Then he looked at Shara and asked "Are you okay? What happened down there?" with a concerned look on his face.

@The Suspicious Eye @Rantos @Peaceswore @Azure Sky
Shara Rain - Underground Tunnel

Shara watched Ken run away, shw was curious as to why he was so keen to run away. She turned and looked at Ryllian, smiling as he squeezed her hand. She was happy to see him, she really was. A faint blush grew on her cheeks as she held his hand. She looked up at him as he asked her what happened her blush grew a deep red as she stumbled for words. "I umm, well nothing really. I fell down here and the ice broke open. He cams out and started talking about strange things." She grew silent thinking about what he meant about Deus. Who is he? How does this kid Know Deus? Why did he tell me that him being released was bad? How does he know my name? She touched her lips and thought about the kiss. She tried her hardest to get it out of her head but it felt strangely familiar. She looked at Ryllian again and spoke softly "I don't think he's from here."

@Darekk @Rantos @Azure Sky

Des looked at Shara and tilted his head curiously. Damn, this girl. I have to do something. I have plans, this time the world will be mine. Des glanced at the boy who was still unconscious, he could snap his neck right now. It would be no trouble, but then it wouldn't be as fun than ripping his heart to shreds. And who knows I'm sure u can find some lovely children to make my own. Des grinned and looked at the walls. All in a matter of time.

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